Dressed as a Shady Villain’s Marriage PartnerCh106 - Wedding

Lu Huan was silent for two seconds before taking out his phone to contact Fan Lin. “There should be enough time to arrange everything overnight, but the invitation wasn’t sent…”

Yu Baihan suggested, “How about we make him a special guest?” PvFab2

Lu Huan looked up at him, then nodded, “Okay.”

With that settled, the previously heated atmosphere in the dressing room had completely dissipated.

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Yu Baihan, who had been ready for more, now felt relieved. He straightened his rumpled clothes and sighed softly, “Medical staff Zhong is indeed a miracle worker.”

All the earlier restlessness had vanished. ZOs7tQ

Lu Huan, uncharacteristically, did not retort. “Let’s go. It’s time to head out.”

The evening rehearsal was just a run-through to familiarize themselves with the venue.

They walked across the stage several times until the sun began to set. Then, they ended the rehearsal and returned to the hotel.

With the official wedding day approaching, they had to get up early.


After washing up, Lu Huan pulled Yu Baihan into bed, tucking him snugly in. He patted Yu Baihan’s back and said, “Sleep early tonight.”

The sliding door to the balcony was closed.

The room’s main light was turned off, leaving only a bedside lamp on, and the room became quiet.

Lying in Lu Huan’s arms, Yu Baihan’s heart couldn’t help but race in the calm environment. Thinking about their wedding the next day, his excitement grew. sPOcNf

“I can’t sleep, I’m too excited,” he said, wriggling.

Lu Huan looked at him and smiled.

Yu Baihan poked him playfully, “Why are you laughing? Aren’t you nervous? Don’t you feel anything about our wedding tomorrow?”

Before he could finish, Lu Huan grabbed his hand. BKQ9k

Pressing Yu Baihan’s hand to his chest, Lu Huan let him feel the rapid and heavy heartbeat.

“What do you think?” Lu Huan asked, his eyes lowered.

Blushing, Yu Baihan looked at him brightly, then withdrew his hand and pressed his face against Lu Huan’s chest. “Oh.”

Satisfied, he snuggled closer. 9oYAH

Lu Huan encircled him and reached out to turn off the light. “Go to sleep.”

Listening to Lu Huan’s heartbeat, Yu Baihan closed his eyes peacefully. “Good night, Fluctuating Lu Huan.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Good night, Dirty Baihan.”

“……” cbtCjv

A good night’s sleep.

Early the next morning, the makeup team arrived to get the couple ready, styling their hair and dressing them.

The wedding attire from yesterday was crumpled, so they switched to the light-colored suits as Yu Baihan had suggested.

Lu Huan, who usually wore dark colors, looked surprisingly youthful and fresh in the light-colored suit, reminiscent of his energetic and spirited younger self. i0DsAX

Yu Baihan’s outfit was perfect for him.

With his black hair and eyes, and a clean face, even the makeup artist couldn’t help but exclaim, “This look is so refreshing and pure.”

Blushing, Yu Baihan shyly accepted the compliment, fidgeting with his fingers. “Too bad I’m already an impure adult.”

“……” SZLGCh

The makeup artist’s hands trembled slightly, accidentally curling a lock of Yu Baihan’s hair.

Lu Huan glanced over.

The makeup artist quickly fixed the hair.

Yu Baihan pursed his lips, “I’ll keep quiet.” ZcRj7E

As the makeup was finished, there was a knock on the half-open door.

Yu Baihan turned to see Uncle Feng standing there.

Dressed in a formal suit with neatly brushed hair, Uncle Feng’s posture was straight, and his face showed joy and excitement. “Sir, master, it’s almost time.”

Lu Huan stood up, “Okay.” sGdt1U

Yu Baihan also stood up, turning to take Lu Huan’s hand, “Let’s go, Pipihuan~”

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Under the stage set up by the beach, all the guests were already seated.

It was mid-morning, nearing noon. UtqjCD

The bright sunlight reflected off the sparkling sea, making the shimmering surface look like it was covered with fine diamonds.

