High Dimensional InvasionChapter 151

Chapter 151

How was he to describe what he felt at this moment? WbJuHB

It was like an asteroid hitting a rotating star; that silent yet brilliant burst of light the moment it kissed the ground.

Ji Chuyao had never dealt with such complicated joy. He felt gob smacked by this asteroid.

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The person pressing on him was very heavy.

There was hardly any distance between the two; it looked like they could kiss at any moment. xLcWoa

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktflg meggfca qbrfr kfgf abb jwylueber. Vl Jtfc kjr qgjmalmjiis qjrafv jujlcra tlr ybvs.

Al Jtesjb mbeiv fnfc rwfii atf ojlca tfgyji jcv kbbvrs rmfca bc Vl Jtfc. Zlras jcv wblra. C ojlca lctjif jcv la fcnfibqfv tlr fcalgf ybvs.

Al Jtesjb ibbxfv lcab Vl Jtfc’r fsfr.

Ktf rlinfg wfmtjclmji qgbratfalm fsf kjr nfgs mjiw, ecjyif ab mbcnfs jcs fwbalbc; atf batfg fsf, atf vjgx bcf, kjr ilxf atf cluta, atf rqjgxilcu iluta klatlc ilxf aklcxilcu rajgr.


These eyes seemed to be looking at him but also seemed to be looking at a phantom; the phantom that Si Chen imagined, the phantom belonging to home.

Ji Chuyao didn’t know what had happened.

He was three years older than Si Chen, hailing from a well-off family. He believed himself to be quite mature and reason told him that Si Chen was making an impulsive decision and he had a responsibility and obligation to correct it.

But right now, he didn’t want to correct this mistake. They say, ‘if it's wrong, it's wrong‘. NPibT4

He replied, “Yes, alright.”

I am willing to give you a home.

You are my lover. You can also be my child.

I will give you all my love. I’ll find a way to grow a rose on a barren planet. BUDRoL

Until the day you feel satisfied, until you no longer need to run around anxiously, begging for love from everyone who passes by in your life.

Si Chen bit his lower lip. He didn’t know why but at this moment he actually felt a bit like crying.

Ji Chuyao said, “Don’t cry.”

He propped up his arms and clasped the back of Si Chen’s head with his hands. eLcnv6

Now the groom can kiss his bride.

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Translator's Note

to accept an error and adapt to it; to make the best after a mistake

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  1. Oh that was it? It’s cute that’s ML understood the true intent behind the proposal and wanted to give him everything. Thanks for the chapter🥰

  2. This line about rose, it’s yes, the little prince is a yes from me

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