Heal That Poor Little OneCh33 - The CEO Who Collects Junk

Lu Shangchen paused for a moment at Bai Su’s words, then nodded without hesitation. Of course, he was willing. Being able to be alone with Bai Su, without anyone else around, was the best scenario for him.

“Well then, later we’ll…” Bai Su whispered a few words to Lu Shangchen after seeing him agree. Lu Shangchen nodded in compliance, looking like he would defer to Bai Su in anything. umZW v

So the two of them murmured secretively for a while, and then Bai Su, using the excuse of going for a walk, swaggered out of the villa with Lu Shangchen. In reality, they sneaked into the garage, got into a rugged off-road vehicle that Bai Su had previously set his eyes on, and sped away.

As the original owner was a young master, naturally, he had plenty of money in his account. Bai Su just enjoyed the benefits. He went to the supermarket first, bought a lot of food and daily necessities, and put them in the car. He decided to go on a road trip with his beloved partner.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The snowy scenery in the northern part of the country was beautiful in winter, which Bai Su had seen in the memories of the original owner and had long wanted to see with his own eyes. However, the city he was currently in had only a thin layer of snow in winter. Therefore, he decided to go a bit further to experience it with his partner.

The snow village was quite far from here. It would take more than ten hours to drive there, which would undoubtedly be very tiring. However, Bai Su had no choice. Since his partner was currently without any legal documents, he couldn’t buy plane or train tickets. Driving was the only convenient option. QsWKFd

The snow village was a well-known tourist destination, already commercialized with rental cottages available. The original owner liked to travel there very much and had been there two or three times before, making him a regular customer. So as long as Bai Su made a phone call to inform them, it was very convenient to arrange accommodation, and no one would make trouble for him.

The thought of spending a few days together with his beloved in such a fairy-tale-like ice and snow world made Bai Su’s mood especially buoyant.

Driving required a lot of concentration, although it seemed to involve little physical movement, it was actually very exhausting. During the journey, they rested a few times, but fortunately, Lu Shangchen, despite losing his memory, still retained his driving skills. After trying his hand at it, Bai Su found that his partner drove quite steadily, so the two of them took turns driving.

At first, Lu Shangchen didn’t want Bai Su to drive again after he discovered that he could drive, fearing that he would get tired. But how could Bai Su bear to let him bear all the fatigue? When two people were together, it was natural to reciprocate each other’s love and care.


Bai Su never believed in one-sided giving; whether he was the giver or the receiver, it was not a healthy cycle. Continuously giving without receiving would eventually lead to exhaustion. So he never took his partner’s kindness for granted. Since someone entrusted their heart to him, of course, he had to cherish it. He felt grateful and sincerely reciprocated the feelings of the other person, hoping that his partner could also feel cherished, which would make Bai Su feel very happy.

By the time they arrived at the courtyard they were going to stay in, the sky outside had already darkened. Both of them were actually quite tired, although it wasn’t apparent on Lu Shangchen’s face; he was more concerned about Bai Su, who seemed weary.

The person in charge of the resort had been waiting there for a long time; after all, they were their big clients. Bai Su had paid extra money to ensure their comfort, so the person in charge naturally gave them a warm reception. However, after a simple handover, Bai Su asked the person to leave. He intended for these days to be like a little honeymoon and didn’t want anyone to disturb them.

The single cottage wasn’t large, built of wood from the outside, presenting a simple atmosphere. PWrM8s

Surrounded by silver-clad trees, there had been heavy snowfalls in the snow village a few days ago, leaving thick layers of white on the roofs. It was a pity that they didn’t see the scenery of hoarfrost this time; otherwise, it would have been another kind of beautiful sight.

However, the scenery was secondary; the most important thing was the person you were with.

Perhaps because this place was a tourist paradise, the interior of the house was very warm. The fireplace was only for decoration; there was central heating and underfloor heating in the house, so it was perfectly fine to wear only thin clothes indoors.

