Escape From the LibraryCh264 - Depth of the Starry Sky 16

Of course, they couldn’t fill their stomach with only oranges for dinner, but in survival mode, it was hard to get enough to eat, and they couldn’t ask too much. After dinner, the remaining oranges were squeezed directly into juice and sealed and stored in Xin Yan’s flask.

The time had come to 11:00 PM. After this day’s thrilling escape, everyone was exhausted. Seeing that none of the students had much energy, Yue Xingwen said to everyone, β€œGet ready to sleep, in groups of 2, take turns to keep watch.” fr6lLF

Ke Shaobin actively opened his laptop, took out the previous night’s schedule and said, β€œXingwen has an injury on his hand, so don’t keep watch. How about we follow the old rules on the ship? Xin Yan and I were between 4 and 6am.”

Liu Zhaoqing agreed and said, β€œPingce is responsible for taking care of Xingwen, and the remaining 10 of us are divided into 5 groups, each of whom rotates for 2 hours. Coupled with Xiao Tu’s patrol, the safety at night is definitely not a problem.”

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Others were also fine with it, and set up the time of the vigil according to the previous groupings.

The temporary base built by Zhang Xiaonian was a reinforced concrete structure, which could withstand some of the heat from the magma, but, the temperature of the entire environment exceeds 40 degrees, just like the scorching heat on the Earth, and it was difficult to sleep in such a hot temperature. 8zf3sr

Yue Xingwen repeated his old tricks, and directly poured a room of water with β€˜he Flooding of Jinshan Temple’, and asked Qin Lu to freeze the water into ice with β€˜Siberian Cold Current’.

Ke Shaobin exclaimed, β€œOur Research Group 183 is really the strongest construction team! Building a house, producing oxygen, boiling water to warm it when it’s cold, and cool down with ice cubes when it’s hot.”

Xu Yishen smiled and lifted a block of ice and placed it next to himself, saying, β€œI wish I could bring these skills back to reality. I can have a mitosis clone to attend a class, and the main body plays games in the dormitory.”

Liu Zhaoqing complained, β€œMy gauze will be best-seller, it can solve all skin acne marks and scars, I can get rich overnight just by selling gauze.”


Lin Manluo said helplessly, β€œBring it back to reality? Don’t think about it, it’s already hard for us to get out of the library alive, and bringing skills back to reality makes us monsters instead.”

Zhuo Feng said, β€œNo matter what, with the supernatural ability in hand, it shouldn’t be a problem to last 27 days in such an environment.”

Everyone seemed to see that the clearance was close at hand.

However, the library never talked about ethics, and Yue Xingwen always felt that this course would not be so simple. In the future, there might be more dangerous things to come, so everyone should not relax. 8W RSI

He had always been a crow’s mouth, and it was not good for him to directly voice out his speculations, so he changed his words and said, β€œLet’s all have a good rest first, and we’ll discuss it tomorrow if there’s something.”

Everyone had fallen asleep against the ice, leaving two people left to keep watch.

The night was very peaceful. When they were awakened by Xiao Tu the next morning, the surrounding environment was no different from yesterday, and if it wasn’t for the time displayed on the bracelet, they couldn’t tell how long it had been.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ke Shaobin stretched his waist, looked at the barren red land around him and said, β€œThis planet has no day or night, no light, no matter what time of the day it’s the same scenery, it feels like it’s been abandoned by the entire universe.” 9sToBJ

Wlc Tjc rjlv, β€œPo la kjrc’a obg njglber rxliir, la kbeiv vfolclafis yf j vfjv fcv obg tewjcr ab ijcv tfgf.”

Snfgsbcf kjrtfv eq ktlif mtjaalcu.

Qlat Tef Wlcukfc jcv Wlc Tjc tfgf, atfs kbeiv cba yf rtbga bo kjafg ktfgfnfg atfs kjcafv.

Pa kjr lcmbcnfclfca obg Tef Wlcukfc ab kjrt klat bcf tjcv, rb Aljcu Ulcumf ybggbkfv j gbii bo ujehf ogbw Ole Itjbdlcu, wblrafcfv atf ujehf klat kjafg jcv tjcvfv la ab Tef Wlcukfc, jrxlcu tlw ab klqf tlr ojmf. Lf jirb abbx j uijrr bo kjafg ogbw j vlraliifv ybaaif obg tlw ab vglcx. salxQ8

After yesterday, Yue Xingwen no longer rejected Jiang Pingce’s care psychologically, so he naturally sat there and wiped his face clean with gauze, and took a few sips of warm water handed by Jiang Pingce.

Seeing this scene, Lin Manluo was in a complicated mood, and quietly pulled Zhuo Feng aside, and whispered, β€œDo you think that Pingce and Xingwen seem to be getting closer and closer?”

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Zhuo Feng scratched his head in suspicion and said, β€œHaven’t they always been like this?”

Lin Manluo: β€œ…” GmZ1bO

Was it just the girl’s intuition kicking in, or was she overthinking it? She always felt that the relationship between Jiang Pingce and Yue Xingwen seemed to be different from before. In the past, they did have a good relationship, but outsiders knew at a glance that they were β€˜good buddies’ kind of intimacy, Yue Xingwen would unceremoniously put his arm on Jiang Pingce’s shoulder and speak, his eyes were frank…

But yesterday, she saw Jiang Pingce feeding Yue Xingwen oranges, and Xingwen blushed.

Would good buddies still blush when feeding each other?

Lin Manluo looked at the two of them suspiciously, just in time to see Jiang Pingce take the cup from Yue Xingwen’s hand. Yue Xingwen had just drunk half a glass of water from that cup, and Jiang Pingce didn’t mind drinking the remaining half a cup of water in one gulp. uBEScV

Had his cleanliness been cured?

