Heal That Poor Little OneCh20 - The Prince Who Was Both Weak and Poor

Perhaps it was the feeling at that moment that was too beautiful, Luo Chenyu was so indulged that he couldn’t stop. So he didn’t realize that Bai Su, who had been fed soup medicine, had slowly awakened after a period of unconsciousness.

The pain in his shoulders persisted, and Bai Su’s consciousness slowly returned. He knew what had happened today, but he didn’t regret blocking arrows for Luo Chenyu, even feeling fortunate that it was himself who got injured. cQt32q

Bai Su didn’t know how long he had been unconscious, only feeling weak due to blood loss. His senses were recovering, and he was feeling itchy on his face for some reason. Then something kept touching his lips, soft, but it felt surprisingly good. It even had warmth, feeling like someone’s lips.

This thought startled Bai Su, his eyelashes trembling as he struggled to open his eyes. But when he truly opened them, what he saw left him stunned.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Luo Chenyu’s enlarged face was right in front of him, kissing him, with an evident intoxication on his face, leaving Bai Su stunned, unsure how to react. Allowing the man’s gentle touch on his lips, from top to bottom, each peck made Bai Su feel the cherished affection hidden in Luo Chenyu’s heart.

His heart was uncontrollably racing, Bai Su’s cheeks flushed, and he felt the blood boiling throughout his body, as if it wanted to flow out of the wound on his chest. He quickly raised his hand, pushing Luo Chenyu away, his face showing a shocked expression. i BSPt

Luo Chenyu was startled awake by Bai Su’s push, seeing Bai Su’s eyes and feeling his heart sink instantly. He had been discovered and finally exposed by Bai-gege! Worried that Bai Su would be disgusted, he was relieved to finally reveal his feelings.

Summoning the courage to meet Bai Su’s gaze, Luo Chenyu found surprise but not disgust in Bai Su’s eyes, slightly easing his nerves. Without speaking, he just stared at Bai Su, as if waiting for his judgment.

After a while, Bai Su pursed his lips and showed a somewhat embarrassed smile, saying, “I tasted the medicine, were you feeding me just now? Thank you for taking care of me.”

Hearing Bai Su’s words, Luo Chenyu fell silent for a while, not expecting Bai Su to attribute it to him feeding him medicine.


Luo Chenyu understood that Bai Su might not necessarily be unaware of the truth, perhaps just avoiding a confrontation. By admitting to it now, they could maintain this surface calmness. Not having to worry about breaking something was undoubtedly the safest option.

But, was this really what he wanted?

He had never wanted just friendly affection between them! He wanted Bai Su, the person, he wanted Bai-gege’s heart!

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

So Luo Chenyu took a deep breath, summoning courage from somewhere, staring into Bai Su’s eyes, shaking his head, and denying, “No, at first, I was indeed feeding you medicine. But later, it wasn’t!” S24M6s

“Ktja, atja…”

Djl Ve ibbxfv ja atf lcafcrf fwbalbcr lc Oeb Jtfcse’r fsfr, revvfcis ecjyif ab wffa tlr ujhf, cba vjglcu ab vfinf lcab mfgajlc jcrkfgr.

“Aera jr Djl-ufuf atbeuta, P kjr xlrrlcu sbe. Djl-ufuf, mbeivc’a sbe offi ws lcafcalbcr?” Oeb Jtfcse ifjcfv lc, ygfjxlcu atf ijra yla bo agjcdelilas yfakffc atfw, obgmlcu Djl Ve ab mbcogbca atflg gfijalbcrtlq.

Could he not feel it? How could he not feel it?! He was constantly feeling moved for him. fUiutz

Bai Su was never foolish; he knew he had intentionally indulged in their intimacy. Perhaps unconsciously, their intimacy had already surpassed friendship. Despite saying he wanted to distance himself, he didn’t stop, longing for the other’s tenderness.

How he wished to cast aside all concerns, to let Luo Chenyu know how much he wanted to accept him, and how he too harbored feelings for him.

But he couldn’t…

He didn’t truly belong in this world; he couldn’t give promises, couldn’t act so irresponsibly. KnVefC

Bai Su lowered his gaze, suppressing the bitterness in his heart, saying nothing. Or perhaps, he truly couldn’t utter a word. Clearly, refusing was the right thing to do, yet he lacked even the courage to refuse. At this moment, he felt like a coward for the first time.

And Luo Chenyu, seeing Bai Su’s struggle, felt he already knew the answer. Even if he had countless unwillingnesses in his heart, he had to accept it.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

His gaze was firmly fixed on Bai Su’s face, the fire in his eyes slowly extinguishing. He gave a wretched smile, nodded, and said, “I understand, Bai-gege, take care of yourself, I won’t bother you anymore.”

