Ever Since I Take Home An Adonis Who Has Lost His BusinessCh8 - (36-40)

Translator: Re

Editor: Mims KrJWMd



Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com



When the male god came home with a tired face, I stared at his suit that had been straight in the morning but was now a little wrinkled.


“I wanted to wave at you from the walkway, how come I didn’t see you.”



I was startled for a moment.


I jumped out of the wooden chair and flew to the male god on tiptoes. Hugging his waist and burying my head against him, I said in a muffled voice, “BOSS, I really really like you!”


When the male god laughed in a low voice, his chest vibrated and he patted my back.


“I also like Kang Yan.”


I held onto him, reluctant to let go, then put my hands on his shoulders.


It took all my courage to place a kiss on those soft lips.


“… It’s this kind of like.”


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

I licked my lips.

  M6D pe

Male god, you secretly stole my melon flavored gum and chewed it at work, didn’t you?!


“In fact, didn’t you already take back the company?”


Not wanting to face him, I pretended to look at the scenery outside the window.


The glowing evening sky was dyed an orange red as birds soared into the distance.They gradually turned into countless small black dots.


“You may feel that the matter of liking a man is strange… that’s why I have to go – wu!!!!!!”


My eyes became round.


My lips were sealed…


…… Tongue!!


One hand used strength to press on the back of my head while another hand covered my eyes. It was overbearing, not leaving any room for escape.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The rough breathing, that burning touch, it invaded and swept through every corner of my mouth.


My throat unconsciously made a weak “wuwu” sound.


So itchy, so thirsty, so strange.


I was forced to lean stiffly against the cold wall.


When he finally released me, the male god gently wiped away the traces left behind on my lips.


With our foreheads touching, he smiled very happily, his eyes bright.


“I also like you in this way, Kang Yan.”




Holding my knees while on the long wooden bench, I shakily took the hot tea that the male god offered me.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


P, gfmflnfv, j, teuf, rtbmx, pera, cbk…


Chrysanthemum Garden.

P abbx j rwjii rlq, ws fsfr rtloalcu ifoa jcv gluta, pera cba ja atf wjif ubv ktb kjr rajglcu ja wf.


Ktf wjif ubv qlcmtfv ws cbrf, atfc mifjgfv tlr atgbja.


“Dfmjerf sbeg vjv rjlv atja sbe tjaf tlw, P atbeuta sbe’v offi vlruerafv abkjgvr atlr xlcv bo atlcu…”


I thought carefully about it. I clearly came out to Dad… I dared come out of the closet to the whole world but I actually hadn’t come out to the male god?!


When the male god moved closer to me, I shrank back and said weakly, “Then why did you want to recognize me as a younger brother?”


After being silent for a long time, BOSS replied softly, “I planned to keep you by my side for a lifetime.”


“If I can’t be your lover, then being a family member that takes care of you and looks after you is also good.”


The rising moon was both big and bright, reflecting clearly in the male god’s dark eyes.


I didn’t understand.


I really truly didn’t understand.


Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Why do you like me… I’m a man ah.”


I was always afraid to force myself, afraid that I would wake up from this dream if I used too much strength.


There’s this one person, I’ve liked him for four years.


At the age of 27, four years accounted for one-seventh of my life.


Like how the world is yin and yang, black and white, female and male.


Mother had been instilling in me since young, “You are a man, find a woman to spend a lifetime with, don’t be like your dad. You must find a woman, find a woman…”


I often heard the elderly say, “Between lovers it’s best to have complementary personalities otherwise the coming days will be difficult.”


So, during those four years, I inadvertently searched for all of his qualities, using every reason to convince myself that there was still a chance.


He is very serious, I am more humorous. He is taller than average, I am shorter than him. He prefers simple and plain objects, I tend to like colorful and fancy things. He likes sweet, I love sour.


But why was it that if it’s two men then it won’t work out?


Chrysanthemum Garden.

I thought countless times that, had it been an ordinary man and woman, it probably would have been very simple.


Had I had long hair, red lips, and a short skirt when I asked BOSS if he fell in love with me, he would have been able to answer without any hesitation, “Yes ah, Xiao Yan.”


Was it on that day when I was drunk and had been carried on his back?


What he said to me was, “Of course I like you ah, then of course I have to dote on you.”


My eyes reddened and I turned my head.


“BOSS… why did I have to like a man.”




The male god reached around me and put my head on his shoulder.


I habitually put my feet on top of his trousers, moving them restlessly.


“I know ah, Xiao Yan.”


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“You worked late every night alongside me just to chase after me when I leave. There’s a lot that I know.”

  YjXb s

“Including at that vegetable stall when you said that I am a flower on Gaoling.”


Here, BOSS smiled helplessly.


“On the road, you would hide in so many shadows. As I was walking along… halfway through, I wanted to just pull you, this fool, to walk together with me.”


“It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman.”


“You said you didn’t plan on staying so I thought I might as well keep it from you. I’ll tie you to me in the name of my brother, I won’t let you escape.”


“Xiao Yan… why is it so hard to believe?”


The night was cold, I drew near him again.


His warmth and smell was just like before, passing from my nose to my heart.


“Because… I never thought you would go down this path.”


Chrysanthemum Garden.

Too difficult to walk, too rugged, too long. Even if I waited foolishly at its end from start to finish, I never expected him to come to me.


“But, I see it as a miracle.”


I blinked, “Eh……?”


“You like me, I like you, don’t you think it’s a miracle?”


A miracle.


