Heal That Poor Little OneCh10 - The Prince Who Was Both Weak and Poor

In line with the principle of helping others to the end, Bai Su gave Luo Chenyu some manpower for temporary use. When he had cultivated his own trusted aides, he could replace them at any time. After all, he couldn’t let the Crown Prince’s men get too close, otherwise who knows what trouble might arise.

Hearing Bai Su’s thorough arrangements, Luo Chenyu felt even more touched. Seeing Bai Su about to leave by the window, he felt a strong reluctance in his heart. He tightened his grip on Bai Su’s hand, his eyes seeming to hold a thousand words. nom7LJ

Being stared at by such beautiful eyes made Bai Su feel a bit embarrassed. He thought that maybe nobody had treated Luo Chenyu this well before, and he was so touched that he couldn’t bear to leave.

Seeing this clinginess, Luo Chenyu must consider him a close friend!

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

So Bai Su gently patted the man’s shoulder, comforting him, “I’ll come to see you again.”

“Really? Bai-gege, you can’t lie to me!” Luo Chenyu said eagerly, taking a few steps forward, almost pressing Bai Su against the window. gStGfA

Luo Chenyu had long known that he had feelings for Bai Su. In his view, now that they had both expressed their feelings for each other, his affection for Bai Su became even more unrestrained.

With his crush so close, Luo Chenyu felt that his heartbeat was a bit too loud.

Moonlight spilled down, and the clear eyes of the man seemed to contain a crushed galaxy, as if wanting to suck him in completely. He couldn’t help but want to get closer, just a little closer…

“Of course it’s true.”


Feeling a bit uncomfortable, Bai Su sidestepped, moving away from Luo Chenyu. This handsome man was getting closer and closer, almost sticking to him.

Bai Su was very worried that his resistance to beauty wasn’t as firm as he imagined. If he couldn’t control his desires, that would be bad. So he said somewhat anxiously, “Zichen, it’s getting late, I should go first!”

With that, he quickly turned and leaped away, disappearing into the night.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Oeb Jtfcse kjamtfv jr Djl Ve oifv jr lo lc qjclm, vlrjqqfjglcu lcab atf vjgxcfrr. Llr fsfr kfgf oliifv klat j tfiqifrr rwlif. 2ieNms

Llr vfjg Djl-ufuf kjr gfjiis abb rts! Dea lo la kfgf j ilaaif ijafg, tf wluta cba yf jyif ab gfrlra xlrrlcu tlw.

“Djl Ve…” Oeb Jtfcse wegwegfv rboais, ibkfglcu tlr ujhf jr tf eaafgfv atf akb kbgvr. Lf cfnfg xcfk atja rjslcu rbwfbcf’r cjwf mbeiv offi rb rkffa.

At this moment, Bai Su still didn’t realize that the assistance he had just provided to Luo Chenyu wasn’t as simple as it seemed. In Luo Chenyu’s eyes, it was a heartfelt gesture from Bai Su.

Luo Chenyu firmly believed that if it weren’t for Bai Su’s deep affection for him, he wouldn’t have offered such generous help. So Bai Su unknowingly occupied the position of a potential partner in Luo Chenyu’s heart. CxkpA6

For the sake of helping, Bai Su was willing to spare no effort, and his considerations were indeed thorough. He even thought about Luo Chenyu’s poor health and specially arranged for him to receive medical treatment.

Luo Chenyu, still relatively young, could certainly improve his health with proper care. Bai Su didn’t want him to remain frail like this. Using a hand warmer before winter even arrived—what would happen when he got older?

Once Luo Chenyu confirmed that Bai Su had arranged the treatment, he obediently followed the regimen, eating whatever was given to him. He focused on nurturing his body, thinking to himself that although Prince Zhong was older, he seemed to be in good health. He also needed to take care of himself to grow old together with his beloved.

Not to mention, the physician was really talented. After a period of treatment, Luo Chenyu truly felt that both his physical and mental state had improved significantly. uU0Ad2

While Luo Chenyu quietly used the silver and assets provided by Bai Su to secretly build his influence, on the other hand, Crown Prince Luo Bojian was feeling a bit restless.

With Luo Chenyu establishing his own residence and recruiting his own personnel, naturally some of them were assigned by the Crown Prince. Luo Bojian thought that he could easily get rid of this thorn in his side, but unexpectedly, it became even more difficult after leaving the palace.

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Not only did his people fail to harm Luo Chenyu, but one by one, they also cut off contact with him. The seemingly inconspicuous residence of the Third Prince turned out to be as impenetrable as an iron bucket. He sent many people, one after another, but none could enter. Even the assassins had disappeared. How could he not feel uneasy about this situation?

