Intergalactic Era of GossipCh98 - [Important things.] The price of bullying would probably be extremely disastrous.

Nalun’s breathing halted. After he noticed Sirius’s gaze, he pulled up his clothes and attempted to cover up.

“Let me see, please?” Sirius held down on Nalun’s hands and asked with his eyes. HQXdpD

Face turning red, Nalun evaded the gaze with a shifty expression. With a ‘pa’, he smacked off a certain person’s hand.

Sirius: “……”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

He wasn’t discouraged and moved his hand downward with the momentum, stopping on the other’s slender, thin waist.

Nalun said with a wooden face: “I want to get up.” GiljAD

Pressing down from above, Sirius gazed unblinkingly at the person below him with a pair of dark eyes.

At first, Nalun remained expressionless. Gradually, he felt his scalp go numb. Stiffly, he held out for a few more seconds before turning his head.

“What’s there to look at?”



He cursed silently. However when Sirius reached out again to pull on his collar, Nalun hesitated only a moment before relinquishing.

It was only taking a look anyway. It’s not like he’ll lose a piece of meat.

Nalun gave up, relaxed his body, and very generously allowed Sirius to do whatever he wanted to next. At the same time, he mulled over what he wanted to say.

Sirius enjoyed the benefits of this cooperation. Smiling and slowly lowering down, he gently pushed open the front of the sleeping robe to expose the familiar silver ring again. NJP3U5

Nalun mocked: “What kind of special interest would make someone carry this thing at all times?”

Sirius didn’t say anything.

Nalun continued to say: “At certain times, I even suspect you had deliberate intentions.” Although he didn’t speak clearly, both parties were well aware of what he was talking about. Nalun narrowed his eyes and said without courtesy: “This is all thanks to you. I will remember this grudge.”

Facing the reprimand, Sirius only reached out a finger, lightly hooked the middle of the ring, and asked quietly: “How do you want me to compensate you?” dRuPXK

Nalun’s gaze shifted downwards, landing on a certain finger. His face color changed gradually.

“Let, let go.”

“En?” Sirius smiled and let go very quickly. However, he didn’t move too far away. Lowering down, he pressed the side of his nose against Nalun’s chest. Under the gaze of those grayish green eyes, he lightly landed a kiss on the ring, like a dragonfly touching the surface of the water.

Nalun: “……” 348cbK

From start to finish, Sirius looked at Nalun, gaze focused and gentle. From his expression, Nalun couldn’t see any shadow of perversion or obscenity. He even felt a sense of graveness and holiness, like a faithful believer piously and sincerely kissing the throne of God.

– Sometimes…. Having an upright and handsome face was indeed enough for someone to do whatever they wanted.

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Nalun’s breathing quickened. Feeling the transmitted touch, his toes curled together uncontrollably. He felt himself becoming very strange.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

An intense feeling of embarrassment and bashfulness engulfed him. However, the almost obscene act didn’t actually give him any feelings of disgust. On the contrary, Sirius’s gaze seemed almost scorching. CJgl5W

Lf ofia ybat ecyfjgjyif, jcv sfa ecjyif ab rjs jcs kbgvr bo gfpfmalbc. Pc atf fcv, tf mbeiv bcis ifa bea jc jiwbra lcjevlyif cblrf bo lwqjalfcmf, kjcalcu ab fcv atf meggfca rlaejalbc jr rbbc jr qbrrlyif.


“Sc, P’w tfgf.” Ktf batfg’r nblmf kjr afggloslcuis tbjgrf.

Rjiec vlvc’a jmaejiis xcbk atf xlcv bo j afggloslcu foofma tlr bkc meggfca jqqfjgjcmf tjv bc Vlgler gluta cbk. Ktf vjgx, yijmx riffqlcu gbyf tjio bqfcfv lc atf ogbca, j ijsfg bo riluta gfvcfrr ribkis rqgfjvlcu jmgbrr j ijguf jgfj bo ojlg ktlaf rxlc, atf rlinfg glcu bc tlr ifoa clqqif ojlcais glrlcu jcv ojiilcu klat tlr ygfjatlcu. ecqyix

Last time, Sirius only gave it a quick glance in order to verify Nalun’s identity. Right now was actually the first time he truly observed the ring at close distance. The ring, which was carved with a hidden pattern, wasn’t anything fancy. After surviving several decades, this ring had been heavily reworked countless times. However, the overall style still maintained the dignity of the classics.

