Heal That Poor Little OneCh25 - The Prince Who Was Both Weak and Poor

On the day of leaving the imperial city, Luo Chenyu personally saw off Bai Su at the city gate. Watching the beloved’s tall figure recede into the distance, he could only hope for his safe return as soon as possible.

Bai Su, being able to become a general of the empire at a young age, was not to be underestimated in terms of both strength and tactics. Moreover, with the support of both the emperor and the Marquis of Anguo, military funds were no longer withheld, and the best supplies were sent to the front lines. With no worries behind them, the army could fight more freely. fx9G50

Bai Su devoted himself day and night to the enemy, and in just nine months, he completely defeated Dayan. The leader of the enemy was directly beheaded by him, and they even captured the heir of Dayan, taking a large chunk out of the Dayan Kingdom.

Not only that, but the surrounding tribes were also completely eradicated by him. Dayan suffered a major blow, and for at least the next few years, neighboring countries would definitely not dare to invade again.

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With the victory of the war, peace finally came to the border, and the generals returned triumphantly with their soldiers.

On the day of returning to the imperial city, Bai Su wore silver armor and rode on a tall horse. With the soldiers behind him exuding a strong aura of killing intent, he marched towards the direction of the palace. 7dA MD

The surrounding people welcomed them along the way, throwing countless flowers and handkerchiefs towards the returning soldiers. Everyone praised the warriors of the border, praising the Prince Zhong, the undisputed war god of Donghua.

During Bai Su’s time fighting on the border, Luo Chenyu also successfully changed his reputation, dispelling those unfavorable rumors and gossips. Real-time battle reports would also reveal some information to the public, letting people know how the soldiers on the border fought bloodily to protect their safety, disregarding their own lives and deaths.

When they arrived at the city gate, a dark figure caught Bai Su’s attention. Luo Chenyu personally led civil and military officials to the city gate to welcome Bai Su’s return, which was undoubtedly a great honor.

Bai Su curled his lips, revealing a charming curve. Seeing the man whom he had missed countless days and nights, but could only relieve his lovesickness through letters, he spurred his horse and galloped over.


Luo Chenyu’s excitement was also evident in his eyes. He saw Bai Su dismount, and immediately stepped forward.

He tightly held Bai Su’s hand and said to him, “I’ve come to pick you up!”

In front of everyone, Luo Chenyu still used the word “I”, keeping his posture extremely low.

Bai Su looked at his lover’s gentle brows and eyes, feeling his heart melt completely. He nodded vigorously at Luo Chenyu and said, “I have fulfilled my promise, and it only took nine months.” vBn98C

After saying this, he leaned closer to the man and whispered softly, “I’m back!”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf akb rwlifv ja fjmt batfg jcv fcafgfv atf lwqfglji mlas tjcv lc tjcv. Cmmbwqjclfv ys Oeb Jtfcse jcv atf mlnli jcv wlilajgs boolmljir, atf aglewqtjca rbivlfgr bcmf jujlc rabbv lc atf mbega. Oeb Jtfcse rabbv ja atf tlut qbrlalbc jcv vlgfmais jccbecmfv gfkjgvr obg atf jgws.

Lbkfnfg, ktfc la mjwf ab Djl Ve, tf qjerfv jcv vlv cba vlgfmais wfcalbc jcs gfkjgvr. Pcrafjv, tf ibbxfv ja Djl Ve, tlr fsfr oliifv klat j rwlif, jcv rjlv, “Qtja xlcv bo gfkjgv vbfr atf Uglcmf Itbcu kjca, jcv P klii ugjca la klatbea tfrlajalbc?”

“Does that mean whatever reward I desire, Your Majesty will grant it to me?” Bai Su understood the man’s meaning, raised an eyebrow, and smiled. DEOCjg

This statement sounded somewhat arrogant, and the surrounding officials felt embarrassed as they cautiously looked at the Emperor’s expression, but they found that their Emperor did not show any displeasure. Instead, he nodded with a smile towards the Prince Zhong and said, “Your words are not to be taken lightly.”

“In that case, how about granting me the position of Empress?” Bai Su’s smile became even brighter, and he casually uttered words that shocked everyone present.

The courtiers were in an uproar, staring at the audacious Prince Zhong in shock, worried that His Majesty would be angered and decide to drag this meritorious hero, who had just returned from the battlefield, out of the gate and execute him.

But the next moment, the Emperor’s reaction surprised them even more. IDU3pG

Luo Chenyu was stunned for a moment, but then a pleased smile appeared on his face. He made an effort to compose himself, not wanting to lose control in front of the courtiers. Clearing his throat, he said loudly, “I am delighted.”

After saying this, he walked to Bai Su’s side and firmly held his hand, solemnly announcing in the hall, “From this day forward, Prince Bai Su is my consort! Consort Bai Su saved Donghua from fire and water, and I can only repay him with my life. For the rest of my life, I have only Consort Bai Su, and I will not disappoint him.”

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Hearing the Emperor’s response, the courtiers were dumbfounded.

Damn it, repaying him with his life! vMdQtS

Looking at the two people holding hands tightly, with eyes only for each other. If these two people didn’t have an affair, no one would believe it even if they were beaten to death!

But what could they say now? The new Emperor, seemingly gentle on the surface, was actually decisive. Now, all the political power was in the hands of His Majesty, and all the military power was in the hands of the Prince Zhong.

