After appearing on a dating reality show with my ex, I became popular.Ch46 - Chapter-46


Editor- yuki_shuichi, Proofreader- adjective gFTqAy

“Chen Yan.”


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“Chen Yan?”

“…” DaZdEX

“Chen Yan! What are you up to today, you’ve been glued to your phone since we met?”

Chen Yan finally snapped out of the group chat on his phone screen, absent-mindedly putting down the phone and locking eyes with the old classmates he had just seen at the dining table. “…No, it’s just that I’ve been dealing with some issues related to the project I’ve been working on recently.”

Today, they chose to eat at a barbecue restaurant.

It was economical and hearty. When the pickled vegetables and grilled meat were poured onto the iron plate, sizzling and emitting oil, the fragrance filled the air. There was no need for extra dipping sauce, every bite was meaty, appetizingly sour, and spicy.


While Chen Yan was engrossed in his phone, the iron plate was almost cleared.

The old classmates jokingly remarked, “Our Chen Yan has scripts to write and scripts to direct, unlike us loafing around all day.”

“Who would have thought, among us, the one doing the best now is the least noticeable Fatty Chen.”

“What Fatty Chen! He’s now Boss Chen, very busy, hahaha.” o RXin

Once those words were spoken, everyone burst into laughter.

Chen Yan tried to deflect the teasing, but it only made things worse.

Then, at some unknown moment, the whole table suddenly fell silent, all eyes were fixed on the sizzling grill in the middle.

Chen Yan himself furrowed his brow. dtzLbl

Finally, the guy sitting to his left was the first to speak up, raising his glass and saying, “Alright, I’m off to my hometown for a blind date and to enjoy myself. You guys are here to see me off, not to attend a funeral. Be happy!”

This was also the reason why they gathered for the second time in such a short period.

Originally, they agreed not to meet until next month, but plans changed. Before he couldn’t stand it, his family couldn’t stand it either. A phone call urged him to go home for a blind date and get familiar with taking over the family’s hardware store.

After over twenty years of studying, he ended up back home. w9K Nd

The four of them raised their glasses, and besides Chen Yan, the other two also laughed, saying their days in City A were coming to an end.

“A few days ago, my mom called me. Probably afraid of hurting my self-esteem, she didn’t even ask how much I earn in a month; she just asked if I’m eating well and dressing well.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Your mom is like a Bodhisattva. My parents directly complained that I was twenty-six, still fooling around outside. I’m thinking of just taking the civil service exam.”

As they chatted, the conversation circled back to Chen Yan, with the same old talk about his good luck. GRojkh

Chen Yan didn’t want to dampen the mood further on this gloomy day, but he couldn’t bear the envy and jealous remarks anymore. Finally, he let out, “I’ve been working for nothing these past few months.”


“Why did you work for nothing?”

“The lousy project leader has been dragging on not paying the final payment to us few writers. Up until now, I’ve only received the initial three thousand deposit.” Chen Yan poured himself a drink and cleared his throat. “I just checked my phone because they were discussing it in the WeChat group, trying to ask for money again but didn’t succeed.” Yz5TWE

As the words fell, the four fell into silence once again.

There was no righteous indignation, no standing up for justice, just a few sighs, a pat on the shoulder. “It’s normal.”

Such occurrences were nothing out of the ordinary for everyone.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“We can’t afford to offend the actors; we can’t afford to offend the directors, we screenwriters can’t afford to bully them.” KgY65R

“Kjixlcu jybea atlr wjxfr wf fcns Eejc Vbcu jujlc. Ct, regfis cb bcf vjgfr ab wfrr klat tlw ilxf atja… Vb, lr atfgf cb tbqf ja jii?”

“Yt, kjla, P gfwfwyfg, kjrc’a atlr qgbpfma lcagbvemfv ab sbe ys sbeg gbbwwjaf? Qts vbc’a sbe jrx tlw ab tfiq sbe lcdelgf?”

Cr atfs wfcalbcfv atlr, Jtfc Tjc tjqqfcfv ab mjamt j uilwqrf bo tlr qtbcf rmgffc ilutalcu eq bc atf ajyif, rtbklcu j wfrrjuf cbalolmjalbc.

[Even if you have money, I won’t marry you, Song: Have you finished your recent project? Let’s chat about your recent situation.] oAjgfz

Chen Yan raised his hand and turned off the screen helplessly, smiling. “What can my roommate ask about? He just casually introduced; he doesn’t even know them. Sigh, when you encounter such a mess, you just have to accept your fate. It’s already good enough that they introduced you to the job; you decided to do it, and no one forced you. You can’t turn around and make them help you chase debts, can you?”


Chen Yan usually replied to messages quickly.

Ruan Song sent him a message while in the nanny’s car back to the wooden house. He was waiting for a response that didn’t come even after waiting for over ten minutes. rAY8NT

He had to add a sentence.

[Even if you have money, I won’t marry you, Song: When you’re free, give me a call. I want to discuss something with you.]

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This time, Chen Yan replied to him.

