Heal That Poor Little OneCh44 - The School Bully Gets Beaten Up Every Day

Thank you Shish for the Kofi.

What Bai Su didn’t know was that Yan Shengchen was quite confused at this moment. lIBMrt

In the past, he could always avoid getting caught in such situations. With his good physical condition and speed, he would vanish as soon as the dean turned his back, never getting caught. He never cared about the rules.

But today, the moment he saw Bai Su on duty, he suddenly couldn’t move his feet.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

He didn’t even understand what was happening to him, feeling a bit dazed. And then he got caught by the dean and now had to stand here dumbfounded, getting scolded.

Seeing people coming and going around him, Yan Shengchen felt a bit embarrassed, but his gaze still involuntarily drifted towards Bai Su standing beside the dean. z3xpHV

Yet Bai Su, just like yesterday, was not paying attention to him, instead focusing on the notebook and watching the students coming and going, making him feel a bit deflated.

But while Bai Su ignored him, the dean noticed Yan Shengchen’s gaze and immediately frowned.

“What? Why are you staring at Bai Su! Yan Shengchen, are you planning on retaliating?”

“Of course not!”


Upon hearing the dean’s accusation, Yan Shengchen immediately bristled and quickly denied it. He anxiously looked at Bai Su, only to see that Bai Su had glanced at him with an indifferent expression, leaving him uncertain if Bai Su believed him or not.

Seeing Yan Shengchen’s quick denial, the dean thought it didn’t seem like a lie, but still had some doubts.

“I’m warning you, don’t bully your classmates in private. If I find out, I won’t let you off!”

Shenglin High School was known for its excellent school ethos, and the teachers were quite exemplary. No matter how impressive the parents were outside, they were just parents at school, and many were quite meek in front of the teachers. B6OedR

Even someone like Yan Shengchen, a famous figure in the school, had never caused any major trouble on campus. Although he had fought with hooligans outside the school, that was off-campus; on-campus, his issues were minor. When caught by the dean, he would at most talk back a bit.

So that morning, Yan Shengchen could only endure the dean’s long-winded criticism and felt like his ears were growing calluses.

He couldn’t understand how the dean had so much to say, connecting his dress code violation to his daily conduct, and from there to his future development. He even started talking about how small things reflect bigger issues. Given more time, Yan Shengchen felt the dean might even relate it to the country’s future.

It wasn’t until the class bell rang that the dean finally stopped, though somewhat reluctantly. nR9YXf

He had never thought that the sound of the school bell could be so pleasant!

“Alright, go to class and pay attention!”

Hearing that they could finally leave, Yan Shengchen breathed a sigh of relief but didn’t show his eagerness. Because he sensed that not far behind him, Bai Su was also heading back to class.

Completely ignoring Yu Shuxuan, who was also heading to class with them, Yan Shengchen turned his head to glance at Bai Su, who was walking ahead with a blank expression, and felt a bit aggrieved. RcKrTn

After all that scolding in the morning, Bai Su hadn’t even said a word to help him out.

This sudden sense of grievance quickly dissipated as they reached the classroom.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

The first class was physics, taught by a somewhat strict woman with excellent teaching skills. Today, they were going to get the results of a quiz from a few days ago. Although Yan Shengchen didn’t like studying, he still had to take exams, though his scores were usually poor.

When the grades were handed out, Bai Su saw that the original owner had actually scored full marks, and was the only one in the class to do so. This immediately drew everyone’s attention to Bai Su. 0 vYyc

Fortunately, Bai Su had reviewed all the textbooks yesterday and, combining that with his memory, had thoroughly understood the material. Knowing the original owner’s problem-solving approach, he felt no guilt holding the perfect score paper.

Even Yan Shengchen felt a strange sense of pride when he heard the physics teacher praise Bai Su. He didn’t know why he felt this way, but there was a faint feeling of shared honor.

However, when his own score was handed out, he couldn’t laugh anymore.

Because, even if it wasn’t a zero, his score was the lowest in the class. Apart from a few correct multiple-choice answers, all the fill-in-the-blank and long answer questions were blank. The multiple-choice answers were randomly filled in just before the end of the exam, as he had spent most of the time sleeping. It was impossible for him to get a good grade. gKOy8

Yan Shengchen was always at the bottom, and he didn’t care much about it. But this time, knowing that Bai Su had scored full marks and was the top of the class, he felt embarrassed for the first time.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Djl Ve, tjnlcu ilrafcfv ab atf gfreiar, kjr cjaegjiis jkjgf bo Tjc Vtfcumtfc’r qlaloei rmbgf. Lf kjr wbgf regqglrfv atja Oe Aecofcu tjv rmbgfv bnfg 80 bea bo 100. Ktf afra kjr delaf vloolmeia, rb bnfg 80 kjr lwqgfrrlnf.

