Heal That Poor Little OneCh1 - The Prince Who Was Both Weak and Poor

Waves of dizziness hit as Luo Chenyu fell to the ground and lost consciousness. In that moment, he knew that this time he had truly fallen into a trap.

Despite being a prince, he was less favored than even the lowest palace attendants, merely scraping by in the deep palace. He lived cautiously, each step arduous, only wanting to stay safe. JNreFA

Yet even so, there were still those who could not tolerate his existence.

Luo Chenyu’s heart was filled with deep resentment and hatred, unable to understand why fate was so unfair, making him taste the world’s bitterness.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

If one day he could control this realm, he would make everyone who trampled on him wish they were dead.

But unfortunately, he feared he would never get that chance… DuGNM8


At the Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet, night was falling. The banquet was full of clinking glasses, laughter, and joy.

The imperial city was decorated with lanterns and streamers. The current emperor, Luo Shaoyuan, loved indulgence and extravagance. Today’s palace banquet must have cost an enormous amount of the people’s wealth.

Poor families in the border towns struggled to fill their stomachs, how could they care about some festival? The sight of the high-hanging full moon was less valuable than a hard cake made of coarse grains, which at least could fill one’s belly and allow for a good night’s sleep.


The Crown Prince, Luo Bojian, stood up and raised his glass to toast the emperor, making the emperor very pleased.

Everyone said that recently the Crown Prince had changed his formerly arrogant ways, becoming courteous and respectful. He had flattered the emperor by presenting many novel treasures, making Luo Shaoyuan favor him even more.

After pleasing the emperor, Luo Bojian sat back down. Noticing that the seat of Prince Zhong, Bai Su, was now empty, he smirked and lowered his head to drink, hiding the scheming glint in his eyes.

*** d2LC1a

【Restructuring host body in the small world…】

【3, 2, 1… Soul injection complete.】

Accompanied by the system’s voice, the entire plane of space and time paused for a second.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Rb bcf xcfk atja veglcu atlr qjerf, rbwfbcf lc atf gbbw tjv yffc mbwqifafis gfqijmfv, ogbw ybvs ab rbei. wqtK5T

Eeyylcu tlr atgbyylcu afwqifr, Djl Ve rja eq jcv bqfcfv tlr fsfr ab rff atf tjio-vgjkc rlix mjcbqs.

Ca atlr wbwfca, tf kjr islcu bc jc jcaldef-rasif ijguf yfv, mbnfgfv klat j ygbmjvf delia.

This was the first mission world Bai Su had entered since officially starting his job. Judging by the style and furnishings of the room, it appeared to be an ancient setting.

He remembered that the next step should be to communicate with System 555, asking it to transmit the world’s plot information to him. However, Bai Su hadn’t had a chance to do so before noticing that there seemed to be someone beside him! XYnulm

With Bai Su’s usual alertness, he should have detected this earlier, but the discomfort from merging souls had dulled his usual sharpness. Now that he had calmed down, he noticed the unusual bulge in the brocade quilt on the inner side of the bed.

Composing himself, Bai Su lifted the brocade quilt in one swift motion. He saw a young man with a flushed face lying there, covered in sweat but completely still. The man’s long, narrow eyes were bright red.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

It was clear that the man was conscious, yet he bit his lower lip tightly, not making a sound.

As for Bai Su at this moment, his heartbeat was completely out of control upon seeing this person… CErJQv

Bai Su’s mind went blank for a moment. Even though this man now looked disheveled, no one could deny how incredibly handsome he was.

Those thick, sword-like eyebrows, long and narrow phoenix eyes, ink-black hair, high nose bridge, and crimson thin lips—every feature perfectly aligned with Bai Su’s aesthetic taste!

Bai Su had never known that he was someone who judged by appearance.

In his past life, he had lived for twenty-seven years without ever feeling moved. He had thought he was naturally unresponsive, uninterested in either men or women. Hc1IT3

Who would have thought that in a mission world, he would fall in love at first sight with the first person he saw upon opening his eyes!

However, the object of his affection was looking at him with intense hatred…

Bai Su was a bit bewildered by his current situation, but he wasn’t foolish. The fact that the two of them were lying in bed together was obviously suspicious.

His body’s clothes reeked of alcohol, and it was clear the man before him had been drugged. The man’s gaze was filled with venom as he looked at Bai Su. U7dvxW

Could it be that the original host had drugged him, planning to do something to him?

Bai Su felt quite aggrieved. He hadn’t done anything, but now he was the original host, so he couldn’t avoid taking the blame.

He had just arrived here, knowing neither the plot nor possessing the original host’s memories, so he couldn’t even explain himself. Moreover, given the current situation, it wasn’t convenient to ask 555 for the plot details.

