Heal That Poor Little OneCh40 - The CEO Who Collects Junk

Bai Su looked helplessly at Lu Shangchen. He wasn’t angry, just felt that this guy was a bit silly for tormenting himself with wild thoughts…

Lowering his head, he bit the man’s cheek, leaving a bite mark as a form of revenge. Bai Su looked at him with amusement and then kissed his strong jaw. xZoWPM

Seeing the teasing in Bai Su’s eyes, Lu Shangchen finally felt a bit relieved. The thought that this person liked him made his heart surge with warmth. He held Bai Su’s waist tightly, wanting to get closer to his beloved. His mood was completely different from before.

But just as their lips touched, Bai Su’s phone rang in his pocket. It was a special ringtone set for the original owner’s mother.

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Bai Su inexplicably felt guilty for a second and hurriedly took out the phone in a panic.

Seeing that it was a video call request, Bai Su wanted to reject it. But as soon as Lu Shangchen saw that the caller was labeled “Professor Bai,” he knew it must be the little master’s mother, and in his panic, he tried to sit up. VKQk2d

As a result, his sudden movement caused the youth on top of him to lose balance.

Bai Su’s hand trembled, and he accidentally pressed the answer button instead of the hang-up button, and the phone fell onto the blanket.

The angle of the raised blanket caused the phone to tilt, capturing a clear image of Bai Su lying on top of Lu Shangchen, both of them disheveled. Lu Shangchen’s shirt buttons were violently torn open, revealing a large expanse of bare chest.

Father and Mother Zong were shocked, their eyes widening. Then they saw Bai Su scrambling to pick up the phone. Even so, the very close-up image of Lu Shangchen was unavoidable.


Besides his disheveled clothes, he also had a bite mark on his cheek.


Mother Zong clutched her heart, so shocked she couldn’t speak. Had their youngest son taken a criminal path when they weren’t looking?

Did he fail at coercion and resort to biting out of frustration? uORAqG

Father Zong, seeing Bai Su’s condition, was furious. He never objected to his child’s partner being of the same sex or opposite sex, as long as they truly loved each other. But forcing someone was absolutely unacceptable!

Father Zong immediately shouted angrily at Bai Su, “What are you doing, you brat? Tell me, where are you?”

Bai Su, frightened by Father Zong’s roar, shivered. Seeing their reactions, he knew they had misunderstood. But a misunderstanding was better left for another time to explain. He could only awkwardly give the room’s location and then hung up the video call, getting up to tidy himself.

Hearing that Father and Mother Zong were coming over, Lu Shangchen, who had faced countless big scenes, felt at a loss for the first time. gvVn0d

He felt he had messed everything up, misunderstanding Bai Su and even mistaking his brother-in-law for a rival. Now, he could only be glad he hadn’t done anything more excessive earlier, otherwise, he wouldn’t know how to face the Zong family.

This room was originally reserved by Lu Shangchen for himself, and there were several sets of formal clothes he had tried on before in the closet. Wanting to make a good impression on his beloved’s parents, he quickly opened the closet to choose a new outfit to change into.

Unexpectedly, Bai Su stopped him.

Closing the closet door and seeing the man’s nervousness, Bai Su comforted him by holding his hand and straightening his shirt, which was missing buttons, saying softly, “No need to change, just wear what you have on now. Don’t worry, I’ve already taken care of things at home. Just play it by ear.” dl9OxY

Lu Shangchen didn’t quite understand Bai Su’s meaning, but he knew Bai Su wouldn’t harm him, so he quickly nodded.

After waiting for a short while, the three members of the Zong family rushed over. Che Lingxuan wasn’t among them, probably because they didn’t want the prospective daughter-in-law to see the younger brother-in-law’s disgrace, so they deliberately sent her away.

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Once the three entered the room and closed the door, Father Zong immediately rushed forward, intending to give Bai Su a man-to-man fight, but luckily, Zong Wenbo stopped him in time.

