Escape From the LibraryCh273 - Depth of the Starry Sky 25

The giant worm struggled desperately to throw them out, and the explosive power of that moment was even more terrifying than being hit by a big truck! Yue Xingwen was dizzy from the fall, his brain seemed to be congested and his eyes suddenly darkened.

It wasn’t known how long it took for him to finally regain his sight and hurriedly look around. HGmohE

The outside of the metal cover was covered with the digestive juices of the giant worm, and it was difficult to see the outside clearly, but the fire that rose to the sky spilled in through the gap in the mucus. Yue Xingwen looked at the direction of the firelight, pricked up his ears and listened to the surrounding movements, and the roar of the insect completely disappeared after a few seconds of outbreak.

Since the soil was frozen by the Siberian Cold Current, there was no sound of small worms churning the soil.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

It was quiet all around.

Yue Xingwen looked at Jiang Pingce excitedly. β€œDid we succeed?” Bj7H9i

Jiang Pingce whispered, β€œYes, this monster should be burned to death by us.”

Yue Xingwen shouted loudly outside, β€œSenior brother Zhuo, senior brother Xu, Qin Miao, can you hear me?”

A response soon came from the side, and it was Xu Yishen’s voice, β€œYes, I’m right near you.”

Qin Miao followed closely and said, β€œI can hear it too. Everyone should have landed in the frozen soil created by Xiao Lu, and it won’t fall down for the time being. But Xiao Lu’s frozen lasts for a limited time, so we have to get up as soon as possible!”


With Jiang Pingce here, it was not difficult to take everyone up.

Jiang Pingce said, β€œXin Yan, make a bigger protective cover, let’s gather and go up together.”

Xin Yan said, β€œOkay, give me a minute.”

Jiang Pingce followed closely and said, β€œI listen to the voice, senior brother Xu is in front of us on the left, Qin Lu is in the back on the right, you let your metal cover roll in the direction of me and Xingwen, so that we can gather together later.” fhHv8O

Xu Yishen immediately pushed the metal protective cover from the inside and rolled in the direction of Jiang Pingce’s voice.

At this moment, Yue Xingwen suddenly said, β€œWhat about senior brother Zhuo Feng?”

Qin Lu and Qin Miao glanced at each other and said worriedly, β€œIt seems that we haven’t heard senior brother Zhuo’s voice all along. Could it be that he didn’t land on the frozen soil?”

Jiang Pingce’s face changed slightly. β€œWhen we descended just now, we rolled in the body of the worm, and the intestines of the giant worm were twisted and curved, slowing down the speed of our descent. But senior brother Zhuo landed vertically, and his speed was faster than ours, and most likely, his position was deeper than ours as well.” S dWjs

Yue Xingwen frowned. β€œSo, he was buried under the frozen soil? Do we have to melt the frozen soil to find him?”

Qin Lu said nervously, β€œHowever, once the frozen soil melts, the surrounding soil is likely to collapse. What if we don’t have time to fly up? Moreover, senior brother Zhuo’s specific location can’t be locked down right now, how are we going to find him?”

In the bottomless abyss, it was indeed not easy to find a person.

Yue Xingwen’s mind flashed. β€œXiao Tu, it can locate the precise coordinates of teammates!” WPxNj

Xiao Tu was by Ke Shaobin’s side on the roof, how could he tell him to put Xiao Tu down? With a distance of more than 400 meters, a loud shout would definitely not be heard. Xin Yan thought for a moment and suddenly said, β€œI have an idea.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He stretched his right hand, and countless spirit lamps flew out of his hand, flew up to the ground at a very fast speed, flew high into the air, and then, like a trick, rearranged themselves as if they were doing a magic trick, forming a figure.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Pa kjr fzjmais ktja Wljb Ke’r tfjv ibbxfv ilxf.

Bf Vtjbylc rabbv bc atf gbbo bo atf yelivlcu, ibbxlcu ja atf lwjuf bo atf rqlgla ijq gfifjrfv ys Wlc Tjc, jcv kjr raeccfv obg j ktlif. Dea rbbc, tf gfjmafv jcv fzmlafvis rjlv ab tlr afjwwjafr jgbecv tlw, β€œKtlr lr atf rlucji Wlc Tjc ujnf wf, tf cffvr Wljb Ke’r tfiq!” QPUS8M

Lin Manluo was already anxious that she couldn’t wait to jump in and help. Hearing this, she immediately said, β€œHurry up and put Xiao Tu down, I’ll use vines to make Xiao Tu down!”

She summoned five arm-thick green vines in succession, tied the ends to Xiao Tu, and then darted down to where the spirit lamp floated up.