In such a cozy room, watching the snowscape, it couldn’t be more pleasant. Tjhowm

Lu Shangchen even had a feeling as if this was their real home, and he and Bai Su were a loving couple, happily living in this secluded place.

However, after wandering around for a while, Bai Su also felt tired. He was now both tired and hungry, so he quickly opened his backpack, pulled Lu Shangchen to sit on the sofa, and took out a chocolate-filled sandwich to eat. Of course, he forgot to feed the man next to him. They had been tired all the way, so it was better to fill their stomachs first.

Before, Bai Su had bought a lot of food to put in the car, originally intending to eat on the road. But considering that it was inconvenient to go to the bathroom during their drive, they had to wait until they passed by a rest stop to relieve themselves, so Bai Su had to endure not eating much on the road.

After taking a few bites of the sandwich Bai Su had given him, Lu Shangchen took out some ham and, tearing open the packaging, fed it to Bai Su. Bai Su leaned back on the sofa, enjoying the happiness of being fed, without the group of people from the villa staring at them, they could openly be affectionate with each other. Thinking in his heart, this was life! loGaUm

But they didn’t eat too much; dinner was still important. The cottage was well-equipped, and Bai Su had called ahead to ask them to leave fresh ingredients in the refrigerator, planning to try his partner’s cooking skills in the evening.

In his previous life, although Luo Chenyu was an emperor, he occasionally cooked for himself and Bai Su when he had free time. Although there was the saying that “a gentleman stays away from the kitchen,” in that world, Luo Chenyu completely ignored it and enjoyed being free with Bai Su in private.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

At first, the man’s cooking skills were relatively poor, but after trying his hand at making some desserts and receiving praise from Bai Su, he immediately fell in love with cooking. Later, he even set up a small kitchen in their residence, and after passing on the throne to the next emperor, he often cooked for Bai Su.

So the palace attendants in their bedroom often witnessed the former emperor and empress personally cooking food in the kitchen, living like an ordinary couple. ozVx8E

Thinking about it now, Bai Su somewhat missed his partner’s cooking skills from the past.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He wasn’t polite either, licked his lips, and directly said to Lu Shangchen with an expectant look, “Baobao, I want to eat the food you cook, alright? Look, I deliberately brought you out for a private time, shouldn’t you cook something delicious to reward me?”

Djl Ve’r kbgvr kfgf rtjwfifrris ybiv, yea Oe Vtjcumtfc jmmfqafv atfw jii. Lf ilxfv Djl Ve’r mibrfcfrr jcv kjr kliilcu ab vb fnfgsatlcu Djl Ve fzqfmafv bo tlw. Vlcmf atf sbecu wjrafg rjlv tf kjcafv ab fja atf obbv tf mbbxfv, bo mbegrf, atfgf kjr cb qgbyifw.

Lbkfnfg, obg j wbwfca, tf mbeivc’a atlcx bo ktja ab mbbx, bg qfgtjqr Oe Vtjcumtfc vlvc’a gfwfwyfg ktfatfg tf mbeiv mbbx ja jii. Lbkfnfg, tf tjv rffc atf tberfxffqfg mbbxlcu rbwfatlcu lc atf xlamtfc yfobgf, jcv la vlvc’a rffw abb vloolmeia. 6fDckW

Thinking like this, the man walked to the refrigerator, took out some fresh ingredients, and entered the kitchen.

Although Lu Shangchen’s face remained expressionless, he rarely felt a sense of nervousness. He wasn’t very skilled in cleaning and categorizing in the kitchen, but he started to chop vegetables with a clattering sound.

Although the potato chunks were uneven in size, and the onions were not chopped very finely, these things would be fine as long as they were cooked. It should be okay if they looked a bit ugly.

After all the preparatory work was done, the next step was to cook. The stove in the vacation home was very easy to operate, and lighting it was easy. Up until this point, there hadn’t been any major problems. b7ABgW

But it wasn’t until all those vegetables were put into the pot that a certain usually calm amnesiac CEO realized that cooking was not as simple as he had imagined.

