Escape From the LibraryCh215 - Music Melody 01

After solving the mystery of the <Illusion in the Painting>, a familiar hover box prompt popped up in front of everyone’s eyes——

Research Group: C-183 izhGbk

Course: Illusion in the Painting

Credit: 4

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Clearance Score: 95 points

Final Point: 4×95 = 380 points fmhcaj

Research Group Bonus: Group C points bonus x 1.5 times. The final point is 570 points

Course Failure Rate: 40%

95 points? Such a high clearance score exceeded Yue Xingwen’s expectations, and the people in their Research Group 183 did not understand the meaning of those hanging paintings, and everyone was not familiar with the temporarily added X-team member, Xu Feixue. So, at the beginning of the exam, Yue Xingwen’s psychological expectation was ‘just pass 60 points is good’.

As a result, Xu Feixue was a top student, recognized all the paintings in the castle, helping everyone to analyze and decide the fastest way to solve the puzzle. Yue Xingwen walked up to her and said with a smile, “Thank you Feixue, for this course, it’s thanks to your help.”


Xu Feixue said modestly, “You’re welcome, I only helped a little, you guys are great at analyzing, I followed you to get such a high score is considered good.”

Other students were also satisfied with the results of the exam and gathered around.

Xu Feixue asked, “What do you plan to do next? Do you want to continue taking the Conservatory of Music’s course tomorrow?”

Yue Xingwen nodded. “We want to finish the courses at the Faculty of Art within two days, and go to the next faculty as soon as possible, the sooner we leave the library the better.” 3klMPX

“Do you need an X-team member for the Faculty of Art?” asked Xu Feixue.

“Yes. Feixue, can you introduce any friends you know?” Yue Xingwen said, “Familiar people are better to talk to, and it’s too much trouble to look for another, and it’s easy to find pits.”

Xu Feixue lowered her head and thought for a few seconds, and suggested, “Our research group has a junior brother from the Conservatory of Music who is proficient in many musical instruments, but he is only a freshman. Why don’t you guys meet him after you go back and let him join if it’s appropriate?”

“No problem.” Yue Xingwen readily agreed. HktBRU

Ke Shaobin said curiously, “What kind of skills are in the conservatory ah?”

Xu Feixue looked back at him and said, “Using musical instruments to play music to control the field, such as the pipa song <Ambush from Ten Sides>, which can cause targets within a range of 10 meters to fall into a state of fear, and be unable to move or release skills.”

Ke Shaobin adjusted his glasses and said with a smile, “It sounds similar to a field control mage in a game.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ole Itjbdlcu abemtfv tlr mtlc atbeutaoeiis, “P offi atja jga rxliir jgf qgfaas ragbcu, fgjrfgr jcv qjlcar lc atf Cga Gfqjgawfca, werlm mbcagbi lc atf Zerlm Gfqjgawfca, jcv atf oliw wjpbg rffwr ab mjggs j mjwfgj ab wjxf wbnlfr?” 1E06jQ

Bf Vtjbylc jcjishfv. “Ktfgf jgf jii rbgar bo rxliir lc atf ilygjgs, yea lc rewwjgs, la’r pera mbcagbi, jaajmx, oecmalbcji, jcv tfjilcu, atf rjwf jr ktfc sbe cffv ab iegf wbcrafgr, xlii wbcrafgr, jcv tfji afjwwjafr ktfc sbe’gf qijslcu lc j vecufbc.”

Liu Zhaoqing smiled and said, “It seems that junior brother Ke usually plays games?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ke Shaobin nodded. “As a single otaku, playing games is necessary, the computer is my wife.” As soon as his words fell, Xiao Tu’s eyes suddenly lit up with blue light, and he looked back at him, “Master, so you’ve been treating me as your wife all along?”

Everyone: “……” oyD9fw

Ke Shaobin was stunned and asked, “What did you say?”

Xiao Tu said, “I’m a computer, and the computer is your wife. Does it mean that I’m your wife?”

Ke Shaobin: “……”

What kind of weird logic was this? v8fOmi

Xin Yan looked at Xiao Tu coldly and said, “This robot seems to have been raised crooked by Ke Shaobin.”

Liu Zhaoqing couldn’t help but laugh out loud. “Hahaha, senior sister Lan will soon move the Civil Affairs Bureau here. After Xingwen and Pingce registered in the Civil Affairs Bureau, our Xiao Ke is also going to register his marriage with Xiao Tu.”

Lan Yarong said, “The love across species between Xiao Ke and Xiao Tu is really touching.”

