Heal That Poor Little OneCh42 - The School Bully Gets Beaten Up Every Day

After learning about the school incident, Yan Quan looked for Yan Shengchen several times. But at that time, Yan Shengchen was instigated by Xiao Yuzhen and felt that his father was only concerned with work and didn’t care about the family or him at all.

He was in a rebellious state, angry, and didn’t want to get along well with his father. Every time Yan Quan talked to him, he would talk back and argue. 5Pkf6u

Later, under Xiao Yuzhen’s suggestion, Yan Shengchen helped her and made her the mistress of the Yan family. After achieving her goal, Xiao Yuzhen felt that Yan Shengchen was no longer useful.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, Yan Xinjue gave Yan Shengchen alcohol under his instruction and bribed a female classmate to falsely accuse Yan Shengchen of attempting to sexually assault the girl.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yan Shengchen didn’t do it at all. He was so angry that he kept trying to refute it, but this led to a fierce conflict with the girl’s family and he accidentally stabbed someone to death.

Due to the numerous witnesses and conclusive evidence, Yan Shengchen was sentenced to prison. Seeing the tearful accusations of the girl, Yan Quan was utterly disappointed in him. KUrLB5

When Yan Shengchen was released from prison, it had been many years. Yan Quan had long passed away, and all of the Yan family’s assets had been seized by Xiao Yuzhen and Yan Xinjue.

At this point, they no longer needed to pretend to be kind to Yan Shengchen and directly kicked him out when he came to them, mocking him viciously.

Unable to cope with the betrayal by his family and having lost everything, Yan Shengchen turned to drinking to get through his days. One time, while drunk and standing on a bridge to enjoy the breeze, he accidentally fell into the river and drowned.

Without Yan Shengchen’s help, although Lu Junfeng later did not struggle for basic needs, he never got a chance to rise. After all, even a talented person needs someone to recognize their talents.

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Lu Junfeng lived a mundane life. He had a few opportunities in front of him, but lacking background and connections, he was sabotaged by others each time and failed. Until his death, he never had the chance to reconnect with Yu Shuxuan.

In the current timeline that Bai Su has traveled to, Yan Shengchen has already been led astray by Xiao Yuzhen. They are now in their third year of high school, and in a year, he will be framed and lose everything. It seems Bai Su’s time is quite limited.

Thinking of this, Bai Su quickly reviewed the original owner’s memories. He learned that he and Yan Shengchen were at the same school called Shenglin Academy and even in the same class.

Times have changed; in this life, his beloved has become a wastrel and even a school bully. Bai Su found this rather amusing. dSGl4p

Unlike the idle Yan Shengchen, the original owner was a genuine top student. However, his family was extremely poor, and he could attend the prestigious Shenglin Academy thanks to his excellent grades.

Nonetheless, the original owner’s life was tough. His father had passed away early, and after his mother remarried, she saw him as a burden and barely interacted with him. The original owner lived with his grandmother, relying on each other.

But two years ago, his grandmother also passed away, leaving him to live alone in a shabby house in the suburbs. His mother gave him 300 yuan a month, just enough to keep him from starving.

The original owner studied hard, hoping to get into a good school so his mother would see him differently. Although he never said anything, he deeply yearned for familial affection. yDvGPX

However, after being admitted to Shenglin Academy, his mother’s attitude didn’t change. When she heard that the school would waive his tuition fees and give him a scholarship each year, she stopped giving him any living expenses, which made the original owner very sad.

Although his grades were excellent, they weren’t the best. Shenglin Academy only awarded him 5,000 yuan in scholarship each year. Even though tuition was waived, he still needed to buy daily necessities, study supplies, and cover living expenses himself.

After his grandmother passed away, the original owner no longer had her pension to support him. Balancing study and living expenses was extremely difficult. So besides attending school, he often did odd jobs or sold scrap materials to earn money.

The original owner rarely bought anything other than necessities, and it had been a long time since he bought new clothes. Even so, he still lived a very frugal life. bmpOEt

Shenglin Academy was a prestigious school, and the snacks and lunches sold on campus were expensive. The original owner couldn’t afford to buy lunch, so he brought steamed buns and pickles from home to stave off hunger. Worried about being ridiculed, he always ate these in secluded places.

Compared to the glamorous students, the original owner felt somewhat inferior, so he usually kept to himself at school. Without any other relatives or friends, his world was quite lonely.

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Once, while moving things, the original owner accidentally tore his school uniform pants and was mocked by those around him. Yan Xinjue, who happened to pass by, pretended to defend him with a few words. Since then, the original owner had always felt grateful to Yan Xinjue.

