Intergalactic Era of GossipCh99 - [An unexpected visitor] ‘The unexpected surprise’ instantly felt like he was sitting on pins and needles.

The pastries that Hager prepared had long since been demolished. The remaining chefs clearly didn’t inherit his good culinary skills. Nalun’s appetite gradually grew smaller. Because he didn’t have any tasks to do, the journey back seemed particularly slow and prolonged. There weren’t too many items for entertainment on the ship. Therefore, he could only spend the time sitting opposite of Sirius.

The moment the two landed just happened to coincide with one of the quietest mornings of the Imperial Capital. Dawn just broke. Everything was still in the midst of a deep sleep. Sirius abducted the still half-asleep Honored Prince directly to his residence. 8Mdqcz

When Nalun opened his eyes, he immediately saw the Linton district which was bathed under the golden brilliance of dawn. He looked around in all directions, brain slowly turning. Sirius didn’t actually send him back to the Charvey Estate. Instead, he had brought Nalun to his own dwelling.

Nalun didn’t express any opinions towards this self-asserted decision. However, being unable to wake up naturally from sleep … was really a very irritating thing.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

It was to such an extent that he felt completely listless and weak.

Sirius noticed his state and said: “I’ll go park the car. You head inside first. If you’re sleepy, just go sleep a little while in the bedroom.” He expressed incomparably naturally: “You know the passcode.” AgkhjG

Nalun: “……” Why did he have a misconception like he’s been living here already for several years. If you must know, counting last time, this was only his second time visiting here.

Thinking briefly, he decided he should still maintain the proper courtesy and say tactfully: “This isn’t very appropriate.”

Sirius smiled: “There’s an unopened package of sleep robe in the wardrobe.”

Nalun shook his head: “No, I’m not tired.”


Sirius sighed regretfully.

Nalun: “……”

“If you’re hungry, there’s food in the kitchen.”

Nalun nodded his head. Taking a long nap in someone else’s home was really rather indecent. However, eating breakfast was fairly reasonable. OGNqzX

Sirius looked at him for a long time and asked: “Are you really not going to rest a bit? There’s black circles visible.”

Wasn’t this a gift from a certain someone, who first dragged him off to watch the so-called night view of Dargi, and then secretly snuck into his room late at night and harassed him nonstop. On the journey back, there were even several moments of turbulence…… When Nalun finally sank into a deep sleep, they had already arrived at their destination. The mentally haggard Honored Prince was in quite a bad mood right now.

He should have returned home.

Even if he had to face interrogation from his father and older brother after returning, as long as he maintained a tough attitude, he’d be able to deal with them. And yet, when he had first noticed there was something strange about the route back home, he ended up choosing to maintain his silence. In other words, his current situation right now was half caused by his own complacency. RcLMFp

A few seconds later, Nalun got out of the car and pulled up his collar.

Sirius: “I’ll be there soon.” After saying this, he started the car and drove to the garage.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Nalun walked to the front door and inputted the passcode. With the sound of a ‘ga ta’, the big door opened.

Ktjcxr ab atf ibcu afgw wjlcafcjcmf bo atf ojwlis’r mifjclcu rsrafw, fnfc atbeut atf bkcfg tjr ifoa atf tberf obg wjcs vjsr, atf gbbwr lcrlvf ralii gfwjlcfv mifjc jcv alvs. Obbxlcu ogbw jojg, atf kjgw abcfv rboj fwlaafv j rboa uibk ecvfg atf iluta. 06S4nY

– Mlcjiis yjmx ogbw Gjgul. Vegf fcbeut, agjnfilcu kjr jc fztjeralcu jma!

Nalun let out a long heave of relief and loosened the top buttons on his shirt. He kicked off his shoes, bent down, and picked out a pair of household slippers from the shoe cabinet. His grayish green eyes swept past a certain place. Suddenly he discovered something unusual: He saw inside a pile of men’s shoes, there was a pair of red high heels which stood out from the rest.

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Why would there be women’s shoes inside Sirius’s house?

He walked inside the room and looked around curiously. There wasn’t anything strange in the living room. The decorations inside were exactly the same as the last time he visited. After looking around once, Nalun temporarily put away his confusion and slowly nested himself into the sofa to wait for the owner of the house to return after parking the car. oyFm5V

The garage was a slight distance away from here. The Honored Prince yawned and turned his head to look outside the window. The sun had risen. The light shone inside the room, warm and cozy. He couldn’t help but feel a sense of laziness. However, he really couldn’t catch up on sleep inside someone else’s house. Thinking briefly, he decided to go to the kitchen to find something to eat in the end.

He remembered that the kitchen was to the left. Recalling how he was given a tour of every single room, Nalun accurately found the location of the kitchen and started to flip through the cupboards.

Sirius didn’t store a lot. Nalun looked through everything and then pulled out the oats. Boiling water, he made two cups. Once the rich aroma started spreading in the air, he picked up the cups and returned to the living room.

“Oh hello there.” A curly haired woman in a pure silk nightgown was leaning alluringly back against the sofa, a pair of dark colored eyes narrowed faintly. The corners of her mouth upturned in an ambiguous smile, the woman looked directly at Nalun. xeV7uH

Nalun: “……”

Freezing for a few seconds, the Honored Prince gradually recovered. Maintaining his composure, he also gazed back at this suspicious woman. From her appearance, she was about 30+ years old, graceful and charming; her smile carried a dangerous aura.

– Didn’t seem like a normal person.