Why were these vegetables sticking to the pot?

Why did these vegetables burn as soon as he took his eyes off them?

Although I put salt in, why does it taste sweet when I taste it? Adding a little soy sauce to fix it, why does it become so salty! pyD7L5

The man lowered his head and saw that he had originally wanted to stir-fry the vegetables, but in the end, he didn’t know what he had stewed in a pot of brown mush. He pursed his lips tightly, not knowing what to do next. Should he really serve such a thing to his precious young master?

Bai Su rested in the room for a while, feeling that he had rested enough, so he stood up. Although he looked lazy just now, he had been thinking about the kitchen.

He actually looked forward to his partner cooking for him. After waiting for so long without any progress, he couldn’t wait any longer. So after considering for a while, he decided to personally go to the kitchen to see how his dinner was coming along.

As soon as he entered the kitchen, he saw the tall figure of the man standing in front of the stove. These months of recuperation had restored Lu Shangchen’s body, no longer as thin as when they first met. Now the man was tall and strong, with broad shoulders. Just looking at his back gave people a sense of security. 9 JyI3

A hint of a smile appeared in Bai Su’s eyes as he slowly walked up behind Lu Shangchen, wrapping his arms around his waist from behind and resting his head on his shoulder. In this life, they were together again, which made Bai Su feel both happy and satisfied.

With a warm body attached to him from behind, the man’s body stiffened for a moment, but soon the joy that spread overtook his whole heart. Being hugged from behind by the person he loved, relying on him like this, this feeling was really wonderful.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The man’s gaze softened even more, and Bai Su, leaning his head to the side, could see the slightly red earlobes of Lu Shangchen. Leaning over, he kissed his earlobe.

The person being hugged blushed even more, and Bai Su chuckled softly, kissing his lover’s cheek again and whispering, “What delicious food have you made for me?” TxyMqF

After saying that, Bai Su lowered his head to look at the fruits in front of him. However, when he saw the pot of unknown food, his smile froze on his face. After a while, he hesitated and asked 555 in his mind, “Xiao Wu, is there food in this pot?”

Seeing this, 555 scratched his chin with his paw, feeling a bit awkward about his host’s question.

Actually, to him, the stuff in this pot looked a lot like the poisonous soup he had seen in a witch’s cauldron when surfing the internet in the past. However, he couldn’t directly say it, so he chose to remain quiet deep in Bai Su’s mind.

Seeing that 555 didn’t answer, Bai Su didn’t ask again. Whatever was in this pot, it not only looked unappetizing but also seemed somewhat frightening. Upon careful sniffing, the smell it emitted was also quite strange. 6GyaJk

However, since this was the first time his partner had cooked for him in this life, Bai Su felt reluctant to let it go to waste. With a generous spirit, he picked up a spoon from the side and was about to put it into his mouth.

Seeing Bai Su’s movement, Lu Shangchen quickly stopped him, feeling somewhat embarrassed as he said, “Or, shall I redo it?”

This thing, Lu Shangchen had tasted it, and it really couldn’t be eaten. But Bai Su felt reluctant to let it go.

“Let me taste it first. Maybe it will taste good,” Bai Su thought optimistically, and while the man wasn’t paying attention, he quickly put the spoonful of food into his mouth. Then, his whole body petrified. GVt0aI

The phrase “Why? Why didn’t I listen to my lover’s advice just now!” circulated in his mind. This couldn’t even be called food, right? What a terrible taste!

“I’ll redo it.”

Noticing Bai Su’s reaction, the man’s face turned even redder, and he quickly poured a glass of water for him.

Bai Su drank half a glass of water, finally getting rid of the taste in his mouth. After coughing, he softly asked after a while, “Have you never cooked before?” D2diLR

The man shook his head. “I don’t remember, but I think I probably haven’t.”