[Fat Man Weighs Over 1000jin, and His Face Accounts for 800jin: This book should be finished soon, just a few more days left. Just had dinner with my classmates and didn’t pay attention to my phone.] HiOFJK

Ruan Song also knew that they would occasionally gather.

[Even if you have money, I won’t marry you, Song: You go ahead and accompany your classmate first, my matter isn’t urgent. Let’s talk after you’re done with your busy schedule.]

[Fat Man Weighs Over 1000jin, and His Face Accounts for 800jin: Alright, but Ren Qinming is impressive, he actually got involved with Wang Jiang.]

There were no walls that didn’t let the wind through. Sd7wnU

About Ren Qinming possibly starring in Wang Jiang’s new movie, the news spread online almost as soon as they left the club.

It spread with all the details.

It seemed like the previous mystery of Ren Qinming lying motionless in bed while looking at his phone immediately got an answer, making his fans extremely happy.

[Career fans are overjoyed; let me tell you a number, one billion] Z60 Hm

[Too conservative, with Director Wang’s addition, be bold, thirty billion, grinning.jpg]

[How do you know they meant total box office of one billion, not one billion in a day, doge]

[Hahaha, sisters, stay calm; it’s not the Spring Festival season, not that easy to boost the box office.]

[In that case, let me suggest a number, Director Li + Director Wang + Silly Dog 50 billion, quite reasonable, doge] vMSxQR

[Usually, directors like Liu Muyan and Wang Jiang, meeting once a year is already remarkable, our Silly Dog is making progress, and mom is in tears.]

[Now, a new problem arises, with Silly Dog doing two movies a year, won’t he be unable to accompany Teacher Ruan again??? Black face.jpg]

In response to this, Ren Qinming hasn’t reacted yet, and Liu Muyan was already in a panic.

Afraid that he might change his mind and be unwilling to come to work himself, he urged his assistant to log into his Weibo account and post a statement. MisrFo

[@LiuMuyanNotNG: The hotel room provided by the crew for @RenQinming is more than enough for two people; if Xiao Song is willing, the crew’s boxed meals are ready for him anytime, hands clasped.jpg]

The fans were all delighted.

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[Hahahaha, it’s clear that Director Liu wants to collaborate with Silly Dog.]

[For the sake of collaboration, even family members have to be arranged together; this move is brilliant! 2333] cTHyfw

[Don’t scare Director Liu, now that Mud Dog and Teacher Ruan are both public, they can openly visit each other; there is no need to worry about being separated.]

[Manually @all future crews who want to collaborate with Silly Dog should follow Director Liu’s example. If you want to invite Silly Dog, remember to consider arranging accommodations for family members as well, doge]

And when netizens later found out that the female lead was played by Zhang Qiaoyu, it became even more lively.

All Ren Qinming fans were delighted, who wouldn’t like a beautiful and talented actress who was not clingy and never heard any rumors about her with anyone in the industry. euA5V2

The netizens who were still in the dark didn’t know the truth.

It was not that Zhang Qiaoyu Zhang Qiaoyu wasn’t clean of rumors in the industry, but she simply was more secretive

Once embroiled in a scandal with you-know-who from within the circle, it was basically a half-open secret, delaying her fishing for a gold master and stepping on multiple boats, naturally she was “maintaining one’s moral integrity”.

—————————- DJWdCS

With the private adult channel for secret conversations in the private room, everyone returned to the cabin at night and very conscientiously went back to their rooms to freshen up and “sleep.”

Surprisingly, the live broadcast room went completely dark at only ten o’clock in the evening.

Having finished their cultivation, prepared snacks, and been ready to continue the battle, the barrage comments, “?”

Completely unaware of what was happening, the director’s team almost thought it was a problem with their filming equipment, “?” eWdNJZ

What was going on today? Even night owls were taking after Zheng Qing?

But in reality, the honest person Zheng Qing was the one turning into a “night owl.”

The production team tried to contact the guests in vain, so they had to post an announcement on Weibo.

[@The Variety Show ‘19 Days of Cohabitation’ Production Team: Today seems to be their agreed early sleep day. It’s too exhausting to stay up late for everyone who’s been binge-watching episodes. Let’s all call it a night for now. See you at nine tomorrow morning, heart.jpg x3 (Actually we don’t say it but the children can’t help it, puppy hugging leg.jpg)] 8xsEF5



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But when the barrage comments had a good night’s sleep, they squatted in front of the live broadcast room promptly at nine the next morning.

Something even more bizarre happened. OplcuA

Usually, by this time, even if Ren Qinming and Ruan Song hadn’t gotten up, Jiang Qiqi should have been up early doing makeup and hair; Qin Sijia and Zheng Qing would be out for a morning run; and Liang Yi would be reading the morning paper and working in the office.

However, today, for some reason, all the cameras in the live broadcast room started as scheduled, but there wasn’t a trace of anyone in the cabin.

The living room, kitchen, hallway, bedroom… all empty.

The most astonishing thing was that the bedding on the six beds were neatly arranged. mz0Mtf

It was as if no one slept in the beds last night at all; Ruan Song and Ren Qinming were nowhere to be found.


