Heal That Poor Little OneCh8 - The Prince Who Was Both Weak and Poor

After Bai Su discovered that Luo Chenyu enjoyed the snacks at the night market, he bought many different kinds at once, all of which tasted very good, and Bai Su himself was also satisfied with them.

The snacks at the night market were not large in quantity, and Bai Su was only interested in tasting them with the person beside him, so he packed up the leftovers to take back for Luo Chenyu. He didn’t want their dinner to consist only of these snacks. He had prepared for tonight’s outing in advance. After strolling around for a while, he took Luo Chenyu to a very famous restaurant in the city. Uy76Ln

Bai Su had already booked a private room in advance, so after entering, he went straight upstairs with Luo Chenyu. Considering Luo Chenyu’s personality, he probably wouldn’t enjoy sitting in the crowded main hall.

The waiter brought them the menu to order, and it was Luo Chenyu’s first time at a restaurant. He couldn’t help feeling excited, but he casually ordered just two dishes. Bai Su added a few more signature dishes from the restaurant and then asked the waiter to leave.

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Their table was by the window, and through it, they could see the lively scene outside. Luo Chenyu looked at the bustling scenery outside, feeling a sense of unreality in his heart.

He had always stayed in the deep palace in the past. Although there were some feasts on holidays, he didn’t participate in many of them, and even when he did, he had to abide by the rules. The palace was always quiet and lifeless, but the people outside were so lively. Even with him around, it felt like he was coming back to life. So this was how lively life outside was? DNFEyd

As Luo Chenyu was thinking, the dishes were quickly served on the table. Seeing the delicious dishes in front of him, Luo Chenyu couldn’t help but salivate. He couldn’t taste such delicious dishes in the palace.

He was just an unfavored prince, and although he had meat in every meal, it was always the same standard dishes. Unlike the variety of dishes here, sometimes when the palace servants were negligent, the dishes served would already be cold.

He was weak-bodied, and his appetite wasn’t good. He always had to eat the same few dishes, and over time, his appetite became even worse. He didn’t eat much tonight, but now he felt hungry in the restaurant.

Seeing Luo Chenyu enjoying the food, Bai Su also felt relieved. He thought Luo Chenyu’s way of picking up food was elegant and pleasing to the eye, without a hint of rudeness. Indeed, the royal etiquette was very comprehensive. In comparison, his own way of eating was much more casual.

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While Bai Su was observing Luo Chenyu, Luo Chenyu was also looking at Bai Su. He didn’t think Bai Su was rude at all; in fact, he thought Bai Su looked stylish and suave in everything he did, taking care of people with great care and thoughtfulness.

Perhaps it was because of the different environment and mood, Luo Chenyu found the taste of these dishes to be quite good and unconsciously ate a lot. After finishing the tea in his cup, he even let out a small burp.

His face instantly turned red, not expecting himself to be so rude, feeling a bit embarrassed to look up at Bai Su.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Dea Djl Ve obecv Oeb Jtfcse’r fwyjggjrrfv fzqgfrrlbc ab yf jvbgjyif, offilcu bnfgktfiwfv ys tlr meafcfrr. Lf reqqgfrrfv atf eguf ab ijeut bea ibev, yea atf rwlif lc tlr fsfr mbeivc’a yf mbwqifafis tlvvfc. evlAG

Lf mbeutfv aklmf jcv mjiifv atf kjlafg bnfg, jrxlcu tlw ab yglcu j uijrr bo qiew pelmf obg Oeb Jtfcse, rjslcu rboais, “Tbeg Llutcfrr, ags atlr. Pa’r rbeg jcv rkffa, jqqfalhlcu, jcv jlvr vlufralbc.”

Seeing the gentle smile on Bai Su’s face, Luo Chenyu’s fingers moved, picking up the spoon to take a sip. Indeed, the taste was sour, sweet, and appetizing. The plums inside seemed to have been pickled, making the drink refreshing and pleasant.

Drinking the sour and sweet plum juice to refresh the palate, Luo Chenyu’s gaze fell on Bai Su. Seeing him resting his chin on his hand, looking out the window with a smile on his lips, Luo Chenyu couldn’t help but be captivated by his appearance.

Luo Chenyu thought about how they had only known each other for a short two days, yet Bai Su had been of great help to him. Although Prince Zhong had said it was because they shared similar experiences, was it really worth someone doing so much for him just because they shared similar experiences? QbLOue

He was just a fallen prince, and even if he wanted to, he couldn’t immediately repay Bai Su for anything.

Having spent many years in the deep palace, who could really remain innocent? Luo Chenyu didn’t believe that Bai Su had no ulterior motives, but what were his motives?

Suddenly, he remembered some rumors he had heard before, saying that Bai Su was cruel and bloodthirsty, and had a liking for men.

Although Luo Chenyu hadn’t interacted much with Bai Su, he knew rumors couldn’t be trusted. He didn’t believe that Bai Su enjoyed torturing people, but what about his liking for men? 3KHTCZ

Prince Zhong was already twenty-seven years old and still had no wife or concubines. Could it be true that he didn’t like women?

Thinking of his own appearance, and Bai Su’s help and careful attention to him, could it be that Bai Su’s motives were himself?

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Thinking of this, Luo Chenyu’s heart couldn’t help but skip a beat, but he didn’t feel offended. When he was drugged, if Prince Zhong had really had malicious intentions, it would have been the perfect opportunity to take advantage of him. But he didn’t do that. Prince Zhong was a true gentleman.

The spoon in his hand trembled and knocked against the porcelain bowl, making a crisp sound, attracting Bai Su’s attention. Bai Su’s clear eyes looked over, making Luo Chenyu’s heart even more chaotic. IXQUgH

He was not a naive person; it was not easy to survive in the palace for so many years by being naive. However, when it came to emotions, he was completely clueless.