Afterwards, whenever the original owner saw Yan Xinjue, he would pay more attention to him. Not being good at hiding his feelings, Yan Xinjue soon noticed this. Z14Uhz

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Knowing the original owner’s excellent grades, Yan Xinjue, despite secretly despising his poverty, still initiated conversations with him. The original owner thought Yan Xinjue considered him a friend and cherished their relationship.

Coafg gfjilhlcu tbk wemt atf bglulcji bkcfg njiefv tlw, Tjc Wlcpef yfujc fzqiblalcu tlw obg njglber ajrxr. Ca Vtfcuilc Cmjvfws, raevfcar kfgf pevufv cba bcis ys atflg ugjvfr yea jirb ys atflg fzagjmegglmeijg qgjmalmji rxliir. Kb jvnjcmf oegatfg, raevfcar klat ubbv ugjvfr mbeiv ecvfgajxf qgbpfmar jcv reywla gfqbgar obg mbcrlvfgjalbc obg gfmbwwfcvjalbc.

The original owner, not only having excellent grades but also being creative, produced perfect research reports and was skilled at making mechanical projects. This was the result of targeted training for students admitted to Shenglin Academy.

Every semester, the original owner’s mechanical projects won awards, bringing honor to the school. Yan Xinjue, benefiting from the original owner’s achievements, claimed to participate in extracurricular research, pushing all the work onto the original owner. He even had the original owner make various competition entries, winning many awards himself. fWRJ86

Eventually, due to a project credited to both of them, a prestigious engineering university noticed them and offered them direct admission.

Thus, the original owner and Yan Xinjue entered the university together, becoming envied students of a prestigious school. However, instead of being grateful, Yan Xinjue exploited the original owner even more.

Yan Xinjue continuously extracted value from the original owner, making him do all his professional assignments, papers, and required research. Initially, the original owner tolerated it, but as he excelled in university and gained more friends, he realized this was wrong.

As the original owner grew more outstanding and gained more people who wanted to befriend him, he began to feel foolish for letting Yan Xinjue use him. Deciding to no longer help him, the original owner advised Yan Xinjue to work hard and rely on his own abilities. Irw3m8

Yan Xinjue was infuriated by the original owner’s words. He saw the original owner as his possession, to command at will, and wanted to rely on him to win a major competition and secure a spot in a foreign exchange program. Unable to accept the original owner’s decision, he initially pleaded but soon resorted to insults and even hatred.

When the original owner left resolutely, Yan Xinjue, in a fit of anger, had him beaten. However, the original owner, having endured many hardships, was physically strong. The hired thugs couldn’t handle him, and in desperation, one hit him on the back of the head with a metal rod, killing him instantly.

After learning of this, Yan Xinjue panicked for a while, but Xiao Yuzhen spent a lot of money to have the thugs take the blame, allowing Yan Xinjue to escape legal punishment. The original owner died unjustly, harboring deep resentment towards Yan Xinjue.

The original owner’s wish was for the hypocritical Yan Xinjue to be despised by everyone and never find happiness. Although he had given up on his mother, he still yearned for familial affection. He wanted to have true family and friends who cared for him and to have a home of his own. aJyfr

Seeing the original owner’s plight, Bai Su also despised Yan Xinjue even more. This person not only harmed Yan Shengchen but also the original owner, as malicious as Xiao Yuzhen.

However, the original owner’s indulgence of Yan Xinjue due to his initial lack of affection was a significant mistake. Clearly, failing to recognize people can lead to harm.

Checking the timeline, Bai Su realized that the original owner had already met Yan Xinjue and done many things for him. But now that Bai Su was here, if Yan Xinjue still hoped to rely on him for awards and recommendations, it was simply wishful thinking.

Yan Xinjue, a year ahead of the original owner, often spoke ill of Yan Shengchen in front of the original owner, leading him to have a poor impression of Yan Shengchen. hxSFMT

Fortunately, the original owner was a quiet person and never said anything bad about Yan Shengchen. However, as a school bully, no one dared to provoke Yan Shengchen.

Thinking that he would see his beloved in the classroom after lunch break, Bai Su quickly ate his steamed buns.

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These steamed buns, although a bit cold, were quite tasty. The pickles, despite being salty, were very good with the buns and filling.

However, Bai Su was in his growth phase, and eating only buns without proper nutrition was unbalanced. Vze64g

When it came to making money, Bai Su didn’t have much of an obsession, but eating well was a must. It seemed he had to think of some other way to make a living after school. But for now, Bai Su couldn’t worry about that and quickly finished eating before hurrying downstairs to head to his class.

