Escape From the LibraryCh251 - Depth of the Starry Sky 03

After Major General Karen released the mission, he told everyone some precautions, such as listening to the instructions of the team leader during the operation and ensuring their own safety; In case of an unsolvable danger, you can contact the command headquarters for help, etc.

In Yue Xingwen’s opinion, these were all scenes, just listen to them, if they were really in danger, the headquarters would definitely not send someone to rescue them—— They still had to figure it out on their own. GbIuwg

The female officer next to him smiled and said, “This time it’s an emergency, you still have a day to make preparations. Since your Special Operations Team 183’s spaceship was too old, the headquarters has decided to give you the most advanced spaceship—— The Thorn will follow you on your adventure.”

The female officer paused, and then said, “There are daily necessities and weapons and equipment on the spaceship, and someone will take you to the apron for acceptance later. In addition, you can also purchase some necessary supplies at the base.”

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Major General Karen nodded at Yue Xingwen and said, “I wish you all a triumphant return.”

After the two officers released the mission, their image disappeared instantly in the holographic projection screen in front of them. FEJItQ

Yue Xingwen then looked back at his teammates. “Fortunately, there is a day of preparation time, and we don’t have to leave right away. Let’s figure out the background setting of this world first, and then we’ll see if there are any supplies that need to be replenished once we’ve inspected the spaceship.”

Ke Shaobin asked a key question, “Can anyone pilot a spaceship?”

Everyone: “…”

Pilot a spaceship?!


Xu Yishen helplessly held his forehead. “I can drive sports cars and race cars, but don’t count on me for these spaceships.”

There were three people in their team who got their driver’s licenses, Xu Yishen, Zhuo Feng, and Jiang Pingce, but piloting a spaceship was no joke, something that only appeared in sci-fi movies, something that no one had ever seen before!

Jiang Pingce said calmly, “The destination of this operation is the Beta-71 nebula, and the library won’t be so bad to make us piloting the spaceship. I guess the spaceship should be fully auto-pilot, setting a navigation destination and automatically sending us to our destination. Or, headquarters will send a pilot to take us there.”

Yue Xingwen agreed and said, “En, don’t worry about piloting, just go and see later.” YPv5VO

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden knock on the door outside. Yue Xingwen turned his head. “Please come in.”

The two young officers pushed the door and walked in, stood upright in front of Yue Xingwen, and saluted Yue Xingwen with a standard military salute, “Major Yue, we follow General Karen’s order, please go to the apron to accept the spaceship.”

Yue Xingwen was stunned by this title. Major? Was this a military rank assigned to him?

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Vfflcu atja tlr afjwwjafr jgbecv tlw kfgf jii ibbxlcu ja tlw klat j mbwqilmjafv ujhf, Tef Wlcukfc mbeutfv ilutais lc fwyjggjrrwfca jcv rjlv, “Yxjs, ifa’r ub cbk.” i0jqPy

Snfgsbcf obiibkfv atf akb rbivlfgr bea bo atf mbcofgfcmf gbbw jcv ab atf fifnjabg ja atf fcv bo atf tjiikjs.

Coafg fcafglcu atf fifnjabg, atfs ecibmxfv atf qjrrkbgv klat olcufgqglcar, jcv atfc qgfrrfv atf -10at oibbg. Ktf fifnjabg gbrf delmxis jcv rfca fnfgsbcf ab atf mbggfrqbcvlcu oibbg klatlc 5 rfmbcvr.

The elevator door opened, and Yue Xingwen followed the two to move forward.

There was a narrow corridor in front, which was more than a hundred meters away, and red lasers covered the corridor, like dense spider webs—— If it did not pass the verification and broke in rashly, these lasers would definitely cut the person into pieces in an instant. JhgnId

Yue Xingwen carefully observed the surroundings, the two officers were one on the left and one on the right, scanning their pupils through the visualization windows on both sides of the corridor, and a mechanical voice sounded in his ears: “The temporary pass has been verified successfully.”

The next moment, the spider-web-like red lasers all disappeared. The slightly shorter soldier looked at Yue Xingwen with a smile and said, “Please come here.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Everyone cautiously followed behind them. After passing through the corridor, there were three consecutive electronic gates, all of which required pupil verification.

This heavy protection was to take them into the secret base? Pn2JWS

Until the last door opened, everyone was speechless by the scene in front of them——

They saw that in the space more than ten times wider than the Capital International Airport, a large number of spaceships and battle armors of different shapes were parked, and some of the spaceships were larger than a football field. The apron was divided into four areas, each of which was a color, black, white, blue, and red, and it was not known what it represented.

On the far left, there was a group of blue-dominated fighters, hundreds of fighters neatly arranged in a square formation, with a few ‘behemoths’ parked in the center like leaders.

Someone drove an open-top car towards them, and the two officers invited Yue Xingwen to get in. eOfhIC

After all 12 people got on board, there was a transparent shield descending overhead, and the hovercar steadily lifted into the air and flew towards the direction of the group of blue fighters at an extremely fast speed!

The students didn’t dare to talk nonsense, but this scene made everyone excited.

Especially Ke Shaobin, his eyes were shining, just like Grandma Liu visiting the Grand Views garden, curiously looking around through the window——This was so cool!

On the apron, there were many soldiers neatly lined up, boarding armor of various colors and constantly taking off and landing, this busy scene as if a great war was approaching. iYC9GM

Yue Xingwen and Jiang Pingce happened to be sitting together, the two glanced at each other, and Jiang Pingce whispered in his ear, “This should be a military base, and the different colors of battle armor represent different military branches, which are consistent with the clothes on their bodies.”

