Escape From the LibraryCh267 - Depth of the Starry Sky 19

Jiang Pingce used the coordinate system to take everyone around the planet as fast as possible, and his skills had to cool down every half an hour, and it was not until 6 o’clock in the afternoon that everyone returned to the location where they had initially landed. Jiang Pingce quickly calculated the data. “According to our speed and time, the distance around the planet is 800 kilometers.”

Qin Lu said, “I remember that it takes more than 40,000 kilometers to circle the Earth, and the circle of this planet is only 800 kilometers, that is, the Earth is 50 times bigger than this planet?” 10jCig

Only one-fiftieth of the Earth’s volume sounded small, but the problem was that about 70% of the Earth’s surface was ocean, with less than 30% of it being land, and this planet didn’t have any oceans, and as they circled around, the entire surface of the planet was covered with scorched black soil and covered with endless mountains.

Therefore, the area they needed to search was not small.

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The next moment, Jiang Pingce said the precise result. “The circumference is 800 kilometers, the diameter is 254.77 kilometers, and the surface area of the sphere is 203,810 square kilometers.”

Qin Lu thought about it carefully and said, “It’s almost the sum of the area of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces?” 0EjQvW

Everyone had no idea about the specific data, but as soon as Qin Lu gave an example, this data immediately became visualized. Liu Zhaoqing pressed his temples with a headache and said, “There are only 18 days left, and it’s a bit difficult to carpet search the huge area equivalent to the area of two provinces!”

Xu Yishen said with a smile, “Actually, it’s not difficult, we have Qin Lu, and 12 times a day with Plate Movement is 6 kilometers, it only takes 30 seconds. With Pingce’s coordinate system, we can fly in the air at speed for half an hour. There is also Xingwen’s ‘As Fast as Lightning’, which accelerates the whole group by 5x. Our Action Team 183 is equivalent to traveling on the high-speed train!”

Ke Shaobin asked, “Can we drive the aircraft to search?”

Zhuo Feng shook his head. “It shouldn’t work, I need to use a magnet to collect ores, but the aircraft is affected by the magnetic field and is likely to crash.”


Yue Xingwen looked back at the junior brother and said, “Xiao Nian, you build a building here and hide the aircraft. We’ll then divide the entire planet into four regions according to Pingce’s method of dividing the surface and search them one by one.”

Everyone immediately divided up the work and cooperated. Zhang Xiaonian was responsible for building the base, and Jiang Pingce took everyone’s location as the starting point, drawing four straight rays in four directions, extending into the distance.

It wasn’t until 8 pm that everyone got busy.

Jiang Pingce said, “Qin Lu will use her skill first, and search the first area.” XEknxS

Qin Lu took out the globe and led everyone to quickly move forward.

Along the way, Zhuo Feng used a magnet to collect the surrounding ores, and the ore collection in the hover box was also increasing. After Qin Lu’s 12 Plate Movements were used up, the Ore Collection became 15/100.

With so many stones, it would be heavy to carry around. Lin Manluo made a basket with vines, put all the collected ores into it, and carried it away with Qin Miao. The two girls were carrying a large pile of stones, looking quite tired, but in fact, Zhuo Feng used his skill to reduce the weight, and the two of them didn’t feel the pressure at all, like carrying a mass of feathers.

After tidying up a bit, Jiang Pingce used the coordinate formula to lead the group onward. Zhuo Feng used a magnet to search for the target along the way, and by the time he had thoroughly searched the mountain range, the Ore Collection had become 20/100. nlMVo4

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ke Shaobin looked at the ores in the basket and said, “We’ve had a pretty good day, and in just one day, we’ve collected 20 mission objectives. There are still 18 days to go, which is more than enough ah!”

Wlc Tjc rjlv, “Gbc’a yf abb tjqqs. Ktf wlrrlbc ubji gfdelgfr er ab ‘mbiifma’ 100 bgfr, ktlmt wfjcr atja fnfc lo kf mbiifma 99 jcv jgf ralii wlrrlcu atf ijra 1, cba mbiifmalcu atfw klii cba ulnf er 99 qblcar, yea 0.”

Wlc Tjc’r kbgvr mbeiv yf vfrmglyfv jr tlaalcu atf cjli bc atf tfjv.

Even if the progress of the early collection was smooth, and in the end it was stuck at 99% of the progress, it was possible to lose all the efforts made for the sake of a single stone. Therefore, collecting 20 pieces on the first day was not something to be happy about. GxpJoR

Ke Shaobin looked at him helplessly. “Xin Yan, do you like to pour cold water ah?”

Xin Yan did not refute, and said calmly, “I just stated the facts. We can’t relax until all 100 mission objectives have been collected.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ke Shaobin shrugged. “Okay, you’re right. However, senior brother Zhuo immediately thought of using a magnet to help, which saved a lot of effort. The first day went well, which is a good sign!”

Yue Xingwen glanced at the two of them, and said with a smile, “The more we search in the early stage, the less pressure we will have later on. Let’s try to bring the Ore Collection up to more than 80% in the first few days, and then check for shortcomings and fill the gaps at the end. It’s already 11 o’clock in the evening, so let’s rest first and continue tomorrow.” MTAaGj

There was no day and night on the barren planet, but everyone was really tired after a busy day, Zhang Xiaonian built a base on the spot. Everyone stayed up all night together, and began to continue the search at 8 o’clock the next morning.

Jiang Pingce formulated the path and direction, without worrying about missing or repeating, he calculated the scope of each search very accurately, and at the end of another day, the Ore Collection had reached 40%.

