Ex Husband wants to RemarryCh29 - First time

WARNING- This chapter contains physical abuse. 

In the car, Ye Linghan received a call from his friend, Yun Ziqiu.

“Ye, what are you up to? We haven’t seen you in a few days. We’re having a card game at the club. Come join us!”

“Not going!” Ye Linghan was furious, and he had no mood to go out and have fun.

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“Hey, what’s wrong? Are you in a bad mood?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Don’t talk nonsense, I’m hanging up!” Ye Linghan was extremely annoyed, he just wanted to go back to the villa and teach Jiran a lesson. yUdZEc

“Hey, wait a minute!” Yun Ziqiu said, “Ye, are you for real? After getting engaged, have you changed your ways? I heard you even dumped your mistress! Poor thing! He is borrowing money everywhere! I heard he even sold the gifts you gave him! When did you become so stingy? You didn’t even give him a breakup fee.”

“What did you say?” Ye Linghan’s eyes were filled with a fierce glare, and the words seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth.Sensing something different in his tone, Yun Ziqiu hastily said, “Don’t you know about this?”

“Ji Ran has been borrowing money from everyone?”

“He borrowed from all his classmates, and then he said he was going to sell his watch. He found Rong Cheng, the young master of the Rong family. His family is in the trust business, and he has many trust institutions under his name. I don’t know what kind of relationship your little lover has with Rong Cheng, but the young master Rong lent him 20 million directly without any interest. Your little lover is planning to use his watch as collateral.” Yun Ziqiu clicked his tongue. “I remember that watch was the gift you gave him four years ago! We flew to H country to customise it, and you even went to South Africa to buy diamonds worth millions for it…”

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Before Yun Ziqiu could finish speaking, Ye Linghan had already hung up the phone.

He stepped on the accelerator, and the sports car raced forward like an arrow.

With a murderous look on his face, Ye Linghan stepped into the bedroom and saw Ji Ran already asleep in bed.

He strode over, grabbed Ji Ran’s clothes, and pulled him off the bed. ltp qN

Ji Ran felt a rush of gravity in his sleep, and his neck was tightened. He opened his eyes and had not yet seen the situation around him when Ye Linghan’s slap fell heavily on his face.


A crisp slap echoed in the bedroom.

The burning pain on his cheek brought Ji Ran back to his senses. He widened his eyes and looked incredulously at the furious man in front of him. IxCHAQ

They had been together for four years, and they had fought, quarreled, and even talked about breaking up.

But no matter how they tossed and turned, Ye Linghan had never laid a hand on him.

This was the first time!

The shock in his eyes slowly turned into pain, and finally into hatred. Ji Ran coldly looked at the man in front of him, like a beast baring its fangs. OBPNjX

As he met his stubborn and icy gaze, the guilt of hitting someone in anger dissipated instantly.

Ye Linghan held Ji Ran’s chin and lifted his face up high.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“I’ve only been gone for a few days, and you can’t stand being lonely and flirt with other men. How shameless and cheap can you be? Can’t you live without a man?”

The slap on his face hurt, but it didn’t hurt as much as Ye Linghan’s words. CR4Iie

“Shut up!” Ji Ran couldn’t take it anymore and punched Ye Linghan in the face.

With a frosty face and a murderous look in his eyes, he had been patient for so long, and he really didn’t want to tolerate it anymore.

“Ye Linghan, what right do you have to say such things to me? What kind of man are you? You’re not even a person.”

Being scolded like this by Ji Ran, Ye Linghan’s eyes turned red. LJ3qbn

He grabbed Ji Ran by the neck and threw him to the ground.

Ji Ran struggled constantly, punching Ye Linghan one after another. “Get away from me! You make me sick!”

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