Yue Xingwen looked at the dark blue battle armor group in the distance and said, “We’re wearing blue uniforms, and our mechs are blue. According to Major General Karen, we belong to the special operations force, right?”

This formal military uniform was not very mobile, I was just looking through my closet and there was a blue camouflage suit. We’ll put it on when we officially leave tomorrow.” Jiang Pingce said.

“Okay.” dvyr J

Both of them stopped talking, and the hovercar they were riding in came right over the battlefield group, transporting them to a ‘spaceship’ the size of a basketball court. Only the ship was painted a starry dark blue with a large wreath of thorns logo. As they approached, the boarding bay of the spaceship was lowered.

Everyone formed a line and followed the two officers onto the ship.

The interior of the ship was spacious and bright, with walls of high-tech silver-white metal and a soft dark blue carpet on the floor. After entering the ship, there was a central hall where the command room and control station were located.

As Jiang Pingce guessed—— The spaceship was indeed in smart autopilot mode. wRMvsW

Yue Xingwen walked over quickly and took a look at the console, the night touch screen more than three meters wide, which was full of buttons marked in Chinese, taking off, landing, setting the end point, cruise control, etc, a foolproof system that looked very simple. In addition, there was a row of red and blue buttons next to the navigation system, which read, ‘Turn on the Defensive Cover’, ‘Fire Electromagnetic Cannon’, ‘Activate Emergency Escape Pod’ and so on.

After leaving the command room, there was the ship’s living quarters, with 6 double rooms on both sides of the wide corridor, about 10 square meters inside, with a bed on the left and right, a small shared toilet, and a hot water and shower system. Further on in the living area was a lounge area of about ten square meters with a dining table, chairs and a large freezer on one wall.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ke Shaobin opened the freezer curiously and looked at it, and his eyes suddenly lit up—— A large amount of fruits and vegetables in vacuum packaging, as well as canned chicken, duck, fish, and beef canned meat, instant biscuits, instant noodles, etc., a whole wall of freezers actually fully loaded!

Ke Shaobin glanced at everyone and said with his lips, “This is the best food ever!” i6tsda

Zhuo Feng said with a smile, “The Physics Department is quite generous.”

Yue Xingwen took a cursory look at the freezer and continued to take everyone on a tour.

Further back was the armory, which contained a large number of firearms and magazines.

Xu Yishen casually picked up a gun and observed, and said in a low voice, “I have never seen these weapons, so it’s better not to use them indiscriminately, and we’ll think of another way if our special abilities can’t solve the situation.” pRlB9E

Yue Xingwen nodded in agreement. “En, if you have time, study it well.”

At the back of the armory was the escape pod, and the ship had 12 escape pods, which was exactly equal to their numbers.

Thinking of the ‘Activate Emergency Escape Pod’ button he saw at the console just now, Yue Xingwen had a bad premonition—— This life-saving equipment would definitely come in handy.

After visiting the entire spaceship, the officer who led them handed over a smart key to Yue Xingwen and said, “Major Yue, from now on, the permission to use the Thorn spaceship will be officially handed over to you! You are free to move around on the ship and feel free to contact us whenever you want to go back.” eXSVr3

Yue Xingwen nodded politely at them and said, “Thank you for your hard work.”

Both of them turned to leave, and everyone who had been silent was finally able to speak freely.

Ke Shaobin said excitedly, “Space exploration, it sounds very exciting, like being on the set of a sci-fi movie! Moreover, the canned meat, fruits and vegetables in the freezer are enough for us to eat for a month!”

Xin Yan said lightly, “I knew your first focus would always be food.” WEnliP

Ke Shaobin looked back at him. “It’s much better than steaming leaves and eating them, right?”

Yue Xingwen also said, “The condition of the Thorn spaceship is indeed good, with enough food reserves, a decent amount of sleeping space, and hot water for bathing. But don’t be too happy, we’re not on a space vacation, and it’s still unknown whether this spaceship can accompany us for a month.”

Jiang Pingce said, “That’s right. Xiao Nian, use your laser theodolite first to measure the interior of the spaceship, draw an accurate plan and send it to everyone. We must be familiar with every corner of the spaceship, and evacuate at any time in case of emergency. Especially the location of the escape pods, focused on marking on it.”

“Roger!” Zhang Xiaonian worked immediately. kP3Bgy

Yue Xingwen looked at Ke Shaobin and said, “Young Ke, can your laptop be connected to the Internet? Check the background information on this world, as well as the location of the Beta-71 Nebula.”

Ke Shaobin took out his laptop and connected to the Internet, his fingers quickly tapped on the keyboard and soon retrieved a row of information. He picked out a few highlights and said, “The place where we currently live is called Beta-01 planet, and this underground building, with a total of 108 floors, is the location of the Federation Command Headquarters.”

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Zhuo Feng frowned and said,  “What about the Earth?”

Ke Shaobin explained, “A large-scale nuclear war has led to the complete destruction of the Earth, and human beings have no choice but to leave the Earth and find another living star in the universe. Unfortunately, the external environment of this planet is harsh, the surface temperature is too high, the water source is also polluted, and there are a large number of alien creatures, which is not suitable for human survival at all. Therefore, humans have found ways to build a large number of underground bases to deliver fresh air and water underground through filtration systems.” RmCqoU

After a pause, he concluded, “In other words, there is no warm sunshine, clean air and clear water in this world, and human beings are now in a state of survival for a long time, living underground for a long time. The average life expectancy has been shortened to 40 years, and there are still a large number of offspring with genetic diseases.”

Yue Xingwen rubbed his temples with a headache and said, “Okay, the Library can really make things up. Anyway, even the Earth is gone, so don’t be too surprised by what we encounter next.”

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  1. Thank you for your translation 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