Of course, this wasn’t what bothered Luo Bojian the most. What made him most wary was the recent changes in Luo Chenyu. YwiVal

He knew that Luo Chenyu was skilled in disguise, and in his previous life, it was only after gaining the Emperor’s favor that he gradually revealed his talents. Initially, he was just an ordinary person, neither particularly scholarly nor martially proficient. However, recently, Luo Chenyu had undergone a transformation in his studies and received consecutive praises from the Grand Tutor.

Today, Emperor Luo Shaoyuan had a sudden whim to personally listen to the Grand Tutor teaching them their studies. Luo Chenyu even made a big appearance, earning praise from the Emperor in front of everyone.

That old Grand Tutor even had the audacity to flatter, saying something about the Third Prince’s intelligence reminding him of the late Emperor.

The late Emperor had always favored his deceased eldest son, and hearing Luo Chenyu being compared to the late Emperor, the current Emperor didn’t object. This greatly shocked Luo Bojian. After all, if it was said that he resembled the late Emperor, wouldn’t that mean he was the most likely candidate for the next Emperor? How could Luo Bojian not be anxious? On92KT

Just thinking that he might fall into the same fate as his past life made the Crown Prince shiver, suppressing the fear and anger until he returned to his own residence.

Luo Bojian angrily swept everything off his desk, still feeling unsatisfied. He then grabbed a nearby vase and hurled it, smashing the head of a nearby servant, before barely suppressing his anger.

No! He absolutely couldn’t let things get out of his control!

In this second chance at life, he couldn’t let Luo Chenyu climb over him again. The throne of the Donghua Empire could only belong to him! D2GPd8

With this in mind, Luo Bojian quickly had his retainers fetch the advisers he had previously kept in his residence and asked them to come for discussion. He also instructed the literati below to prepare some ready-made poems. By tomorrow, there would be an opportunity to use them.

Luo Bojian was busy with this matter until late at night. The next day, he dressed casually and went to the Xianya Pavilion with his entourage.

Seeing the bustling Xianya Pavilion, filled with literary men exchanging poems and improvising verses, just like in his past life, Luo Bojian found it extremely boring. However, he didn’t show it. When someone recognized his identity, he smiled and nodded, presenting himself as approachable.

Then, pretending to hear the poems and verses with interest, Luo Bojian surreptitiously memorized the verses written specifically for him the day before, earning admiration from those around him. fyDlSA

Downstairs, the atmosphere was lively, with waves of noise drifting into the elegant room upstairs.

Holding a wine glass in his hand, Bai Su took a bite of the specialty snacks from the Xianya Pavilion and frowned. He felt that while the ambiance of the place was good, the food was not up to par, nowhere near as tasty as the street food from the night market.

Turning his head to look at Luo Chenyu, who was calmly observing the scene downstairs, Bai Su smiled and said, “Zichen, your royal brother sure loves to steal the limelight.”

Bai Su had already learned of the Crown Prince’s actions today through the 555, so he had arranged to meet Luo Chenyu here last night. Lvb3I8

The original owner of the body had returned to the capital not long ago and rarely went out in the past. He disguised himself a little, and hardly anyone could recognize him.

As for Luo Chenyu, he was originally a literary person, so it wasn’t a bad thing for him to come to the Xianya Pavilion. Moreover, he had only been out of the palace for a short time, so his special identity had not been recognized by the people at the Xianya Pavilion.

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After meeting up, the two of them tacitly stayed in the private room. Luo Chenyu, seeing Bai Su’s disdainful expression as he looked downstairs at Luo Bojian, found it amusing. He walked over, naturally took Bai Su’s wine glass, poured another cup of warm tea, and placed it by Bai Su’s hand, saying softly, “Don’t drink too much. Drinking too much alcohol is harmful to your health.”

“My royal brother has always been like this. It seems he wants to make a name for himself here. After all, Father Emperor has always liked these kinds of things.” qCBfcR

Bai Su nodded. Seeing Luo Chenyu taking away his wine glass, he didn’t mind and obediently switched to drinking tea.

After spending a lot of time together these days, their private meetings had become more frequent, and the two of them had become more acquainted. Bai Su noticed that as their relationship grew closer, Luo Chenyu seemed to enjoy taking care of him more.

Seeing the man who came over to help tidy his hair, Bai Su didn’t feel annoyed at all; he just felt warm and comfortable. Initially, he had taken care of Luo Chenyu more, but now it seemed like they had switched roles.

Bai Su knew that Luo Chenyu had begun to show himself in front of the Emperor, and sometimes even expressed his opinions in court. The courtiers would gradually discover the excellence of the Third Prince, so it was no wonder Luo Bojian couldn’t sit still. 9k8Tag

Hearing the people downstairs flattering Luo Bojian, Luo Chenyu didn’t mind. He wasn’t a child who needed to vie for attention. He just stood by the window, sipping tea leisurely while enjoying the show.

He knew his royal brother’s abilities very well. These verses were obviously ghostwritten.

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  1. Strong couple

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