Xiao Tu fell sharply and soon landed in the frozen soil. Yue Xingwe heard the crips sound of a heavy object falling, and immediately asked, β€œIs it Xiao Tu? Retrieve the coordinates of teammates quickly!”

Xiao Tu’s mechanical voice rang in his ears, β€œRoger. Search in progress… 12 coordinates have been found.” 5wMZo0

Jiang Pingce said, β€œReport the data.”

Xiao Tu quickly reported the data, and the 5 coordinates stayed together, which was the 5 people including Ke Shaobin who stayed on the roof of the building; 6 coordinates on the frozen soil; There was also a separate coordinate where the Y-axis was negativeβ€”β€” It was Zhuo Feng who landed faster than them!

At this point, the coordinates stood still, apparently buried by the collapsing soil around.

Fortunately, when Zhuo Feng came down, the metal protective cover carried enough oxygen, and even if he was buried, his life would not be in danger for a moment. qQDI3i

Jiang Pingce made a decision, β€œI’ll go and save senior brother Zhuo.”

Xu Yishen said, β€œI’ll send a clone to go with you.”

Jiang Pingce didn’t object, he looked back at Yue Xingwen and said in a low voice, β€œAfter Qin Lu unfreezes the frozen soil, I’ll immediately land at Zhuo Feng’s current position, confirm that he has gotten the ore, and then bring him back up, immediately following the modification of the formula, and take everyone out of the abyss together. We may only have a few seconds.”

Yue Xingwen nodded vigorously. β€œI know. I will let everyone gather together.” KFoLxv

Jiang Pingce grabbed the handle inside the metal cover and pushed it outward.

A burst of cold air affected by the cold current instantly poured in to hatch, Yue Xingwen looked at his back as he drilled out and whispered, β€œBe careful, I’ll wait for you to come back!”

Jiang Pingce paused and whispered, β€œI know.”

Next door, Xu Yishen also sent out clones. Jiang Pingce looked towards Qin Lu’s location and said, β€œUnseal it.” 0Ki9aV

When Qin Lu heard the sound, she took out the globe and began to operate.

The Siberian Cold Current passed through, and the frozen place thawed instantly. The frozen soil that was originally frozen suddenly cracked, revealing a pitch-black opening. Jiang Pingce immediately jumped into the abyss and fell quickly towards the location where Zhuo Feng was!

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Zhuo Feng was buried in the ground by the soft soil, he hid in the metal cover, he couldn’t see the surrounding scene clearly, and his heart was anxious and uneasy, when he heard Jiang Pingce’s voice suddenly ringing out nearby, β€œSenior brother Zhuo.”

Zhuo Feng was delighted and hurriedly shouted, β€œI’m here!” KETp4r

His metal cover was buried in soil, and he couldn’t dig it with his bare hands. Jiang Pingce simply used the β€˜Graph Analysis’ skill to instantly split the soil in front of him into countless broken shapes and threw them into the deep abyss.

If this was slightly worse, Zhuo Feng would have been split up by him.

Fortunately, Xiao Tu accurately positioned the coordinates, and Jiang Pingce deliberately avoided Zhuo Feng’s position when splitting the soil.

Zhuo Feng saw Jiang Pingce through the viewing window in the metal cover, and immediately said, β€œMy magnet sensed the last piece of ore, and I was about to get it, the abyss suddenly shook violently and that ore fell!” KXoIbf

Xu Yishen asked, β€œWhat is the specific direction of the fall?”

Zhuo Feng said, β€œIt’s right below me.”

Xu Yishen picked up the magnet he had placed on the metal cover and said, β€œLeave it to me, I’ll find it.”

Mitosis was naturally more efficient as it could send out four replicas to find a target at the same time. Before Zhuo Feng could refuse, Xu Yishen suddenly jumped down and disappeared into the darkness in an instant. vhJtuc

Jiang Pingce knew that his body was still in the metal cover and was safe for the time being, so he flew up with Zhuo Feng.

Xin Yan’s large protective shield was completed, and several other people had already gathered in the new protective shield. Seeing that Jiang Pingce and Zhuo Feng were about to reach the platform where Yue Xingwen and the others were…

At this moment, the abyss began to shake once again!

This time, the shaking was more violent than the previous one, like a magnitude eight earthquake. The interior of the entire planet seemed to have been hollowed out by the swarm, and finally overwhelmed and collapsed completely! NjvntB

Countless soil poured in, and the scene was shocking.

Jiang Pingce decisively stretched out his right hand and wrote down the formula he had calculated a long time ago at a very fast speed.