Mother Zong glanced at Lu Shangchen, who, despite being tall and strong, was standing behind Bai Su in disheveled clothes, looking like a wronged wife. She said to Bai Su, heartbroken and distressed, “Didn’t we tell you many times, even if you like someone, you can’t force them! Our Zong family has never raised such an unscrupulous son!” rPdKAB

Mother Zong, scolding him, also wanted to hit Bai Su, teaming up with Father Zong for a combined attack. Zong Wenbo could hold back one, but he was struggling with Mother Zong. He was still in disbelief that his brother not only liked a man but also intended to use force on him.

It wasn’t that he looked down on his younger brother, but given the size difference between Bai Su and this man, could he really manage it?

However, the facts were right in front of him, so he had no choice but to believe it.

Mother Zong was less restrained than Father Zong when she struggled. She rushed forward quickly, and even though she was eventually stopped, she still managed to land several punches on Bai Su. x4VTDb

Bai Su didn’t feel any pain at all. Mother Zong, being a woman, didn’t have much strength to begin with, and she couldn’t bring herself to hit her own son hard.

In reality, Mother Zong was mainly doing this for Lu Shangchen to see.

She didn’t want the man to hold too much of a grudge against Bai Su, thinking it was better for them to take the blame first and let him vent his anger. But this couldn’t go on indefinitely. After a few blows, it was time to talk seriously.

Seeing Mother Zong stop, Lu Shangchen breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, when he saw Father and Mother Zong about to hit Bai Su, he wanted to step forward to stop them, but Zong Wenbo got there first, leaving him no chance to intervene. ndA10u

Now, looking at the situation, his mind was still in a daze. Lu Shangchen didn’t understand why these people were looking at him with expressions as if he were a victim.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Then, after scolding Bai Su harshly, Mother Zong approached him with a face full of guilt and said, “Child, I’m sorry, it’s all our fault for not disciplining him strictly enough. We never thought this brat would be so outrageous!

“Lf abiv er yfobgf atja tf ufcelcfis ilxfv sbe jcv kjcafv ab yf klat sbe cb wjaafg ktja. Qf jvnlrfv tlw atja obgmfv ibnf kbeivc’a ijra, yea tf kjr ilxf qbrrfrrfv, lcrlralcu bc sbe! Vb kf mbeiv bcis afii tlw cba ab erf obgmf.

“Lf qgbwlrfv tf kbeivc’a vb jcsatlcu vgjralm. Qtb kbeiv tjnf atbeuta, pera bcf rilq, jcv tf vlv… ktja tf vlv.” SVORtJ

“Rest assured, although we are his parents, we will not condone his actions!”

After speaking, Mother Zong grabbed Bai Su by the ear and dragged him in front of Lu Shangchen, saying solemnly, “This brat is yours to deal with. Beat him, scold him, do as you please. Just leave him a breath.”

“Mom! You can’t be serious!”

Bai Su knew Mother Zong wasn’t really willing to let him be harmed, but he still put on a shocked expression. Seeing Mother Zong’s determined face, he lowered his head with a look of grievance. Jz3B0h

Seeing Bai Su looking so dejected, Zong Wenbo was anxious. Considering the man’s build, what if he seriously injured his little brother?

He had been socializing at the banquet when his parents suddenly approached him, quickly explaining some things he had no idea about. Even now, Zong Wenbo felt like he was dreaming.

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But the facts were in front of him, leaving him no choice but to believe.

He wanted to protect Bai Su, but they were clearly in the wrong. And if his brother really tried to force someone, he deserved some punishment. 7UOcBb

Zong Wenbo glanced at the man in front of him. His cold and hard appearance, with scars on his face, suggested he wasn’t an easy character. Why did his little brother like such a difficult person?

As he pondered, he saw his father pressing down Bai Su’s head, forcing his brother to bow to the man opposite, saying sternly, “No more excuses, apologize! From now on, don’t bother him, and avoid him when you see him, understand?”

Hearing this, Lu Shangchen finally started to understand the situation. Bai Su must have told them something, making them firmly believe the little master was madly in love with him.

Judging by their reactions, apart from Bai Su, no one else knew his true identity. Z9u3lB

So, his beloved wanted to be with him even without knowing his identity. How foolish he had been!