“Uh-huh, I can tell…”

After hearing Bai Su say these words, Lu Shangchen’s face turned even redder.

Bai Su once doubted whether his partner in this life was expressionless. In the photos and videos he had seen of him being interviewed before losing his memory, his face was always expressionless. Even after bringing him back home, his expression was scarce. vIYSwz

At this moment, seeing the man’s face blush, Bai Su felt especially cute and even had some other thoughts.

He nudged the man’s shoulder with his elbow, laughing teasingly, “So what are we going to do about dinner?”

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“I’ll redo it… or, forget it, let’s just have someone deliver it,” said Lu Shangchen reluctantly.

He didn’t want Bai Su to eat food made by someone else. Actually, he had planned well today. If his cooking skills were still good, he would take charge of cooking for Bai Su in the future. But he hadn’t expected his culinary skills to be this bad. odwbNm

It was getting late, and he couldn’t bear to let the young man go hungry, so he reluctantly compromised and let Bai Su continue eating outside food. However, the disappointment in his eyes was particularly evident, and Bai Su found it hard not to notice.

He couldn’t think of a good way to comfort the man, so he took a different approach and simply pinched the man’s shoulder, saying, “Do you want to taste your young master’s cooking?”

Lu Shangchen hesitated for a moment at Bai Su’s words but nodded. Of course, he wanted to eat food cooked by the person he loved.

“Then kiss me, if you kiss me, I’ll cook for you.” JTnHPO

Bai Su smirked mischievously as he held his shoulder, raised an eyebrow, and reached out a hand to lift the man’s chin, teasing him, wanting to see his lover blush and shy away. However, the next moment, he was hugged tightly by the tall man in front of him, and his whole body was pressed against the wall.

Lu Shangchen’s heavy breathing filled the air. He loved it when Bai Su went crazy for him. Today, when Bai Su kissed him, he almost went crazy himself. However, something happened afterward that made him doubt the authenticity of that kiss. But now, this person was teasing him again!

A passionate kiss descended, instantly swallowing up Bai Su’s words. He didn’t even have time to let out a complete whimper before he was pinned down by the man and kissed wildly.

This intense kiss caught Bai Su off guard. He hadn’t fully recovered before he was overwhelmed passively. The man’s strength was great, and his actions were somewhat rough, making him feel a bit panicked. VLTh 1

Lu Shangchen’s side was very clean, and he had never had anyone else, so he wasn’t stunned by the kiss at all. He was just full of determination. The intense scene reminded Bai Su of their early days together in their previous life.

Didn’t they agree that a kiss was just to make him cook dinner? Why did it feel like the man was planning to eat him for dinner!

After a long time, Bai Su felt like he was suffocating, and the man finally released him kindly.

Remembering the delicious taste he had just experienced, Lu Shangchen barely continued. He reached out and gently wiped away the traces of water from Bai Su’s lips, his voice hoarse as he said, “Then tonight’s dinner, I’ll leave it to you, young master.” ENoIwM

Bai Su: Although it felt great, but my mouth really hurts!

In line with the principle of not giving up easily, Bai Su felt his swollen lips and nodded numbly. Ignoring the satisfaction in the man’s eyes, he patted his shoulder and praised him, “Not bad, let me handle dinner.”

Bai Su calmly approached the stove, placing the ruined pot of food cooked by his partner aside. Then he reopened the refrigerator, selecting the ingredients for tonight’s dinner while addressing 555 in his mind, “Xiao Wu, does this count as ‘losing the wife and losing the soldiers’?”

The system blinked its small black bean eyes and raised a finger, smartly replying, “It shouldn’t count. Host, this should be considered as offering oneself to the door as a present for the pig!” xsCAb7

Bai Su: …

Alright, you’re cute, and what you said is right.

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What else could he say? Who made him not only actively seek the pig, but also be so happy to be hugged by the pig, wishing the pig would hug him again twice?