If Bai Su had done so much because he had taken a liking to him, then everything made sense.

Fortunately, Prince Zhong didn’t immediately make it clear, otherwise he wouldn’t know how to respond.

Luo Chenyu inexplicably felt a sense of tension, while at the same time feeling as if his heart had been filled with a bowl of the sour plum juice in front of him—sour, sweet, refreshing, and delicious. 4hdzI1

His gaze couldn’t help but follow Bai Su, and each time he looked, he couldn’t help but sigh at Prince Zhong’s handsome appearance. Beyond being suave and handsome, he was also warm and considerate in temperament. If one could have such a person by their side every day, facing each other until old age, it would be such a blessing…

Bai Su was unaware that he had become the object of someone’s infatuation at first sight. After the meal, he had originally wanted to take Luo Chenyu to other places to play. However, seeing that the other party was already showing signs of fatigue, he simply suggested sending him back.

Luo Chenyu hesitated for a moment upon hearing this. He did feel a bit tired, but he didn’t want to part ways with Bai Su so soon. He had just seen Bai Su still looking at the lake and seemed to want to go there. How come he suddenly said he wanted to take him back?

Presumably, it was because he noticed that Luo Chenyu was tired. Luo Chenyu sighed at Bai Su’s thoughtfulness and leaned closer to him, suggesting, “Should we go to the lake to release lanterns before heading back?” OhbSH

Bai Su was somewhat surprised that Luo Chenyu would suggest going to release water lanterns, but it seemed fun, so he didn’t refuse.

The liveliest part of the night market was by the river, with many stalls selling snacks and trinkets, among which the stall selling water lanterns had the most customers.

Bai Su took Luo Chenyu to buy them together. Seeing the crowded conditions, he was worried that Luo Chenyu might feel uncomfortable, so he asked him to wait on the outer ring while he pushed through the crowd to buy two lanterns.

When he came out, Bai Su felt that there were too many people around, and it was hot and sweaty. Just as he was about to step forward, he accidentally stepped on someone’s foot and was pushed, causing a commotion. People were about to push him, and he couldn’t move in this crowded environment. MXuBj8

He staggered, trying to step back, but suddenly someone grabbed his arm and pulled him out, then half-hugged him.

Bai Su turned his head to see that the person holding him was indeed Luo Chenyu. Worried that he was about to be bumped into, Luo Chenyu had pulled him out, but ended up hugging him due to inertia.

The posture was a bit too intimate, but the warm body and pleasant breath made Luo Chenyu feel his arm go numb, and for a moment, he didn’t react to let go.

Two equally tall and handsome men stood side by side by the lake in the night, looking indescribably well-matched. Luo Chenyu was actually a bit too thin due to his poor health. But with his tall stature and broad shoulders, holding Bai Su didn’t feel out of place at all. eyah2f

Bai Su regained his senses and quickly straightened up, his ears turning red, and he smiled awkwardly. Holding the lantern, he shook it in front of Luo Chenyu and said, “Your Highness, let’s go to the riverside to release the lanterns.”

Luo Chenyu nodded, but as they walked towards the lake, he whispered softly, “My lord, just call me Zichen.”

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Bai Su knew that Zichen was Luo Chenyu’s style name, and him allowing himself to be called like this showed a willingness to be close. He felt happy and readily called out, “Zichen.”

Hearing Bai Su pronounce his name in such a clear and melodious tone, Luo Chenyu felt a tingling sensation run through his heart, causing his ears to turn warm. SPAEQt

He cleared his throat to conceal his unnatural expression, then heard Bai Su say, “Then Zichen, you don’t have to call me ‘my lord,’ just call me by my name.”

Luo Chenyu silently repeated Bai Su’s name in his heart twice, feeling that the name Bai Su was indeed very pleasant to the ears, but it lacked a bit of intimacy. So he tentatively said, “You’re a few years older than me, how about I call you ‘Bai Xiong’?”

Bai Su looked at Luo Chenyu with a hint of excitement in his eyes and couldn’t help but tease him, “Why call me Bai Xiong? Since you said I’m a few years older than you, why don’t you try calling me ‘Bai-gege’ and see how it sounds!”

As Bai Su said this, he felt relaxed and happy, casually teasing. But when the words came out, both he and Luo Chenyu were stunned, because somehow it sounded a bit flirtatious. lcMeO5

Now not only Luo Chenyu blushed, but even Bai Su’s face was burning. He silently berated himself; after living for so many years, why was he still so immature?

Neither of them continued the topic, and Bai Su quietly squatted down by the riverbank to release the lanterns. But little did he know, as Luo Chenyu watched his peaceful profile, that phrase “Bai-gege’ silently circled in his mind, causing his heart to beat irregularly.

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  1. Umm there seem to be a typo, bai su/mc was interpreted as the crown prince…? His the general so Please check this!!😅

      • I forgot to comment but a few chapters back the emperor name is being mix with ML Luo Chenyu.. I forgot which chapter but the plot is about either the emperor is talking about Luo Chenyu leaving the palace or about Luo Chenyu giving idea for disaster relief.. I forgot.. The emperor is supposed to he Luo Shenyuan I think? I forgot the emperor name..

    • Brotha why are u here in the first place?! Not complaining ur rights to comment but this is a soft/fluffy novel can we just agree that they’re soulmates and well- fell in love at first sight pls 😭 think of this as just a silly love novel no real logic needed okay ✅ fiction is meant to be a place to escape reality 😌🙂😄

  2. 8 feet coquette~

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