Escape From the LibraryCh243 - Chemical Reaction 18

After returning to the base, a mechanical sound prompt sounded in everyone’s ears at the same time: “Successfully avoid the duty officers and obtain some information, please solve the case before the police (within 3 days). If the speed of solving the case is slower than the police, you will fail the exam.”

Liu Zhaoqing couldn’t help but curse, “Fuck, letting us compare speed with the police? The library is really sick!” UDA8z

Yue Xingwen said, “Everyone hurry up.”

Just now, time was urgent and Ke Shaobin only had time to copy the relevant documents of the fire from the Police Force and Hospital to his laptop and didn’t have time to read them. Now back in the safety of their underground base, everyone could finally run through the information from the beginning.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Dozens of G information, including transcripts, surveillance videos, pictures, etc. Ke Shaobin alone would definitely not be able to finish reading it, Yue Xingwen said simply, “The hospital party, handed over to senior brother Liu and senior brother Xu, we laymen can’t understand the cases.”

Ke Shaobin shared the folder copied from the hospital directly and transferred it to Liu Zhaoqing’s mobile phone. Liu Zhaoqing and Xu Yishen walked to the side and opened the phone to read the case from the beginning. 8uLplo

The part of the Police Force was given to Yue Xingwen and Jiang Pingce,who had the strongest analytical skills, while the information found on the Fire Brigade side was handled by Ke Shaobin and Xin Yan.

The rest of Group B carefully sorted out the information found from the residences of several suspects.

Everyone began to divide up the work, and from time to time there was a whispered discussion in the basement.

It wasn’t until an hour later, when all the information was sorted out, that Yue Xingwen called everyone to a meeting. “Pick out the doubtful points to speak on. Xin Yan and young Ke, you guys speak first.”


Xin Yan said calmly, “The results of the Fire Brigade’s investigation show that the cause of this Chemical Factory explosion was the flammable gas in the wastewater workshop encountered an open flame, and it’s suspected that it was caused by a short circuit in the wire. As the fire at the scene lasted nearly 12 hours, evidence has been burned to the ground and it’s not possible to determine whether it was accidental, or man-made at this time.”

Ke Shaobin said, “That night, a truck parked right outside the factory in the fire escape, blocking the road, resulting in the fire trucks could not go to the fire scene to rescue as soon as possible. The result of the current investigation is an accident, the truck driver was found, drunk driving, illegal parking, and has been detained by the traffic police.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Yue Xingwen and Jiang Pingce looked at each other, and the latter frowned and said, “Accident? Will that be too much of a coincidence?”

Bf Vtjbylc rjlv, “P jirb atlcx la’r nfgs mblcmlvfcaji, yea atf gfrewf bo atf agemx vglnfg ibbxr nfgs rlwqif, jcv la tjr cbatlcu ab vb klat atf ofk rerqfmar atja kf rerqfma. 32 sfjgr biv wjif, rlcuif, klat ybat qjgfcar, tf tjr yffc vglnlcu obg afc sfjgr jcv tjr yffc gfrqbcrlyif obg agjcrqbgalcu ubbvr ab atf Jtfwlmji Mjmabgs… Gb sbe atlcx atja tf mbeiv tjnf yffc yglyfv ys atf wegvfgfg?” v ty2F

Yue Xingwen shook his head. “Probably not, the fire in the Chemical Factory is not a joke, hundreds of lives, how can it be easily bribed? I prefer that the murderer knows the truck driver very well and sees him park there before waiting for the opportunity to commit the crime.”

Jiang Pingce said, “In other words, the murderer has long had the idea of burning down the entire Chemical Factory. Choosing to do it last night, on one hand, because his goal of revenge has been achieved, and on the other hand, the truck just outside the door, blocking the fire escape?”