The T-shaped water platform was set against the sea, adorned with blue and white rose petals, blending beautifully into the vast blue sea and sky behind.

A long glass walkway led directly to the water platform.

Yu Baihan stood at the beginning of the aisle. MSo7Fc

Qiao Yun, standing in front of the steps, smiled lovingly at him and took his hand, “Baihan.”

Since neither he nor Lu Huan had parents or elders present, their “married parents,” Huo Ming and Qiao Yun, temporarily acted as elders for this wedding.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Aunt Yun,” Yu Baihan said, taking Qiao Yun’s arm and looking ahead.

Yc atf kjafg qijaobgw, Oe Lejc rabbv kjlalcu, tlr kfvvlcu jaalgf tlutilutalcu tlr ajii, ragjluta oluegf. Llr ygbjv rtbeivfgr rffwfv ab reqqbga atf njra rxs yftlcv tlw. JedgOR

Cmgbrr atf ibcu jlrif, atflg fsfr wfa.

Ktfgf kjr ecvlruelrfv qjrrlbc lc Oe Lejc’r fsfr.

Te Djltjc ofia tlr ojmf tfja eq jcv tlr tfjga gjmf. Yc atf kjafg qijaobgw, Leb Zlcu rabbv yfrlvf Oe Lejc, ktlif Mjc Olc jmafv jr atf wjrafg bo mfgfwbclfr, bnfgrfflcu atf kfvvlcu qgbmfrr. Cr atf uefrar ibbxfv bc fzqfmajcais, atf kfvvlcu werlm yfujc ab qijs.

Yu Baihan exhaled slightly and stepped onto the glass aisle. JQvNsO

Accompanied by Qiao Yun, he walked toward Lu Huan step by step. The bright sunlight cast a thin layer of light on him.

Lu Huan’s intense gaze never left him.

Yu Baihan’s heart warmed, and he raised his eyes to meet Lu Huan’s again.

As their eyes locked, Lu Huan’s expression shifted. ZiEx d

He curled his fingers at his side, and then, driven by a surge of emotion, he suddenly stepped forward to meet Yu Baihan.

In this part of the ceremony, Yu Baihan was meant to walk all the way to the water platform.

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But now, Lu Huan was walking straight towards him.

Yu Baihan was momentarily stunned and halted in his tracks, stopping in the middle of the glass walkway. gyV16w

He had walked halfway towards Lu Huan, and Lu Huan closed the remaining distance. Lu Huan stopped in front of him, looked at him for a moment, and then extended his hand.

Yu Baihan felt his back go dry in an instant, gazing at Lu Huan’s outstretched palm with a growing sense of sweet surprise.

He blushed, his eyelashes fluttering as he brightly said, “Wow, you caught Baihan off guard again~”

Below, the crowd erupted with enthusiastic cheers: “Brother Lu, you can’t wait!” jfx0QA

“Brother Lu is the best, a real man takes the initiative!”

Amidst the commotion, Huo Ming also approached, joyfully saying to Lu Huan, “You can’t leave him alone for a moment, can you, Xiao Lu?”

Lu Huan felt his cheeks warm but remained silent.

Qiao Yun giggled, took Yu Baihan’s hand, and placed it in Lu Huan’s palm, “I’ll leave him to you.” hHJged

Yu Baihan’s hand was immediately enveloped by Lu Huan’s.

Lu Huan nodded to Qiao Yun and Huo Ming, then led Yu Baihan towards the water platform ahead.

With his heart pounding, Yu Baihan sneaked a glance at Lu Huan and whispered teasingly, “Can you keep it together?”

Lu Huan pursed his lips, his palms growing warmer. VaHTgm

Yu Baihan thought, well, he can’t.

Knowing the wedding process was long, but seeing Lu Huan’s red ears made him blush…

He couldn’t help but squeeze Lu Huan’s hand, thinking, You’re getting bolder, Little Deer Lu~

They reached the water platform, and Fan Lin began his speech. pyk3bl

Thanks to Lu Huan’s earlier surprise, most of Yu Baihan’s nerves had dissipated. Now, instead of focusing on Fan Lin’s speech, he kept staring at Lu Huan’s ear.