They controlled both military and political affairs, and the officials in the court had long been obedient to Luo Chenyu. Moreover, although male-male marriage was rare, it was not unheard of, especially with the status of the Prince Zhong. So, in the end, no one even dared to voice opposition.

If the Emperor wanted to appoint the Prince Zhong as his consort, what could they do? They could only congratulate them! plP6BY

Luo Chenyu observed the reactions of the courtiers with satisfaction, narrowing his eyes in contentment. It was worth using his recent decisive methods.

Very good, now everyone in the world would soon know that Bai Gege belonged to him!

After leaving behind a group of stunned courtiers, Luo Chenyu announced the end of the court session and hurriedly took Bai Su back to his own sleeping quarters.

He immediately checked Bai Su’s body for any new injuries, and when he found a few shallow scars, his expression immediately darkened. KzxXf

He looked at Bai Su accusingly, and Bai Su, feeling a bit guilty, touched his nose and said in a conciliatory tone, “I’ve been careful, I didn’t get any serious injuries. These are just superficial wounds, you see, the scars are almost invisible!”

Luo Chenyu also knew how dangerous the battlefield could be, and it was impossible to avoid all injuries. However, even so, he still felt unhappy. And when he was unhappy, someone disobedient would be punished.

“Bai Gege,” Luo Chenyu put his head on Bai Su’s shoulder, looking aggrieved. “I missed you so much! When you hurt yourself, I felt so sad. You have to compensate me!”

Bai Su heard his lover’s words and suppressed a smile, but still nodded obediently, saying softly, “I’ll listen to you, Zichen…” unQYgo

Their lips met, and there were no more words to be said. They had waited too long and just wanted to have each other. All the palace attendants in the sleeping quarters had retreated, leaving only the lovers to enjoy each other’s company, merging into one another.

After days and nights of fighting and rushing back to the imperial city, Bai Su’s body was actually feeling a bit tired. But his spirit couldn’t contain its excitement, feeling the overwhelming happiness of being one with his beloved. At that moment, when they were completely possessed, his spiritual power couldn’t help but extend out, trying to invade Luo Chenyu’s mind.

The people in this world were not from the interstellar era and couldn’t use spiritual power, nor was their minds widely developed. Even so, trying to make someone automatically open their mind was like a fairy tale, only achievable when there was extreme trust between them. But at this moment, Luo Chenyu’s mind unexpectedly subconsciously opened up to him without reservation!

Bai Su was amazed in his heart, but more than that, he was touched. He didn’t hesitate and directly imprinted his mark on Luo Chenyu’s mind, quietly asserting his sovereignty. OZ2X5y

At the moment the mark was imprinted, Luo Chenyu felt something. He felt a strong tingling sensation rush to his forehead, sending him into a frenzy.

After a satisfying night, Bai Su lay on the bed, feeling completely weak and powerless. The man behind him diligently applied medicine to his body and massaged his waist.

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Bai Su sighed, feeling a bit reckless. But after a moment of reflection, he quickly smiled, thinking that occasional recklessness was quite enjoyable, especially when he truly loved this guy.

Luo Chenyu, with a satisfied expression, massaged Bai Su’s waist attentively, and the curve of his lips never faltered. m1Y8fe

He finally and completely had the person he loved. Next, he had to quickly arrange the ceremony to let everyone know they were a couple and to prevent others from coveting his lover!

Luo Chenyu had prepared for this in advance, so he quickly arranged the ceremony without any flaws.

On the day of the wedding, Luo Chenyu and Bai Su stood side by side on the platform, both dressed in solemn black attire. Since Bai Su was not a woman and was a warrior on the battlefield, his attire was not as elaborate, focusing on simplicity and grandeur.

The two men stood shoulder to shoulder, one outstanding and heroic, the other handsome and gentle, looking extremely compatible. JjAh 1

Looking at the civil and military officials below the platform, Luo Chenyu held Bai Su’s hand firmly and said affectionately, “Bai Gege, I will definitely create a prosperous age for you and share this kingdom with you.”

Bai Su smiled and replied, “I don’t care about the kingdom, as long as I have you, I’m enough.”

Luo Chenyu’s heart trembled at his words, feeling that what Bai Su said was too good to be true. His lover who said such sweet words, he really wanted to kiss him!

Because both the Emperor and the consort were extremely strong-willed, their marriage didn’t face much opposition. The retired Emperor expressed dissatisfaction with Luo Chenyu, but since he had been away from the court for too long, his words didn’t carry much weight. lAn7qF

Moreover, he had other offspring, and after Luo Chenyu easily deflected his objections, he no longer cared about this matter. After all, Luo Shaoyuan himself was a pleasure-seeker.

But even though Luo Chenyu had said from the beginning that he would spend his whole life with only one person, many people didn’t take his words seriously.

They felt that even though the Emperor and the Prince Zhong were affectionate now, they would still eventually want offspring. Moreover, few emperors in history were faithful. So, after a few years, some people attempted to propose selecting palace beauties.

However, as soon as that minister spoke, there was no need for Bai Su to say anything, as he was severely punished and rebuked by Luo Chenyu. With this precedent, other ministers dared not raise the issue again. They could only wait until the Emperor completely grew tired of the Consort. iN8fPK

However, they never got to see that day.

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  1. Sweet story

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  2. I’m so glad they got to live out the rest of their days in peace! Usually in QT novels the MC has to abandon each arcs abruptly, not to mention it’s rare for cps to be so affectionate and respectful of each other. Also adore MC’s personality even more since he’s not a stereotypical shou