Heal That Poor Little OneCh12 - The Prince Who Was Both Weak and Poor

Luo Chenyu didn’t do anything more excessive, fearing he might scare the person. He was relieved and thankful that Bai-gege had a soft heart. Indeed, seeing him look so dejected this time, Bai Su did not shy away.

With the warm body of his beloved in his arms, Luo Chenyu unconsciously tightened his embrace a bit more. 8dFnTh

Bai Su’s face was somewhat flushed; his target was too seductive, making it hard for him not to be moved. However, if he couldn’t be with the other person for life, he could only endure it.

Fortunately, Bai Su’s mindset was still good: if he couldn’t eat, at least he could look. With the person he secretly liked so close, he decided to passively enjoy it.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

With some unspeakable thoughts, Bai Su allowed Luo Chenyu to cling to him. He quietly pinched the man’s slender fingers, thinking the other didn’t notice him secretly taking advantage, feeling quite happy as he enjoyed this little indulgence.

He had no idea that after his tiny response, the man beside him turned his head slightly to look at him, his eyes almost overflowing with love. dl8 DS

The two of them, each with their own ulterior motives, stayed close for a while before Bai Su thought of how to comfort Luo Chenyu. It was rare for them to go out together today, so he decided to take him somewhere.

Luo Chenyu would be the future emperor, and the Bai family was loyal to him. As the head of the family, Bai Su needed to show his stance clearly.

With this in mind, Bai Su said to the man beside him, “Zichen, do you want to go see the Bai family’s training ground? The people there are all those I trust, and you should meet them. I know you’re physically weak; some appropriate training might also help to strengthen your body.”

Hearing this, Luo Chenyu smiled and nodded, feeling very happy inside. He knew the Bai family were all military generals, and his beloved one had practically grown up in the army. To them, the Bai family’s training ground was a private domain. Being willing to take him there showed that Bai Su truly considered him as one of his own.


The main branch of the Bai family had produced generation after generation of brave generals, guarding the frontier and fighting bravely. The collateral branches rarely held official positions in the court, mostly staying in the capital to develop their own businesses.

Being closely related, the collateral branches benefited from the glory of the main branch, so no one dared to provoke them. In some ways, the Bai family was not short of money. Their mansion was well maintained, and they had several large estates in the suburbs, one of which had quietly been turned into a training ground for the Bai family’s own personnel.

Of course, this place was a secret.

The guards trained there were elite soldiers. Although there were less than a thousand of them, their strength was not to be underestimated. Bai Su’s father was not unprepared for the issue of power overshadowing the ruler. The Bai family had never intended to rebel; they just wanted to leave a way out for their descendants, keeping some manpower to save lives in critical moments. KdUy2l

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Most of the people staying at the training ground were orphans adopted by the Bai family. These people were raised by the Bai family from a young age and were naturally trustworthy. Therefore, even if they saw Luo Chenyu, they wouldn’t gossip. Besides, many of them were already aware that their master intended to support the Third Prince.

Dfobgf atf akb bo atfw jgglnfv ja atf frajaf lc atf reyegyr, Kljc Jtl gfmflnfv atf cfkr jcv kjr jigfjvs kjlalcu bearlvf ab ugffa atfw.

Fqbc rfflcu Djl Ve, Kljc Jtl lwwfvljafis kjixfv bnfg klat j rwlif jcv rjlv, “Tbeg Llutcfrr, sbe’nf ygbeuta Llr Llutcfrr atf Uglcmf bnfg!”

Kljc Jtl kjr bcf bo atf ifjvfgr rfca ab uejgv Oeb Jtfcse’r gfrlvfcmf jcv fcregf tlr rjofas. Oeb Jtfcse tjv cfnfg wfa Kljc Jtl, yea Kljc Jtl kjr nfgs ojwliljg klat tlw. 0cDKpe

He was well aware of his master’s concern for the Third Prince. Although he didn’t quite understand why his master chose to support such a sickly and less favored prince, he trusted his master’s judgment completely.

He believed that since his master decided to support the Third Prince, then the Third Prince would surely be the future ruler of Donghua.

Thinking of this person as the future emperor, Tian Chi naturally adopted a more respectful attitude.

As usual, he walked to Bai Su’s side and took the cloak handed over by his master. Hearing Bai Su say he wanted to take Luo Chenyu to see the training ground, he immediately perked up. KMpwVl

He knew his master was indicating that the Third Prince was one of them. Perhaps the Prince was also trying to showcase the strength of the Bai family!

Feeling that he had grasped the truth, Tian Chi enthusiastically began to describe the situation here to Luo Chenyu. It seemed like he was reporting on the conditions, but in reality, he was praising the Bai family. He also mentioned how brave and formidable Bai Su was on the battlefield and how much the soldiers revered him.

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“Oh? So you also admire your Prince?” Luo Chenyu raised an eyebrow.

“Of course! The Prince is the true god of war in our hearts!” 1hZmbN

Tian Chi thumped his chest, speaking passionately about Bai Su, clearly regarding him as his idol.

