Escape From the LibraryCh192 - Urban Planning 01

On the ninth day of the exam, after experiencing an earthquake and avalanche, everyone stayed in the snow with trepidation, and their spirits were tense, fearing that the library would cause several more earthquakes.

Facts also proved that they weren’t wrong to be defensive about the library—— Soon after the avalanche ended, the surrounding area began to shake violently again! whe8ml

This earthquake, judging from the sense of tremor, should not be as strong as last night’s magnitude 8, but there was also about magnitude 6. It felt like sitting on a rickety boat, and Ke Shaobin was so shaken that he almost vomited out the acid water in his stomach. Jiang Pingce decided to take everyone to fly up to the sky to avoid.

The earthquake lasted only 10 minutes before stopping.

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Then, earthquakes of magnitude 4 and 5 came every once in a while, and continued intermittently throughout the day. Everyone was so exhausted that they did not dare to fall asleep at night, sitting around the fire, and staying up until dawn with their eyes open.

On the last day, there were no more earthquakes, but there were no traces of animals and plants on the endless snowfield. They had nothing to eat, so they could only continue to steam green vines to feed themselves. m CXxc

The moment they stayed up until 00:00 am on the tenth day, everyone was relieved.

Ke Shaobin hurriedly stood up and said, “Finally liberated, go back quickly! I don’t want to stay in this shitty place for a minute longer!”

A familiar message appeared in the upper right corner hoverbox——

Research Group: C-183


Course: Ice Age

Credit: 4

Clearance Score: 90 points

Final Point: 4×90 = 360 points Po2CyS

Research Group Bonus: Group C points bonus x 1.5 times. The final point is 540 points

Course Failure Rate: 30%

Everyone hurriedly looked at the score settlement in the hoverbox. Yue Xingwen directly pressed the ‘end exam’ option, and 12 people returned to the library classroom at the same time. The fur coats on their bodies were gone, and everyone resumed their original short-sleeves outfit.

The library had a constant temperature system, and the temperature in the dormitory area and Course Selection Center was always maintained at 25 degrees. CnJdVF

Returning to the warm spring-like library from the freezing Ice Age, everyone had a joy of ‘after the disaster’, and the frozen cells all over their bodies seemed to gradually come to life. Yue Xingwen rubbed his arms and sighed, “Another course is over.”

Ke Shaobin said excitedly, “I’m going to the supermarket to buy food, is anyone with me?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Snfgsbcf gjlrfv atflg tjcvr. “P’w ublcu abb!”

Mbg 10 mbcrfmealnf vjsr, atfs tjv yffc fjalcu tjgv-ab-rkjiibk nlcfr jcv ecqifjrjca jcmlfca uljca yfjra yjgyfmef. Ktflg rabwjmtr jcv lcafralcfr kfgf gjnjufv jcv lc egufca cffv bo ceaglalbc. u3i8nB

Pa kjr 10 jw, atf raevfca mjcaffc tjv cba sfa bqfcfv, jcv fnfgsbcf kjr rb tecugs atja atfs mbeivc’a kjla obg iecmt. C ugbeq bo qfbqif delmxis mjwf ab atf rtbqqlcu mfcafg bc atf -4at oibbg, ybeuta j yecmt bo mtbmbijaf, qbajab mtlqr, lcrajca cbbvifr, jcv tjw rjerjufr. Tef Wlcukfc jcv Aljcu Ulcumf vlv cba ub ab atf reqfgwjgxfa—— Dfmjerf atfs ybat tjv rabmx lc atflg vbgwlabgs.

The last time after the Faculty of Environment, they ended up shopping at the supermarket, and Jiang Pingce bought a box of potato chips for Xingwen to stock up, and also bought a lot of instant noodles and snacks for backup.

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Both of them returned to the dormitory side by side. Yue Xingwen immediately grabbed Jiang Pingce’s hand and flipped it over and over to carefully examine it, only then was he relieved and said with a smile, “Fortunately, there are no frostbites left. In the past few days, we all keep our hands tucked up our sleeves for warmth, and it must be cold for you to keep writing formulas, right?”