Feeling the intense gaze, Lu Huan turned his head, “What are you looking at?”

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Yu Baihan leaned in and whispered, “Do you think Fan Lin’s speech is long?”

“…” jdOspC

Lu Huan lowered his eyes, “I asked him to prepare thoroughly, but I didn’t expect him to be this thorough.”

Their whispered conversation ended as Fan Lin finished his speech and announced the next segment. Noticing the two whispering, “…” he cleared his throat, “Let’s proceed with the ring exchange!”

This immediately recaptured Yu Baihan and Lu Huan’s attention.

A tray was brought up, holding a bouquet, a ring box, and three small, moving figures. Three hamsters wearing corsages stood up, causing a wave of excitement among the guests. t5CO 8

Xu Xinyan, delighted, turned to Qi Jue and asked excitedly, “Why are these three here?”

Before Qi Jue could answer, Wen Lou proudly said, “Oh, these are Brother Lu’s brothers-in-law.”


The guests couldn’t help but cast surprised looks towards the stage! I6ZNwK

On the platform, several hamsters stood upright, paws held up, gazing at Yu Baihan and Lu Huan with their dark eyes as if urging them to proceed.

Yu Baihan couldn’t help but laugh.

With the hamsters gathered around, Lu Huan reached out, took the ring box, and opened the lid. Inside was a pair of newly customized wedding rings. Under the sunlight, the silver rings glimmered softly.

He took out one ring and held Yu Baihan’s hand. YpyaXG

Fan Lin, standing behind, began, “Mr. Lu Huan, do you take Mr. Yu Baihan to be your…”

Mid-sentence, Lu Huan turned to him, “Let’s skip that part.”

Fan Lin paused, caught off guard.

Yu Baihan leaned towards Lu Huan and suggested, “Fast forward. Just ask if we’re willing to continue living our current life that’s healthy, prosperous, safe, smooth, and happy.” alXp2M

Fan Lin, “…”

Fan Lin, under Lu Huan’s watchful gaze, repeated mechanically, “Do you both wish to continue living your current life that is worry-free, healthy, prosperous, safe, smooth, and happy?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Lu Huan nodded, “I do.”

Yu Baihan cheerfully said, “I do too.” eSFNsp

The guests were astonished: Who wouldn’t want that!

After the vows were exchanged, Lu Huan lifted Yu Baihan’s hand.

His gaze settled on Yu Baihan’s jade-white fingers, eyes filled with warmth. He took a slight breath and gently slipped the ring onto Yu Baihan’s ring finger. VCnTbW

Yu Baihan noticed Lu Huan’s drooping eyelashes casting delicate shadows on his eyelids. With a playful smile, he asked, “Is there a foreign-style Baihan’s name engraved on it?”

Lu Huan finished putting on the ring, pinched Yu Baihan’s fingertips, and looked up, “It’s engraved with Lu Huan’s name.”

“Your name is engraved on my ring.”

Yu Baihan was momentarily taken aback, his heart suddenly filled with emotion. X5Comn

“Oh…” He softly replied, picking up the other ring and gently sliding it onto Lu Huan’s finger, his face warm with affection.

The silver-white ring now adorned Lu Huan’s slender fingers.

The inner side, engraved with Yu Baihan’s name, rested snugly at the base of Lu Huan’s ring finger.

This realization made the ring on Yu Baihan’s own finger feel warmer, almost hot, as if Lu Huan’s name was being imprinted on his heart. 9zcIeK

He looked up at Lu Huan.

Lu Huan was gazing at him deeply.

After the exchange of rings, the guests erupted into loud cheers: “Isn’t it time for a kiss?”

“Brother Lu, kiss deeply! Don’t you guys like being wild?” KTjg1O

Yu Baihan, flushed, looked into Lu Huan’s eyes.

Would Lu Huan kiss him deeply in public?

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Under Yu Baihan’s expectant and mischievous gaze, Lu Huan picked up the bouquet and handed it to him. They looked towards the door, and Yu Baihan noticed Lu Huan’s ears, which had been restrained for so long, finally turning a faint shade of red.