And the most beautiful fairy tale I have ever experienced in my life.




In the night, the two of us were laying quietly in bed.


I was holding onto his arm, unable to calm down for a long time.


“Hey, BOSS, I still intend on going to a temple to become a monk after I confess to you.”


Chrysanthemum Garden.

The male god laughed.


“Then why aren’t you leaving?”




Because I always felt… I always felt that… it would definitely *break the jar.

[TN: 破罐子破摔 – develop in a worse direction]


In case, in case, in case BOSS really does like me a little, if I don’t tell him anything and he chased after me up the mountains and across rivers, how bitter it would be ah. L7CR0z


I gave a small yawn and my eyes narrowed, my mood calming down.


“Then wouldn’t we be traveling a long distance?” dDUgFw


The male god was lying on his side. While holding me in his arms, he rested his chin on my head.


“It’s only because I have traveled a long way that I’ve seen more scenery ah.” 4KZdaM


…… En.

Chrysanthemum Garden.


“The road ahead may be difficult.” 6iGx5o


He paused, his tone was serious,”Kang Yan, are you willing to accompany me and be by my side to enjoy the scenery?”


I didn’t want to answer so I nodded. kfZRyL




“BOSS, I didn’t notice before but you speak words of love very well!” FJQGy0




I used both of my hands to push him away slightly. dQvba4


Under the soft silver light, the male god licked his lips, the tips of his ears suffused with a hint of red.


I covered my face and turned my back to BOSS so that I didn’t have to see him. sRGNTV


After being hugged and kissed, I was also red-faced and embarrassed!

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


Sleepiness hit. 0eQHkd


In my drowsiness, something warm pressed against my back and a pair of arms tightened around my waist.


His low, soft voice drifted in the air as he whispered. aiRILO


“Good night, baby.”


(40) EbKBqs


One month later.


The company changed hands. The strong woman Qiong Jie led a group of small rookies to surround me at my desk and asked, “Kang Yan, how can you stay at BOSS’s side for four years?” JZHGzT


Why did I feel as if this situation had happened before?


With a heavy and profound expression, I said to the confused new workforce, “Because I don’t covet BOSS’s beauty ah.” NUDJg7


Everyone: “…”

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com


BOSS, that is, my male god slowly stepped out from his office behind me, patted me on the head, and said to everyone, “Because he is BOSS’ furen.” OLy Ux




After work, I hooked my finger at the male god by the company entrance. xNcGmF


“BOSS BOSS, let’s hurry home before it starts raining ba.”


BOSS smiled and replied, “Alright.” cNJxYd


No matter what hardships are along the way, we have each other and will walk side by side.


This was probably the most beautiful thing in the world. VYHjbJ


─ ─ finished text


—————————- qxnyNd

Re: Gosh I love this ending TvT it’s so beautiful and kind of takes you back to the beginning. Also, just one more chapter (the extra from BOSS’ POV) and ESITH will officially be finished!


Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

MadMadamMims: TT this was so cute n short, I want more!


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  1. So cute so cute SO CUTE!!
    This novel wasn’t that long but it was really good. My description sucks ik lol xD
    I’m so excited for BOSS’ pov!

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

    • It was sweet. Thanks for translating this short novel!

  2. Aww I love it when a story comes full circle!

    A short and sweet story, leaving you wanting more but it’s best left as is, a short and sweet story~

    Excited for the BOSS’ POV!

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  3. .(๓´͈꒳`͈๓).❤ so CUTEEE

    Thanks for the chapter! ^ ^

  4. Aww thanks for translating this ^w^ so cute and funny xDD I’m looking forward to Boss’ pov owo

  5. The boss’ pov us going to be the best of all 😭😭😭 I wanna know his reactions to kangyan 😭. Thanks for the fast and great translations

  6. Why is this so incredibly cute?! I’m so in love with this short novel. Ahhh, truly beautiful. I Wonder when BOSS fell in love.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  7. awww thank you for this one. I really have to stop myself from crying because of this.

  8. This is so adorable, I’m gonna die from this cuteness!! ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽

  9. This is one of the best short novels I’ve read 😍😍😍😍 Oh my god….My heart just had a roller coaster ride with these twoooooo

  10. Im so so so so so very jealous of how beautiful love were in this story. Im just so so so so so jealous.

    • Whose name? MC is Kang Yan, ML is Fang Jingyi or Jingling something. It is mentioned by Xiao Yan dad.

  11. Oh LORD, the ending was so dang cute, I could live on this dog food till the day I die 😍. Thanks for the chapter!

  12. I just knew it lol. To be honest, Xiao Yan attitude truly is misleading 😂. I am glad everything worked out and our YanYan won’t have to shave his head and our male god won’t have to went on journey of finding his runaway furen 😆

  13. So damn cute. Sweet and cute! The miss understanding of boss is just awesome. Believing that Xiao Yan isn’t into men because of his dad despite him asking for good night kisses. Lol 😂😂😂

  14. Oh it’s really good! And I like that you left some words such as saozy and furen. After reading enough translations one is familiar with them and it’s somehow nicer than wife or sister in law… those are weird in English. Thanks for translating this, it was a joy to read!

  15. The story pull some strings on my hopelessly romantic heart. This is just so beautiful and so precious.

  16. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤💘❤💘❤💘❤💘❤💘❤💘❤💘❤💘❤💘❤💘❤💘❤💘❤💘❤💘❤💘❤💘❤💘❤💘❤💘❤💘❤💘❤💘❤💘❤💘❤