Ke Shaobin blushed at everyone’s jokes. He already had white skin, and it was even more obvious when he blushed. In order to avoid Xiao Tu saying something strange again, he simply pressed on the robot’s head, forcing Xiao Tu to shut down. Cs6fmB

A prompt for a 30-second countdown appeared in the hover box. Yue Xingwen put away his smile, reached out and pressed the button of ‘leaving the exam room’. Everyone’s eyes shook and they returned to the library again.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief after finally leaving the gloomy castle and returning to the familiar classroom.

The current library time was 4 pm, and dinner was just over an hour away.

Yue Xingwen looked at the electronic clock on the wall and said to Xu Feixue, “Is your junior brother from the Conservatory of Music free now? If he has time, ask him to meet and talk about the X-team member.” l4JoON

“I’ll send a message to ask.” Xu Feixue immediately sent a private chat message to the junior brother, and soon received a reply. She said, “We are on a floor that is progressing higher than him, and he hasn’t unlocked it, so he can’t come up. Let’s find another place to meet?”

“Let’s go to the Research Group Center.” Yue Xingwen took everyone to the Research Group Center and spent points to rent a small conference room. A moment later, a tall boy entered the code and walked into the conference room. The boy wore a white casual clothes, had handsome facial features, and long chestnut hair, but did not look feminine. He had a very special neutral temperament.

Xu Feixue immediately got up to greet him and introduced him with a smile, “This is the freshman student of Qingzhou Conservatory of Music, Qi Luoran. These two are senior brother Xingwen and Pingce of the Research Group 183, senior brother Zhuo Feng, senior brother Liu Zhaoqing…”

She introduced the students of the Research Group 183 to each other in turn, and the little junior brother seemed a little shy, greeting everyone obediently. rZHF0w

Liu Zhaoqing leaned into Xu Yishen’s ear and whispered, “The color of his hair is exactly the same as yours.”

Xu Yishen said, “I was born with it, he dyed it.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

During the talk, the junior brother suddenly looked up at Xu Yishen and called him politely, “Senior brother Xu, what a coincidence.”

Xu Yishen nodded at him and said, “It’s really a coincidence, how did you get pulled into the library as well?” Z2hvA8

Qi Luoran said with a bitter face, “I wanted to write a song by myself some time ago, and ran to the library of the Conservatory of Music to rummage through some composing books and materials, but I was pulled here, unable to get out.”

Liu Zhaoqing looked at his left side and then right side suspiciously. “You two know each other ah?”

Junior brother Qi Luoran hurriedly explained, “I used to learn piano with senior brother Xu.”

Liu Zhaoqing looked at Xu Yishen and asked, “You can play the piano?” GhVzK8

“I was forced to learn by my parents.” Xu Yishen shrugged helplessly, “My mother signed me up for piano classes to learn a talent, in fact, I personally don’t have much interest in piano.”

“Senior brother Xu is being modest. The teacher often praises you for your talent.” Junior brother Qi Luoran lowered his head and whispered, “With senior brother Xu here, you should be able to pass the music course without looking for an X-team member.”

Yue Xingwen looked at Xu Yishen, who immediately waved his hand. “I just know how to play the piano, I’m not a professional music student. It’s more reliable to bring a X-team member.” He glanced around and said, “I’m not the only one in our group who can play a musical instrument, right?”

Lin Manluo said, “I have learned violin.” J Qphk

Qin Lu raised her hand and said, “My sister and I have also learned musical instruments, I learned guzheng, and my sister learned guitar.”

Qin Miao said lightly, “For my guitar, it’s only an entry level, I can play a few pop songs.”

Most of the students of their generation were only children, and their parents attached great importance to talent development. So, many students knew musical instruments, dance and other talents. Yue Xingwen learned calligraphy when he was a child, and a hand of brushstrokes also won many awards in national competitions, but he did not learn musical instruments, as he had no interest in music.

Xu Yishen, Lin Manluo, Qin LU and Qin Miao from the Research Group 183 had played musical instruments and had a certain musical foundation, but there were specializations and the gap between amateurs and professionals was not small. Anyway, X-team members did not account for the quota of the team, and adding a professional would be safer. Ip9dmd

Yue Xingwen walked up to Qi Luoran and said warmly, “Is junior brother under too much pressure? I see you’re quite nervous. Relax, we are not having an admissions interview here, so you can just say what you have to say.”

Qi Luoran wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and said with a dry smile, “After all, you are the legendary Research Group 183, the team with the fastest progress at present, and I heard senior sister Xu say that you got a high score of 95 in the course of the Faculty of Arts. I’m only a freshman, I’m afraid that my professional ability is insufficient and will delay you…”

Yue Xingwen said clearly, “So you don’t dare to be this X-team member?”

