Heal That Poor Little OneCh15 - The Prince Who Was Both Weak and Poor

The prince doesn’t like men.

He swore to avenge his father before considering matters of love. Q7DNLH

The prince will definitely marry in the future to carry on the Bai family line!

These few sentences echoed in Luo Chenyu’s ears, causing his head to buzz.

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So, all this time he thought their mutual affection was real, but was it all just his imagination?

Luo Chenyu felt lost and bewildered, recalling their interactions. Bai Su always maintained proper etiquette. Without the assumed relationship, there was truly no overstepping. Tn7QW9

Although he had said words like “I will never let you down” before, from another perspective, would the Prince Zhong understand it as his determination to not disappoint him and strive for the throne? And Bai Su’s dedication to him, was it merely expressing his loyalty to the future monarch he served?

Sitting powerlessly on the stone steps, Luo Chenyu felt his heart in turmoil. Yet, amidst the chaos, a dense pain immediately engulfed every corner of his heart.

He was wrong, misunderstood, and delusional.

But how could he easily retract the genuine feelings he had already given away?


“Bai! Su!” silently murmuring Bai Su’s name, Luo Chenyu took a deep breath. He couldn’t let go.

Regardless of his misconceptions or misunderstandings, if the Prince Zhong had stolen his heart, then he must take responsibility.

It’s all his fault, for being too good, too gentle. If not for that, he wouldn’t have fallen so deeply!

Luo Chenyu’s eyes were red with rage. Just the thought of Bai Su marrying another woman in the future, even having children with her, made him want to kill anyone who dared to take him away. yLO2C

This person belonged to him, and only him!

At that moment, Luo Chenyu silently swore in his heart that no matter what it took, he must obtain the Prince Zhong!

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Coafg rbwf alwf tjv qjrrfv, jr atf rxs ugjvejiis vjgxfcfv, Oeb Jtfcse ralii tjvc’a gfaegcfv. Djl Ve yfujc ab kbggs jcv vfmlvfv ab ub ibbx obg tlw.

Vlcmf cb bcf gfqbgafv atja Oeb Jtfcse tjv ifoa atf wjgalji jgar jgfcj, la wfjca tf kjr ralii atfgf. Djl Ve tjv yffc tfrlajca ab jqqgbjmt fjgilfg, ofjglcu tlr jcufg. Dea cbk, joafg rb ibcu, regfis tlr jcufg wera tjnf reyrlvfv. AbDIsz

As Bai Su rose to his feet, just about to instruct those around him, he saw Luo Chenyu walking towards him not far away.

His heart couldn’t help but rejoice. Bai Su hurried forward, only to find that Luo Chenyu’s expression was normal. Carefully, Bai Su asked, “Zichen, why did it take you so long? Have you calmed down?”

Luo Chenyu raised an eyebrow at the words. “Bai-gege also knows I was angry?”

Bai Su thought to himself, you’ve been so obvious, how could I not notice? He could only force a smile, unsure of what to say. tig9 l

To his surprise, Luo Chenyu chuckled, looking at him with a helpless expression. “Alright, how could I truly be angry with you!”

Seeing the smile on the other’s face, Bai Su breathed a sigh of relief. But then he heard Luo Chenyu speak seriously, “But let’s make it clear, no matter what happened in the past, in the future, you must not engage in bare-handed combat with others, nor publicly remove your clothes! You are the prince of Donghua, you still need to be mindful of certain things.”

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It was the first time Bai Su had seen Luo Chenyu, who usually spoke gently to him, behave so assertively. Bai Su nodded in a daze, agreeing to his request. He even felt a bit touched, realizing that Luo Chenyu was doing it for his own good.

In the past, I might have been oblivious, but from Luo Chenyu’s perspective, such behavior might not be appropriate for his status. Although Bai Su was not overly concerned about such matters, seeing how much Luo Chenyu cared for him, he was willing to listen to him. sdO0qx

“Zichen, since you’ve toured the martial arts arena, would you like to practice some martial arts to stay fit?”

Luo Chenyu nodded at the suggestion, casually chuckling, “Sure, why does Bai-gege always care so much about me?”

Bai Su replied smoothly, “Zichen is my close friend, naturally, I care about him.”

“A close friend,” Luo Chenyu repeated softly. Though he already had suspicions in his heart, hearing it confirmed still caused a pang of pain. However, he maintained a smile on his face and quietly followed Bai Su to practice martial arts. mf47jN

Watching Bai Su earnestly teaching him, guiding his arm to the correct posture, Luo Chenyu thought to himself, if the other didn’t like men, then it was normal for a martial artist like the Prince Zhong to be indifferent to such matters.

As a man, Luo Chenyu didn’t know whether he should feel fortunate or not. Bai Su’s surroundings were very clean. Since his attitude towards others in the military was so open, it also indicated that he had no ulterior motives towards other men. Even if he didn’t like Luo Chenyu, at least he didn’t like anyone else either.

He tried to calm his heart, not letting his sadness and reluctance show, making it appear as though he was practicing more seriously.

Luo Chenyu, being a prince, naturally had to learn martial arts. However, his body had been weak before, and his martial skills were lacking. During this time, he had been practicing on his own and had improved a lot. Following Bai Su’s instructions didn’t seem difficult either. P1HaNR

Bai Su noticed that his foundation was decent, so he began teaching him some practical moves.