–The members of the Monte family could probably rack their brains out, but they’d still never imagine that their family’s upright and reliable young patriarch would actually use the ring in such an undignified manner.

At the moment, it was currently hanging on the left nipple of the Honored Prince, swaying faintly with the rise and fall of his breathing.

There were still some wound marks where the ring ‘went through’. However, the marks have already become very faint. Sirius’s eyes turned dark. When he had first recalled this piece of memory, he was once shocked at seeds of brutality hidden within the deep depths of his heart. However, upon seeing the current view, on the contrary, he now felt somewhat understanding. MuaRTQ

The dignified and reserved Honored Prince… was actually very suited to be bullied.

Nalun narrowed his eyes: “What are you thinking?”

Sirius rubbed his nose with a guilty conscience.

Alright. The price of bullying would probably be extremely disastrous. 0L6KqY

Nalun asked: “Can it be taken off?”

Sirius paused: “No.”

Nalun looked at him darkly, doubting the truth of this sentence.

Sirius said sincerely: “I’m not lying to you. Only the Monte patriarch can open the ring.” ZF2y81

Nalun: “???”

Sirius only smiled wordlessly.

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Very clearly, the Monte patriarch didn’t have any plans to help him open it.

Nalun gave a small roll of his eyes, straightened his collar, and pushed Sirius away, hiding a hidden look of disdain within his eyes. tMkROW

— Wait.


The Admiral, who was pushed away, gave him an aggrieved look and started to explain the history of the ring. The Honored Prince’s expression changed subtly instantly. He would have never imagined that the ‘nipple ring’ he was wearing had such an important significance??? The crucial matter here was why would Sirius casually place his family heirloom ring on someone else?

Sirius seemed almost exasperated: “I like to put important things together.” jC8 bE

Nalun: “……” Sometimes, when the Admiral speaks romantically, it’s really very overwhelming.

The ‘important’ Honored Prince stiffened his neck and said: “Can’t you safekeep important things yourself?”

Sirius pulled Nalun into his arms with a smile: “Of course. I will guard it closely.”

Nalun: “???” 9pwTu1

He felt like it wasn’t beneficial for him to continue and hastily changed the topic, saying: “Since the matter with the mixed Insect-humans is going well, then we should be able to return to the Imperial Capital in the next few days, right?”

Since Sirius didn’t want to say, then he’ll go back and take a look himself.

Military secret?

The Honored Prince couldn’t hold back from scoffing internally. Who’d believe that. This lie was so poor that he could easily snap back; it was just that he had reluctantly cooperated with it, that’s all. After all this trouble, his drowsiness completely vanished. Giving Sirius a tiny glare, he turned around and got ready to get up and wash up. RkOWEM

Sirius’s eyes followed Nalun around. After a while, he finally answered: “Okay. It is about time to head back.”

Dargi was just in the midst of transforming from winter to spring. The morning light carried a sense of chilliness.

Before leaving, the two people went sightseeing around one more time. When passing a certain street, Nalun encountered that mixed IH child again. The child was clinging to a 2nd floor window and waving his hand, going ‘ah ah’. The antennae on top of his head swayed excitedly.

Sirius gave a profound sigh: “You’re really good at attracting bugs, huh……” 2XID7t

Nalun shot him a sideways glance. He was just about to say something when Sirius suddenly reached out a hand and pressed it down on top of his head.

“There are people upstairs.”

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Nalun: “Let me see.”

Sirius: “…… They’re all holding cameras.” jdEgNh

Nalun froze: “Then forget it.”

Sirius smiled. He tilted his head upward and made a shushing gesture towards the heads peeking out from the 2nd floor.

After hearing about the ‘child bullying’ incident, people specifically rushed to the Street of the immigrants. While working as volunteer language teachers, they had asked a few enthusiastic Dargi residents about the details of the incident. Right now however, they have already lost the ability to speak. All of their heads were filled with ‘It’s true, it’s true, it’s actually true!”