Inside his head, he searched through the list of well-known females within the Imperial Capital. Suddenly, a bold guess formed within his head. However, he still calmly stepped forth, put down the two prepared cups of oats, and asked: “You are?” d2CvNm

The curly haired woman smiled, not directly answering his question. She leaned forward and picked up a cup of oats on the coffee table. From Nalun’s angle, it was just enough to faintly see……

He shifted his gaze with a start, the tips of his ears unconsciously blushing red.

“Isn’t this Sirius’s house?” The woman asked back in amusement: “Did I enter the wrong house?”

Nalun’s gaze flitted about: “You didn’t make a mistake.” Bg0ieU

The woman replied: “Oh…… then how are you related to Sirius?”

Nalun said conservatively: “A friend.”

The woman touched the corner of her mouth and repeated carelessly: “A friend huh.”

She then continued to ask: “A good friend who’s allowed to visit? I remember Sirius, that kid, has a terrifyingly strong sense of territory.” GrXKQj

That kid……

The woman in front of him was wearing a sleep gown and laying on top of Sirius’s sofa. The years have not left too many marks on her face. It only solidified her charming and fascinating spirit. Her posture was relaxed and languid. Her words were filled with an intimacy towards Sirius. This kind of intimacy wasn’t actually one that belonged between a man and woman, but rather leaned more towards the amusement an elder had towards youngsters.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Nalun could practically confirm the identity of the person before him.

“Madam Nishar.” Nalun called out: “I never thought I’d meet you here. You’re as beautiful as people say.” iQ6JLe

Nishar looked at him with amusement in her eyes: “It’s been a very long time since I returned to the Imperial Capital. You’re also as delightful and endearing as that kid described.” She patted the empty spot by her side: “Come sit here.”

Sirius mentioned him in front of Madam Nishar before?

Nalun did his best to maintain his outward composure and moved over to settle down by her side.

“Did I disturb you, visiting unannounced?” 5dXS83

Nishar shook her head and said with gusto: “Sirius doesn’t know that I came by. I should be the one asking this question. It’s me who is disturbing you guys, right?”

Nalun: “……” He finally understood where Sirius had inherited that ambiguous smile from.

Nishar leaned closer: “He brings you home often?”

Nalun said: “This is only my second time here.” krnLEV

Nishar: “Just the two of you?”

Nalun stiffly gave an ‘En’.

With a happy smile, she replied ‘oh’. Eyes glancing at the entrance, she saw her own darling son walking over with a stern face.

“Mother.” Sirius sat down extremely naturally next to Nalun. zoNik7

Squeezed between the mother and son, Nalun looked steady as Mt.Tai. However, in actuality, he was rather nervous. He never imagined Madam Nishar, who’s usually never around the Imperial Capital, would appear inside Sirius’s house; and he’d actually meet her in such awkward circumstances. The travel weary Honored Prince currently had black circles under his eyes. After he got up in the morning, he didn’t have time to tidy up. Such a terrible state like this… was actually seen by Sirius’s mother.

The most important factor was that his arrival seemed to have disturbed Madam Nishar’s sleep.

Nalun glanced towards the clock from the corner of his eyes. The time just passed 6am. In a sleep gown, Madam Nishar had clearly only exited her room after hearing the noise from his activities.

The instructions of his father and elder brother ringing in his ears, right now, Nalun felt extremely regretful that he had allowed Sirius to bring him home at such an unsuitable time. 2tcViY

Sirius had also never expected his mother would be staying over in his house. Ever since she separated from Monte Sr. many years ago, this entrepreneur loving woman had moved out of the Imperial City by herself. In these years, other than to visit her son and deal with business, she rarely returned here.

Madam Nishar said: “I received the message so I immediately rushed over. However……” She examined her upright and reliable son: “I originally wanted to live together with you for a period. It’s been so long since we’ve seen each other after all……” She touched her son’s hair: “I missed you quite a bit. Unfortunately, when I returned the day before yesterday, this place was completely empty and I only managed to see you this morning. Oh, and an unexpected surprise.”

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‘The unexpected surprise’ instantly felt like he was sitting on pins and needles.

“Wait for me a second. I’m going to grab something.” Madam Nishar blinked, got up, and walked towards the guest bedroom. 9o6qKZ

Sirius: “Remember to put on something else. There are two men here, madam.”

Nishar internally rolled her eyes.

After she disappeared from their view, Nalun whipped his head around, eyes so deep they were bottomless.

Sirius gave a shy smile and leaned over to whisper in his ear: “Baobei, does this count as having met the parents?” VeuBG5

Nalun said: “Is my appearance right now extremely terrible?”

Sirius sincerely expressed that he was as good as always.

Nalun shook his head, speechless towards Sirius’s candid aesthetics. He silently fastened the highest button, straightened out his collar, and then ran a hand through his hair.

Sirius said thoughtfully: “I’ll help you.” His palm went straight for a curly piece of hair sticking up on the back of Nalun’s head. PwdN5j

Nalun: “……”

Madam Nishar returned very quickly holding a golden card in her hand. She gave it a wave: “As Sirius’s mother, this is the first encounter gift I prepared for his ‘friend’.”

Sirius looked pensive: “Friend?”

Madam Nishar turned sideways and, at an angle that Nalun couldn’t see, she shot her son a blatant look of mockery. oSAMT

– Friend.

Sirius: “……”

When facing Nalun, Madam Nishar regained her warm and friendly smile. She took his hands and stuffed the ‘first encounter gift’ into his hands.

Nalun lowered his head. Gaze landing on the item in his palm, he froze. 2g8uty

Translator's Note

Aka gift you give when you meet someone for the first time.

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