Combining his experience in close combat training from the Interstellar, along with his memories of battlefield combat, Bai Su taught Luo Chenyu concise and powerful techniques. These moves were both efficient and deadly, suitable for self-defense when necessary.

Luo Chenyu could tell that Bai Su was teaching him valuable skills, and he learned earnestly.

After a while, Bai Su saw sweat forming on Luo Chenyu’s forehead and worried that practicing too much at once would be detrimental to his health, so he stopped. Though Luo Chenyu didn’t appear weak now, in Bai Su’s mind, the image of him being frail was deeply ingrained. Wl7bRJ

He quickly fetched a handkerchief to wipe away Luo Chenyu’s sweat and led him back to the tent, letting him rest and drink tea for a while before arranging for his return.

Since their visit to the martial arts arena, whenever Luo Chenyu had free time, he would secretly go there to find Bai Su, giving them a new meeting place.

On the other hand, the Crown Prince Luo Bojian felt quite at home in the Xianya Pavilion, enjoying himself to the fullest.

His status was already prestigious, and with someone specifically responsible for preparing poetry and building his reputation in advance, the Crown Prince’s reputation among literati was growing louder by the day. Many even praised him, calling him the first talent of Donghua. rm0tHQ

Moreover, as Luo Chenyu hadn’t returned to the Xianya Pavilion recently, the Crown Prince thought he had given up, believing he had successfully seized his chance in this lifetime.

Perhaps it was due to this mindset that Luo Bojian felt somewhat complacent.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

So, while he basked in the flattery of those around him, he was unaware that in the palace, his father, Emperor Luo Shaoyuan, had just heard from a newly favored consort about his recent prestige in the Xianya Pavilion.

The consort’s status was not high; her father was just a minor official in the palace. However, she was beautiful, with fair skin and a soft voice, and had recently gained Emperor Luo Shaoyuan’s favor. onHSVG

A delicate hand brushed against Emperor Luo Shaoyuan’s body as the consort smiled sweetly and said, “Your Majesty, the Crown Prince is now quite renowned among scholars and literati, attracting a lot of attention. My father is also greatly impressed by the Crown Prince’s knowledge and has mentioned the Xianya Pavilion many times. Is it really so interesting there?”

Emperor Luo Shaoyuan listened to the words of Consort Wang and tightened his grip on her shoulder, furrowing his brow.

Consort Wang mostly talked about the interesting incidents inside, but what the Emperor heard was that the Crown Prince harbored dissatisfaction towards various court systems. He didn’t know if the Crown Prince was dissatisfied with the court’s systems or with him, his own father!

The more Emperor Luo Shaoyuan thought about it, the angrier he became, even throwing the wine cup in his hand. gxfY01

“Your Majesty, forgive me! It’s the fault of my loose tongue!” Consort Wang immediately wanted to kneel and beg for forgiveness upon seeing the Emperor’s cold expression. But she was stopped by Emperor Luo Shaoyuan, who pulled her into his arms.

“It’s alright, it’s not directed at you. It’s just that some people are getting too bold!”

The consort looked at the frostiness in Emperor Luo Shaoyuan’s eyes, seeming a little scared as she shrank back slightly, but she lowered her head to hide the smile that curled her lips.

Relationships in the palace were complicated, and who could have imagined that the consort’s older brother had once served under the trusted subordinate of the Marquis of Anguo. Moreover, the Empress, when the consort was first favored and almost faced danger, secretly helped her. aVbt f

A few days later, in the court, a minister reported on the floods in the Jiangnan region, pleading for the Emperor to send aid, comfort the victims, and alleviate the flood.

The Jiangnan region was prone to floods, and although efforts had been made to manage them, they still occurred frequently, causing headaches for Emperor Luo Shaoyuan.

This year, like previous years, he let the officials express their opinions to see if there were any good ideas. This time, Luo Chenyu didn’t remain silent as usual and spoke up with his own opinions.

Being highly educated, he had also studied such books. After integrating and borrowing from various methods, he proposed new suggestions for flood control that sounded quite effective. KcxdTO

Emperor Luo Shaoyuan nodded upon hearing this, looking at the Third Prince standing in the hall with his gentle demeanor, feeling that he had underestimated this son of his.

Recently, Luo Chenyu’s performance had been satisfactory to him. Although he usually didn’t vie for power or position, he seemed obedient and clever, understanding the concerns of his father, the Emperor.

Thinking back to the information he had heard from Consort Wang, he had someone specifically go to the Xianya Pavilion to find out more about that day’s events.

He remembered the reports that Luo Chenyu had also been in the Xianya Pavilion that day, and the Crown Prince had even challenged him. However, the Third Prince had shown respect, even saying that he just wanted to do some humble things to ease his father’s worries. This statement greatly pleased Emperor Luo Shaoyuan. RJiMnz

He also found the method proposed by Luo Chenyu to be feasible, thinking that this child must be very concerned about it privately. Feeling reassured, he decided to entrust this matter to the Third Prince for supervision.

However, before the Emperor could speak, the Crown Prince, Luo Bojian, coldly snorted and stood up. He then harshly criticized the method just proposed by Luo Chenyu.

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  1. Second chance doesn’t mean double knowledges

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