Bai Su had come out to his family alone and taken all the responsibility upon himself.

He even made the Zong family think he was a straight man, saying it was Bai Su who was actively pursuing him. That’s why they assumed Bai Su was trying to force himself on him when they saw the earlier scene.

The man understood that Bai Su did all this to make his family accept him better. 7BQvdl

How could his little master be so wonderful!

Lu Shangchen was deeply moved, realizing the depth of Bai Su’s feelings for him. What had he done to deserve someone willing to go to such lengths for him?

Yet, what had he done in return? He doubted Bai Su’s feelings, which was a desecration of this pure love!

Compared to Bai Su’s trust and love, his previous suspicions seemed so ugly. 5DkEnB

Deeply moved, Lu Shangchen wanted to embrace Bai Su immediately. But before he could act on his emotions, he heard Bai Su stubbornly say, “I won’t apologize. I didn’t force him; he must like me too! If you don’t believe me, ask him. He didn’t resist when I supposedly forced him!

“I refuse to avoid him. I want to be with him. There’s no one better in this world than him. Even if he’s the head of the Lu family, I won’t let go!”

“You brat, what nonsense are you talking about!”

What did he mean by “he didn’t resist when I forced him”? Was there any justification for coercion? xOYtz4

Hearing Bai Su’s words, Mother Zong was anxious, rushing over to restrain him with Father Zong.

They were doing all this, scolding and making him apologize, to de-escalate the situation. If the other party was really angry and sent their son to jail, what would they do? If he didn’t show remorse, they wouldn’t help him even if he ended up in jail.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

But this stubborn brat just wouldn’t listen!

Meanwhile, Zong Wenbo noticed Bai Su mentioning the man was the head of the Lu family. ykNO5J

Everyone in China knew the status of the Lu family. Recalling his first impression of the man’s familiar face, and noticing the high-end but wrinkled suit on the floor, everything started to make sense.

A flash of inspiration struck Zong Wenbo’s mind as he suddenly thought of a renowned business tycoon.

He quickly raised his head and looked into the bright, tiger-like eyes of the man opposite him, recalling the strong presence he had felt from this person before.

Could it be? XLAyPY

“You… you are Mr. Lu?”

Hearing his future brother-in-law’s question, the man immediately came back to his senses, hurriedly nodding and saying, “Yes, I am Lu Shangchen.”

It really was him!

Zong Wenbo’s face was full of shock, and even Father and Mother Zong looked at Lu Shangchen in astonishment, forgetting to restrain Bai Su. wafY2t

Seeing that Father and Mother Zong’s attention was now focused on Zong Wenbo’s question and no longer on angrily scolding Bai Su, the man breathed a slight sigh of relief.

He quickly softened his expression and explained to Father and Mother Zong, “You misunderstood. The little master didn’t really force me. I… I also like him.”

“Little master, are you alright?”

After saying this, Lu Shangchen tentatively reached out, wanting to support the somewhat disheveled young man. Father and Mother Zong were still in shock and thus let go of Bai Su. 4i8 ZX

This was the first time Father and Mother Zong had met Lu Shangchen. Although they didn’t have much contact with the business world, they had heard his name more than once.

Many of Lu Shangchen’s achievements had been mentioned as examples by their elder son, and there were numerous interview videos and magazines featuring him in their younger son’s collection.

When Lu Shangchen took over the Lu family, it was just an ordinary wealthy family. But after he became the head, he led the entire Lu family to the pinnacle within a few years. Despite his young age, he had already reached this level, making it no exaggeration to call him a business prodigy.

Yet now, this legendary figure was standing in front of them, saying he liked their son! APb03Z

So, was it because Lu Shangchen was rescued by Bai Su when he had amnesia that they developed feelings for each other? But their younger son wasn’t trying to force him earlier.

Could it be that they misunderstood, and the two of them were really in love?

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Maybe their son had just managed to win him over and was too eager to take action.

Moreover, from what they heard, this man even referred to their son as “young master.” Pe4QFO

Lu Shangchen had a commanding presence, yet his attitude towards them was so gentle.

