Honey and Ashes【ABO】Ch35 - Once more❤️

As Ai Mo pondered whether he had exerted too much force and hurt Ye Sang’s hand just now, Ye Sang suddenly accelerated the rhythm of his movements, the strength in his lower body fast and fierce, as if retaliating for Ai Mo’s coldness.

“Ye Sang, wait… Mn!” avtz p

The sudden intense stimulation made Ai Mo’s breathing unstable in an instant. He gritted his teeth, wanting to stop Ye Sang’s mischief, but Ye Sang didn’t give him time to catch his breath. The pace of his movements became faster and faster, his tongue constantly teasing Ai Mo’s sensitive navel, leaving him panting and his mind blank. His fingers instinctively followed Ye Sang’s movements, rubbing against his waist.

“Mm, ah… faster…”

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He heard Ye Sang mumbling unclearly, crying while twisting his waist. The honey-like fragrance became excessively strong, and the space between their legs was soaked. The bud that held his fingers turned enticingly red. Ai Mo took a breath and hoarsely said, “Let’s do it together.”

“Okay, together…” y91 V2

Ye Sang collapsed weakly on top of him, panting heavily, but still rapidly stroking what was about to explode, while simultaneously sucking on its sensitive tip with force. This intense stimulation instantly elicited a beastly pant from Ai Mo. Just as he was about to erupt, his fingers also exerted pressure on Omega’s sensitive spot.

Only a sharp scream from Ye Sang was heard, his body immediately tensing up, trembling all over, as numerous fluids slowly flowed out from his crimson honey orifice, trickling down Ai Mo’s arm, while the rich fragrance instantly triggered Ai Mo’s climax. He gasped heavily, pressing Ye Sang’s head forcefully against his thighs, ejaculating into that hot, narrow throat.

“Mm…” Only a painful whimper came from Omega, his hands clenched into fists on Ai Mo’s thighs, but he didn’t let go until Ai Mo finished venting, then slowly released his grip.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

As he let go, Ye Sang immediately sat up, coughing violently. Only then did Ai Mo snap out of it, guiltily patting his back to help him catch his breath.


“Jbeut… sbe…” Tf Vjcu mbeutfv ktlif uijglcu ja tlw, tlr ojmf oiertfv gfv, ilqr rkbiifc, klat agjcrqjgfca rlinfg atgfjvr tjculcu ogbw atf mbgcfgr bo tlr wbeat, ecregf lo la kjr rjilnj bg tlr ybvlis oielvr.

“P’w rbggs…”

Lf jqbibulhfv rboais, yiertlcu, kjcalcu ab tfiq klqf Tf Vjcu’r ojmf mifjc. Fcfzqfmafvis, Tf Vjcu gfjmtfv bea ab klqf atf ildelv ogbw tlr bkc ojmf, gluta lc ogbca bo Cl Zb. Lf fzafcvfv tlr mglwrbc abcuef, ilmxlcu atf ildelv boo tlr olcufgalqr, klat j rfvemalnf, fcalmlcu ibbx, jr lo rjnbglcu rbwf kbgivis vfilmjms, klat j cfjgis klmxfv jcv fcmtjcalcu jiiegf, gfluclalcu Cl Zb’r cba sfa ojvfv vfrlgf.

“…One more time, okay…” Omega straddled his lower abdomen, deliberately rubbing his still swollen lower body with his wet thighs, causing the parts where they pressed together to emit wet, hot, sticky sounds, irresistibly sexy. K0n96m


Ai Mo cursed inwardly, but he knew he couldn’t let things escalate further. Faced with this alluring invitation, he could only grit his teeth, force himself to calm down, and push Ye Sang away from him. “No, we should stop.”

“—Stop what! This isn’t enough!”

Still in the mood, Ye Sang persistently rubbed against him. Unexpectedly, Ai Mo furrowed his brows slightly and smacked his buttocks with full force, causing tears to immediately stream down Ye Sang’s face. yFpwMB

“You jerk! You actually hit me for real!”

The pain instantly brought Ye Sang back to his senses. Normally pampered and loved, he was now furious and ready to fight. But before his fist could reach Ai Mo, his wrist was grabbed, and he was pulled into Ai Mo’s embrace with both hands restrained.

His face buried in the other’s solid chest, the faint, elegant fragrance of sandalwood enveloped him. The strong heartbeat of the alpha seemed to be a pacemaker for calming emotions. He felt as though he were drugged, instantly calming down and forgetting his anger.

“…Let’s just leave it at this for today, okay?” Ai Mo whispered softly as he held him. This gentle, cautious approach made Ye Sang feel as if he were cherished and loved. a6XAYr

He stood there dumbfounded, held by the alpha, unable to accurately describe his current astonishment. Even his surging desire faded instantly.

The gentle waves lapped against the shore, the slightly cool evening breeze, the unidentified birds chirping in the woods, and the faint sound of small crustaceans burrowing into the sand on the beach… Everything in the primal nature was completely different from the debauchery Ye Sang had indulged in for so long. Yet somehow, he slowly stopped disliking these things that were completely opposite to civilization.

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—Because of the increasingly radiant stars in the night sky, and the moist eyes of the alpha, Ye Sang no longer feared the darkness where he couldn’t see his hand in front of his face. He couldn’t help but snuggle against Ai Mo’s chest, murmuring softly, “I’m cold.”

He heard a muffled chuckle from the alpha. Ye Sang thought he would get a response like, “It’s over 30 degrees, how could you be cold?” Instead, Ai Mo held him even tighter, gently stroking his hair, and softly said, “Is this better?” f3Z8G0

As the alpha’s scorching fingertips brushed against his earlobes, Ye Sang couldn’t help but tremble. He nodded gently, like a soothed kitten.

Ai Mo, whose biological clock was always very accurate, rarely stayed in bed—because Ye Sang slept clinging to him like an octopus, even pulling on his pants.

In fact, he could easily push away this annoying guy, considering he had much more to do than this lazybones. But seeing the omega in his arms sleeping so soundly, with a peaceful and beautiful sleeping face like an angel, he couldn’t bear to disturb this lovely scene. 9LAKb3

It wasn’t until the sun was high in the sky that he had to reluctantly withdraw his hand from under Ye Sang’s head and carefully got up from the grass bed.

As if disturbed by his movements, Ye Sang grunted and rolled over, displaying a casual sprawl, with countless red marks on his bare thighs, like lascivious traces of scattered petals, instantly pulling Ai Mo’s memory back to the passionate night before, making him blush involuntarily.

The scent and warmth of Omega’s body, the moist warmth of his insides, and even his soft little tongue, were all so sweet and irresistible. He remembered his mind going blank, subconsciously pushing himself deeper into Ye Sang’s mouth, ignoring his struggles, and holding Ye Sang’s head firmly, feeling a bit panicked.

…Would he be able to resist next time? If they kept waiting for rescue and accidentally slipped up, what would they do if Ye Sang got pregnant? This deserted island wasn’t a place for a safe delivery… And childbirth… The thought made Ai Mo furrow his brows tightly. 6W4Rm3

He knew that male Omega childbirth inevitably required surgery, but how could they possibly manage that on this deserted island…

Author’s Note: Now you know why Mo Mo cares so much about protection~ He’s such a good boy, he doesn’t want Sang Sang to suffer any losses~ (Sang: I just want to eat chicken 😈)

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