Honey and Ashes【ABO】Ch32 - Never regret

Ye Sang originally thought it would be a romantic love story, but who would have expected it to involve souls and the underworld? Afraid of ghosts, he couldn’t help but get goosebumps. However, seeing the man’s misty eyes and the way he softly narrated the story was very captivating, which eased Ye Sang’s fear a bit. Feeling braver, he stealthily leaned against the man’s firm chest and softly murmured, “And then?”

The omega in his arms blinked his beautiful large eyes, looking like a cute and obedient kitten. Ai Mo forgot to question why this guy had suddenly leaned on him and instead reached out to hold Ye Sang’s slender waist, as if afraid he might fall. He continued, “Orpheus walked on with his head down, his wife silently following behind. Although the end of the underworld was in sight, Orpheus couldn’t suppress his longing and turned to look at his wife, wanting to see if she was still following him… As soon as he turned his head, his wife let out a tragic scream and fell back into the dark hell.” GX29Jy

Ye Sang, expecting a romantic ending, was inevitably shocked. At this moment, Ai Mo lowered his head to look at him and said gently, “Orpheus was filled with regret and eventually died of grief. Zeus, moved by his deep love, transformed him into the constellation Lyra, which appears as the harp we see.”

Not sure if it was the heavy development of the story or the suddenly warming night, the atmosphere became stifling. Ye Sang looked at the Alpha with a distant gaze, remained silent for a moment, then suddenly reached out to poke Ai Mo’s stubbled chin and muttered softly, “Hey, if it were you, would you turn back?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

When asked this, Aimo’s gaze shifted to Ye Sang’s face, his deep eyes scanning every inch, filled with inquiry and contemplation, as if carefully weighing the most appropriate answer. After pondering for a long time, he softly said, “No.”

This response was expected, but Ye Sang still felt a bit unsatisfied. The idea of eternal love was not something he found easy to believe, despite his many years of experience in the field of romance. Yet, in front of this pure-hearted, aloof Alpha, he seemed to have been infected by a touch of foolish hope. BTVM8L

“Big iceberg, it’s your wife behind you! Wouldn’t you turn back to check if the King of the Underworld is tricking you, swapping your wife, or worried that she might get lost or something?”

Ye Sang grumbled in exasperation, his fingers moving to the man’s cheek, pinching it playfully.

Ai Mo grabbed his mischievous fingers, his brows slightly furrowing, as if reproaching his childishness. He whispered, “I don’t do things I’ll regret.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Hearing this, Ye Sang couldn’t help but roll his eyes.


“Tbe’gf cba jc CP. Snfgsbcf wjxfr pevuwfca fggbgr rbwfalwfr. Ktfgf’r cb kjs cba ab gfugfa jcsatlcu. Efujgvifrr bo ktja atf Blcu bo atf Fcvfgkbgiv rjsr, la’r sbeg klof obiibklcu yftlcv sbe. Lbk mbeiv sbe cba aegc yjmx ab mtfmx?”

Tf Vjcu’r abcf lcnbiecajglis gbrf, rffwlcuis lcvlucjca jybea atf rabgs’r qiba, yea tlr jcufg ofia wbgf ilxf jc lcafggbujalbc.

Ai Mo’s brow furrowed slightly, and he hesitated several times before finally saying, “I don’t want to regret it. Life doesn’t give you a second chance. Once you’ve made a decision, you have to take responsibility for your actions at that moment.”

Ai Mo’s serious tone left Ye Sang speechless. His lips parted and closed a few times, unable to think of a fitting retort. Instead, he suddenly remembered the day of the shipwreck, when he was floating in the dark, icy sea, fearfully watching the burning night-fishing boat. This man had calmly pushed the lifeboat away and sternly ordered him not to look back. jZgBac

—That phrase ‘don’t look back,’ is it an expression of optimistic forward momentum, or is it a resigned acceptance of having no choice but to carry on with a heavy burden?

Ye Sang looked at the alpha’s tightly pressed lips and couldn’t help but think he was probably the latter.

Noticing the atmosphere becoming a bit awkward, Ye Sang cleared his throat a few times and shrugged nonchalantly. “Hey, how old are you, acting so mature?”

“Twenty,” Ai Mo mumbled softly. nOqai9

“What? How old did you say?!”

Ye Sang had intended to lighten the mood with some playful jokes, but hearing this astonishing number left his jaw almost dropping to the floor.

“Next month I’ll be 21,” Ai Mo, annoyed by Ye Sang’s raised voice, added, “I’m a junior in the architecture department at G University, but I took a leave of absence at the beginning of the year. I wanted to work and experience life, so I came to T Country.”

Ye Sang looked at the Alpha’s muscular physique and tall, 190 cm frame, then at his ruggedly handsome face, completely stunned and speechless. After a few seconds of dumbfounded silence, he managed a dry laugh, “…You sure matured quickly.” v93LWK

Upon hearing this, the Alpha immediately rolled his eyes. “You’re the childish one! My appearance matches my mental age.”

Ye Sang, seeing the handsome face turn red, felt a mischievous urge rise within him. He grabbed the Alpha’s slightly stubbly chin and grinned cheekily, “Since you’re younger than me, just call me Sang-ge.”

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This affectionate and strange nickname made Ai Mo’s ears instantly turn red. Not to be outdone, he bit Ye Sang’s finger as if punishing him for his teasing.

Ye Sang cried out in pain, then laughed and bit Ai Mo’s nose. The Alpha retaliated by biting back. The two of them, like playful young animals, nipped at each other until, somehow, their lips ended up pressed together. QZK2OW

Ai Mo’s lips still carried the sweet and sour taste of the fruit he had just eaten, and the stubble on his lips prickled Ye Sang, causing a tingling sensation. This rough masculinity inexplicably ignited a fire within him. Ai Mo’s tongue traced the shape of Ye Sang’s lips, gently pecking at them, tender yet inexperienced. Despite his poor kissing skills, Ye Sang felt his knees go weak from the caresses.

…Could this be the result of highly compatible pheromones? Just one kiss from Ai Mo had Ye Sang breathing heavily, yearning for a deeper entanglement…

After exchanging a few shallow kisses, Ye Sang leaned over and looked into Ai Mo’s beautiful brown eyes, which seemed to hold the stars. Unable to resist, he cupped Ai Mo’s handsome face and murmured in the gentlest voice he had ever used, “—Thank you.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Ai Mo’s expression remained unchanged, but Ye Sang could feel his face growing increasingly hot in his palms, as if it might catch fire. TY3PSR

“What…?” The usually calm and composed Alpha asked in a hoarse voice, with a strange glint in his brown eyes. His rarely seen, endearingly clueless expression finally showed some of the charm of a 20-year-old boy.

Ye Sang couldn’t help but smile, feeling a sweet warmth swell in his heart, too overwhelming to describe. He took a shallow breath and, once his heartbeat had settled a bit, planted a kiss on the Alpha’s somewhat rugged chin. “—Thank you for saving me, and thank you for every meal you’ve made.”

Author’s Note:

Sang: Oh heavens, so tender! Gege, I won’t hold back ↑_(ΦwΦ;)Ψ a2sheo

Mo: I’m not tender! I’m all grown up! (≧д≦ヾ)

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  1. Aii, scattering dog food everywhere ༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽

    Btw Ai Mo is a baby huh