A tall boy extinguished the cigarette in his hand and emerged from a concealed corner of the school building. Staring at Bai Su who was walking quickly in the distance, he seemed to be rooted to the spot. He fixated on Bai Su’s back, unable to take his eyes off him.

Even though he had only caught a fleeting glimpse of the side of Bai Su’s face and could now only see his back, something inexplicably drew his attention.

Yan Shengchen felt a strange emotion in his heart. He felt that the person’s back looked familiar but couldn’t recall who it was. 5lrSj

When the figure was about to disappear, the boy hurriedly asked the nearby companion who was trying to get rid of the smell of smoke, “Lu Junfeng, have you seen that person before?”

Upon hearing this, Lu Junfeng, while skillfully shaking off the school uniform and trying to disperse the smoke, looked in the direction indicated by his boss and squinted for a while before responding to Yan Shengchen, puzzled, “Isn’t that Bai Su from our class? Boss, we’ve been classmates for so long, how come you don’t recognize him?”

Seeing Lu Junfeng’s puzzled expression and hearing his words, Yan Shengchen immediately recalled the silent yet excellent student in his class. Usually, aside from his close friends, he didn’t interact much with the other classmates, but he did recognize everyone.

Speaking of Bai Su, he certainly had an impression. He remembered that this person had good grades but looked ordinary. He usually wore black-framed glasses and always kept his head down, making him a low-presence individual who had never caught his attention before. hrlI9n

For some reason, seeing only his back today felt different from usual.

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Yan Shengchen smacked Lu Junfeng on the back of the neck, “You brat, I was just testing you to see if you could recognize him.”

“Oh, so that’s what it was! Well, of course, I recognized him. Boss, I do have a good memory,” Lu Junfeng replied, rubbing his neck while grinning with a mouthful of white teeth, joking with Yan Shengchen. But Yan Shengchen had no mind to listen any further, leaving his companion behind as he hurried towards the classroom.

Usually, Yan Shengchen wouldn’t rush back to class until the bell rang. He didn’t understand why he was acting so out of character today, but once he entered the classroom, his gaze was involuntarily glued to Bai Su, who was organizing his textbooks at his seat. VMBt2a

Yan Shengchen realized that despite being in the same class for so long, he had never really looked at this person carefully. Now, upon closer inspection, he suddenly found this quiet, top student surprisingly good-looking.

The boy at the desk hadn’t changed much, still wearing the same half-new, half-old school uniform and sporting a simple buzz cut. Compared to most students from wealthy families at this school, he appeared a bit rustic.

Yet, Yan Shengchen felt that even though the boy’s skin wasn’t particularly fair, his features were well-defined with a prominent nose. Most strikingly, the boy had a pair of beautiful single-lidded eyes hidden behind those black-framed glasses. If he took off the glasses, his appearance would probably be even more striking.

Heaven, even his earlobes were round and cute! mCNoeW

Yan Shengchen couldn’t believe that he had never noticed how good-looking this person was. He couldn’t describe it in detail, but he felt that every part of Bai Su looked pleasing to his eyes.

The boy sat there quietly, exuding a peaceful aura that contrasted with his usual gloomy presence, creating a serene and timeless feeling.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

After observing Bai Su for a while, Yan Shengchen finally walked over to him.

Yan Shengchen’s seat was in the back row, which meant he had to pass by Bai Su. Unconsciously, he slowed down, even pretending to tie his shoelaces as he squatted next to Bai Su. ZKoShG

Looking up when Bai Su glanced at him, Yan Shengchen stood up and flashed what he thought was a charming smile before walking to his seat, attempting to appear nonchalant yet feeling awkward.

Seeing Bai Su glance at him and then lower his head to continue reading, Yan Shengchen felt a bit frustrated, not even understanding why he acted this way.

In reality, Bai Su had been secretly observing him ever since he entered the classroom.

Faced with his lover in this world, Bai Su couldn’t help but be curious. He had noticed Yan Shengchen’s attention on him from the moment he entered. fGQtsh

In this life, his lover’s appearance was quite different from before, with sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes, a high nose bridge, and thin red lips. When not smiling, he looked a bit cold, but his smile had a roguish charm.

He looked every bit like a bad boy, yet irresistibly captivating. It made perfect sense that he was considered the school bully.

Though still growing, Yan Shengchen was already tall, standing over 180 cm, making him stand out. A tall, handsome boy, full of youthful energy, was indeed eye-catching.

