Daily Struggles Against the Blackened Male LeadCh8 - The Gang Leader’s Pet Lover

When Lu Yue woke up, he found himself in an abandoned warehouse, tied to a pillar. Since this was in the Eastern District, it was too difficult to evade Zuo Sheng’s surveillance and bring someone back to the Western District, and there was simply no need to do so.

“Brother Shao, this kid woke up!” aUpv45

A rough voice sounded, making Lu Yue involuntarily think of the sound of slaughtering pigs. Looking at the person, it was truly an assault on both the ears and the eyes.

Although he was dissatisfied internally, the show must go on.

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Lu Yue: [Give me pain suppression later.]

001 very supportive: [Sure thing, big boss!] SbWcsf

001 continued: [By the way, Host, when you were being taken away, Yan Bin happened to see it. Do you think he’ll come to rescue you?]

Lu Yue: [If he does, it’ll be after I finish my performance.]

Xu Shao looked at the panicked young man with a cold smile, “No wonder Zuo Sheng fancies you, turns out you have such sharp eyes!”

Lu Yue saw his sinister smile, feeling even more afraid, but he remained stubborn on the surface, “Who are you exactly? Why did you kidnap me?”


Xu Shao knew when he saw Lu Yue that this person was not ordinary to Zuo Sheng, which made him even more certain about his plan.

He said, “Don’t be afraid. I’m not here to harm you specifically. I just need you to do me a favor.”

Lu Yue looked at him warily, “I don’t know you, and you don’t seem like a good person. Why should I help you?”

“Hey, this kid’s quite defiant, dare to speak to our boss like that! Are you tired of living?” bv3X7c

Xu Shao gestured for the shouting henchman to step back. He approached Lu Yue, looking at his handsome face, and smiled, “You’re in our hands now. If you want to live, just obey.”

Lu Yue sensed the killing intent in his eyes. Although he detested them to the extreme, he wasn’t stupid. He didn’t want to lose his life here; he had promised Zuo Sheng to go back.

With reluctance, Lu Yue nodded, “Go ahead, what do you want?”

At this moment, Zuo Sheng was sitting in his office listening to every word they said. The people he arranged had already surrounded the warehouse. As soon as he gave the order, they could rush in and wipe out Xu Shao and his gang. uiSmGH

However, it wasn’t time yet. There were still answers he wanted to know.

Please don’t betray me, Lin Ze.

Only to hear Xu Shao say word by word, “I want you to help me kill Zuo Sheng.”

Lu Yue suddenly widened his eyes. He saw a strong killing intent in Xu Shao’s eyes. He wasn’t joking! ZbRqYC

His lips trembled as he said, “Forget about it! I don’t care what grudge you have with Zuo Sheng. Anyway, I won’t help you!”

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Xu Shao didn’t expect him to be so agitated, furrowing his brows, “You better think carefully before you speak. Zuo Sheng just treats you as a pet. Are you willing to be treated as a pet? This is an opportunity for you. As long as you find a chance to kill him, you can regain your freedom, and I’ll give you a large sum of money. You can continue your studies.”

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Xu Shao thought these temptations would be enough to sway Lin Ze, but he didn’t expect the other party to be ungrateful, “I won’t betray him. Stop talking about it!”

Xu Shao chuckled in exasperation, “What are you doing? He’s not even related to you. Are you willing to die for him? Could it be that you’ve fallen in love with him?” 1g9H M

Lu Yue’s gaze was stubborn, speaking earnestly, “I have fallen in love with him, so I won’t betray him.”

Xu Shao was stunned for a moment because the young man’s eyes were extremely determined and sincere, definitely not lying. Then he laughed even louder, “You’ve actually fallen in love with him? You fool!”

Cwlvra ijeutafg lc atf gbbw, Ieb Vtfcu’r ygbkr oeggbkfv fnfc vffqfg, fzevlcu j rfcrf bo ibk qgfrregf atgbeutbea tlr ybvs. Olc If gflafgjafv tlr ibnf obg tlw.

Olc If rjlv tf kbeivc’a yfagjs tlw. 35Dbxd

“Master Zuo, should we charge in now?”

“…Wait a little longer.”

“You love him, but he doesn’t love you! You fool!” sInBTX

Lu Yue stared at him with resentment, “Don’t try to sow discord. Master Zuo loves me!”

Xu Shao was amused by his foolishness, then said coldly, “You think he loves you? He’s just playing with you! You’re nothing but a pet to him. He has only loved Du Xiuran in his life, but unfortunately, that person betrayed him! You just happen to look a bit like that person. Do you really think Zuo Sheng would love you? What a fool’s dream!”

Oe Tef mifjgis vlvc’a yfilfnf la, rb We Vtjb qeiifv bea atf qtbab bo Ge Wlegjc rabgfv lc tlr qtbcf jcv yijajcais qijmfv la lc ogbca bo Oe Tef.

Lu Yue looked at the person in the photo, indeed having the exact same eyes as himself. Lu Yue felt a sudden ache in his heart. WU5E8o

Afraid that Lu Yue wouldn’t believe him, Xu Shao also brought out a photo of the two of them together. “Look, this is what they looked like when they were together five years ago. See, I didn’t lie to you, did I?”

Lu Yue looked at the familiar man, holding another person in his arms, smiling so happily, exactly like the Zuo Sheng from years ago.

Lu Yue fell silent and stopped speaking. He felt unable to speak, his throat incredibly dry, and it hurt when he opened his mouth.