The comments were confused and they all @ed the program team on the public screen, saying that their guests had run away.

The production team was more confused than the barrage of comments. They sent the people up the mountain last night and left, but now they couldn’t reach any of the six people by phone. 1JwzMG

They had to go back to Weibo and post another statement.

[@The Variety Show ‘19 Days of Cohabitation’ Production Team: Everyone, don’t worry, for now, the production team also doesn’t know what’s going on at the moment. The cameramen usually go up around noon, but we are already preparing to depart early. The director’s team will go together… puppy hugs legs.jpg]

[Regarding the matter of the official blog being forced to issue two statements in a row.]

[Usually, variety shows control of the guests; it’s the first time I’ve seen a variety show team this pitiful hhhh] OgsKCu

[And they still have to walk the red carpet tonight, not having people around; can they manage it?]

[They went out a few days ago to have fun with the children, and now they can’t bring them back, pointing finger.jpg]

[I’m dying of laughter, the chief director seems to be in complete “panic” mode now, probably not acting for the sake of the show’s effect.]

[So, instead of watching the guests live, we unexpectedly ended up watching the director’s live stream, doge] LVqero

The director’s team, to not leave the live stream empty, didn’t open up about anything; they just cut to one camera angle and had the cameraman film them.

The group nervously discussed the mountain road from the foot of the mountain.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

All kinds of speculations have been put forward, and the barrage-style “solving the case” immersion was surprisingly exciting and full of laughter. Everyone wanted to know what was going on.

In the end, the director’s team scratched their heads, and even began to doubt if they collectively dreamt yesterday, actually leaving people outside and not bringing them back at all. 0AnRoz

Due to this small incident, the already highly popular livestream discussion room’s engagement soared once again; the public opinion monitoring team almost couldn’t handle it, and it even trended.

[Guests lost on ’19 Days of Cohabitation,’ director’s team livestreaming the search for them.]

They’ve had plenty of trending topics and various gimmicks during the six seasons of this romance variety show.

No matter how much they promote stars, that was all about the guests; when did the director’s team get the spotlight and trend? Q8PUYs

The chief director was barely over thirty-five, in the prime of his life, yet he was already worrying so much that he was getting gray hair on this live stream journey up the mountain.

Considering someone suddenly went missing, one must think of the worst-case scenario. If something unexpected happened to these six precious guests on his variety show…

[Director’s Team: The show was going smoothly, but with the guests missing, we’ve never been this panicked, holding our heads in disbelief.jpg]

[If I find out later that this was a setup you all planned, I will seriously be so mad that I might just go and rant on your official account, doge] bqFA3j

[Next, please watch {Director’s Team Searching for Guests}]

As the driver sped them to the cabin, the group hastily grabbed their filming equipment and rushed to the door.

Little did they know, the empty cabin just a second ago had the six missing people suddenly appear from the blind spots of the camera as they got out of the car.

Some were on the balcony, some in the bathroom, and some in the storage room closest to the living room, with almost everyone holding a piece of paper with “Shh” written on it, facing the camera. z4ghYf

The barrage of comments instantly revealed that this was a prank by the six of them, planning to tease the director’s team back!

On the public screen, there was uncontrollable laughter, some accusing them of going too far, and others not caring about others’ well-being.

But all the discussions came to a halt with Ruan Song’s appearance.

Outside the door, the director’s team had already rushed to the entrance of the cabin. e3h0xv

Inside the door, a few people obediently stood at the entrance, ready to “welcome” guests.

They only waited anxiously for the head director to find the key and open the door.

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Five hands holding fireworks instantly bloomed in mid-air—the missing guests, who were supposed to disappear, stood neatly in front of him!

All the staff who rushed to the scene were stunned. NT8aDF

The head director, leading the way at the forefront, was directly hit in the face by the confetti.

He was draped in colorful ribbons, his face full of bewilderment as he looked at each smiling face in front of him. His heart felt like it had been on a roller coaster. Too preoccupied to even ask them what was going on, he first counted the number of people, “Isn’t there still one more?”

Just as he had finally relaxed, his heart leaped again, his gaze fixed on Ren Qinming, “Where is Ruan Song?”

The barrage viewers who knew the truth couldn’t help but start screaming when they saw this, as if they were the ones present at the scene right now. SGV5dd

In the scene, the five of them all took half a step back to the sides.

The head director’s long-awaited Ruan Song suddenly appeared from behind everyone, holding a birthday cake, an eight-inch one from who knows where, with lit candles shaped as “1” and “8.”

Step by step, Ruan Song brought it in front of him, saying, “Happy 18th birthday to our director Yan! Wishing you good health, everlasting artistry, the ability to keep doing what you love, and a bright future ahead!”

Yan Songhang couldn’t hold back his emotions right there. jhATkE

But Ruan Song, with the cake in hand, continued to smile at him. “Also, thank you for your variety show that allowed me to stand under the sun again. Thank you, thank you, ‘19 Days of Cohabitation’ Season 6.”

[Wuwuwuwu, why do I watch a romance variety show, not only crying like a fool for love but also crying like a fool for some unclear feelings, crying.jpg x3]

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