Heal That Poor Little OneCh24 - The Prince Who Was Both Weak and Poor

The two hugged for a while, calming the surging emotions in their hearts. But then Bai Su remembered something important and earnestly said to Luo Chenyu, “If you’re with me, you can’t have anyone else, and we won’t have children. Are you still willing?”

Luo Chenyu saw the nervousness in Bai Su’s eyes and felt endless joy spreading in his heart. He nodded vigorously, promising, “Of course, there will be no one else. As long as I have Bai gege, that’s enough. Even in the past, I’ve never been with anyone else. But Bai gege, have you been with someone else?” gAJ S0

Bai Su blushed and shook his head, “Never, you are the first person I’ve liked.”

“That’s great!” Luo Chenyu’s heart was filled with joy.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“We’ve both agreed. In the future, Bai gege can’t marry anyone else, and I won’t have anyone else. We’ll always be together. When the court stabilizes, Bai gege will become my empress. Is that okay?”

Luo Chenyu solemnly declared, but Bai Su could see the anticipation in his eyes, as if worried that he wouldn’t agree. X16BWg

Raising his hand, Bai Su touched his lover’s cheek and nodded with a smile. His beloved was the emperor of Donghua Kingdom, willing to go this far for him. Bai Su was deeply moved, how could he not agree?

Seeing Bai Su’s agreement, Luo Chenyu’s heart finally settled. The two gazed quietly at each other, and slowly, their lips met again. Unlike before, this kiss was gentle and tender.

Bai Su pulled at Luo Chenyu’s collar, and as they kissed, they naturally moved backward until they gracefully fell onto the bed.

He intentionally guided the situation, because for Bai Su, he was no longer alone; he had his own lover now. This was something he had gained in this lifetime, something to cherish every moment.


Having such a beautiful man who matched his preferences in every way as a boyfriend, of course, they should enjoy each other’s company.

The thick curtains fell, and the candles outside flickered. The heat inside the chamber continued to rise, rolling waves of warmth carrying a sweet sensation to the depths of their hearts.

However, when it came to the final step, Luo Chenyu stopped.

Seeing the confusion in Bai Su’s eyes, the gentleness in Luo Chenyu’s eyes grew stronger, more certain that Bai Su’s feelings towards him were genuine. Otherwise, how could a hero like Bai Su, the War God of Donghua, be willing to completely surrender himself? lyD8c7

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Luo Chenyu kissed Bai Su’s nose tip and whispered softly, “Go to sleep early. There’s a long road ahead once your injuries heal.”

Dea Djl Ve atbeuta atja joafg abvjs, tf kbeiv tjnf ab ifjnf atf qjijmf jcv ub ab atf yjaaifolfiv, jcv atf oeaegf wluta yf ojg jkjs. Lf rtbbx tlr tfjv ja Oeb Jtfcse, lcvlmjalcu atja tlr lcpeglfr kfgf olcf jcv tf kjcafv ab mbcalcef.

Vfflcu Djl Ve’r fzqgfrrlbc, Oeb Jtfcse’r fsfr oliifv klat fnfc wbgf jwerfwfca. Lf rmjccfv atf gbbw jcv ofia tf tjv obecv rbwf xfs jcrkfgr. Lf ktlrqfgfv rboais, “Fcmbwobgajyif? Ofa wf tfiq sbe.”

After saying that, Luo Chenyu lowered his head, a gesture that widened Bai Su’s eyes in surprise. Although he was born in the interstellar era and had much more experience than Luo Chenyu, experiencing it firsthand, he was taken aback. He couldn’t resist at all and just let himself be manipulated. qjwNE8

After it was over, with a flushed face, Bai Su looked at Luo Chenyu, stuttering as he tried to speak.

Luo Chenyu knew what Bai Su was hesitating about, and smiled gently at him, “Drink something warm tonight, it’s good for your body.”

“How could that be good for my body?” Bai Su was amused, realizing that Luo Chenyu was just making up things, looking at him with an expression that said, “I didn’t expect you to be like this.”

But the man across from him suddenly looked at him expectantly and leaned over, whispering softly, “Then, Bai gege, do you want to do something good for your body?” X7GJr0


So, Bai Su also did something good for his body.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

That night, Bai Su slept in the emperor’s bedchamber, watching his lover sleep peacefully. Luo Chenyu’s heart was filled with unprecedented satisfaction, feeling as if all his wishes in life had been fulfilled.

Once Bai Su was completely asleep, Luo Chenyu quietly left the room. He gestured for the palace guards to come and quietly told them to recall all those who had been sent out. bIvdJ3

No one knew that the night before, the mansion of Prince Zhong had been surrounded by the imperial guards and secret agents, and everything had been as quiet as if nothing had happened.

The next day, when the sun had risen high, Bai Su woke up. He found himself still in Luo Chenyu’s arms, the two tightly embracing each other, their skin touching intimately.

With a feeling of contentment filling his chest, Bai Su leaned over and kissed Luo Chenyu’s face. He saw the man who had been pretending to sleep instantly open his eyes, and the two smiled at each other, seeing deep affection in each other’s eyes.

