Heal That Poor Little OneCh38 - The CEO Who Collects Junk

As the man’s figure disappeared, Bai Su could only temporarily suppress his worries.

555 said that using fewer system points would result in higher scores, which could then be used to upgrade the system. Once upgraded, the system could save precious moments from the small worlds Bai Su wanted to keep, and even exchange points for space slots to store valuable items from those worlds. Bai Su had been very tempted by this ever since learning about it. JqdFA0

In his past life, he hadn’t been able to keep any mementos or precious memories with Luo Chenyu, which he found quite regrettable. So since then, Bai Su hadn’t used 555 excessively, as he had no problem completing tasks on his own.

However, he retained essential functions, such as the system immediately alerting him if his loved one was in danger.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

With the warning function in place, Bai Su felt relieved and decided to focus on other matters.

He was particularly concerned about the return of the Zong family couple. He and Uncle Zhong had discussed it before, knowing their hasty return to China was undoubtedly related to Bai Su confessing his feelings for a man to Uncle Zhong. NrbB7J

So he wanted to go back quickly and discuss it with Uncle Zhong, and also think carefully about how to get Zong Wenbo’s parents to accept his partner, avoiding unnecessary trouble.

Upon returning home, Bai Su had a good talk with Uncle Zhong and then went back to his room to consider the necessary preparations. However, due to some delays, the couple’s arrival was pushed to an evening flight instead of the morning.

Bai Su and Zong Wenbo went to pick them up in person, and Bai Su felt a bit relieved that Lu Shangchen had just left. Otherwise, he’d worry that an unexpected meeting might make his lover uncomfortable.

Most importantly, he himself needed some time to adjust. After all, this was the first time in three lifetimes that he had the chance to interact with his parents. But when he finally met them, Bai Su found himself more joyful than awkward.


Seeing the still-handsome elderly Mr. Zong and the bespectacled Mrs. Zong, wearing a white trench coat and with smile lines around her eyes, they both seemed very easygoing.

Mrs. Zong immediately walked over and pinched his ear, saying, “You little rascal, how much trouble have you caused your brother this time?”

Bai Su cried out in pain and quickly begged for mercy, saying many nice things. Naturally, Mrs. Zong couldn’t bear to be too harsh and let go after a while.

On the way home, the family chatted and laughed. Upon arriving, Uncle Zhong had already prepared a sumptuous dinner. qy2OFv

Seeing the Zong parents focusing all their attention on him at the dinner table, Bai Su quickly shifted the attention to Zong Wenbo, teasing, “You shouldn’t just be talking about me; my brother has something going on, and you don’t seem to care!”

“Oh? What’s going on?” Mr. Zong, taking a sip of wine, looked interestedly at his usually composed eldest son. Zong Wenbo blushed and turned to sternly scold Bai Su, “Don’t talk nonsense in front of Mom and Dad.”

“I’m not talking nonsense, brother. Do you dare say you have no interest in Miss Che? Miss Che is a wonderful girl, you should act quickly. Otherwise, if such a good girl gets snatched away, you’ll have nowhere to cry!”

Zong Wenbo’s face reddened even more, but he didn’t deny Bai Su’s words. He lifted his head and glanced cautiously at his parents. qvyL2Q

Mrs. Zong, adjusting her glasses, smiled kindly, “Wenbo, you’ve been busy with work for so many years. Now that you finally have someone you like, you should pursue her seriously.

“Our family doesn’t care about status or looks, character is what matters. We trust your judgment. Once you’ve established the relationship, bring her home to meet us as soon as possible.”

Zong Wenbo nodded, a bit embarrassed. He did want to pursue Che Lingxuan; he just hadn’t figured out how to confess yet!

The family enjoyed a harmonious dinner, and after finishing, everyone returned to their rooms. When Uncle Zhong followed Mr. and Mrs. Zong into their room and closed the door, the smiles disappeared from the faces of the three elders. mgJAqi

The Zong couple sighed as they looked at Uncle Zhong, and Mrs. Zong asked, “Uncle Zhong, tell us more about Bai Su’s situation. Although we talked briefly over the phone, what’s the exact situation now?”

“Sir, Madam, it’s just as I said before. The young master seems to like men, and now he has a target. However, the man he likes appears to be straight and has been quite cold towards the young master. But it seems that the young master is getting more deeply involved. A few days ago, he even tried to force himself on the man.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

At this, Uncle Zhong’s face was full of helplessness. He recounted how he had seen Bai Su forcibly drag Lu Shangchen into his room, and later the man came out of Bai Su’s room with a grim face and a wounded mouth.