“The four bodies we saw in the wastewater workshop were all apparently related to ‘that incident’, and Chen Xiumei was also killed yesterday afternoon after quitting her job, but there’s still one more Lin Yusen.” Yue Xingwen looked at Jiang Pingce and said, “If the murderer didn’t kill Lin Yusen, revenge won’t be completed. Unless…”

“Lin Yusen is dead.” Liu Zhaoqing interjected, “We saw his name in the hospital’s case. Due to severe burns all over his body plus infectious shock, the rescue was ineffective, and he was pronounced dead in less than half an hour after being sent to the hospital.” lYIP5M

Lin Yusen was still the focus of everyone’s suspicions at first, until yesterday afternoon, when Chen Xiumei died, Xin Yan and Ke Shaobin witnessed him working in the factory, and there was no time for crime, and everyone ruled out his suspicions.

Now that he died after the fire, it showed that Yue Xingwen and Jiang Pingce’s reasoning was getting closer to the truth.

Yue Xingwen was silent for a moment and asked, “Senior brother, is there a list of deaths and injuries counted over there in the hospital?”

Liu Zhaoqing handed a compiled list to Yue Xingwen. “En. The news said that the fire caused a total of 68 deaths and 45 serious injuries, but on the hospital side, 12 of the 45 seriously injured people failed to be resuscitated. Therefore, the current exact deaths at this point would be 80, with 33 others out of danger after resuscitation and under ICU observation.” NTeBwE

Xu Yishen said, “I have sorted out the entire list with senior brother Liu, so we can compare it with the list of Personnel Department employees that senior sister Lan has compiled and see who else is still alive.”

Many of the 80 people who died were innocent employees of Chemical Factory unrelated to the case.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

The four key suspects, Xue Xiaolian, Yu Chenming, Zhang Weiqiang (the owner of the Chemical Factory) and Xiao Wenhui, were neither on the death list nor injured in the fire. In addition, truck driver Liu Yong, warehouse manager Li Daqiang, security guard Xue Zhi and 27-year-old girl Zhou Qiqi, who everyone once suspected, were not on the injured list.

Ke Shaobin concluded, “That is to say, at present, in addition to the 12 of us who escaped from the fire, there are 7 people in the Chemical Factory, who were not at the scene of the fire at that time. Including the suspects we suspected, as well as the truck driver, warehouse manager, and security guard?” bXyVeK

Jiang Pingce said, “En. The murderer won’t be stupid enough to burn himself, so the murderer must be among these 7 people. The truck driver had been drinking last night, and there were witnesses to rule it out; The warehouse manager and security guard are not well educated and have no relevant experience in chemical experiments, and should not be able to do the job of making large quantities of hydrofluoric acid to kill people.”

“So the murderer is still among the several suspects we have identified.” Yue Xingwen turned his gaze to Qin Lu. “Have you investigated the home addresses of the four suspects and found anything special?”

Qin Lu said, “Xiao Wenhui’s performance is somewhat abnormal. In the middle of the night, he watches a horror movie alone at home. His wife and daughter are not at home, but his residence is a very common three-bedroom and two hall layout, no hidden laboratory, and no storage room for storing chemicals; Mr. Zhang lives in a three-story detached villa with a large basement stocked with red wine, and the only people in the villa are the nanny, his wife and children, he isn’t at home.”

Qin Miao added, “Xue Xiaolian’s hometown is a very remote countryside. Qin Lu’s Plate Movement can’t go that far, we haven’t investigated for the time being; Yu Chenming lived in an old two-bedroom, two room house in the suburbs, he was at home, and when we passed, he felled asleep, and we found the mourning portrait of a woman in the house, it should be his wife.” NrDcpU

She turned on her mobile phone and enlarged a photo for everyone to see.

The woman in the mourning portrait was in her 40s, with a very clean-cut appearance, nothing like Zhou Jianan, who died that year.

Ke Shaobin said, “So the ‘widowed’ filled in Yu Chenming’s information sheet is also an interference item? His wife had indeed died, but it has nothing to do with Zhou Jianan, who died in the fire 25 years ago, and his suspicion can be ruled out?”