Admiral Sirius was currently holding the hand of a certain man, who was suspected to be ‘The Honored Prince Charvey’. With a lowered head, he whispered something into the other’s ear. Soon afterwards, they disappeared into the crowd and out of sight. DLSTi2

— The Imperial Admiral had indeed stopped being single

Even though they had already imagined this countless times, now that their fantasies suddenly became true, it still took them a very long time to calm down!

“Is that person Charvey?”

“The view looks very similar for the back” rIs5PK

“Oh fck, I refuse to believe it!”

“Actually I saw him.” Suddenly a ponytailed girl couldn’t help but speak up.

All of her companions whipped their heads around and shifted their gazes over to her.

Blushing, she expressed in a quiet voice: “He’s very good looking.” i3uZe0

The companions: “……”

Although there has been countless witnesses who claimed that the Honored Prince was a rarely seen beauty, whether it was the observers of the trial, or the restaurant staff who encountered the Honored Prince accidentally and saw his own handwriting, or right now, the companion with bright shiny eyes standing right in front of them– So many people have given positive confirmations to the Honored Prince’s attractiveness; Nevertheless, even more people have not seen this mysterious man who was possibly the Admiral’s sweetheart.

Hiding and concealing it like this…. Who’d believe that there wasn’t anything fishy going on? Therefore, the large part of the crowd  who weren’t able to satisfy their extreme curiosity, had no choice but to suspect that there’s a deep conspiracy here. Taking a contrasting opinion here, perhaps these things were only a false pretense–The Admiral’s sweetheart was actually someone else. Charvey was nothing but a smokescreen.

However, once the person who witnesses the Honored Prince’s true face becomes themselves, or their own companions, it’s really hard to sustain the excuses, no matter how convincing they were. pm5GV4

“How good looking is he?” Someone asked hesitantly.

The pigtailed girl turned her head and struggled to maintain her composure: “The praises online weren’t exaggerated at all.”

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The companions exchanged looks, the expressions on their faces becoming somewhat dazed.

“It’s real?” 4 IMQR

“Seems…… pretty real?”

The pigtailed girl stomped her foot: “Ah, no lies, you guys!”

The companions: “……”

The pigtailed girl’s eyes beamed with light: “They’re really too well matched! In front of the Honored Prince, Princess Shasha isn’t even qualified to compete in comparison!” yYXRFJ

Her companions were once again speechless. Was there any worth to this kind of comparison?

The pigtailed girl: “When do you guys think they’ll go public? Get married? Have kids?”

The companions: “???” Huh?

The pigtailed girl: “My god, why was I the one to see him? Right now my head is a complete mess. I, I need to go calm down!” 13leHt

The companions, with cold faces: “……Go ahead.”

Although failing to see this legendary ‘national love rival’ made them feel a bit angry, what they felt even more was a sense of shock– It seemed like… a strange kind of emotion had completely overshadowed the grief over ‘the end of their idol’s life as a bachelor’?

If you must now, when they were in their younger years, they had also once imagined that Sirius would find someone, get married in the future, and belong to only one person; thus, they had often innocently and secretly vow that they would fight to the death with that person who would ‘robbed them of their cherished love’……

But right now, they haven’t even seen a full face of that person… And yet, they already had an indescribably bizarre feeling fermenting at the bottom of their heart. DNFG n

Instead of being injured casualties of ‘the end of their idol’s life as a bachelor’ and feeling sadness as a result, on the contrary, they seemed extremely like a group of gossipers standing around in a circle and enthusiastically observing and eating melons. In addition, they held a terrifying sense of anticipation for the wild incoming hidden story here.

A force was secretly surging on Dargi. The people involved, however, lived a life of incomparable comfort. Their ‘vacation’ days were approaching the end. They had already settled on their return date.

Soon after ‘Sarri’ traversed across the skies and flew away from the planet Dargi carrying the military soldiers, the report of ‘Admiral Sirius leading his subordinates to eliminate outside infiltrators’ was released publicly without any warning. His presence on Dargi finally changed from a rumor into reality.


Translator's Note

This is the direct translation, which means “it’s not like it’ll hurt”.

Translator's Note

Sorry, there’s actually no pronoun here. It can be it, him, you, or whatever here. Ambiguous!

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