Ktf wjif qgbajubclra’r lcafiilufcmf kjr ufcfgjiis tlutfg atjc jnfgjuf, jcv jr ibcu jr tf kjr kliilcu ab raevs qgbqfgis, tlr ugjvfr kbeivc’a yf yjv.

So, what was wrong with Yan Shengchen, who was supposed to be the male protagonist’s golden finger? LeyMZI

Could it be that since he hadn’t been disfigured and his family background was decent, his intelligence had suffered? No wonder he seemed a bit dim when they first met in this small world.

Even being a bit of a fool in such an adorable way—no wonder he liked him!

Next, while explaining the exam paper, because the original owner’s approach to the last two big problems was excellent, the physics teacher specifically asked Bai Su to explain.

In the past, when the teacher asked the original owner to explain some big problems, although the original owner would stand up and speak, it was usually perfunctory because the original owner felt uncomfortable with the attention from others. 19poiT

But now it was Bai Su’s turn. Bai Su was a confident person who had trained many mecha warriors in the past. He was very familiar with teaching and even had a strong personal style. So, when he explained, he unconsciously brought in his past habits.

Bai Su’s explanations were humorous and engaging, making complex methods very clear. He even assisted the teacher in extending the problems to related concepts, which made the physics teacher very satisfied.

In school, it’s normal for students with good grades to be envied and noticed by their peers. Especially now, Bai Su’s spirited appearance made everyone pleasantly surprised. They wondered why they hadn’t noticed before that Bai Su was such a good speaker.

No one doubted him because, in most people’s minds, top students were inherently impressive. Maybe Bai Su had just been too low-key before. It should be noted that although the original owner’s grades were not in the top three in the entire grade, he had never fallen out of the top eight. S5QxTH

When Bai Su returned home yesterday, he had 555 help adjust his body. The original owner’s nearsightedness wasn’t severe, so Bai Su simply had the system restore his vision, removing the thick black-framed glasses and revealing those attractive eyes. With such captivating eyes, it naturally drew everyone’s attention.

A simple physics class made Bai Su quite prominent. After class, Yu Shuxuan, who sat in front, even took the initiative to approach him with questions about physics.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Because the original owner had been introverted and somewhat gloomy, almost no one had ever taken the initiative to talk to him, let alone ask questions.

Yu Shuxuan had a strong desire for knowledge and excelled academically, so few could solve her problems. Not wanting to always bother the teacher, she decided to tentatively ask Bai Su. She didn’t expect Bai Su to not only know the answer but also explain it very well. Zj zeR

The classmates nearby, listening to their discussion, were also attracted by Bai Su’s detailed explanation. More students joined in, bringing their questions to Bai Su. Finding him approachable and patient, they were all very happy. Before long, Bai Su was surrounded by people.

Holding his own physics paper, Yan Shengchen stood not far away, watching Bai Su being surrounded by others. He snorted coldly and returned to his seat.

Standing next to Yan Shengchen, Lu Junfeng didn’t understand why his boss suddenly seemed in a bad mood. Following his gaze, he saw Bai Su surrounded by people. However, his attention was not on Bai Su but on Yu Shuxuan, whose eyes shone brightly with admiration for Bai Su. A trace of envy crossed his mind.

Lu Junfeng knew that Bai Su and Yu Shuxuan were on duty as disciplinary committee members together that morning because of their excellent grades. He wondered if Yu Shuxuan would look at him with such admiration if he were a top student too. Unfortunately, his grades were only above average. 5OBkj6

Thinking about this, Lu Junfeng sighed inwardly, feeling a bit downcast.

Bai Su didn’t know that the protagonist was envying him. Remembering the original owner’s wish to not only see Yan Xinjue punished but also to have real family and friends, Bai Su felt confident. With his lover as a family member, he was sure that was no problem. As for making friends, it wasn’t difficult. Bai Su believed that friendships formed during student days were the purest and most beautiful.

Instead of actively seeking friends, he thought it better to let others come to him. He figured the simplest way was to let others see his merits.

A simple explanation would be: if you bloom, butterflies will come. hPdfej

Of course, being excellent wouldn’t only attract butterflies. But with Bai Su’s discernment, he knew who was truly worth befriending.

In short, the original owner wanted to live happily and freely, and Bai Su saw no need to hold back.

So, during the afternoon physical education class, Bai Su took the opportunity to showcase himself.

