Forces of TemptationCh160 - Evil Descends


Editor-Yui, Proofreader-Woojoo Bd6XEh

The chicken eggs with long needles were taken away, and in their place, a mouse with a glass cover turned upside down was set down.

This was an ordinary-looking mouse, the type that was good at stealing food from homes. It was fat and sturdy, with whiskers so long they hung down to the ground. There was nothing cute about it at all.

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It was difficult for people to feel sympathy for its dignified appearance.

So except for the players who were on a mission and could easily empathize with small animals that were at the mercy of others, the other tourists were watching with great interest. f8suDS

Especially Shao Mingzhe, who seemed to dislike mice or something, his brow furrowed tightly.

The sorcerer picked up a small silver pair of scissors and swiftly cut off a strand of the mouse’s whiskers.

The whiskers were then tied to three special stalks of thatch, which were ignited by the candle flame, emitting a peculiar scent.

In the instant the smoke rose, the emcee inserted the burning tip of the thatch into a small ventilation hole on the glass cover, about the size of half a fingernail.


The sorcerer’s lips moved, reciting complex and cryptic incantations.

The mouse, inside the transparent glass cover, was faintly obscured by thin smoke.

It twitched its pointed nose slightly.

Gradually, a gaze of greedy fervor gathered in its eyes. Fh3v j

It straightened its upper body, with its tiny claws curled up in front of its chest, frantically twitching its nose, like an addict in the human world.

After inhaling a sufficient amount of smoke, it raised its claws and started… dancing inside the glass cover.

The dance had no meaning whatsoever, just pure frenzy.

It was like a member of an ancient ritual, dancing fervently to convey worship for this mysterious smoke. bBwn8D

It spun in a frenzy, until it accidentally collided with the glass cover, making a loud thud, and then fell silent.

The emcee introduced, “This is the Fantasy Descent.”

Fantasy Descent, as the name suggested, was a spell that could cause creatures to have hallucinations.

Nan Zhou raised his hand and asked, “So, what will it see?” mfyaw7

Nan Zhou guessed that it might see the God of Cheese.

The emcee’s mood was greatly affected by the sudden appearance of the needle. Seeing this talkative young man causing trouble again, he furrowed his brow.

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…He had his own way of dealing with these stubborn tourists.

He lowered his head and, in Thai with a strong local accent, said to the sorcerer, “He doesn’t believe in your abilities. He thinks it’s fake.” tp5zfA

Next to him, Jiang Fang subtly furrowed his brows.

But he thought for a moment and remained silent.

The withered and skinny emcee wrapped in a cloak raised his eyelids slightly and looked towards Nan Zhou.

At this moment, Nan Zhou finally saw his eyes. ImPChx

The eyeballs were tinged with reddish-brown hue, like dried beads frozen in their sockets.

Nan Zhou calmly locked eyes with him.

Unfortunately, the sorcerer quickly averted his gaze.

Nan Zhou, the diligent student, still did not receive his answer. 6JhnFI

Even though Nan Zhou was ignored by the uninterested teacher, he didn’t mind and continued to listen attentively with his head held high.

Since sorcery was a performance art, it naturally aimed for quick and prominent effects that the audience enjoyed.

…For example, the Art of Harmony.

T/N-It’s a taoism love spell to promote, or change, or reduce feelings among two people. Basically to mess with the feelings using rituals. DarYXf

When two tufts of cat hair burned together with crushed insect fat in a small red clay box, the two cursed cats immediately reconciled.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktlr kjr lcvffv j ilnfis jcv lcafgfralcu rmfcf ktlmt fjgcfv j gbecv bo jqqijerf ogbw atf jevlfcmf.

Ktfgf kfgf delaf j ofk rqfmajabgr lcafgfrafv lc atlr rbgmfgs.

Ktf fwmff kjr nfgs rjalrolfv klat atf foofma bo atlr qfgobgwjcmf, jcv atf merabwjgs qgbwbalbcji rfuwfca kjr, bo mbegrf, lcvlrqfcrjyif. Y3Jyw1

“Ccsbcf ktb kjcar atf wjrafg’r jrrlrajcmf lc qfgobgwlcu atf Ljgwbcs Kfmtcldef klii cffv ab qjs 12,000 Djta qfg qfgrbc.”

“If you find the price too high, you can also learn on your own. After this performance ends, there will be a guidebook personally written by the sorcerer available for sale.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Because the master feels a connection with all the visitors present, you can secure it for just 3,000 Baht.”

Some other visitors were indeed tempted and had started rummaging through their wallets, counting to see if they had enough Baht to exchange. qQ0sfw

The three poor people sitting in the front row remained calm and unmoved due to their lack of money.

Seeing their stingy and troublemaking behavior, the emcee became even more determined to teach them a lesson.

