Ex Husband wants to RemarryCh30 - Why did he seem sad?

WARNING- This chapter includes mentions of non-consensual acts.


Thinking back to the phone call just now, Ji Ran felt disgusted.

Ye Linghan must have done that kind of thing with Gan Rui. He didn’t want such a dirty man.

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“Don’t want me to touch you? Do you want Rong Cheng to touch you instead? I didn’t knew you become so promiscuous that you seduce anyone who crosses your path? Am I not satisfying you? Why are you running around with other people?”

Ye Linghan tore Ji Ran’s clothes and bound his hands with them. Z7yEAf

“Anyone is better than you!” Ji Ran shouted these words under his loss of control, completely enraging Ye Linghan.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

As a genius and a member of an influential family, he couldn’t bear to lose to anyone.

Ye Linghan had never been ridiculed like this before. He bullied him and pushed him hard.

A physical intimacy without any preparation is undoubtedly a mess. Ji Ran’s face was pale from the pain, and his heart was cold.


Feeling liquid coming out, Ye Linghan knew it was blood.

The stimulation of that bloody light made him even more fierce to touch the person under him.

“Let go! Get lost!”

Ji Ran kept struggling, but his hands were entangled, and he couldn’t get rid of the violent man at all. McBCRw

He stood up straight and slammed his head at the man above him.

Caught off guard, Ye Linghan was bumped into him.

The pain on his forehead made the anger in his eyes even more intense. He turned Ji Ran over, pressed him on the floor, and started to move fiercely.

Some blood flowed out and landed on the expensive wool carpet. ZcgK3s

It was as if a sharp object was being stirred in the body, causing the internal organs to twist together in pain.

“Is it because I don’t treat you honestly, you are still going around hooking up men! Ji Ran, are you so cheap? You are my plaything, and you have to be my side. Before I have played enough, you aren’t allowed to leave my side.”

Like a ferocious beast, Ye Linghan lowered his head and bit Ji Ran’s shoulder.

Ji Ran groaned, his expression changed drastically due to the pain. pVHQqs

Ye Linghan kept nibbling on him, leaving ambiguous marks on his body.

In the end, he even bit Ji Ran’s wrist.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

That spot is the location of the Omega gland, and usually, temporary marking is done by Alpha biting the Omega’s wrist.

Although Ji Ran is not an Omega and cannot be marked, Ye Linghan still wants to leave his own mark on his body. 3raQIA

That night, Ji Ran was tortured miserably.

The wound kept bleeding, staining the sheets red.

By the late night, he started to have a fever.

He was in a delirious state, unable to distinguish between day and night. jscGDa

A scene of his past with Ye Linghan flashed before his eyes.

The first time they made love, he bled, and Ye Linghan was so heartbroken that he held him in his arms and kept saying sweet words to him, even personally applying medicine to him.

To take care of him, Ye Linghan, who had never cooked before, even learned how to cook porridge and almost burned down the kitchen.

Thinking of Ye Linghan’s busy and chaotic appearance, Ji Ran curled his lips and showed a smile. h47vCd

However, that smile was too short-lived, like snowflakes melting in an instant it turned into a bitter smile.

Ye Linghan sat by the bedside, staring at Ji Ran.

Seeing the change in his expression, he was puzzled: what was Ji Ran thinking? Why did he seem so sad?

“Ye Linghan–” mbVrOg

Ji Ran softly called out, and that soft voice immediately pierced Ye Linghan’s heart. He leaned over immediately and said, “Ran Ran!”

Ji Ran opened his hollow eyes and looked silently at the man in front of him. He slowly uttered a sentence: “Ye Linghan, I hate you!”

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  1. Patiently waiting for when Ji Ran will completely cut off Ye Lingyan and make him regret everything. I don’t even want them to be together anymore I just wanna see YLY suffer.