Jiang Pingce’s gaze was gentle and said, “It’s okay, didn’t you make me gloves?” nEdsfR

Yue Xingwen touched his nose awkwardly. “Don’t mention my handiwork. The gloves I made are leaking, and I guess there’s not much of a warmth effect.”

Xingwen’s handicrafts were indeed ugly, but he could take the initiative to care about himself, and Jiang Pingce was already very content. Seeing that it was still early, Jiang Pingce said, “Go take a hot bath first, and I will cook noodles for you.”

Yue Xingwen hmphed and turned around to the bathroom to take a shower.

Jiang Pingce boiled instant noodles for him and helped him open a pack of tomato-flavored potato chips. As soon as he sat on the edge of the bed, he saw Lan Yarong’s message pop up on the chat channel: “Chen Muyun contacted me just now, saying that two classmates in their team were eliminated.” J3EdFL

Qin Lu typed and asked: “Did they accidentally fall behind during the earthquake phase?”

Lan Yarong said: “They didn’t escape timely when the avalanche occurred. Two junior brothers and sisters were buried by the snow, when they went back to search, they only dug up the bodies of their teammates.”

Ke Shaobin: “……”

It was hard to imagine how sad other people should have been at that time. ij Vch

Chen Muyun’s team was the first echelon with the fastest clearance progress in the library, and often exchanged information with Xingwen and the others. Senior sister Lan was introduced by her to join the Research Group 183.

Hearing this bad news, everyone had mixed feelings and did not know what to say.

Yue Xingwen saw this message when he came out of the bath. He was silent for a moment, typed and asked: “Do the other teams have any news?”

Zhuo Feng said: “Yu Mingyu’s team from the Kyoto University has all passed the exam. They are originally group A with speed buff, and there are experts in the Geography Department in the group. The earthquakes and avalanches are not difficult for them.” g9GoHn

At this moment, Yue Xingwen received a private message from the forum, which was sent by senior brother Qin Lang of Normal University: “All members of our team passed, but I heard that two people on Muyun’s side were eliminated, how is it on your side?”

Yue Xingwen replied: “We all passed.”

Qin Lang followed closely: “I heard that there is also a team with relatively fast progress, which was collectively eliminated and sent back to the 1st floor for retaking. They went in the wrong direction on the ice, and when they encountered an earthquake, they had nowhere to hide, and they were drowned by the collapsed ice.”

Some students were eliminated, which was normal, after all, every course had an elimination rate. Like this Ice Age, if their response was slightly slower during a big earthquake, they would be ended collectively. fVhSlt

However, hearing the news that his classmates were eliminated with his own ears, Yue Xingwen still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

This group of university students were originally preparing for the final exam in school, but they were somehow pulled into the library. They struggled on the edge of life and death everyday. When would such a day of fear come to an end?

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He wanted all his classmates to leave the library unscathed, but reason also told him that there would be many teams that would be eliminated from the course due to a variety of problems.

Yue Xingwen took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions, and typed in the chat channel: “None of us 183 can be missing.” TJRslG

Zhuo Feng said: “Now that we have passed half of the credits, let’s stick to the end together!”

Xu Yishen smiled and said: “We 183 are the devil group. We will definitely be able to survive. After all, we are taking the villain route, which is called ‘good people don’t live long, but scourges last for a thousand years’?”

Ke Shaobin typed while eating chocolate: “As long as Xingwen’s ‘Torrential Rain’ and ‘Figure from the Back’ skills can be used, we will have endless oranges. In the course of the Ice Age, the heavy rain was frozen into hail and could not be used. We won’t encounter such extreme low temperature weather in the future. In other words, we don’t have to worry about food anymore.”

Liu Zhaoqing said with a smile: “Xiao Ke, you can’t say too much. The library’s tricks are endless, who knows what new tricks it will come up with to torture us?” OUlBQJ

Xin Yan, who had never liked to talk, also came out and typed a line: “No matter what, I hope everyone can go to the end.”

Lin Manluo, Qin Lu and the others echoed: “Definitely!”

“Fighting, no one should be left behind.”