He knew nothing and was completely in the dark. The most important thing was that he was just a task performer in this small world. Even though he had little experience with tasks, he guessed that some restrictions were inevitable. l9PQWL

Firstly, just because you like someone doesn’t mean they like you back. Secondly, even if they did, if they ended up together and he had to leave halfway through due to task completion or some other reason, it wouldn’t be ethical to treat someone that way.

So, without the possibility of growing old together, Bai Su decided not to provoke the other person.

Even though he liked this man very much, he could only admire him from a distance. From the start, he had lost the right to pursue him.

With this realization, Bai Su calmed down. Since the man was so good-looking, he thought it wouldn’t hurt to admire him a bit more, so he shifted his gaze back. Ijr4M3

To his surprise, when he looked down, he saw that the man’s lips were bitten to the point of bleeding. Feeling a pang of heartache, he quickly said, “Don’t bite your lips, you’re bleeding! How about I leave, and you take care of yourself?”

Bai Su thought he was being considerate, but he didn’t know that the man on the bed was using all his strength to keep from losing control, let alone “taking care of himself.” Moreover, the man had been drugged with more than one substance, leaving him too weak to move.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

After waiting a while and receiving no response, Bai Su was about to leave on his own. Just as he was about to get up, he heard a commotion outside.

Oh no! n5lAf6

Bai Su could tell that many people were approaching, and given the current situation between him and the man on the bed, sudden visitors would definitely spell trouble. It was likely that their presence together here was part of a larger conspiracy.

With this in mind, Bai Su quickly dressed in the clothes scattered on the floor. He then swiftly grabbed the quilt and covered the man with it…

Outside the door, the Crown Prince followed the Emperor with a worried expression. Behind them were numerous palace attendants, officials, and their families.

The group had initially planned to enjoy the moon, guess riddles for entertainment, and celebrate by lighting lanterns together in the courtyard. But suddenly, a palace attendant came running in, loudly reporting that Prince Zhong, after drinking too much, had not only entered the harem but had also forced his way into Consort Xian’s chambers. Ojk1YW

The residence of Consort Xian was the closest to the garden. Upon hearing the news, Emperor Luo Shaoyuan hurriedly led the group there.

“Father, this might be a misunderstanding. Prince Zhong has always been loyal. How could he commit such a heinous act?” the Crown Prince said, seemingly anxious while keeping an eye on the Emperor’s expression.

Luo Shaoyuan’s face was dark with anger. He quickly followed the messenger to Consort Xian’s side hall. Seeing the closed door and the faint candlelight inside, he kicked the door open in a fit of rage.

But when everyone entered, they found the room empty, with no sign of anyone. Luo Shaoyuan personally searched the room, but it was too small for anyone to be hiding. 3Vmgdy

“What is going on?” a gentle voice asked.

Luo Shaoyuan immediately turned to the door and saw Consort Xian arriving late. She wore a goose-yellow dress, a cloak over her shoulders, and was accompanied by two favored concubines, clearly having just returned from outside.

Seeing so many people at the door of her side hall, Consort Xian bowed to Luo Shaoyuan and asked, “Your Majesty, what brings you here with such a large group?”

Seeing the puzzled expression on Consort Xian’s face, Luo Shaoyuan’s anger subsided slightly. He explained the situation to her. MPluWB

While the group talked outside, on the roof of the palace, two people were entwined in an intimate position. If one looked closely, the person underneath was wrapped in a thick quilt, face flushed, and writhing uncomfortably.

“Shh!” Bai Su, holding the person down to prevent him from falling, listened to the conversation below. It was clear that the visitors had ill intentions.

In his haste, Bai Su had to wrap the man in a quilt and take him away. He realized the man seemed unable to move much due to the drug, and leaving him behind would have led to a terrible outcome.

The cold wind blew against the two of them. The man wrapped in the quilt and held by Bai Su was somewhat insulated, but Bai Su couldn’t help but shiver from the cold. Ph5M8m

If I had known, I would have wrapped the quilt around myself!

As time passed, the man in his arms began to struggle more.

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Is the drug wearing off?

Bai Su wondered, but he had no time to consider it further. The increased strength of the man’s struggles made it difficult for Bai Su to keep control. 6TjW9c

Being both men, Bai Su found it hard to use any techniques due to their location and position, relying solely on his strength. The man, though handsome, was quite strong. With the struggle intensifying on the somewhat steep roof, Bai Su was finding it increasingly difficult to keep him under control.

He could only lean in close and quietly warn, “Hey, stop moving, or I won’t be polite anymore!”

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  1. Don’t need to be polite

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  2. XD I just search it up and it turns out 555 = sounds of crying 😂 I guess the system well be crying for our mc’s poor arse soon 🤣