After saying that, Luo Chenyu turned and left. caUdr

Watching the other’s devastated appearance, Bai Su couldn’t help but open his mouth, but ultimately didn’t utter a word to stop him.

The pain in his chest grew stronger and stronger. Just thinking about how they might become strangers from now on, Bai Su felt like his heart had been torn out. Losing someone you like is such a painful feeling.

Even though he reminded himself daily, Bai Su unknowingly held him in his heart. He had already fallen, only to realize they were doomed to have no future. With a bitter taste in his eyes, Bai Su felt that the suppressed feeling made his breathing somewhat uncomfortable.

Just as he was licking his wounds alone, a voice came from the sea of consciousness. 3IKP1m

Perhaps sensing the host’s sadness at the moment, 555 tried to gently voice his question to Bai Su.

“Host, actually, after spending so much time together, I can feel that you like the target. Since you felt so sad after the target confessed to you, why didn’t you accept him?”

Bai Su heard 555’s words and gave a bitter smile. “Xiao Wu, where do I have the qualifications to accept him? After I finish the mission, I have to leave this world. If I accept him, what will he do after I leave the world? It’s better to end it now than let him suffer for a long time.”

After saying that, Bai Su slumped on the bed, covering his eyes with one arm. O5emKZ

But the Totoro in the sea of consciousness looked puzzled, scratching his face with his paw awkwardly, saying, “But Host, why don’t you just stay in this small world?”

“What did you say?”

Bai Su suddenly sat up, but the movement aggravated his wound, causing him to hiss in pain. Nevertheless, he urgently asked, “Xiao Wu, are you saying that even after I finish the mission, I don’t have to leave this world?”

Totoro nodded blankly, “Yes, isn’t whether the host leaves the small world up to the host?!” ztpEID

“Why didn’t you tell me before?” He had always thought that he had to leave this place after completing the mission, so he dared not accept Luo Chenyu’s feelings.

555 immediately looked aggrieved upon hearing Bai Su’s words. “Host, you didn’t ask me! Besides, at that time, no one in the Plane Management Bureau told you that you had to leave the small world after completing the mission, did they?”

Bai Su was choked for a moment, and his mouth twitched suddenly. He remembered that, for such a long time, it had actually been his own speculation that he had to leave after completing the mission. Because he thought he didn’t belong in this small world, it was only natural that he couldn’t stay here after completing the mission. It turns out he had taken it for granted…

No wonder Bai Xi, the supervisor, kept telling him that their plane management bureau was very humane. zTQH3C

Really humane! The choice to stay or leave the dimension was up to the individual, and even if they had a partner, they could choose to grow old together. This was undoubtedly a great thing for Bai Su. Since that was the case, there was no need for him to suppress his feelings!

Bai Su had been wanting to open up. For him, this current life was already an extra gain, so he must cherish it. He liked Luo Chenyu and wanted to be with him.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Thinking of this, the tangled and painful confusion on Bai Su’s face disappeared completely. He couldn’t even control the silly smile that appeared.

He was also going to have a partner now, and he was mutually in love with the person he liked! This feeling was simply too good! H1eGKi

Bai Su had always been optimistic. For him, this current life was already an extra gain, so he must cherish it. He liked Luo Chenyu and wanted to be with him.

If one day Luo Chenyu stopped liking him, then it would be fine to part ways amicably. But if he betrayed him, there would be consequences. As long as Luo Chenyu didn’t betray him, he would never betray him either, and they could live happily ever after.

He also thought about it, if they really lived happily together for a lifetime, and their feelings were too deep, then if one partner left this world, he wouldn’t be able to live alone. Anyway, he could just give up continuing to do missions in one world, there would be no regrets, he was very content.

But considering that the system had been by his side all along, helping him so much, although it didn’t have merits, it had toiled, Bai Su felt a bit sorry for 555. He thought that when he informed the system that he would no longer continue to work as a plane administrator, he would just give all the points earned in this small world to Xiao Wu. FvCeIR

Thinking of this, Bai Su breathed a sigh of relief, feeling pleased. He couldn’t wait to find Luo Chenyu immediately and let him know his feelings.

But as he was about to get up, his legs went weak, and he almost fell to the ground.

He was injured, just woke up, and his body condition was still not convenient for going out.


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  1. Wow

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  2. Lol reading the first half of the story I was like “nvm I take my last chapter comment back author come over so I can slap u ;-;)” really need to read the full chapter before making up my mind 😂