The original owner was already in good physical shape, and regular physical training posed no difficulty. When it came to free activities, seeing the boys playing basketball on the court, he actively asked to join. 1Fi2Rz

The original owner had always been interested in basketball and played it when he was young. But family changes had made him increasingly quiet and reserved. He used to be too shy to ask and only watched enviously, longing to play with his classmates.

Bai Su also enjoyed sports like basketball. Training to be a mecha warrior required excellent physical reflexes, so he excelled in such sports.

During the halftime break, the team members were surprised to hear Bai Su wanted to join but didn’t refuse. They were already trailing by a wide margin, so substituting Bai Su shouldn’t make much difference.

Moreover, two of them had asked Bai Su about physics problems and had a good impression of him. If their classmate wanted to try, they were not petty. tDV75H

They didn’t expect that once Bai Su got on the court, he would perform spectacularly, almost turning the game around. His impressive dribbling, accurate shooting, and perfect control of the game dazzled everyone.

The surrounding students cheered loudly. The young man’s agile movements, slender waist, and the radiant energy were so striking. Even the sweat on his forehead was a testament to his vibrant youth.

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Standing on the sidelines, Yan Shengchen stared dazedly at Bai Su’s dazzling display, feeling as if his heart had been struck.

That feeling of irregular heartbeat made him feel both flustered and infatuated. kmlH6U

He had never thought that a person could be so captivating. In just these two days, Bai Su had given him so many new feelings that he had never experienced before.

“Boss, who would’ve thought Bai Su is this amazing? His basketball skills are incredible! Should we join in and compete with him?”

Lu Junfeng, looking at the court, was excited and itching to play.

Yan Shengchen had been staring at Bai Su in a daze. Hearing Lu Junfeng’s words, he felt a bit tempted. He thought to himself that although his grades were poor, he was good at sports, especially basketball. He was the best player among his peers. If he joined the game, Bai Su would surely notice him and perhaps even be impressed by his superb skills! XBOcue

With this in mind, Yan Shengchen puffed out his chest confidently. However, before he could ask to join the game, he saw Bai Su make a beautiful three-point shot, which drew a round of applause from the onlookers.

The boy standing next to Bai Su immediately hugged him. Others ran over to pat Bai Su on the shoulder, and everyone looked very happy.

Seeing Bai Su getting along so well with them, Yan Shengchen felt inexplicably annoyed. The foot he had taken a step forward with was retracted, and he coldly snorted, “Not playing, getting all sweaty and hot.”

After saying that, he turned and walked toward the distant sports equipment storage. Lu Junfeng glanced at the basketball court and then at his boss. Although he wanted to watch the game, he reluctantly followed. cwSdJp

Bai Su played with them for quite a while, sweating a lot and feeling very satisfied.

Before class ended, he volunteered, “I’ll return the ball.”

After this game, the boys in the class felt much closer to Bai Su. The center player smiled and nodded, tossing the ball over, “Thanks, let’s play again next time!”

Bai Su smiled, caught the ball, wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked around, and then walked toward the storage room. He wondered why he hadn’t seen Yan Shengchen during the latter part of the game. He had hoped his lover would see him in action on the court and perhaps leave a good impression. dwCP05

Sigh! Guess I’ll have to wait for another chance…

Bai Su thought wistfully. But when he got to the storage room door, he noticed some smoke around the corner and smelled a foul odor. It seemed some boys were sneaking a smoke there.

Bai Su didn’t think much of it and casually glanced over, only to see that the smokers were Yan Shengchen and Lu Junfeng. They were standing together, and Yan Shengchen had a half-smoked cigarette in his mouth.

Bai Su usually wouldn’t comment on others’ habits, but he didn’t think it was good for his lover to be smoking while still in high school. Considering that his man had many little flaws in this life, he thought it could be corrected later once they got more familiar. hwSN R

Thinking this, Bai Su frowned but didn’t say anything. He opened the storage room door and walked in with the ball.

However, Yan Shengchen saw Bai Su’s frown and thought it was because Bai Su was disgusted upon seeing him.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

He didn’t want Bai Su to dislike him and felt a pang of discomfort. Without thinking, he blurted out, “What’s with that look? Can’t even afford decent basketball shoes, and you still play basketball! Just because you’re good at studying, you think you’re something special? Who do you think you are?”

Such hurtful words were something Yan Shengchen had never stooped to saying before. So when he uttered these harsh words, he was stunned for a moment. Seeing Bai Su turn his head to look at him, he felt flustered. Wanting to apologize but feeling too prideful, he simply stiffened his neck and glared at Bai Su. uJo3gh

Bai Su heard Yan Shengchen’s words but didn’t respond immediately. After putting away the basketball, he looked down at his own worn-out, peeling sneakers, then raised his head and calmly met Yan Shengchen’s gaze.