On the other side, Zuo Sheng, upon hearing this, almost wanted to go over and tear Xu Shao’s mouth apart. Hearing Xu Shao say these things in front of Lin Ze, he felt a sense of dread. He didn’t want Lin Ze to hear these things. EC jBG

Seeing Lin Ze’s silence, Xu Shao thought he had succeeded, so his tone softened slightly. He advised, “So, why would you risk your life for someone who’s just playing with you, huh? I’ll give you time to think it over–“

“I won’t agree to you.”

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Interrupted, Xu Shao was taken aback, “What did you say?”

“I won’t betray him. I love him.” orWp0P

Xu Shao’s face immediately turned ugly. The person beside him said, “Brother Shao, I think this kid won’t budge until he sees his coffin. Let’s teach him a lesson and see if he agrees!”

“That’s right! Let’s beat him up first and then talk!”

With his head bowed, Lu Yue heard these people’s words without any trace of fear. His eyelashes trembled slightly, making people think he was about to cry.

Of course, Lu Yue wasn’t really sad at this moment. He was just venting about Zuo Sheng. A3TPLH

Lu Yue: [A man who can’t protect his bottom partner isn’t a good top.]

001: [So what?]

Lu Yue: [I want to change men.]

001 firmly: [No, you can’t.] p6jscW

Lu Yue: [Why?]

001 earnestly: [Because you love him.]

Lu Yue: […]

Next, Lu Yue was caught off guard and unexpectedly received a slap. When the sound of the slap clearly reached Zuo Sheng’s ears, his eyes turned red with rage. nF2ke6

“Take action immediately.” Without any hesitation, Zuo Sheng immediately gave the order. Then he instructed them to drive over these people.

Lu Yue was slapped multiple times in a row, and he even got kicked in the stomach, kicked by Xu Shao.

Lu Yue: [I feel like my face is swollen.]

001 caring: [Do you need an anti-inflammatory medicine?] B94JK6

Lu Yue: [Not for now. I hope Zuo Sheng won’t see my injuries yet; otherwise, I’ll be at a loss. I want him to know what it feels like to regret and feel heartache.]

Just as Xu Shao was about to order his men to continue beating Lu Yue, suddenly someone rushed in from outside, flustered and said, “Brother Shao, it’s bad! There are people rushing in from outside!”

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Xu Shao’s face darkened. “Who are these people?”

“They’re Zuo Sheng’s men.” AwGWV1

“Zuo Sheng’s men? How many?”

“Quite a lot. They’ve surrounded the place.”

The people in the room started to panic. “Brother Shao, we need to retreat quickly!”

“Yeah, Brother Shao, I’m starting to feel like this is a trap. Zuo Sheng is probably waiting for us to fall into this!” pio6Eh

As they thought more about it, they felt increasingly uneasy. Suddenly, someone pointed at Lu Yue’s collar. “Brother Shao, look, he’s wearing a tracker! This must be Zuo Sheng’s trap!”

Xu Shao’s face turned completely dark, and his gaze towards Lin Ze became sinister. He strode over and directly ripped the tracker off Lu Yue’s collar, crushing it underfoot.

He snarled, “Alright, daring to play tricks on me, the two of you stay behind, deal with this kid, and the rest of you follow me out!”

Why were Zuo Sheng’s men so slow to act? Lu Yue silently complained as he looked at the knife approaching him. v5OD0B

Just then, two gunshots rang out, and the two people in front of him fell to the ground.

“Xiao Ze, are you okay?” Hearing this nickname, Lu Yue didn’t know what expression to show.

Seeing Lu Yue’s silence and the severity of his facial injuries, Yan Bin quickly untied the ropes and said, “You’re safe now, Xiao Ze! I’ve come to rescue you!”

While comforting him, he cursed Zuo Sheng in his heart. Clearly, his men were outside but he didn’t allow anyone to come in and rescue Lu Yue. It was like playing with Xiao Ze’s life! aIHiOK

Lu Yue remained silent, feeling weak all over, but more importantly, he was deeply affected by Xu Shao’s words just now. Zuo Sheng didn’t love him, and the fact that Zuo Sheng used him as bait, which was more tragic?

Perhaps they were all equally tragic. Was he really nothing in Zuo Sheng’s eyes?

Taking advantage of the chaos outside, Yan Bin picked up Lu Yue and ran out from a hidden place in the back.

At this moment, Zuo Sheng’s face was dark. The tracker was destroyed, and Lu Yue’s situation was still so dire. Nothing had ever frustrated him this much! T4KtJj

When Zuo Sheng hurried over, Xu Shao and his men were already subdued, but Lu Yue was nowhere to be seen.

“Where is he?”

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Xu Shao looked at the man with a gloomy expression and smirked, “Are you referring to your little pet? I’ve already had my men kill him. If you look carefully, maybe you’ll find his body… Ah!”

Zuo Sheng kicked Xu Shao in the stomach, his eyes icy and chilling. “You better wish that you didn’t, otherwise I will make your life worse than death”, bpJUsW

Xu Shao was startled by Zuo Sheng’s gaze. He knew Zuo Sheng was not bluffing.

However, despite Zuo Sheng and his men searching the place thoroughly, they couldn’t find Lu Yue’s trace. In the end, they had no choice but to send people to search elsewhere while Zuo Sheng himself returned with his men.

Zuo Sheng appeared calm as he left, but no one could see how much regret and self-blame he harbored inside. He had been too suspicious, insisting on testing the sincerity of the young man. Yes, Lin Ze didn’t disappoint him. This young man loved him so deeply, even under threat, even believing he didn’t love him, he would never betray him.

That was the sincerity of the young man. Jmgc5s

[Ding! Male lead’s blackening value -50, current blackening value 15!]

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  1. Damn that was quick, loving Lu Yue rn 🤭🤭

    He’s such an interesting mc, such a breath of fresh air 😄😄

    Thanks for the chapter 😋🩷