Luo Chenyu dressed Bai Su with his own hands, and Bai Su felt nothing awkward about it. They were already intimate lovers, so doing such things was perfectly normal for him. BCjQHu

But as he was being served by his beloved, his body suddenly stiffened for a moment, and it wasn’t until he saw Luo Chenyu’s puzzled gaze that he quickly put on a smile. He asked in astonishment to the 555 in his mind, “Xiao Wu, what does it mean that the Prince’s Mansion was surrounded last night?”

“Lord Host, it means just what it says. Last night, as soon as you left, the Prince’s Mansion was surrounded by the imperial guards and palace secret agents. After you fell asleep, I saw the target secretly order everyone to withdraw.”

Upon hearing 555’s words, Bai Su instantly broke out in a cold sweat. He had never been stupid, and immediately thought of the reason behind it.

He actually asked Luo Chenyu what the matter was with the commander of the imperial guards coming so late yesterday. It must have been because of this! pB4vNP

He discreetly glanced at the seemingly gentle man in front of him and didn’t expect this guy to still have a heart that wanted to seize and dominate. It felt somewhat strange!

Luckily, he had come to the palace yesterday. Otherwise, they would have wasted a lot of energy unraveling the misunderstanding. Bai Su didn’t like this kind of misunderstanding and silently wiped away his sweat.

Luo Chenyu, who in the original timeline would become a historic emperor, naturally had a strategic mind that ordinary people couldn’t match. How could he be as soft and gentle as he appeared? It seemed that he needed to be more alert in the future and extinguish all sorts of misunderstandings at the bud.

Having misunderstandings was one thing, but the key was that Bai Su couldn’t bear to see this person feeling upset after the misunderstanding. He would feel heartbroken! Wna4g0

As for the actions Luo Chenyu ordered yesterday, Bai Su didn’t feel any anger. Instead, he felt guilty about it.

Establishing their relationship yesterday, with his boyfriend filter on, Bai Su’s heart was even more biased towards him.

If he didn’t indulge his own lover, would he give others the chance to indulge him?

Thinking like this, Bai Su pinched the man’s chin, and then kissed him deeply, making Luo Chenyu’s eyes squint with joy. 4eJcxG

When the palace attendants came to serve breakfast and saw the Prince appearing in the Emperor’s bedchamber, they couldn’t help but be surprised. However, the attendants serving in the imperial court were of high quality and did not show their surprise.

The Eunuch Wang , on the other hand, was delighted, his face full of wrinkles now smiling like an old chrysanthemum.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

He had been following Luo Chenyu for many years and had long understood his master’s thoughts about the Prince. Now, seeing his master smiling and serving the Prince food, with a look of fulfillment on his face, Eunuch Wang couldn’t help but shed tears of joy.

His master had suffered for so many years, living like a solitary monk, but now he finally had someone close to his heart! tfeAYd

As for whether this person was male or female, hehe! Eunuch Wang didn’t think it was important at all.

The former emperor has both sons and daughters, yet the Crown Prince still came to seize the throne. It would be better not to have a child than to give birth to a bastard!

Fortunately, there is no court session today, so both of them have time to rest. After having breakfast and dismissing the palace attendants, Bai Su solemnly told Luo Chenyu his decision, “Zichen, I want to go to battle!”

Upon hearing Bai Su’s words, Luo Chenyu stood up instantly, glaring at him and said angrily, “I told you that you can’t go! Why do you have to leave the imperial city, leave me? Why can’t you just stay by my side peacefully!” A 5YFj

Seeing Luo Chenyu’s emotional outburst, Bai Su felt a pang of pain at the sight of his struggling expression. Thinking that they had just established their relationship and were about to be separated, it was indeed cruel for his beloved. Actually, he didn’t want to leave Luo Chenyu either.

He knew his partner was uneasy, so he stepped forward and took his hand, patiently explaining, “Zichen, I don’t want to leave either. But as you know, this time we have a tough battle to fight for Donghua, and there is no one more suitable than me. I’m equally reluctant to leave you, but Zichen, this land is the most beloved to me, and I must defend it for him!”

Hearing this, Luo Chenyu’s eyes reddened slightly. Listening to Bai Su’s sincere words, he embraced him tightly. He knew in his heart that this battle was inevitable, and only by sending Bai Su could they have a greater chance of victory; otherwise, it would be the people of Donghua who would suffer.

But he couldn’t bear it, really couldn’t bear it. If he could, he would personally lead the troops! gTOV1C

However, after so many years of depletion in Donghua, the foundation was almost empty, and he had too many things to deal with. Now the country was in a precarious situation. If they couldn’t hold onto this land, when the country fell, what happiness could he and his beloved have? So even if he had a thousand and ten thousand unwillingness, he had to let Bai Su go.

“One year! I can only give you one year. If within this year you cannot achieve great success and completely resolve the border issues, I will personally come to find you. Even if I have to tie you up, I will bring you back!” The man gritted his teeth, staring at Bai Su fiercely, and finally relented.

Bai Su’s eyes softened upon hearing this, gently kissing the man’s lips in agreement to his request. With his abilities, one year should be enough.


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  1. 1 year of flirt in letters

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