Finally, after demonstrating how sticking the hair in the earth allowed a flower to sprout in the cup, followed by the Fresh Flower Curse and the Golden Silkworm Curse, which could corrode a hole into gold and iron, they reached the grand finale.

The emcee abandoned the mysterious introduction in a mix of Thai and English and switched to a winding Chinese accent for the grand finale. mVqLH6

“Now, we need to select a guest to experience our most mysterious and terrifying act – Flying Head Curse.

“We need a brave guest to participate in this segment.”

His Chinese, which at best was a four or five out of ten, combined with his uncontrollable proud smile, caused his tone to split in all directions, sounding very eerie and strange.

He looked at Nan Zhou and smiled, saying, “Would this curious guest like to come up and experience it?” 7FRPu

Li Yinhang obediently sensed the bad situation from the tone.

Nan Zhou was probably seen as the kind of person the emcee was intentionally picking on.

…This was a show of strength to put him in his place.

Therefore, when Nan Zhou stood up, she quickly grabbed his suit pants and shook her head repeatedly. LsPdK2

Jiang Fan gently used the folding fan he had just bought at the stall to press on Li Yinhang’s hand back, “Let him try.”

Li Yinhang was a bit anxious, “But…”

Jiang Fan, “Do you think he will be scared?”

Li Yinhang, “…” Yeah, right. WwGMNc

The emcee could understand what they were saying.

He remained silent.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

He just grinned and watched these three people show off.

He had seen too many skeptical guests. IptACM

Anyway, when those variously shaped heads flew up and pretended to hit people’s faces, not a single troublemaker remained calm; they either screamed in fear or cursed loudly.

Some were even frightened to the point of incontinence.

The scene was bound to be very exciting.

Nan Zhou didn’t care about the emcee’s little tricks. eKZCmy

He walked up to the master, lowered his head, and locked eyes with him.

The sorcerer extended his withered, monkey-like hand towards Nan Zhou, holding a small black, shiny stone cup in his palm.

He muttered a phrase.

Nan Zhou looked towards the emcee. AOWQ0U

The emcee, gleefully translating on the side, said, “The master asks you to provide something from your body. Hair, nails, saliva… For a better effect, a drop of blood from your fingertip is preferred.”

This was just something the emcee casually mentioned.

After all, he had never seen any normal tourist who would dare to poke their fingers and draw blood just to verify the authenticity of an irrelevant paid performance.

But unfortunately, he didn’t come across any normal people today. zLVk81

Nan Zhou thought for a moment, then walked a few steps backstage. He retrieved a needle that had floated  on the water during the earlier performance involving needles hidden in the egg, and returned to the sorcerer.

He held up the needle tip and calmly pointed at the small cup in the sorcerer’s palm, “Just drop it here?”

The emcee: “…”

He slightly straightened his body. e9izdK

People say ignorance is bliss, but having no fear of the unknown was simply courting death.

He was increasingly looking forward to the scene of Nan Zhou being scared out of his wits.

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Even the emcee, who had never seen how terrifying a flying head summoning with blood could be, only heard that it was quite fierce; if not handled properly, it could easily bite and kill.

The more extreme the emotional contrast of those who don’t believe in superstitions, the more formidable the sorcerer appears, and the better the performance effect. bcye5d

The emcee was already looking forward to how many books he could sell today and how much commission he could earn.

Nan Zhou dripped blood without hesitation.

On the contrary, the sorcerer, his eyes murky like wooden beads, rolled them hesitantly.

Nan Zhou felt a bit of pain, put his fingertip in his mouth to stop the bleeding, and quietly stared at the sorcerer in front of him. BPtJ8x

That strange sense of oppression made the sorcerer’s shriveled Adam’s apple involuntarily move up and down.

He started to take action.

He took out a silver needle from inside his robe and meticulously drew a skull-shaped outline at the bottom of the black cup.

As he traced the symbol outline, he began to chant the incantation slowly and deliberately. ba1cRr

This time, the curse he was casting seemed longer and more complex than any he had done before.

He seemed to be hesitating about something, chanting the incantation particularly clearly.

…As cautious as a student afraid of reciting a text incorrectly.

Slowly and clearly, strange words flowed slowly from the sorcerer’s dry black lips, sounding like ghostly voices coming from a cold hell. GiKzuW

His nerves were so tense that he didn’t even notice Nan Zhou’s fingertip, which hung by his side, mirroring the movement of his silver needle, outlining an identical symbol.

Nan Zhou’s lips in the darkness, also closely followed his lips, moving ever so slightly, accurately echoing every obscure syllable.

Nan Zhou has a simple mind.

Those complex and irregular characters were not difficult to remember. JyP8XG

Because all the knowledge in the world was like a big foggy mass of text to him.