Yue Xingwen only felt that his body suddenly lightened, and the five of them rose up in the air and flew towards the ground under Jiang Pingce’s formula. However, Jiang Pingce and Zhuo Feng were instantly buried by the crazy falling soil!

The light in Zhuo Feng’s hand was completely invisible in less than 3 seconds. 8GLf2b

Yue Xingwen’s eyes were about to crack, he grabbed the inner wall of the metal cabin, and shouted loudly, β€œPingce!”

The bottom of the abyss, pitch black, without any echo.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yue Xingwen’s eyes were red, and he stared at the charred soil under his feet, which kept rolling like a huge wave, filling the abyss in an instant. Jiang Pingce and Zhuo Feng were as small as two submerged ants inside the completely collapsed abyss…

Yue Xingwen only felt that his heart was sinking all the way to the bottom. The depths of his heart were cold, and even his entire body felt like it had been submerged in a pool full of ice. BXwM73

Jiang Pingce had already calculated the formula for flying up, but what he calculated were the coordinates after everyone met together!

Just now, at the last moment, there was still a distance between him and the other people who were with Yue Xingwen, so he couldn’t use the same formula, and it was too late for him to write down two formulas at the same time and take everyone away.

Therefore, he chose to send Xingwen and the other four up.

Qin Lu also guessed this, she looked at Yue Xingwen’s pale face and didn’t dare to speak for a while. zpoZPj

Qin Miao said as calmly as possible. β€œThey still have oxygen tanks on them, they should be fine.”

But what if the oxygen tank was damaged in the fall? Even if the oxygen tank wasn’t broken, Jiang Pingce did not stay in the metal cover like Zhuo Feng. Under the soil, his body would also be badly injured!

What was the difference between this and being buried alive?

The heavy soil fell on Jiang Pingce, and it felt similar to β€˜being run over by a big truck’, right? YQd5Ub

Thinking of Jiang Pingce’s situation at the moment, Yue Xingwen’s whole body stiffened, and the hand held at his side clenched hard into a fist, and his fingers were still shaking.

At this moment, Xu Yishen next to him suddenly moved. He pressed his chest and said in shock, β€œI found the ore, and my four clones were crushed to death by the falling soil…”

There was a magnet in his palm, and the dark brown ore that was attached to it. Obviously, it was Xu Yishen who had transferred it from the clone.

A message popped up in the hover box for everyone at the same time. β€œMission Collection 100%.” BdrgkZ

The progress of the mission finally reached 100%, but Yue Xingwen was not happy at all, he stared at the abyss under his feet, motionless like a statue.

Xu Yishen looked around and asked suspiciously, β€œWhat about Jiang Pingce and Zhuo Feng?”

No one answered.

The huge metal cover soon landed steadily on the tall building built by Zhang Xiaonian. 1Nu8VO

Since the high-rise building was built far away from the abyss, it was not affected by the collapse of the abyss for the time being, and the five people who were waiting on the roof immediately greeted them.

The metal cover was opened, and Ke Shaobin excitedly ran over and gave Xin Yan a hug. β€œGreat, you guys really completed the mission, and the last piece of the target was found!”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Xin Yan was expressionless, without a slightest bit of joy on his face.

Ke Shaobin knew this guy had always been an iceberg and he didn’t mind. However, Xingwen, who usually liked to laugh, actually had an ugly face. Ke Shaobin finally noticed that something was wrong, adjusted his glasses and whispered, β€œXingwen, what’s wrong?” AYibdW

Lin Manluo jogged over and asked anxiously, β€œWhere is Zhuo Feng?”

Yue Xingwen gritted his teeth hard, looked at her, and said in a trembling voice, β€œSenior sister, I’m sorry. Just now, the inside of the abyss suddenly collapsed, Pingce and senior brother Zhuo didn’t have time to come up…”

Lin Manluo’s eyes widened in disbelief, β€œWhat?! You mean, they’re buried underground?”

Yue Xingwen nodded stiffly. eGpzOV

Liu Zhaoqing hurriedly stepped forward. β€œHurry up and find a way to save them, as long as the two of them are still breathing, my Surgical Bed can save them!”

How to save them? Xngwen’s β€˜Road’ skill was on cooldown, so he couldn’t directly create a fast passage to the underground, so he could only use the stupidest methodβ€”β€” Let Zhang Xiaonian dig it up.

Yue Xingwen looked back to Zhang Xiaonian, his eyes were red. β€œJunior brother, please.”

Zhang Xiaonian nodded and immediately summoned the excavator, saying solemnly, β€œI’m on my way!” XKSsi3

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  1. I want to cry so bad

    Thank you for your translation πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š