“What did you say? This brat actually did something so outrageous? Liking someone is one thing, but how could he force someone else!” ANsEHj

Mr. Zong immediately widened his eyes in anger upon hearing this. He loved his younger son dearly and didn’t mind his usual willfulness and mischief, but he had strict principles, and such acts of coercion were absolutely unacceptable. No one in the Zong family could ever do such a thing.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Earlier, on the phone, Uncle Zhong had already informed Mr. and Mrs. Zong about how this man and Bai Su had met. Although the man’s background was unclear, he had been well-behaved for a long time and had lost his memory, so they didn’t see him as a threat.

Rbk tfjglcu atja atf wjc kjr mifjgis eckliilcu, atfs ofjgfv tf wluta yf fcveglcu la bcis yfmjerf Djl Ve tjv tfiqfv tlw, gfogjlclcu ogbw tlaalcu yjmx. Lbkfnfg, remt tewliljalbc mbeivc’a yf abifgjafv gfqfjafvis ys jcs cbgwji qfgrbc.

Zgr. Ibcu rlutfv ja atlr, jigfjvs offilcu rbggs obg Oe Vtjcumtfc yfobgf fnfc wffalcu tlw. Coafg jii, fzqiblalcu rbwfbcf’r ugjalaevf kjr lcvfofcrlyif. nrFdMW

The problem was that their youngest son seemed deeply infatuated with this person. How could they get Bai Su to let go?

They knew that their youngest son had always been very pure in his relationships. Even when he became rebellious, he would only drink and brag with bad friends, wasting a few small companies, but had no other vices.

This was the first person Bai Su had ever liked. If they tried to interfere, it might trigger his rebelliousness, making the situation even more difficult to resolve.

“By the way, where is the boy Bai Su picked up? Why didn’t we see him today?” fB5uXh

Upon hearing Mrs. Zong’s question, Uncle Zhong replied, “He told the young master he had something to deal with and left for a few days. He said he’d be back in a couple of days.”

Mrs. Zong nodded, thinking it was probably better not to see him right now. They could first get a clear understanding of the situation and avoid any awkwardness. However, was he really leaving for some business, or was he running away from their son?

If this issue didn’t need to be kept from Zong Wenbo, they wouldn’t have waited to ask Bai Su directly. Their eldest son had always been very protective of his younger brother. If he found out that Bai Su liked men and was trying to force someone, he might immediately cause a scene.

Seeing that it was late and knowing their eldest son, who had a good routine, should be asleep by now, they called their younger son to their room. 7RpJdg

Bai Su, hearing Uncle Zhong’s message that his parents wanted to see him, knew they couldn’t sit still any longer. He had already thought about how to handle this couple, so he was not at all flustered when he saw them.

Moreover, after spending half a day with them, he could feel that this couple genuinely loved their children. As long as he could find happiness, it shouldn’t be too hard for them to accept it.

However, Bai Su didn’t expect that as soon as he entered the room, before he could even sit down, his father immediately said, “Bai Su, can’t you like another man?”

Bai Su was stunned, completely not expecting that his father’s first words would be this. fBI3yp

It wasn’t that he was told he couldn’t like men, nor was he being reprimanded for his orientation, and he wasn’t being forced to try dating women. He was simply asked to like another man.

So, what exactly was wrong with his lover that his parents had such a strong opinion, urging him to switch as soon as they met?

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Seeing his father struggling for words, his mother stepped in, “We already heard from Uncle Zhong and know you like someone of the same sex.

“Actually, your orientation doesn’t matter; we will always be your closest family. As long as you’re truly certain, we will support you in bravely pursuing your happiness. However, if the person you like doesn’t like men, we don’t want you to force them. PVUxEG

“Bai Su, this path isn’t easy. So think about it. Would you try to find someone who shares your orientation?”

Bai Su was really moved to hear his mother say that they would always be his closest family, no matter his orientation. Their suggestions were also for his own good. No wonder the original owner longed to live well with his family. Having such loving family members was truly a blessing.

However, Bai Su firmly shook his head at his mother’s suggestion, saying, “Mom, Dad, thank you for being so accepting. But I really love him. It’s not just about sharing the same orientation. I love him as a person. Even if there were a hundred men in front of me, he’s the only one I’d love. He’s unique in my heart!”