Yue Xingwen nodded. “It was indeed our subjective judgment to list him as a suspect. Xin Yan speculated that the murderer’s relatives may have suffered injuries such as corrosion and disfigurement, and Yu Chenming had no motive for the crime. Moreover, the transcript of the Criminal Police Team can also rule out his suspicions—— His wife died of lung cancer 5 years ago.” 7W 24c

Ke Shaobin was curious. “After the Criminal Police saw the broken corpses that appeared in the factory, they must have found people who were still alive to give their statements, right? Xingwen, Pingce, the information you have compiled should be crucial, tell everyone about it!”

Jiang Pingce said, “Yu Chenming’s suspicion can be ruled out. As Xingwen said, his wife died of lung cancer 5 years ago, and he did not have the motive to commit the crime. And he was not at the factory yesterday afternoon because he went to the hospital. He has diabetes, and he has been receiving insulin treatment. His attending doctor also verified that he had indeed been in the hospital yesterday afternoon.”

Yue Xingwen said, “Mr. Zhang is always on a business trip and is not in the city. After receiving the call from the police, he is buying a ticket to rush back overnight. Judging from the itinerary, he doesn’t have the time to commit the crime at all, so it can be ruled out.”

“Xue Xiaolian and Zhou Qiqi went to the concert together last night. After watching the concert, it was 11 o’clock, and it was not easy to search for taxi, so they simply found a hotel nearby, which avoided the Chemical Factory fire, and both of them can make each other alibi.” HuS47q

Yue Xingwen paused and looked back at everyone. “Xiao Wenhui’s statement is very strange. He said he had been at home yesterday afternoon and hadn’t gone out, but he told me that he was going to the hospital to accompany his daughter to see a doctor. The information from the police investigations shows that his wife and daughter died a long time ago after the accident happened 5 years ago.”

Hearing this, they looked at each other.

Xu Yishen was puzzled. “But when I entered his home at that time, I didn’t see any mourning portrait, he and his wife had a wedding photo on the wall of the master bedroom, and there were woman slippers in the shoe cabinet at the doorway, and even the washing cup in the bathroom was a couple cup. In the children’s room, there are also a lot of girls’ toys and dolls?”

Liu Zhaoqing scratched the back of his head. “Since his wife and child died a long time ago, what is he still doing with these things? Moreover, he watched a horror movie in the middle of the night… Does he believe in ghosts and gods? Do you think that with these daily necessities, the souls of his wife and child will always accompany him?” Za3t9d

Ke Shaobin rubbed the goosebumps on his arms. “This–this person is not mentally normal, right?”

Jiang Pingce coldly said, “What’s more crucial is that he didn’t tell his colleagues at the Chemical Factory about the fact that his wife and daughter had died, and even used his daughter had broken both her legs as an excuse not to come to work.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yue Xingwen didn’t understand Xiao Wenhui’s mind.

If you keep your wife and daughter’s daily necessities to remember them, what is the situation when you use ‘yous daughter sickness’ as an excuse not to come to work? Normal people were reluctant to mention the names of their loved ones after their deaths so as not to evoke sadness, so how could he still openly use the excuse that ‘his relative is sick’? Using his dead daughter as an excuse, did he not feel guilty? djHT39

Xin Yan asked, “How did his wife and daughter die, is there a clearer statement?”

Yue Xingwen said, “In the police statement, Xiao Wenhui replied that his wife and daughter went to the island to swim and accidentally drowned, but the police investigated all the accidents on the island five years ago, and none of them could match Xiao Wenhui’s statement—— In other words, Xiao Wenhui is lying.”

Jiang Pingce said, “This person has lied so much that he is also currently listed as a key suspect by the police.”

Is the murderer of this serial murder and arson case in the Chemical Factory really Xiao Wenhui? A8zsfn

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  1. He’s a real psychopath

    Thank you for your translation ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  2. He is definitely crazy, but it’s way too obvious right! The library would never give them a path so straight, no way!Ah, not unless it plans on making Xiao Wenhui come after them (but I still feel the murderer just might be someone else)

    thank you for the translation!!