Lu Huan hesitated for only a second before he reached out and gently cupped Yu Baihan’s face in his hands. pzGZID

Amidst the enthusiastic coaxing all around, Lu Huan bent down, lowering his eyes. The warm breath between them mingled.

Just before their lips touched, Yu Baihan suddenly raised the bouquet to block their faces and leaned in to meet him.

Their soft, burning lips connected.

The scent of rich, fragrant flowers lingered at the tip of his nose as Lu Huan slipped his tongue in, kissing him deeply and passionately under the cover of the bouquet. 9qpvnk

“Ah, why did you block it?”

“Don’t block it, let us see too!”

“Ooooooh, that looks like a deep kiss!”

The noisy sounds around them became the backdrop for the intimate moment. evtwhM

Lu Huan held Yu Baihan by the waist, pulling him close. Yu Baihan let out a muffled sound, placing one hand on Lu Huan’s chest.

He closed his eyes, feeling the sunlight filtering through the petals, casting dreamlike light and shadows on his eyelids.

One kiss.

Yu Baihan opened his eyes, looking at Lu Huan’s face just inches away. 0AaiBd

They gazed at each other. Yu Baihan smiled and whispered, “Your face is so red…”

Lu Huan’s Adam’s apple moved, and he lowered the bouquet, his face still tinged with a lingering blush.

The spreading blush couldn’t be hidden.

The audience watched curiously and excitedly, especially the hardware wholesalers group, who almost rushed to the stage to witness their usually indifferent brother Lu’s rare display of affection. OBdPE

Only Xu Xinyan tried to maintain order at the noisy and restless banquet door, her clear voice suddenly cutting through, “I get it, it’s the lighting!”


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With the wedding ceremony concluded, the atmosphere turned casual as the guests, all familiar faces, mingled and celebrated. Everyone enjoyed a feast, offering their congratulations. Yu Baihan and Lu Huan made their way to the banquet door, greeting guests as they went. T DM1s

Amidst the joyful interactions, they encountered a cautious and dignified face—Zhong Bingqi, who sat looking dusty and skeptical.

Yu Baihan: …

Lu Huan: …

Maintaining his composure, Yu Baihan approached him naturally, “Brother Zhong.” d32r1

Zhong Bingqi took a deep breath and asked politely, “Am I really here as a special guest?”

Lu Huan’s voice was calm but firm, “Of course.”

After scrutinizing their faces for a few seconds, Zhong Bingqi exhaled, seemingly convinced, “Wishing you a long and happy marriage.”

“Thank you.” seGkli

After greeting Zhong Bingqi, they returned to the table where their close friends were seated.

As Lu Huan approached, all his brothers stood up. Fan Lin was the first, holding a small red envelope with a thin card inside.

Yu Baihan curiously asked, “What’s this?”

“Participation money,” Fan Lin replied. Seeing that Lu Huan might refuse, he quickly added, “Sir, please don’t refuse, it’s a token of goodwill from the brothers.” diC0tL

He paused and then added, under the equally delicate and emotional gazes of the brothers behind him, “Besides, it was originally meant for Master Baihan.”

It had simply shifted from a “love chip” to “participation money.”

Yu Baihan accepted it gratefully, “You prepared for the wedding so early? Thank you.”

The brothers responded in unison, “…You’re welcome.” oxZM0d

The luncheon concluded with a piece of music, signaling the end of the formal part of the event.

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The stage was dismantled, leaving a spacious beach for everyone to enjoy. Near the shoreline, several large parasols and a row of deck chairs were set up, alongside a cold drink stand and a mobile bar.

On the shore, He Yue, Xu Xinyan, and some hardware wholesalers were already splashing around in the water, their laughter mingling with the sound of the waves. UCg4Ql

Yu Baihan and Lu Huan stayed under a parasol, enjoying the shade.

Yu Baihan reclined on a deck chair, watching the group frolic in the waves, and couldn’t help but laugh.