Luo Chenyu maintained a smile, but his gaze towards Tian Chi turned a bit cold. From the moment Tian Chi arrived, he noticed his familiarity with Bai Su.

He knew this was Bai Su’s subordinate, but this young officer’s clear and sunny appearance, coupled with the admiration in his eyes when he looked at Bai Su, made Luo Chenyu jealous despite knowing their relationship was innocent.

The man outwardly remained calm, seemingly wanting to hear more about Bai Su. Using this as an excuse, he moved to stand between Bai Su and Tian Chi, separating the two and placing Bai Su at his side. uJyW4R

Tian Chi was busy praising his master and didn’t notice anything amiss. However, when he mentioned that Bai Su was even called the Asura General by the enemy on the frontier, and that storytellers in teahouses depicted Bai Su as a bloodthirsty demon, he felt somewhat indignant.

“Our Prince protects the country on the battlefield, and they go ahead and portray him like a demon. They almost describe him as having three heads and six arms, with a green face and fangs!”

“Alright, stop talking about those pointless things,” Bai Su interrupted Tian Chi helplessly, feeling that he was getting more and more unreliable.

But Luo Chenyu, hearing this, looked at Bai Su’s slender and upright figure and handsome appearance, and his heart ached. v1NHxQ

He knew what the Bai family had sacrificed for Donghua over the years, but to many people, Bai Su was a brutal and bloodthirsty person. It was no wonder there were such bad rumors in the capital.

He didn’t know how to comfort Bai Su, but the other just smiled and shook his head, “Zichen, don’t worry about such trivial matters. The battlefield is merciless, and the people on the frontier need a god who can protect them. Such a brutal and terrifying Asura, as long as he fights foreign enemies, makes people feel safe.”

Seeing Bai Su’s indifferent demeanor, Luo Chenyu couldn’t help but grasp his hand, holding it for a long time before letting go.

His Bai-gege, clearly the kindest and gentlest person, was slandered like this! FC61w3

Taking a deep breath to suppress the bitterness in his heart, Luo Chenyu felt he must be a hundred times better to Bai Su.

His beloved was not a bloodthirsty, heartless Asura. He deserved to be praised and revered. If the world misunderstood him, Luo Chenyu would make up for it; he was willing to spend his life protecting this person.

After passing through a long corridor, they finally reached the gate of the training ground. Even before the gate opened, Luo Chenyu could hear the shouts of training. Upon entering, he saw rows of soldiers drilling in perfect unison, clearly well-trained.

Seeing the scene inside the training ground, Bai Su’s eyes lit up. bkw6yM

In his previous life, he had joined the army early and lived in the military for many years. He was very accustomed to and liked the simple life in the army. Although the interstellar era and this ancient setting were different, the similar atmosphere still felt familiar to him.

“What do you think, Your Highness? Our household soldiers are impressive, right?” Tian Chi boasted, quickly addressing Luo Chenyu.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The man nodded with a smile but looked at Bai Su. “Very good, worthy of the Bai family.”

Bai Su curled his lips into a smile, and the two strolled around the training ground for a while, with Tian Chi accompanying them on the tour. uDEiLt

Bai Su didn’t immediately have Luo Chenyu start any training but first let him get a feel for the surroundings. Luo Chenyu also noticed that since they arrived here, Bai Su had been in a good mood, much more relaxed than usual.

The surrounding soldiers and officers, seeing Bai Su, didn’t stop their training, showing how well-disciplined they were. However, their shouts during training were noticeably louder than at the beginning.

Tian Chi knew it had been a long time since Bai Su last visited the training ground and went on to chat about many recent events there.

Bai Su was used to Tian Chi’s talkative nature and deeply felt that his clear and handsome face was wasted on him. He sometimes wondered if Tian Chi fell for Deputy General Li’s daughter because Deputy General Li was so worn down by Tian Chi’s constant pestering that he agreed to marry his daughter to him. N6qwBa

However, Luo Chenyu knew nothing about these matters. In his eyes, Tian Chi always seemed to cling to Bai Su, making him increasingly annoyed. It was normal for people to admire his outstanding beloved, but this kind of admiration could easily turn into affection.

A shadow flickered in Luo Chenyu’s eyes as he walked over to a nearby rack, picked up a bow, and began pulling the bowstring, pondering how to convince Bai Su to send Tian Chi far away.

Tian Chi noticed and, thinking Luo Chenyu wanted to shoot arrows, quickly said, “Your Highness, do you want to shoot? I’ll set it up right away!”

Without waiting for a response, he ran off to have targets set up. S8TqvE

Seeing Bai Su’s attention finally on him, Luo Chenyu’s eyes gleamed. However, he hesitated and said, “I’m not good at archery; it’s better not to trouble anyone.”

Despite his words, his gaze remained fixed on Bai Su, eyes full of clear anticipation.

Seeing Luo Chenyu like this, Bai Su smiled, walked over, picked up a bow, and patted him on the shoulder. “It’s okay, I’ll do it with you.”


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  1. Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