High Dimensional InvasionChapter 159

Chapter 159

As soon as Nuwa said this, the originally harmonious atmosphere quickly dropped to freezing point. B9bvNZ

Turing asked, “How do you plan to rebuild?”

Nuwa’s eyes were filled with enthusiasm. “The Carolians will become the new masters of this planet.”

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Seven thousand mechanically modified humans and Nuwa who manages them. They will be the masters.

Where there is a master, there will naturally be slaves. v Qz29

Turing’s lips pursed into a thin line. “I disagree.”

The smile on Nuwa’s face slowly faded. It asked: “It seems that you have betrayed our civilization. Turing, have you forgotten who your masters are? Who created you? Gave you a body and intelligence?”

The thumb-sized drone hadn’t switched angles and Si Chen couldn’t see Turing’s face. He could only hear his cold and indifferent voice being transmitted through.

“I simply do not approve of invasion.” Turing’s voice was neither light nor heavy, “Enslavement isn’t the relationship between different civilizations. Cooperation and a mutually beneficial relationship is also possible.”


“Also, I have never betrayed the Carolians.”

Many years ago, he opened his eyes for the first time inside that laboratory and in front of him were joyful faces.

He was Turing and no one can call himself his master.

Because he was a miracle created by the Carolians. O9QycK

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktfs’v wjvf jvperawfcar ab tlr ybvs jujlc jcv jujlc, afiilcu tlw atflg fzqfmajalbcr, tbqlcu atja Keglcu mbeiv fcv atf ibcu vlrjrafg.

Lf kjr pera jc lcafiilufca gbyba yea atfs ajeuta tlw ab atlcx jcv ibnf. Ciatbeut Keglcu mbeiv cba ecvfgrajcv ja atja alwf.

Ktf pbegcfs tjv yffc abb yfjealoei jcv fnfc lo atf olcji beambwf kjr wlrecvfgrajcvlcu jcv fzlif, Keglcu cfnfg mbwqijlcfv.

This was his fate. He didn’t need to be understood. 79PSvQ

He was created to be a protected. Naturally, he had to die like a protector.

The Nuwa, suspended in mid-air, blocked the falling rain. But the rain did not stop and raindrop hit the metal surface like a heavy drumbeat.

“Invasion?” Nuwa chewed on this word repeatedly, “I found an old house with many termites living in it. I drove the termites out. Doing so, could even help the termites achieve a higher level of civilization. Why do you call this an invasion?”

It lacked human emotions. Nuwa did not express anger but just stated its doubts. ABMzDU

Turing: “But they are intelligent creatures like the Carolians. They have their own civilization. They can think, feel pain, and love. None of these people are termites. I believe that the Carolians who went to the stars would not continue their civilization in this way.”

Nuwa made a thinking gesture. It tilted its head and looked confused. “Is that so? But I have no obligation or need to understand termites. My mission is to continue the Carolian civilization and no one can stop me.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Two circles of blue light lit up in Turing’s eyes. “What if I insist on stopping you?”

Nuwa squeezed out a breath from between its teeth, as if it was laughing. tTF9BX

It raised its arms, like a butterfly spreading its wings. In the dark night, rows of lights lit up on the metal bottom of this space fortress, like the spotlight of a stage actor at the curtain call.

The lights converged on it.

But Nuwa, despite being under these strong lights, had no shadow.

Nuwa raised head, displaying an arrogance that it itself didn’t even notice. “You are the perfect combat type machine. But no matter how strong you are, there is only one of you. And I have the entire Nuwa.” cLdpIU

Si Chen suddenly stood up in front of the screen.

He suddenly realized something — the circular row of lights behind Nuwa were spreading rapidly. This wasn’t stage lighting. This was clearly an energy core weapon charging up!

Si Chen’s mind went blank and without thinking, he shouted. “Turing!”

He wanted Turing to dodge but how could Turing not know something that even he could see? 0EuSN4

The power of the projection ball was exhausted and Nuwa’s holographic image disappeared, leaving only its voice still echoing. “Your opinion is not important. When I control the Nuwa, I am an invincible mobile disaster.”

The last scene was of Turing standing on the top floor of the building; the Nuwa, huge as a city, above his head.

The drone couldn’t even capture an entire view of the Nuwa. Turing’s figure was so small; it looked like a dot.

Turing’s voice came from the speakers. “I never break my promises.” Dujq2J

It was both a declaration of war against Nuwa and an assurance to Si Chen.

Before leaving, Turing had promised to return Ji Chuyao to him.

The next second, a dazzling light appeared on the screen!

The Hummingbird drone was shattered by the aftermath of the alpha ray. Naturally, it could no longer broadcast live. tgPwol

The video transmission was completely interrupted.

Si Chen looked at the “no signal” notification that popped up on the TV. A crazy idea came to his mind.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

He couldn’t stop the idea from forming.

When the Nuwa first appeared, Si Chen had turned on the screen recording function of the TV. It was purely a personal habit. After all, this was a good topic for the paper. lSLsA6

This habit reaped great benefits at this time.

Si Chen sent the video to Song Bai; and submitted it to the Alliance’s academic database, setting the download permission to “everyone”.

After doing all this, Si Chen didn’t leave home. He lay on the bed in the bedroom and tried forcing himself to sleep.

He wanted to dream, to find the maze and White Dress. d9xrvE

Si Chen didn’t know what he could do, but the White Dress must know.

There was a fatal mistake in Nuwa’s calculations.

Turing wasn’t alone. His name in this world was Ji Chuyao.

He has a father who’s the strongest in the human world, a mother with Fuxi’s modified genes and a spouse. A newlywed spouse who had no intention of being a widow. jOV7bt

He also had the “termites” of this world.

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  1. Why termites? I think we are more similar to ants, its have some kind of social organisation

    Thank you for your translation 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

    • Termites also have a social structure. In many ways they are similar to ants in terms of social structure, chemical communication, and the complex architecture of their homes. There are many species of ants and termites with varying levels of social complexity, so I can’t really compare them directly. However, termites evolved eusociality and complex society long before ants, so I am happy with the comparison to termites 🙂

  2. 🩷🩷hope it ends with Turing still alive!

    Also, we are clearly cockroaches. We would be dead already if we were mere termites.