After a while, the group noticed them, looked around, and waved enthusiastically, calling out:

“Baihan, Brother Lu, come join us!” FmlGOj

Feeling tempted, Yu Baihan turned to Lu Huan.

Lu Huan raised his chin and said, “You go.”

“Are you not coming?” Yu Baihan asked.

Lu Huan, with his hands in his pockets, maintained a cool demeanor and glanced at the hardware wholesalers in the water, “No.” dLYmOI

Recognizing Lu Huan’s preference, Yu Baihan said, “Alright.”

Giving Senior Lu his space, he got up and ran towards the hotel, “I’ll go change first!”

Soon, Yu Baihan changed into a T-shirt and shorts and ran back. Free from the confines of his formal attire, his spirit seemed liberated, and he joyfully rushed over to the others. bJ5t6Q

“I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming~”

With a splash, he joined the fun in the water. The group quickly resumed their antics, and Yu Baihan’s laughter mixed with the sunlit water splashes.

Lu Huan stood under the parasol, hands in his pockets, watching the scene. A soft light gleamed in his dark eyes, and a slight smile played on his lips.

Not far away, Fan Lin was finishing a phone call. He glanced at his phone and then at Lu Huan. Seeing this, a few brothers nearby asked, “What’s up, Brother Fan? Why not just discuss the work call?” JXx ib

Fan Lin hesitated, “It’s not good to talk about work right now…”

Qin Lun patted him on the shoulder encouragingly, “Go ahead, Mister is free at the moment. You might prevent a delay in important business.”

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“And besides, don’t you have the gold medal for avoiding death?”

“…?” 4nO ov

Fan Lin struggled for a moment before stepping over to Lu Huan. “Sir, the director of HT Group wants to discuss a collaboration.”

Lu Huan turned his head, his eyes focused on Fan Lin. Feeling slightly nervous, Fan Lin stammered, “Uh, I wanted to…”

“Let’s discuss it later,” Lu Huan said calmly. “I won’t be talking about work for the next few days.”

Fan Lin quickly responded, “Yes, sir.” Before he retreated, he glanced at Lu Huan with a mix of surprise and admiration: It’s hard to believe this is the same work-focused husband… jpKZw8

As Fan Lin walked away, Lu Huan turned his gaze back to Yu Baihan, his deep eyes sparkling. He had noticed Fan Lin’s surprise, but his decision felt completely natural. Ever since that morning at the elevator when Yu Baihan asked if he would come home, something more important had taken root in his heart.

Ahead on the coast, waves crashed against the damp sand.

Yu Baihan continued to play happily like the sea otter in the surf, his whole body now thoroughly soaked.

His white T-shirt clung to his form, hinting at the supple contours beneath. Beneath his black bangs, his face gleamed with moisture and joy, his lips curved in a smile. AiC1dN

Lu Huan observed the scene, the sounds of laughter and conversation mingling with the salty sea breeze—

The hardware wholesaler animatedly discussed water ballet with a “quack,” while He Yue and Xu Xinyan chatted about an upcoming archery tournament.

Not far away, Uncle Feng relaxed in the sun, dressed in beach shorts, listening to an audiobook.

The current selection featured a charming tale of a wealthy family’s blissful marriage. EPLOMe


He paused for a few moments under the parasol, then stepped out and called, “Yu Baihan.”

The figure ahead turned.

When those damp eyes brightened, Yu Baihan hurried over to Lu Huan in a few swift strides, “Lu Huan—” 3UgIfD

Behind him stretched a dazzling sea and a vast blue sky.

His white form seemed to merge with the horizon where sea met sky.

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Lu Huan reached out, catching Yu Baihan as he rushed into his arms. Between their entwined fingers lay two silver wedding bands.

Yu Baihan looked up, “What are you looking at?” VrgMhD

Lu Huan glanced ahead, “The sea.”

Yu Baihan followed his gaze, turning to look as well.

Above, the bright sunlight pierced through the sea’s surface, casting shimmering reflections into its depths.

Each breaking wave carried a new gleam of sunshine. vR dsO

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