Seeing Bai Su’s arrogant demeanor, holding the man’s hand without any opposition from him, it was clear that Bai Su had him wrapped around his finger.

Who would have thought that the ruthless business tycoon, as rumored, would be like this in private?

Father and Mother Zong didn’t doubt the rumors, understanding that to reach such heights, no one could truly be easygoing. So Lu Shangchen’s attitude towards them was entirely because of Bai Su. CUgy0J

For someone so wealthy, powerful, and highly positioned to be willing to lower himself for Bai Su, he must genuinely love their child.

Although they always viewed their youngest son through rose-colored glasses, Father and Mother Zong knew that aside from his looks, Bai Su was practically useless.

Not to mention comparing him to someone like Lu Shangchen, who had been a genius since childhood—even their proud elder son could only look up to him.

How on earth had their little rascal managed to win over such a big shot? 8B7hM3

Could this be what they call the blessings of the simple-minded?

Confirming that Bai Su hadn’t actually forced anyone, Father and Mother Zong awkwardly but politely smiled. Though their future son-in-law looked a bit fierce, it wasn’t a big issue.

The most important thing was that Lu Shangchen, despite his high position, had no scandals, a clean background, and though his methods might be tough, he had never violated principles or crossed lines.

Such a person, they could trust to take care of Bai Su. OBLz32

“Given the situation, I’ll have someone bring you some clothes, and how about we all have a meal together?” Mother Zong suggested with a smile, noticing how her son couldn’t take his eyes off Lu Shangchen and feeling it was best to solidify this relationship quickly.

“Thank you, Auntie, but there’s no need. I can have my subordinates bring my clothes. You don’t need to trouble yourselves.”

“No trouble at all!” Father and Mother Zong said, waving their hands.

Zong Wenbo also felt it was inappropriate for them to stay, so he said to Bai Su and Lu Shangchen, “You two talk; we’ll be in the next room waiting.” hgmLAw

Lu Shangchen quickly responded, “Okay, big brother!”

Zong Wenbo paused at the door, hearing Lu Shangchen’s address.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He glanced at his brother, who had just graduated and looked fresh and tender, then at the man who was three or four years older than him. He wanted to grab him by the collar and scold him.

In his mind, Zong Wenbo’s inner child cried, wanting to shout and roll around: “How dare you call me big brother, you old cow eating young grass! You can’t touch my adorable brother!” 3xYUIs

But in reality, Zong Wenbo nodded to Lu Shangchen, said “Hmm,” and then closed the door without expression.

Once the room was left with just Bai Su and Lu Shangchen, the man couldn’t help but embrace Bai Su.

The person in his arms not only loved him deeply but had also cleared all the obstacles they might face without him knowing. How could he not be utterly devoted?

After a long, passionate kiss, Lu Shangchen finally released Bai Su, burying his head deeply into the young man’s neck, filled with satisfaction and happiness. KpTeky

Bai Su leaned against his lover, a bright smile on his face. He thought, “See, isn’t it the best when both of us follow the sweet love script?”

Though there were clothes available in the room, to avoid suspicion, Lu Shangchen called Bi Wenrui to send some. Bi Wenrui, without questioning his boss’s request, got to meet the legendary Bai Shao as he wished.

After changing into new clothes, the man followed Bai Su to the Zong family for dinner. Zhong Bo was also shocked upon learning Lu Shangchen’s true identity.

Lu Shangchen, having dominated the business world for years, was naturally adept at socializing and quickly had Father and Mother Zong smiling from ear to ear. Even Zong Wenbo, who was initially somewhat opposed to him, was drawn in by Lu Shangchen’s discussion of business matters. 8JNyLj

After a round of conversation, Zong Wenbo was deeply impressed by Lu Shangchen’s insights and innovative ideas. Taking advantage of the situation, Lu Shangchen successfully stayed overnight at the Zong family home that evening.

Lu Shangchen’s intentions were simple—he merely wanted to gain the Zong family’s favor, and staying overnight was a way to show intimacy. But who could have anticipated that night, he would be “ambushed” by the person he longed for?