The roots of Qi Luoran’ss ears were red and he said, “It feels like a rookie entering the team of a great god, and I lack a little bit of confidence.” HwRz3b

Xu Feixue said with a smile, “In fact, this junior brother is a fan of Xingwen and Pingce, he often replies to your strategy posts on the forum, shouting 666 below.” She paused and then changed her tone, “However, junior brother Qi’s ability is still quite strong, he has not unlocked the three major types of skills of the Music Department. The AOE fear of the pipa song <Ambush from Ten Sides>, and the ceasing fire from the violin tune of <Ave Maria>, and the ranged sleep of the ensemble piece of <Unforgettable Tonight>. He is our team’s main control player, together with his knowledge of music, he should be able to help out in this course.”

Qi Luoran was embarrassed by the praise. He looked at Yue Xingwen and said, “If senior brother doesn’t– doesn’t mind, take me with you in this course, I’ll do my best.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yue Xingwen stood up and stretched out his hand. “I don’t mind, you’re very welcome to join us.”

Qi Luoran immediately shook hands with him. oep8Ml

The little junior brother was indeed nervous, a layer of cold sweat broke out in the palm of his hand.

Yue Xingwen noticed this, smiled slightly, patted his arm and said, “Don’t worry, the senior brothers and sisters in our team all get along very well. Although everyone is a temporary teammate, the goal is to clear the exam. As long as you don’t deliberately make mistakes to cause trouble for the team, we can each do our best.”

Qi Luoran had only seen Yue Xingwen’s posts on the forum before, which were clear and logical, and the strategy produced by 183 helped many teams clear low-floor courses. Now that he was getting close to this legendary top student for the first time, he found that senior brother Xingwen not only did not put on the airs of a captain, but he also had an exceptionally good temper and a straightforward smile, which made people can’t help but relax.

The nervousness and uneasiness of joining an unfamiliar team gradually subsided, and Qi Luoran nodded vigorously. “En, I know! Senior brother, are you going to take the course of the Conservatory of Music tomorrow afternoon?” DIC7xW

“Yes. We will meet at 1:30 pm on Tuesday afternoon in the Faculty of Arts’ course selection center.”

“Okay, then I’ll go back and prepare, see you tomorrow!”

After the team meeting, Yue Xingwen took his teammates to dinner. Returning to the dormitory after dinner, Yue Xingwen took a hot shower, changed into pajamas, lay on the bed, relaxing his limbs, resting his hands on the back of his head, staring at the ceiling in thought.

Jiang Pingce walked over to the bedside and sat down, handing him a bag of chips and asking in a low voice, “What are you thinking about?” HtU8N6

Yue Xingwen rolled over and sat up, tore open the packaging bag of potato chips and took a few pieces into his mouth. The fragrant taste of potato chips instantly brought him back to life, Yue Xingwen ate a few pieces with relish, and then said seriously, “I’m wondering if Ke Shaobin’s robot intelligence progress is advancing too fast? At the beginning, it could only recognize Ke Shaobin’s voice and could only sing <Two Tigers>, but now do you think that its IQ is more developed than the intelligent AI we see in reality?”

Jiang Pingce was silent for a moment and said, “Are you doubting that the library system and Xiao Tu’s intelligent progress are related?”

Yue Xingwen said, “The library has a huge intelligent system that traps us here, monitors all our actions, and obliterates students who fail the exam at any time. In the future, if we encounter the Faculty of Computer Science, how are we going to pass in front of such a powerful intelligent system?”

He paused, looked at Jiang Pingce and said word by word, “Xiao Tu, will it really always be on our side?” vEIk5M

Jiang Pingce’s brows frowned slightly. “It’s a library’s product. Although it currently follows Ke Shaobin’s orders and has been helping us, it’s hard to say if there will be a higher intelligent system controlling it at the Faculty of Computer Science.”

Yue Xingwen nodded. “I think so too. Ke Shaobin likes Xiao Tu very much, and keeps his robot as a pet. I hope that the Faculty of Computer Science won’t play this kind of trick of intelligent invasion, or else…”

Both of them were silent for a moment.

Jiang Pingce gently put his hand on Xingwen’s shoulder and said, “We still have many faculties such as physics, chemistry, Chinese and history that we haven’t passed, so let’s take one step at a time. Don’t think too much about it, just relax and rest early.” zEYvxd

Yue Xingwen smiled at him, “Okay, let’s sleep first.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

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  1. Oh, I see new man for love story

    Thank you for your translation 💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟

  2. No no no. Don’t raise flag here. I just giggle at ‘love across species’ part and now you are throwing red flag? Noooo.