This left Mrs. Zong speechless. It was clear that Bai Su was already deeply attached to this man. This made Mrs. Zong curious about what kind of person could captivate their child so much. q7RG8n

After all, Bai Su was quite good-looking, and their family had a good background. Over the years, many men and women had pursued him, but he had never shown interest in anyone. They thought their child was just slow to develop feelings, not that he simply hadn’t met the right person.

Upon hearing Mrs. Zong’s inquiry, Bai Su immediately took out his phone. The wallpaper on his phone was a photo of Lu Shangchen, which he had secretly taken while Lu Shangchen was cooking during their time living in the snow village.

At that time, Lu Shangchen’s cooking skills had greatly improved. Although the man in the photo was showing only the side of his face, some of the scars on the other side of his face were still visible, though this angle didn’t make them look too hideous.

The man’s features were rugged, and coupled with the scars on his face, he looked rather fierce. However, his eyes were exceptionally gentle. The dish in the pot also looked very appetizing, and this contrast inexplicably gave the man a trustworthy appearance. QZAlLw

No matter how you looked at it, the man in the photo was very charming. Seeing Lu Shangchen’s appearance, Mrs. Zong could somewhat understand why Bai Su would like him.

Bai Su then proceeded to show them his photo album, which was almost exclusively filled with hundreds of photos of Lu Shangchen in various situations.

As he showed the photos to his parents, Bai Su excitedly narrated the circumstances under which each picture was taken, and it was clear that most of them were taken secretly by him.

The three elders watched the enthusiastic Bai Su and listened to his continuous commentary, all in a daze. They exchanged glances, their faces showing a mix of emotions. 5x7f1L

Earlier, when they heard from Uncle Zhong that Bai Su wanted to force himself on someone, Mr. and Mrs. Zong were somewhat skeptical. But now, seeing their son in this lovesick state and his obvious obsession and excitement when talking about the man, they could tell that Bai Su really liked him. He liked him so much that his eyes sparkled when he talked about him.

They began to realize that Bai Su might really act impulsively and do something inappropriate.

What should they do now?

Mr. and Mrs. Zong were very troubled, and Mr. Zong’s expression turned stern. Although he was open-minded and romantic, he absolutely did not tolerate coercion. 8YMsFX

After thinking for a moment, Mr. Zong sternly said to Bai Su, “Bai Su, I know you really like him. Liking someone is hard to control, just like when I fell in love with your mother. If you are sure about him and want to pursue him, I won’t oppose it.

But promise me, no matter how much you like this person, you cannot force him, understand? You can’t use our family’s background to intimidate others. If you do, I will be the first to punish you!”

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Bai Su was delighted to hear this and nodded vigorously, “Don’t worry, Dad, I’ll definitely win him over! But when I bring your future son-in-law home, don’t scare him away! You don’t know, my dear Daobao, he…”

For the next half hour, Mr. Zong had to endure Bai Su’s endless talk about how wonderful this man was and all sorts of detailed habits and preferences about him. Finally, Mr. Zong couldn’t stand it anymore and kicked Bai Su out of the room, telling him to go to bed. Zy728V

He had heard the name “Dabao” so many times that his ears were about to grow calluses!

“What’s with this ‘Dabao’ thing, and he says the guy came up with it? It’s awful, what’s there to be proud of.”

Mr. Zong snorted, closed the door, and exchanged a helpless look with Mrs. Zong.

Bai Su, having achieved his goal, wore a smug smile. After talking for so long, he was parched. To reward himself, he happily went to the kitchen and drank a big glass of juice before heading to his room. OgDX74

However, as he passed through the living room, Bai Su saw Zong Wenbo standing alone on the balcony, facing the cold wind.

So, did his big brother have some troubles? Or was there a problem in his relationship with the female lead? As a younger brother, should he show some concern?

Contrary to Bai Su’s assumption of a relationship issue, Zong Wenbo was actually in a very good mood today. It had been several years since he last experienced such harmonious family time together.

It seemed that ever since he started his senior year in high school, his younger brother had gradually distanced himself. When he went to Huaguo for university, the brothers grew even more apart. pFlqKH

Whenever he managed to come home during holidays, it always ended in arguments. He knew that sometimes he was too controlling and strict, but his parents spoiled Bai Su too much, and he was really worried that his brother would go astray.

He cared about Bai Su but didn’t know how to show it properly. When their relationship started to deteriorate, he wanted to fix it but didn’t know how. Luckily, Bai Su seemed to have finally grown up and could understand his past intentions without resentment.

Standing on the balcony overlooking the garden, the night wind was cold, but it couldn’t dampen his good mood. He hadn’t been there long when Bai Su appeared.