Happily, the young man, dressed in nothing but a bathrobe, pounced on Lu Shangchen. The excitement nearly made his nose bleed, and he could no longer restrain himself, finally having the person he loved most.

Afterward, the man apologized as he cleaned and massaged Bai Su, not noticing the smug look on Bai Su’s face as he lay on the bed. The sense of security? It just comes with more practice! 697OLz

From then on, Lu Shangchen became a frequent overnight guest at the Zong household.

While Lu Shangchen thrived at the Zong family, Lu Qingyan felt like she was losing her mind in the detention center. The three people she had hired immediately turned her in.

More terrifying was that those around Lu Shangchen, under his instructions, never gave up investigating the truth behind his car accident and disappearance. They finally found crucial evidence.

Initially, Lu Qingyan denied everything, but Lu Anguo was a terrible accomplice. Brought into the police station and slightly intimidated, he quickly confessed everything and pushed all the blame onto Lu Qingyan. YFIsJ

When the father and daughter confronted each other at the police station, they insulted each other, putting on a dog-eat-dog show. However, no matter how they tried to shirk responsibility, they couldn’t escape legal punishment.

Ultimately, Lu Qingyan and Lu Anguo were sentenced to prison for attempted murder, kidnapping, stealing trade secrets, and embezzlement. What awaited them was a life of endless imprisonment.

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Upon hearing the judge’s verdict, Lu Qingyan felt her world collapse. If it was going to end like this, why had fate allowed her to be reborn?

Although she had always felt that her previous life was unfortunate, in reality, she had always been well-fed and clothed and never lost her freedom. EfnXdW

Since her rebirth, she hadn’t truly obtained anything she wanted. All her evil deeds were exposed, and with one crime after another, she was condemned to waste her life in prison. Even if she were to be released eventually, she would be a frail old woman with white hair, struggling to make a living.

If she had known it would end like this, she would have behaved after her rebirth. Even if she had followed her previous path, it would have been far better than now.

But it was too late for regrets.

Hearing 555 announce the verdicts of Lu Qingyan and Lu Anguo in his mind, Bai Su smiled. His final task was complete. OrZqKw

However, his attention was now focused elsewhere.

In the garden of the Zong family villa, Zong family members and Lu Shangchen’s relatives and friends stood in formal attire. Spring was in full bloom, and the garden was filled with beautiful sights. The carefully arranged venue showed the effort put into the preparations.

Looking at the man in front of him, holding a bouquet of roses with a nervous expression, Bai Su widened his eyes in anticipation. Then he saw Lu Shangchen kneel on one knee, take a small red box from his pocket, and open it to reveal two simple silver rings.

The man held the ring up to Bai Su, his eyes full of nervousness. He took a deep breath and summoned the courage to say, “Little master, will you marry…” rXioYF


The man’s voice suddenly grew smaller. Bai Su raised his chin, urging him to continue.

“Little master, will you marry me?”

“……” bZFOd8

The words took an unexpected turn. Everyone nearby struggled to hold back their laughter. Finally, Bi Wenrui couldn’t help but laugh out loud, triggering everyone else, including Bai Su, to burst into laughter.

After a long while, Bai Su, having laughed enough, looked down at the crestfallen Lu Shangchen. He truly didn’t mind who married whom; all that mattered was that they were together.

With his beautiful eyes curving into crescent moons, Bai Su extended his hand to pull the man up, lightly kissed his lover’s lips, and together, they put on the rings.

Standing hand in hand, Bai Su softly said, “I do, forever and always!” oadHFM

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  1. Sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  2. Which “marry” did Lu Shangchen say? Did he want to marry Bai Su and become the wife, or marry Bai Su into his house and become the husband? lol

    • Initially Lu Shangchen asked if Bai Su was willing to marry into his family and become his ‘wife’ (the term for proposing marriage to women was used here) but changed his mind midway through and asked if Bai Su was willing to take him as his ‘wife’ (not a conventional proposal by any means :p!)

  3. awwwweeee this arc was so cuteeee and flufffyyyyy 🥺🫶💕💕

    thanks for the chapters 😊🫶❤️