In the instant he saw Yan Shengchen, Bai Su felt that familiar flutter, the feeling of love at first sight once again. IXN4Fh

He had thought that his lover’s appearance fit his aesthetic perfectly in the first world, felt it was a bit off in the second world, but now it seemed his taste had corrected itself in this world.

Each world’s lover looked different, yet each time they made his heart race. Perhaps his true affection stemmed from the fact that this was the person he loved the most, no matter the appearance. Or maybe it was due to a profound connection between their souls.

Though Bai Su had unknowingly reached the truth in his musings, at this moment, he just felt happy. He was still curious about how Yan Shengchen felt about him.

Bai Su knew that in his current situation, he was quite inconspicuous in the class. Although the original Bai Su and Yan Shengchen were classmates, they had hardly spoken a word to each other in the two years they had been together. izM41r

However, even though his lover in this lifetime was still very handsome, Bai Su couldn’t shake the feeling that there was a special aura about him.

In short, the best way to describe it was silly, or in two words, goofy…

While Bai Su was lost in thought, another boy walked into the classroom. With a reminder from 555, Bai Su knew that this person was the protagonist of this world, Lu Junfeng.

Lu Junfeng had come running after Yan Shengchen, muttering under his breath, “The boss didn’t even wait for me.” It seemed the two of them were quite close. IdxaG

Compared to Yan Shengchen, Lu Junfeng immediately gave off the impression of a sunny, good-natured boy. In the original Bai Su’s memory, he was also a very approachable person.

However, perhaps having such a boss influenced his followers, Lu Junfeng didn’t seem particularly bright either.

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The boy’s school jacket was half-hanging off his shoulders as he swaggered over, thinking he looked quite cool.

Unfortunately, his attempt at being cool lasted only a few seconds before he accidentally knocked some books off a desk he was passing. GvH4Qj

Bai Su saw Lu Junfeng freeze for a moment, look down at the books on the ground, and his face instantly turned red. The boy quickly squatted down, picked up the books, placed them back on the desk, and carefully arranged them. Then he apologized to the cute girl in front of him, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

The girl blushed, smiled, and shook her head gently, whispering, “It’s okay, class is about to start. You should go back to your seat.”

The boy and girl exchanged a glance, both with flushed ears, before Lu Junfeng hurried to his seat.

Bai Su knew that the girl just now was the female protagonist of this world, Yu Shuxuan. It seemed she already had feelings for the male protagonist in their school days, and from their interaction, it was clear they had a mutual crush. lSFT0Z

Yu Shuxuan’s appearance was delicate. Although she wasn’t the type to amaze at first sight, she gave off a very comfortable and pure aura. Even without any deliberate effort to dress up, she could be considered a little beauty. If she dressed up carefully, she would certainly attract more attention.

Moreover, Yu Shuxuan’s grades were also outstanding, always ranking in the top three of her grade. She was excellent in all aspects, no wonder the male protagonist saw her as his goddess.

Thinking this, Bai Su became more interested and shifted his gaze to the pair. Watching Lu Junfeng rummaging through his desk for his textbooks, occasionally revealing a silly smile, Bai Su couldn’t help but smile as well.

The youthful and innocent love between the young boy and girl was sweet and beautiful. LipfeJ

Unexpectedly, Bai Su thought of Zhong Wenbo’s daughter from his previous life. When she got a bit older, she loved reading novels and watching idol dramas, and she was a fan of many celebrities. The girl often told him about the various couples she shipped today and the ones she would ship tomorrow.

Back then, Bai Su had listened in a daze, but now, he seemed to understand the joy of shipping couples.

At this moment, Bai Su watched Lu Junfeng with a heart full of affection for the younger generation, unaware that someone in the back row was feeling uncomfortable.

Yan Shengchen was staring unhappily at Bai Su’s profile. Following his line of sight, it was clear that Bai Su was looking at Lu Junfeng. xUSnGt

Yan Shengchen was inwardly fuming. He had made such a grand entrance and even flashed what he thought was a charmingly roguish smile.

Why hadn’t Bai Su looked at him at all? Instead, he was looking at that simple-minded little follower of his.

His little follower looked alright, but how could he compare to his own handsome self? How could Bai Su have such poor taste! And Bai Su even smiled at Lu Junfeng!

To be fair, it was indeed a nice smile. 7KSWGH

But the point was, he hadn’t smiled at him!

Yan Shengchen felt so wronged, his sorrow almost palpable. But the ringing of the class bell jolted him back to reality.

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Why should he care who Bai Su looked at or smiled at? What on earth had come over him!


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  1. You have many reasons, from which one you want to start?

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