Heal That Poor Little OneCh2 - The Prince Who Was Both Weak and Poor

Bai Su warned the person in his arms, but it was clear that the person had only regained some strength and was still not fully conscious. When the person felt Bai Su leaning in closer, they suddenly raised their head and kissed him. The kiss landed right on Bai Su’s lips.

Bai Su was instantly petrified, his mind repeating one phrase: “I lost my first kiss!” 1UTIgH

Taking advantage of Bai Su’s stunned state, the person kissed him several more times.

Now, his second and third kisses were gone too!

Chrysanthemum Garden.

It wasn’t until Bai Su snapped out of it and covered the person’s mouth with one hand, pressing them down with more force, that the person stopped. However, the way that person looked at Bai Su was as if they wanted to devour him whole.

Bai Su had never encountered such a situation before. He could only comfort himself by thinking that first kisses were bound to be lost eventually, and considering the person’s handsome face, he wasn’t really at a loss. GEFlbN

Moreover, he found it quite thrilling to be stared at by such a strikingly handsome guy. The only issue was that the current situation was somewhat inconvenient.

So, with a hint of embarrassment, Bai Su delivered a karate chop and knocked the person out.

Finally, he had time to receive the storyline of the small world.

“Xiao Wu, you can start transmitting the plot now.”


“Received!” The gray chinchilla-shaped system 555 in Bai Su’s consciousness wiggled its fluffy body and raised its tiny paws to start transmitting the plot to Bai Su.

Bai Su originally came from a futuristic interstellar world where he was the youngest general of the empire with a very promising future. It was even believed that he might become the youngest marshal of the empire. However, all this ended in a battle against the Zerg.

To protect the rear troops and the citizens of the empire, he ultimately chose to self-destruct and perish along with the Zerg Queen. But to his surprise, after his death, his soul did not dissipate. When he opened his eyes again, he found himself in a place called the Plane Management Bureau.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Cmmbgvlcu ab Djl Wl, atf qfgrbc lc mtjguf atfgf, atfs kfgf jmaejiis lcrlvf j rqlglaeji jgalojma mbcajlclcu mbecaifrr rwjii kbgivr. Ktf Uijcf Zjcjufwfca Degfje kjr gfrqbcrlyif obg wjcjulcu atfrf rwjii kbgivr, jcv atf kbgiv tf bglulcjiis yfibcufv ab kjr pera bcf bo atfw. pG7 Ss

Djl Ve kjr mtbrfc yfmjerf bo tlr lcvbwlajyif rqlgla jcv lccjaf rfcrf bo gfrqbcrlylilas. Ktfs tbqfv tf mbeiv yfmbwf j wfwyfg bo atf Uijcf Zjcjufwfca Degfje.

According to the director Bai Xi, their place had previously suffered damage, causing many worlds to have loopholes. Thus, they needed many agents to help repair these loopholes. There were many departments because the repair methods varied.

What they hoped Bai Su would do was to enter the small worlds and help the big shots who were supposed to become golden fingers for the protagonists but were persecuted into pitiable figures, allowing them to reach their peak and restore the worlds disrupted by transmigrators and reborn individuals.

In short, he was to be the golden finger’s… golden finger. nieGj6

The method to enter the small worlds was to replace a character who would not affect the main storyline. The system would reconstruct the host’s body during the replacement to ensure a perfect fusion with the host’s soul.

Of course, the chosen ones were usually those who were about to die soon. They would make a deal with the Plane Management Bureau, exchanging their identity for merit, hoping for a happy ending in their next life. Some just wanted to fulfill an unfulfilled wish and didn’t care for merit.

Most of the time, agents would fulfill the original character’s wishes according to their desires. Each completed mission would earn corresponding points, which could be exchanged for rewards. If enough points were accumulated, one could even return to their original world.

When Bai Su sacrificed himself in battle, he was actually very young, not yet thirty. Considering the average lifespan of interstellar humans was two hundred years, his death was indeed untimely. lrQPVF

However, he had no attachments or regrets since he was an orphan. Although he had friends, he had no lover or family. He sacrificed himself to protect his comrades and the people of the empire, which he believed was worthwhile.

But he didn’t refuse the Plane Management Bureau’s invitation, finding this suddenly emerging magical place quite intriguing. So, after he agreed, the Plane Management Bureau bound him to System 555 to assist him in correcting the task worlds.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Moments later, after receiving the plot, Bai Su realized that despite being in the imperial city, with emperors and concubines coming to him, the main storyline of this small world was actually a farming route.

The protagonist of this world was a girl named Su Muran, whose life was smooth and successful, exemplifying what it means to have a life on cheat mode. x6AKvn

Su Muran was born into a wealthy rural family, and it was said that when she was born, the sky was filled with rosy clouds. Everyone said she must be a celestial being descending to earth, so she was dearly loved by the Su family. The Su family was kind-hearted, and the protagonist turned out to be as they had hoped—beautiful, smart, and very likable from a young age.

Su Muran disliked the typical behavior of sheltered girls who never left their homes. She enjoyed reading, studying, and also liked farming and business. Although the Su family was well-off, there were not many rules in the countryside. They didn’t restrict Su Muran’s interests as long as she was happy.