Yan Shengchen, being stared at by Bai Su like that, felt both regretful and guilty. He wasn’t the type to look down on people because of their family background and was already regretting his reckless words.

But people are like this: the more guilty they feel, the more they tend to bluff.

So he walked up to Bai Su, kicked a volleyball stand nearby, and said angrily, “What are you looking at!” rCsdZg


The base of the volleyball stand was a bit faulty, and with a light kick, it wobbled a few times and then fell over, scattering volleyballs everywhere.

This left Yan Shengchen completely dumbfounded. He had only intended to scare Bai Su, but he didn’t expect to actually knock the stand over.

He felt anxious but was too proud to explain to Bai Su that it was an accident. With his sidekick Lu Junfeng watching, he couldn’t back down and glared at Bai Su, saying, “Hurry up and help me pick these balls up!” 8uVqXn

Bai Su blinked at Yan Shengchen’s words. He knew his lover too well. After two lifetimes together, he could tell Yan Shengchen’s true thoughts from a single glance.

Seeing Yan Shengchen like this almost made Bai Su laugh at his stubbornness, trying hard to maintain a tough front when he really wanted to apologize.

He was reminded of his nephew during his rebellious phase, who also did many foolish things. Of course, that child later became the pillar of the Zong family, growing extremely mature and steady, much like a second Zong Wenbo.

Lu Junfeng, watching from the side, also felt that his boss had gone too far. MsRb2z

He admired Yan Shengchen for his sense of loyalty. They had fought against bullies outside school, wanting to be heroes like those on TV.

At this age, every boy had some rebellious thoughts, wanting to uphold justice and be righteous heroes.

So, even if they were labeled as bad kids or bullies, Lu Junfeng felt justified. But now, his boss was clearly bullying someone, which was wrong!

However, he couldn’t criticize his boss in front of outsiders, so he leaned in and whispered in Yan Shengchen’s ear, “Boss, isn’t what you’re doing a bit too much?” CxMKhY

Yan Shengchen thought to himself, of course he knew what he was doing wasn’t right. God knows how much he wanted to apologize or just run away!

But if he really ran away, what would Bai Su think of him? He would never be able to lift his head in front of Bai Su again.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Seeing that even his sidekick had realized they were wrong and Yan Shengchen still hadn’t apologized, Bai Su felt even more helpless.

He wasn’t too disappointed, after all, he had read the original plot and knew that his lover had been raised with a twisted character by Xiao Yuzhen since he was ten years old. HdJqRD

If it were someone else, who knows what they would have turned out like. It’s only because his lover had some strength of character that he hadn’t gotten into serious trouble.

But bad habits still needed to be corrected.

Yan Shengchen slept in class every day, had poor grades, didn’t go home at night, was addicted to online games, and even secretly smoked at school. All that could be tolerated.

But now he was even picking a fight while Bai Su was just returning a basketball, which was going too far. gsuvIB

Since he was his lover, Bai Su naturally felt responsible for him. When he was good, he would spoil him. But when he turned into a brat, he had to be managed! It wouldn’t be good if he accidentally caused trouble for others.

But how to manage him? He remembered a theory he once heard from Che Lingxuan.

Question: How to discipline a brat?

Answer: Just beat him up. aueRKr

If one beating doesn’t work, then beat him twice, until it works!

So, Yan Shengchen and Lu Junfeng saw the person in front of them suddenly showing a very kind smile, slowly walking toward them. But this smile looked anything but kind.

Then, a fist came their way.

Yan Shengchen was usually good at fighting, and Lu Junfeng was agile, but even combined they were no match for Bai Su, who beat them without any resistance. 1NEzqG

After this short fight, they were left questioning their existence because it was a complete physical beatdown. In the end, they had no will to resist.

In just a few minutes, they were knocked down countless times. Yan Shengchen felt he had never been so humiliated in his life.

Fortunately, apart from the first punch that hit Yan Shengchen’s right eye, giving him a black eye, the other punches were on his body, so it wouldn’t be visible.

Afterward, Yan Shengchen and Lu Junfeng lay exhausted on the ground, feeling like they were dreaming. But the mess of sports equipment around them and Bai Su standing nearby unscathed showed that it was all real. u8ya1M

They had picked a fight only to be beaten up badly, and now Yan Shengchen just wanted to find a hole to crawl into.

Lu Junfeng felt even more wronged. He hadn’t even said anything; why did he have to get beaten too!

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Author’s note: Lu Junfeng: Don’t drag others into your couple’s quarrel QAQ


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  1. The best student beat you up

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  2. “If one beating doesn’t work, then beat him twice, until it works!”…So this is the legendary mindset of mothers 🗿(coming from someone with experiences of being beaten)