On the 13th day, the Ore Collection mission was 55%;

On the 14th day, the Ore Collection mission was 70%; H9sK4t

On the 15th day, the Ore Collection mission was 80%…

The boring and repetitive collection mission for several days made everyone exhausted.

Set off at 8 am every morning, collecting nickel ore with the magnet on the seemingly undifferentiated charred black mountains, and opening their backpack to grab some compressed biscuits or canned food when they were hungry…

Repetitive tasks were the most boring. 9p2Skn

By the 16th day, everyone’s spirit was a little numb, and the constant repetition of movements gave everyone the illusion that they were programmed ‘robots’.

On the night of the 16th, the Ore Collection rose to 85.

Everyone sat down in the temporary base built by Zhang Xiaonian to eat, and Ke Shaobin complained as he ate, “The Ore Collection is really getting slower and slower. At the beginning, it was credited 20 a day, on the third and fourth day, there were 15, 10 on the 5th day. On the 6th day today, only 6 pieces were found.”

20, 20, 15, 15, 10, 5, and the ore they gathered was indeed decreasing gradually. MajAen

Yue Xingwen thought for a while and said, “We still have 13 days, so there’s no need to worry.”

But the next progression of the mission forced everyone to be anxious——

On the 17th day, they carpeted an area of nearly 20,000 square kilometers from 8 am to 11 pm, but they couldn’t find even a single mission target!

Looking at the stagnant progress of the mission of the hover box, Yue Xingwen said helplessly, “Maybe there is no ore in this area, let’s look for it tomorrow.” nS Mec

Day 18, the same ending as the previous day—— still nothing.

The alert in the hover box always stayed at: 85/100 of ore collected, unchanged.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Seeing Yue Xingwen’s brows furrowed slightly, Jiang Pingce patted his left hand lightly. “Don’t worry, the division I set up has only been searched in three parts so far, and there is a whole area of nearly 50,000 square kilometers that we haven’t searched.”

Yue Xingwen nodded. “En. The rest should be in the fourth area, let’s talk about it after searching.” NdKeFJ

He believed that there would be no mistake in the are set by Jiang Pingce, they did not miss an inch of land, since they had searched the three areas and found 85%, the remaining 15% was most likely in the fourth area, and the time was perfectly timed.

The next day, Jiang Pingce led everyone to continue to search the last area, and to the delight of the students, on this day, everyone harvested 10 ores one after another, and the Ore Collection finally reached 95%.

The anxiety of not getting anything for two days in a row was swept away, and everyone thought—— The rest of the stone must be all in this area.

But then the library slapped them in the face. ZJN602

Then, another three consecutive days of zero harvest!

By this time, they had already carpet searched all the areas of the entire planet, and Zhang Xiaonian and Ke Shaobin even used a theodolite to draw precise topographical maps of the mountain ranges in the laptop.

Ke Shaobin was puzzled. “Why are there only 95 pieces? The remaining 5 pieces can’t be missed somewhere?!”

Everyone looked at each other. V8GNwm

Yue Xingwen took a deep breath and said as calmly as possible, “We searched all four areas and spent a total of 12 days, there are still 7 days left, so it will definitely be too late if we search again from the beginning.”

This was the result that he was most afraid of.

They thought they had searched all areas of the planet carefully, but in the end they were missing a few of it, and they would definitely not be able to search from scratch, and they didn’t know where they had missed.

As long as the mission objectives were not collected, they would not be able to pass the course! ipAbf5

Having previously thrillingly avoided the cosmic blackhole, dodged cosmic sandstorms, and even made an emergency landing in an escape pod, and survived the pursuit of alien monsters… What was the point?!

The final mission could not be completed, and everyone still have to collectively fail the course.

At this moment, a trace of frustration rose in everyone’s heart.

No one doubted that Jiang Pingce’s planned area would go wrong, and everyone was convinced that they had searched every corner of the planet in the past 12 days, and they had not walked a repetitive road or missed any area. Moreover, Zhuo Feng’s enlarged version of the magnet could suck the ore over at an ultra-long distance, even if they missed it with the naked eye, the magnet wouldn’t miss it, right? n4LqTJ

What went wrong?

Jiang Pingce frowned, and he stared at the graphics drawn on Ke Shaobin’s laptop——

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Each area of the planet had a large number of endless mountain ranges, which vary in shape, alignment, height, and looked incredibly cluttered and irregular.

Jiang Pingce closed his eyes and tried to construct a three-dimensional image. Gradually, a planet appeared in his mind, and countless mountains rose up on the planet, like veins that provided nutrients to the entire planet… sF3HmW

Suddenly, an intersection appeared in front of his eyes.

Jiang Pingce opened his eyes, looked at the laptop screen and said, “Connect all the floor plans of these four areas and reconstruct the three-dimensional modeling.”

With accurate surveying and mapping data, it was not difficult for Ke Shaobin to use a laptop to make a three-dimensional model. His hands flew over the keyboard, and soon a three-dimensional brown planet presented itself, with protruding and winding mountains on it, like blood vessels around the heart.

Jiang Pingce pointed to several mountain ranges in succession and said, “Extend these three mountain ranges in reverse, and they will have a common intersection. The same phenomenon occurs elsewhere, that is to say, assuming that these mountain ranges are not interrupted, they should have originated from the same location.” Ert2Lz

Qin Lu’s eyes lit up. “I understand! Many of the planet’s veins have the same roots, but some of the mountains have been razed to the ground during thousands of years of wind erosion. To our naked eye, these mountains are interrupted, but by continuing them in reverse, we can find the true point of origin?”

Jiang Pingce nodded. “En. Those points of origin that look like flat ground on the surface, digging deeper may reveal more ore hidden underground.”

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  1. Strong couples

    Thank you for your translation 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