Fureteitai, Eien Ni

Fureteitai, Eien Ni ふれていたい、永遠に

RAW Source
Author: Takko
Total Chapters: 100
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Translators: Scaranpannoir
Release Schedule: Tuesday, Friday


Angst (77)Modern Day (8)Showbiz (3)younger top (1)


“Ren… Why don’t we, make a bet?”

Just once is fine. I want to touch Ren even more…

Akito and Ren are the stars of a hot BL drama, who plays two completely opposite roles.

Having to express his doting side everyday, Ren, who plays the seme role, would get excited every time, while Akito, who plays the uke role, enjoys teasing him.

Just like in the drama, the two get along pretty well.

However, after filming a kissing scene, Akito becomes aware of his feelings for Ren, and is shaken by his quickly beating heart.

Once he noticed his feelings, he could stay by his side anymore…

But he wants to be by his side. He wants to touch him.


Ren (Manly) x Akito (Quiet)


Ren (Cute puppy) x Akito (Manly)

The story progresses from both characters’ perspectives. The two’s perspectives while in-character will also appear from time to time.

I hope you enjoy the gap.

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