Yue Xingwen said: “Rest first, there is a second course of the Faculty of Geography tomorrow.” ddiD0v

After finishing the discussion of the Research Group, he sent a message to Lan Yarong in private: “I can’t say much about Sister Muyun’s side, senior sister, you can comfort her.” Also, the two people who were eliminated from their group and were sent back to the 1st floor to retake the course, could be added back to her Research Group with the identity of ‘X-team member’ once they had passed the 1st floor of the Faculty of Medicine and unlocked the Research Group function.”

Lan Yarong’s eyes lit up: “Yes! X-team members don’t limit the progress of the course, and those whose progress is different can also form a team, I will tell Muyun. She isn’t in a good mood, and it’s her junior brother and sister who were eliminated. I can see that she blames herself very much.”

Yue Xingwen said: “If she wants to continue to add those two team members, she can waif a few days, and after the progress of the two people who retakes the exam reach the 2nd floor, she can join their team as an x-team member to take the exam together, and then use their leisure time without the exam to join the team on the lower floor as an x-team member to retake credits.”

Yue Xingwen himself was the captain, and they had been fighting side by side for so long that they already had deep feelings. If any member of the Research Group 183 was eliminated, he would not ruthlessly leave his teammates alone, and continue to break through with others on his own. M38Pqj

He would definitely use the flexibility of the ‘x-team member’ to add his teammates back in.

He thought that Chen Muyun should feel the same as him.

Sure enough, Chen Muyun quickly sent him a private chat: “Xingwen, the x-team member that senior sister Lan said was your idea, right? I won’t be continuing the exams for the new course of the Faculty of Geography tomorrow, and I’m going to wait for them and get together again next week. Thanks for your concern!”

Yue Xingwen said: “You’re welcome. I hope you can reunite and successfully pass the later courses.” lkdauz

Chen Muyun said: “En, good luck to you guys too, fighting!”

Chen Muyun’s team stopped and waited. There were only three teams left in the first echelon, and Yue Xingwen sent a message to Yu Mingyu and Qin Lang, both of whom said that they would continue to break through.

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At 8 am on Friday, it was the second course of the Faculty of Geography.

Everyone took a day off, and gathered at the Faculty of Geography’s course selection center on time the next day and pressed the course selection button—— NvdI6a

[Compulsory Course: Urban Planning]

[Faculty: Faculty of Geography]

[Credit: 4]

[Examination Room Rules: Maximum number of examinees in the examination room is 12 (excluding X-team member)] qSHTB4

[Course Description: Human Geography is the study of the relationship between people and the environment. Cities are the most common gathering place for human races in the process of the development of human civilization. This exam will give you a vacant land, and you are invited to create a city yourself. The models on the sand table can be used at will. The roads, buildings, etc you build in the sand table will be enlarged and restored in the city]

[Examination Requirement: Reasonable planning is crucial to the construction of cities. Please build a habitable human city and complete the acceptance of the library]

[Confirm Course Selection: Yes/No]

Seeing the exam information, Ke Shaobin couldn’t help but say, “This is similar to a home-based game, right? Give us a bunch of models and let us build our own houses and roads, and build a city?” UxkIB3

Lin Manluo said, “Is there still some greening to be done? Like landscaped areas, green trees and flowers along roads, flower beds in squares, wetland parks for residents to take a leisurely stroll, and so on? Normal urban greening should also meet the standard, otherwise the library’s acceptance is likely to score a failing grade, right?”

Yue Xingwen agreed and said, “That’s for sure. A city inhabited by human beings is certainly not without greenery.”

Qin Lu said with a bitter face, “It’s a pity that my major is not urban planning, and I don’t know much about this.”

Ke Shaobin said excitedly, “It doesn’t matter, let’s brainstorm! Isn’t it enough to refer directly to your hometown, or the urban planning where the university is located?” LlVRe2

Qin Lu thought about it too and nodded. “En, referring to reality, this approach is more reliable.”

Yue Xingwen simply waved his hand, “Get ready. After entering the exam room, we will discuss together. Draw the diagram first, and then start the construction!”

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  1. I thought urban planning was the work of architects…

    Thank you for your translation 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍

  2. as a graduate of city skylines and pursuing city skylines 2, this will be easy for me. LOL😁