He first memorizes them as a whole, then understands them one by one.

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This was his unique learning habit.

As for drawing symbols, it was even simpler. A86ix4

Before [Universal Gravity] was released, he was just an ordinary art teacher.

As the spell reached its climax, a sudden scream erupted from the crowd.

This scream made Li Yinhang, who was focused on every move of the sorcerer, startled.

She turned her head and saw something that made her heart skip a beat. FWnNJk

A floating head in mid-air, silently appearing above and behind Nan Zhou’s head, seemingly emerging from a crevice in the tent.

They only saw that when the momentum of the head’s attack was stopped, Nan Zhou had slightly turned his head, pressed his right hand back, with his thumb and ring finger like iron tongs holding the head’s cheeks, gripping the strange head tightly as if holding a bowling ball.

The head: “…”

He never imagined there was a professional head player here. hxMjez

The head saw the situation was not good, wanting to retreat.

Nan Zhou exerted force with his fingertips, squeezing the head with a crackling sound, even the whites of its eyes rolled up.

The emcee was so scared by this suddenly appearing head that he fell to the ground.

He had seen mostly rotten chicken heads and dog heads before, where had he seen such a lively human head? lIDvM1

The sorcerer was also caught off guard by this sudden change, his monkey face turned pale, and he began chanting spells, trying to send the head away.

But it was already too late.

Nan Zhou held onto this human head, and the residual blood on his little finger quickly sketched a talisman on its slightly sunken cheek.

The head was squeezed, the skull rattled, eyes rolled white, and tears flowed unconsciously. GrAxP7

Tears slowly slid over the talisman on his cheek.

Nan Zhou had already observed the commonality between the sorcerer’s performances and understood what “Black Magic” really meant.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Act” -“Name”, can’t do without either.

“Curse”, referring to a drawn talisman, chanting the incantation, using medication, an unusual spell. FSTmY4

“Head”, it is using a certain part of the human body to mold an “imitation target”, namely the target to curse.

Nan Zhou had already used his blood to draw the necessary spell patterns on the face of the human head.

The tears of blood shed by the head became the most natural “head.”

Amidst the softly spoken and fast yet precise chanting, a simple flower appeared in Nan Zhou’s hand. ntKMdT

Tears of blood flowing down from a human head, becoming the most natural “head”.

Amidst the rapid, low and precise recitation, the simplest fresh flower was born on the palm of Nan Zhou’s hands.


After a faint sound, the vigorously struggling head stopped moving. ubd1Pw

From the head’s eyes, nose, ears, and mouth, a series of incredibly colorful boat-shaped mushrooms quickly emerged.

– This head that flew out of nowhere turned into a colorful flower pot.

Nan Zhou looked around and casually handed the colorful head flowerpot to the emcee.

The terrified emcee held the head, stared blankly for a moment, let out a scream like a slaughtered pig, and scurried to the side using both hands and feet, continuously praying in Thai for divine protection. FkZCYH

As the head flowerpot was about to roll towards Li Yinhang, she instinctively tried to dodge, but then a foot emerged, intercepting the head halfway.

…Shao Mingzhe silently reached for the head and placed it under his foot.

Noticing Li Yinhang’s gaze, he tilted his head slightly, avoiding her gaze, and focused on studying the face of the head.

Actually, the other audience members were skeptical about the whole thing. lOL413

When they saw the flying head, they were almost starting to believe.

Now, seeing Nan Zhou effortlessly handling this head, they naturally thought it was fake, that the young sorcerer Nan Zhou was just cooperating with the old sorcerer, putting on a spectacular yet harmless show using a toy skull.

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After being dumbfounded for a while, a burst of cheers and endless applause erupted among them.

The young couple in the back row shouted the loudest. ydXw8q

Cao Shuguang, “Awesome!”

Ma Xiaopei was even more excited than him, “Marry me!!!”

Cao Shuguang covered his wife’s mouth, who was overly excited, “Alright, alright, she’s taken, just think about it.”

Everyone felt that the 200 baht ticket was money well spent! Oo1 ys

Especially Li Yinhang.

Nan Zhou spent 40 bucks and learned an exclusive skill?

Was there a more profitable deal than this?

The excited audience naturally didn’t notice the old sorcerer who suddenly turned his head, hidden under his coarse robe, his hands trembling in disbelief, and the large drops of black blood falling from his nostrils. LZtM2d

In a damp and hot alley not far from the tent, a man quietly collapsed.

His neck and above were all empty, and blood was spurting out from the broken cavity.

Of course, no one would know the disturbing hint flashing in the live stream, causing all high-dimensional beings in the live stream to feel their scalps tingle.

“Notification, notification.” 8VNP B

“[Evil Descends] instance has not yet started the official storyline, the important boss has died, should players be informed to terminate the game?”

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