Su Muran grew up in a time when the Donghua Kingdom had just found peace. The kingdom had recently concluded a brutal war with the Dayan Kingdom, emerging victorious but at a great cost, nearly depleting the national treasury and suffering numerous casualties.

In recent years, the country was poor, and though the new emperor, Luo Chenyu, was wise, it was challenging to revitalize the nation quickly due to years of depletion. MCRNy2

As Su Muran grew older, she loved researching agriculture and had a keen business sense. The Su family was already wealthy through farming and business, and with Su Muran’s intelligence, they not only created new farming tools and increased grain production but also came up with many profitable ideas for the Su family.

At the same time, she harbored great love, not only teaching others the farming experience she had researched, but also promoting commerce to ensure more people could have enough to eat. She had always admired the soldiers defending the border, donating the money she earned as well as a large amount of goods to the border without seeking anything in return.

However, with great success comes great attention. Although the protagonist had done many good deeds, her family, the Su family, became increasingly wealthy. But the Su family lacked a strong background, so with such wealth, it inevitably attracted the covetous eyes of others.

Various forces sought to recruit Su Moran for their own purposes, even attempting to use their influence to force her into marriage. However, they did not realize that the protagonist’s actions had already caught the attention of the new emperor. He publicly praised her achievements, even stating that talent knows no gender and that women can also achieve great things. OSFqpe

The emperor was enlightened, and his support became the protagonist’s strongest backing. Su Moran was deeply grateful to the emperor and worked even harder to develop agriculture and commerce, making the Eastern Huahua Kingdom richer by the day.

The people and the soldiers on the border were very grateful to her. Later, when she personally went to the border to inspect the grain and grass and visit her border-guard brother, she fell in love at first sight with a young general there, creating a beautiful love story.

But now, the main plot of this small world has not yet begun. The protagonist, Su Moran, has just been born and is still a snotty infant. To truly start the story, it would take at least a decade. So, is it wrong to send oneself to this world so early?

Thinking this, Bai Su asked. YpvtEc

“It’s not too late, host, don’t forget, your mission is to save the protagonist’s ‘golden finger’!” The little dragon cat blinked its shiny black eyes and waved a tiny paw as it spoke.

The reminder made Bai Su reconsider the plot, accurately determining that the protagonist Su Moran’s greatest “golden finger” should be the new emperor, Luo Chenyu.

After all, without the emperor’s protection, no matter how capable she was, she would just be an ordinary merchant’s daughter, likely to have been swallowed up long ago by those who coveted her talents and family wealth.

The old emperor, Luo Shaoyuan, was incompetent and weak, and after a few years, he was drained by wine and women and died early. At that time, the third prince, Luo Chenyu, would inherit the throne. OmoJdv

The new emperor, Luo Chenyu, was completely different from Luo Shaoyuan. He was wise and martial, diligent in governance and loved the people, showing no mercy to corrupt officials. Within a few years of his reign, the court was clear, and officials dared to remonstrate.

Someone mentioned the protagonist’s achievements to Luo Chenyu, and he did not underestimate her because she was a woman; instead, he thought highly of Su Moran’s talents. He praised her actions and even bestowed upon her the title of County Princess. This allowed the protagonist to unleash her potential, and Eastern Huahua quickly became prosperous.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Under Luo Chenyu’s rule, the country prospered more and more. By the time the protagonist reached old age, Eastern Huahua was already wealthy and strong, enjoying an era of peace and prosperity.

Of course, this was the result when the original plot was not disrupted. However, the problem arose because there was a loophole in the small world, and the third prince, who should have inherited the throne, Luo Chenyu, never ascended to the throne but was instead persecuted and killed. fQ05Et

The reason for this outcome was that the eldest prince, Luo Bojian, was reborn.

Luo Bojian was originally born of the virtuous concubine, haughty in nature, always looking down on others. As the eldest prince, born of a noble mother, he had always regarded the throne as his own possession.

On the other hand, the third prince, Luo Chenyu, was born of a palace maid who died in childbirth. He was never favored in the palace and was not loved by the emperor.

So, no one could have imagined that such an inconspicuous prince would suddenly save the emperor during a hunting expedition, attracting the emperor’s attention. He even cooperated with the virtuous concubine to win the emperor’s favor. In the end, he defeated everyone and ascended to the throne. JZXSwc

Originally, Luo Bojian, unwilling to accept this, wanted to rebel, but he ended up failing and was executed at home. However, he did not expect that after drinking a cup of poisoned wine, he didn’t actually die but was reborn several years earlier.

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  1. Tsk tsk, There always has to be a reborn to ruin everything~ even though I’m in favor of slaps in the face when the mc is reborn, sometimes gives me a headache

  2. Bro how come nobody’s still here? 😭 Anyways thanks for the chapters~ I noticed this cuz apparently there’s already one finish arc- and the second is ongoing 🤭

  3. Reborn + transmigration classic combo

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  4. Ahhhh I regret not reading earlier!!! This is just what I need to cure my depression after not eating dog food for a long time!!!

  5. I’d actually love to read the og story! Even if it’s a bit Mary Sue, women in power are always welcome

    Thanks for the tl