“Why aren’t you asleep yet? Standing here in the cold could make you sick.” sRfzHd

Hearing his younger brother’s concern, Zong Wenbo felt warm inside, thinking that the cute younger brother from the past had returned. He smiled gently at Bai Su and said, “It’s nothing, I’m just happy that Mom and Dad are here.”

Seeing Bai Su nod and come over to lean on the balcony railing, not seeming to want to leave, Zong Wenbo hesitated before saying, “I’m sorry.”

Seeing Bai Su turn his head, he continued, “Bai Su, in the past, my methods were wrong, and I kept reprimanding you. But in my heart, you’ve always been my most important brother. I really want you to be well. I…”

Despite being eloquent in the business world, Zong Wenbo always felt awkward when expressing his true feelings to his loved ones. odUNrC

Bai Su softened his expression and nodded, “Brother, I understand now.”

He looked directly into Zong Wenbo’s eyes, “I was young and immature before, and didn’t know how to express my feelings. Actually, I’ve always admired you. You’re always so outstanding. I’ve always wanted to make you proud, but I could never do anything right.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Hearing the young man’s words, Zong Wenbo became anxious. He wanted to explain, to tell Bai Su that in his heart, Bai Su was already the best, regardless of his own achievements.

But before he could say anything, Bai Su smiled and continued, “I used to think that if I didn’t do well, you would be disappointed in me. But now I understand that I was wrong. Whether or not I’m outstanding, you all love me just the same. You will always be my dearest family. Brother, I should be the one saying sorry for making you and Mom and Dad worry.” 8s FMB

“Bai Su!”

Moved by Bai Su’s words, Zong Wenbo couldn’t help but step forward and embrace the young man, who was almost as tall as himself.

This was his beloved younger brother, his family. They had grown up together and shared the deepest, purest bond. From now on, they should cherish each other.

When Zong Wenbo hugged him, Bai Su was momentarily stunned. However, he could feel the genuine care and familial warmth from his brother. I31gry

A smile spread across Bai Su’s face, and he gently returned the hug, suddenly understanding what it felt like to have a happy family. This feeling was truly wonderful.

The two brothers embraced, unaware that outside in the cold courtyard, a tall figure stood in the shadows. Cold eyes watched them for a long time before turning away.

Lu Shangchen realized he couldn’t stay there any longer, or he feared he might impulsively kill Zong Wenbo. His fists were clenched so tightly that his palms were nearly bleeding, yet he felt no pain—only the greater pain in his heart.

Shortly after leaving Bai Su, Lu Shangchen regretted it. lVkEgO

He suddenly realized that his thoughts had once again become extreme. Normally, he could handle other matters with perfect logic and clear thinking, but for some reason, when it came to Bai Su, he always lost his composure, overthinking and worrying unnecessarily.

In reality, Zong Wenbo and Bai Su weren’t even together yet, and their closeness hadn’t crossed any boundaries. The young master undoubtedly valued Zong Wenbo, but that might just be the concern for a friend who grew up with him. In fact, the young master was even closer to him, if only he hadn’t overthought things.

With this in mind, Lu Shangchen eagerly wanted to see Bai Su. Although he had only been gone a day, he couldn’t control his longing for him.

So after handling some matters, he rushed back, wanting to surprise his young master. RkfLET

But when he got close to the courtyard, full of joy, he saw, from a distance, two figures tightly embracing on the balcony before he even reached the front door.

At that moment, Lu Shangchen felt as if his heart had plunged into an ice-cold abyss.

So, in just one day, had their relationship progressed to this point? Were they now together?

Was the young master still his alone? w4i rj

Lu Shangchen was completely bewildered, with a sharp, stabbing pain spreading through his body. But then, what surged up even more was a sense of defiance. No, no one, no one could love Bai Su more than he did!

Zong Wenbo might be outstanding, but he wasn’t good enough. The young master should be cherished like a treasure, and who else could truly protect him but himself?

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And even if they were together now, it didn’t mean they’d always be together.

The young master belonged to him, and he would take him back, make him understand who truly loved him the most in this world. He would be the one standing by Bai Su’s side in the end! 9anYCu

With this thought, determination filled Lu Shangchen’s eyes. He quickly got back into his car and headed towards the Lu family.

He needed to solve all his problems as quickly as possible and then reappear before the young master with a fresh new look.

He would make Bai Su understand that as long as he was with him, he could have everything he ever wanted!


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  1. I need epic soundtrack while reading Daobao POV

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