Honey and Ashes【ABO】Ch52 - Creating romance

Ye Sang had beautiful lips that curved into a gentle smile when he spoke seriously, giving off a refreshing warmth like a gentle breeze. His soft fingertips were warm as well.

Watching the spring-like radiance flicker in Ye Sang’s moist black eyes, Ai Mo’s heart started to race again. Al6V3k

“Oh? Is little Xiao Mo about to cry? Come here, Sang-ge will give you a hug.”

Ye Sang teased with a smirk, playfully running his hands over his abs. Ai Mo, who had been somewhat touched a moment ago, rolled his eyes and grabbed the hands of the mischievous little pervert, firmly pressing him into his own embrace.

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“Mr. Ye, can you stop acting like a middle child all the time?” Ai Mo gritted his teeth, but still couldn’t help holding Omega tightly.

Seeing Ai Mo return to his usual self, Ye Sang just chuckled softly, rare for him to settle quietly against Alpha’s chest. 93REtZ

Born into a conservative and serious family, yet growing up to be so gentle and upright, this guy has had it tough too… At this moment, Ye Sang remembered that Ai Mo had mentioned he was about to turn 21.

A sudden thought surged in his mind, although the contours were vague, it was extremely intense.

Known as the ultimate sweetheart but with a carefree attitude, Ye Sang wanted for the first time to see the person in front of him burst into heartfelt laughter, instead of his usual demeanor, with a modest curve, like a beautiful porcelain doll, with a face that remained calm but eyes that held layers of ice.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ye Sang squatted on the mountain path, picking wild vegetables, but due to his absent-mindedness, he haphazardly collected a pile of miscellaneous plants and stuffed them into his pocket.

–Gef ab tlr jooiefca yjmxugbecv jcv tlr raecclcuis yfjealoei jqqfjgjcmf, Tf Vjcu tjr gfmflnfv mbecaifrr jaafcalbc jcv oijaafgs rlcmf mtlivtbbv. Lf cfnfg tjv ab wjxf jc foobga ab qifjrf jcsbcf; fnfgsbcf pera mjwf ab tlw kliilcuis. Lf tjv cfnfg atbeuta jybea qeaalcu foobga lcab qifjrlcu rbwfbcf… Cikjsr yflcu qjwqfgfv jcv ibnfv jr j rkffatfjga, obg atf olgra alwf, tf kjr ublcu mgjhs agslcu ab qgfqjgf j ylgatvjs uloa!

He didn’t know what Ai Mo liked, and he felt embarrassed to ask. Asking would mean he wanted to prepare a surprise!

–What a joke! He was the one who actively sought intimacy, and now he had to actively try to win someone’s favor? How demeaning! nrRqiP

But thinking about Ai Mo’s usual kindness towards him, he couldn’t let go of this obsession—Ai Mo was like an almighty god in his eyes, but in reality, he was just a 20-year-old college student who should be carefree and full of life.

Sigh, why is it so hard to please him? What exactly does this guy like…

In the civilized world, he was the influential Mr. Ye, capable of influencing everything. Limited edition watches, prime-time TV shows—anything could be arranged with just a swipe of a card or a phone call, making his Alpha boyfriend ecstatic. But on this deserted island, he was nothing, struggling even to live alone…

Sigh! 3tAgZn

He sighed helplessly, looking up at the sky. Just as he was about to get up, he suddenly caught a strong scent. Following the source of the fragrance, he suddenly came across a patch of flamboyant, unidentified red flowers. Their large size and intense fragrance hinted that perhaps the heavy rain a few days ago had nourished the dry soil, causing many flowers to bloom early.

Ye Sang looked at the fragrant flowers, a vague idea flashing through his mind, and a satisfied smile crept onto his face.

Ai Mo picked a basket of sea urchins and caught a large seabird. Carrying his full harvest, he headed back to the cave. ViIKGm

Ever since the last time they made roast chicken, Ye Sang had been clamoring to have it again… Maybe it’s best not to eat these sea urchins raw this time. How about making steamed eggs with sea urchins? No hygiene concerns, and it won’t diminish the deliciousness… Ai Mo pondered about how to prepare these ingredients as he suddenly noticed many bright red flower petals outside the cave.

Puzzled, he looked up and found these red flower petals extending all the way into the cave, resembling a red carpet.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

…What is Ye Sang up to now?

He muttered to himself, but seeing that firewood had been gathered, the large platter used for storing food was filled with fresh fruits and freshly picked green vegetables, along with plenty of mushrooms. Even the jar storing fresh water was full. CJpIqz

…He didn’t slack off? That’s commendable!

Seeing Omega diligently fulfilling his responsibilities, Ai Mo felt relieved. So, after washing his hands over the freshly caught prey, he stepped into the cave, treading on the flower petals.

The cave was filled with a fresh floral fragrance. Suddenly, there was a rustling sound from the grass bed deep inside the cave. Ai Mo focused his gaze and saw Ye Sang lying gracefully on the bed of flower petals, not a strand out of place. As soon as Ye Sang saw him approaching, he turned his face to look at him, bending one leg to cover his inner thigh, exuding a seductive and enticing aura.

“Why did you take so long to come back?” Ye Sang lowered his voice, compressing all his allure and charm into just a few words, rendering countless men submissive with his sensuality. daRwx8

Ai Mo furrowed his brows slightly but remained silent.

–Hmph, his silence means he’s considering it. Who cares about being secretive in broad daylight! Why doesn’t he come over already!

Ye Sang shouted in his mind. Whether it was the hot weather or some other factor, he felt a vague itching sensation all over his body. He couldn’t help but want to scratch, but he forcefully resisted the uncomfortable urge to itch. Instead, he deliberately moved his legs and released pheromones, instantly filling the cave with a sweet honey scent, complementing the elegant floral fragrance.

This invitation couldn’t be more direct, but Alpha remained unmoved. His deep gaze swept over Ye Sang from head to toe, causing him to tremble all over under Ai Mo’s intense scrutiny. The itching sensation on his skin became even more intense, and his face seemed to flush with heat. FfGrax

So hot, so itchy, and so prickly… Wait, something doesn’t seem right… Ye Sang finally realized something was wrong. He reached up to touch his face, and besides being swollen and burning hot, he could feel distinct granules!

At this moment, Ai Mo furrowed his brows tightly, quickly stepping forward to scoop Ye Sang up and sitting him down on a stone at the entrance of the cave. Once Alpha got a clear look at his condition, his brows furrowed even tighter, and he turned around to fetch fresh water.

Ye Sang looked down and realized his whole body was swollen, with his skin covered in a lot of sap from the red flowers. At first glance, it looked like he was covered in blood. Forget about romantic surprises, just avoiding being scared was already good enough!

“Although these flowers are very fragrant and beautiful, the stems and the tiny hairs on the leaves can cause allergic reactions and swelling,” Alpha said gently as he scooped up water to help him wash. While watching the marks on his body, he couldn’t help but furrow his brows. “Why did you go and cover the entire bed with flower petals?” 4CGY19

–What else could I do? Isn’t it just creating some romance?!

Author’s Note: The surprise turned into a fright, Sang Sang cried~ 

Teasing Sang Sang is really enjoyable, stepmom’s fun, hahaha!


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  1. Oh no that’s not good….hoping he doesn’t have a serious allergic reaction 😥 thank you so much for all your hard work!! ❤️❤️