No, he was led astray by Xiao Wu! V7QrkI

How could his man be a pig? Clearly, he was a mighty tiger. Even if his lover really was a pig, he would be the most handsome pig in the world!

After finishing the discussion with Xiao Wu about the cabbage and pig issue, Bai Su also finished selecting his ingredients.

Bai Su’s cooking skills were actually not as good as Lu Shangchen’s in his previous life, but after spending a long time with his partner, he had learned some skills. Bai Su was best at outdoor barbecue.

In the past, during marches and battles, there were some special circumstances, and he couldn’t afford to make such elaborate dishes. Eating dry rations for a long time became tiresome, so Bai Su would personally take people to hunt for wild game. Therefore, in the past, Lu Shangchen was the one cooking, and Bai Su assisted. IyHd6L

But in this life, he finally cooked better!

Bai Su felt that fortunes had turned, and confidently had the man assist him. Lu Shangchen’s cutting skills were not good, as he had never done this before, but under Bai Su’s guidance, he quickly got the hang of it. At least now, the vegetables he cut were much better than when he first started cooking by himself.

Both of them were now very hungry, and Bai Su didn’t plan to make anything too complicated. Just a simple dish of sour cabbage fried pork, and a plate of hand-torn cabbage.

Originally, he wanted to make a dish of boiled pork slices, but considering that his lover needed to avoid certain foods due to his injuries, Bai Su changed it to vinegar-glazed pork slices. They also had some pre-cooked food that could be sliced and made into a dish. Once a pot of rice was simmered, their dinner would be completely ready. YvTp2j

Watching Bai Su quickly prepare a dinner that was delicious in color, fragrance, and taste, Lu Shangchen was surprised. He hadn’t expected Young Master to appear so incompetent in everyday tasks but cook so well. He was determined to learn well himself, to improve his cooking skills and take care of the person he loved in all aspects.

After serving the dishes on the table, Lu Shangchen eagerly wanted to feed Bai Su. However, at this point, Bai Su didn’t want to be waited on, as he tended to forget about himself when caring for others. He couldn’t let one person eat while the other went hungry.

So Bai Su confidently refused the man’s feeding, ignoring the accusing look in his eyes, and enjoyed his meal.

Lu Shangchen, feeling helpless, also picked up his chopsticks to eat. As he took a mouthful of the sour cabbage fried pork, the sourness of the cabbage was refreshing, and the dish was fried with fatty pork oil, making it very fragrant. The vinegar-glazed pork slices were seasoned just right, and the meat was tender and smooth. G8DUho

His young master’s cooking skills were unexpectedly good!

In his heart, Lu Shangchen praised Bai Su’s skills and ate heartily, almost wanting to swallow his tongue.

Lu Shangchen ate enthusiastically, replenishing his rice twice in one go, while Bai Su refilled once. The two big men finished all four dishes plus a pot of rice.

After eating and drinking their fill, Bai Su rubbed his round belly and collapsed contentedly on the sofa. mhLIi2

Very thoughtfully, Lu Shangchen took some strawberries from the refrigerator, washed them clean, and placed them in front of Bai Su.

Although they were already full, the strawberries were big and red, and Bai Su couldn’t resist taking one and biting into it. The fresh strawberries were crisp, sweet, and juicy, perfect for eating in the winter.

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He quickly stuffed one into Lu Shangchen’s mouth, urging him to taste it quickly. When there’s something delicious, it should be shared with the person you love!

In the end, Bai Su couldn’t resist the temptation. Even though his stomach was already full, he ended up eating strawberries until his stomach bulged. Finally, Lu Shangchen could only sit beside him, laughing and crying as he helped massage his stomach. d3mNaJ

But when he looked at the man, whose stomach was also rounded from overeating, Bai Su didn’t feel embarrassed anymore.

Patting Lu Shangchen’s stomach, Bai Su said seriously, “Baobao, you look like you’re carrying my child!”



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    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