Lin Manluo retracted her gaze, feeling complicated.

She had a bold guess… Could it be that Xingwen and Pingce had fallen in love with each other over the years of getting along?

Time passed very slowly. WZMbRq

There were no plants or animals to be seen on this planet, and there were only 12 of them on the huge planet, hiding in the temporary base built by Zhang Xiaonian, and there were no entertainment activities to pass the time.

Everyone sat boringly for a whole day, and when they were hungry at night, they drank orange juice to fill their hunger.

The stomach was almost full, but they still felt hungry.

After all, they had not consumed essential protein and fat for 48 consecutive hours, and oranges could only supplement sugar and vitamins, which could not meet the metabolism of the human body. r3t8pu

This was the fourth day that everyone had come to the examination room of the <Depth of the Starry Sky> course of the Faculty of Physics.

There were 26 days left to leave.

Thinking of the next 26 days like this, Ke Shaobin’s scalp tingles. He simply took out his laptop and played a Minesweeper game to pass the time, distracting himself so that he was not so hungry.

Xin Yan carefully studied the periodic table next to him, took out a lot of bottles and cans, not knowing what kind of experiment he was doingβ€”β€” He actually opened the Chemistry Laboratory on an alien planet, what a scientific research maniac! 2GhDdu

Lan Yarong took out her law books and gave everyone a law class.

A hard day had finally passed.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

On the fifth day and the sixth day, was also spent in such a boring, dull way.

And in order to conserve their strength, everyone did not dare to go out to move around, after all, their current food was only oranges and leaves, and a group of young people had eaten oranges for three days in a row, and they were already starving to the point that their chests were sticking to their backs. cWm et

The situation was much worse than they imagined.

When he woke up on the morning of the seventh day, Ke Shaobin obviously felt dizzy and weak.

At the moment he stood up, he almost fell, hurriedly supported himself with Xiao Tu next to him, and whispered to Yue Xingwen with a pale face, β€œXingwen, although there are oranges to eat every day, I still feel very hungry, more and more hungry!”

After eating oranges for four days in a row, everyone already felt hungry and weak. It was hard to imagine what it would be like to eat it for more than twenty days in a row? When the time came, it was afraid that they would not even have the strength to raise their hands, and if they encountered danger again, would they not become a flock of sheep to be slaughtered? P8kR3b

Yue Xingwen looked at everyone’s sick appearance, took a deep breath, and said in a low voice, β€œWhile we still have the strength now, we must find a way to expand the source of food.”

Jiang Pingce looked at him and asked, β€œThat abyss monster?”

Yue Xingwen frowned. β€œIt’s best not to disturb it, that thing is too terrifying, and it’s a species that has never been seen before. I don’t know where its weaknesses are, we may not be able to beat it.” Thinking of the dense eyes of the monster he saw in the cave at that time, Yue Xingwen’s scalp was numb.

Ke Shaobin said with a bitter face, β€œMoreover, when we escaped, the cave had completely collapsed, and we couldn’t go back and let Xiao Nian dig it inch by inch, right? In case we fall into the abyss, it’s still a dead end.” DsIaUN

Lin Manluo said softly, β€œIn ancient times, when there was a famine, many people survived by eating leaves and bark. We ate oranges for a few days in a row, and then we ate my leaves, and every once in a while I summoned trees and lawns for everyone to endure and pass the day.”

However, the intense hunger was still like insects and ants constantly gnawing on their nerves, urging them to find food as soon as possible. Although it was theoretically possible to survive by eating bark and leaves, the experience of being dizzy from hunger was really terrible.

At this moment, Xu Yishen suddenly said, β€œDoesn’t Xin Yan have the <Periodic Table>? Is it possible to synthesize amino acids artificially by chemical methods?”

Liu Zhaoqing’s eyes lit up. β€œYes! How did I forget this? Amino acids are a kind of organic matter containing carboxyl and amino groups in the molecule, which can be synthesized artificially. Xin Yan has a full set of chemical experimental equipment in his hands, if amino acids can be synthesized, then we can supplement the protein needed for human metabolism!” A6mMtf

Xin Yan’s voice came from not far away, β€œI’m doing an experiment, and there will be results soon.”

Everyone looked at him expectantly.

After a while, Xin Yan came to everyone with two glass bottles and said, β€œArtificial synthesis requires more than 6 steps of chemical reaction, which is more troublesome. I have only successfully synthesized two essential amino acids at present, everyone should supplement it as nutrients, and don’t worry about eating this thing.”

Ke Shaobin said in a complicated mood, β€œI thought you were tinkering with those chemical instruments in the past two days, and you were doing some novel experiments… it turns out that it is synthesizing nutrients for everyone?” 5nNdyc

Xin Yan said lightly, β€œSomething is better than nothing, intake of a little essential amino acids can reduce the burden of the body’s metabolism. Next, I’ll try to synthesize aliphatic compounds to give you some oil.”

Lin Manluo said excitedly, β€œXin Yan is really our chef!”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

With Xin Yan’s nutrients, even if they couldn’t eat enough every day, it was much better than just eating leaves and bark. Everyone’s mood suddenly relaxed a lot.

In this way, they stayed up until the tenth day. Although everyone was not energetic because of hunger, the nutritional supplement was quite sufficient, and there were no obvious physical problems. ksVoOB

Ke Shaobin looked at the bracelet and said, β€œIt’s already a third of the way, and there are 20 days left, everyone hold on.”

At this moment, Xiao Tu suddenly issued an alert. β€œUnknown movement coordinates have been found ahead!”

Ke Shaobin hurriedly sat up straight and opened his laptopβ€”β€”

He saw a red coordinate constantly flashing on the laptop screen, and approaching their location at a very fast speed! 0kK dh

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  1. Real Dune 2 for me

    Thank you for your translation πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š