Daily Struggles Against the Blackened Male LeadCh7 - The Gang Leader’s Pet Lover

Ever since Xu Shao was tricked by Zuo Sheng, his resentment grew deeper. None of the men he sent out succeeded, and instead, he suffered losses. In the end, he had to increase surveillance and investigate Zuo Sheng’s whereabouts.

It’s fortunate that Xu Shao had such patience, as the men he sent out did discover some interesting news. dgsTK1

One day, Dao Zi reported Zuo Sheng’s movements to Xu Shao on time.

“He left home at 7 in the morning, went to the gambling city; returned to the Zuo residence at 3 in the afternoon, and the lights were out by 10 in the evening.”

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After hearing this, a hint of mockery flashed across Xu Shao’s face. “Since when did Zuo Sheng become so fond of home?”

Spending most of his time at home for nearly half a month was completely different from before. wa MPT

The man known as Dao Zi raised his head. “I heard he has a male pet at home, and Zuo Sheng seems to be very fond of him.”

Xu Shao sneered. “Oh? Is he fond, or is he treating him specially?”

Dao Zi lowered his head. “I don’t know.”

“If you don’t know, then find out! Do I have to tell you everything? A bunch of useless people!”


“Yes, I’ll go take care of it!”

001: [Host, I found out Xu Shao is investigating you! If he finds out that Zuo Sheng dotes on you now, do you think he might use you to threaten Zuo Sheng?]

Lu Yue glanced at 001 disdainfully: [First of all, Zuo Sheng hasn’t completely fallen in love with me yet. It’s hard to say that someone as cold-blooded and hurt as Zuo Sheng won’t completely give up on me. Secondly, Xu Shao probably won’t be stupid enough to think of this method. If my prediction is correct, he should consider bribing me.]

001 suddenly realized: [Oh, I see, he wants to use the same trick again, right?] sgnYf

Lu Yue felt relieved that his own system finally grasped the point, as if his foolish son finally had an awakening.

001: [But, your man is so clever, he won’t fall for it, right? Besides, you’re in Zuo’s residence now, so Xu Shao’s men can’t possibly come in.]

Lu Yue: [Then we have to create an opportunity for him.]

001 reverted to being naïve: [Why?] dJC042

Lu Yue: [Zuo Sheng doesn’t completely trust me yet. If I want him to fully fall in love with me and trust me, I need another dose of strong medicine, and Xu Shao is that strong medicine.]

001 felt blatantly despised.

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As expected, when Xu Shao learned that Lin Ze was really liked by Zuo Sheng, he immediately had this idea.

Ugfnlberis, atfs tjv yffc ecjyif ab ufa mibrf ab Ieb Vtfcu, rb atfs mbeiv bcis rfcv ecvfgmbnfg jufcar. Pgbclmjiis, atf bcis qfgrbc lc gfmfca sfjgr ktb jiwbra abbx Ieb Vtfcu’r ilof fcvfv eq yflcu atf bcf ktb vlfv atf wbra agjulmjiis. Dea ktb rjsr atlr wfatbv vbfrc’a kbgx? ZJV8t0

Ccskjs, We Vtjb kjr vfafgwlcfv ab ajgufa Olc If.

Next, Xu Shao immediately sent several people to monitor Lin Ze’s movements. Unfortunately, Lin Ze had been staying at Zuo’s residence all the time and had hardly ever gone out. They couldn’t enter Zuo’s residence at all, which meant they had no way to have a contact with Lin Ze.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

After learning this news, Xu Shao was so angry that he kicked the table.

Meanwhile, Lu Yue was lying in Zuo Sheng’s arms, covered in traces of affection, obviously just having finished their affair. mOjuKR

Lu Yue cautiously raised his eyes, looking at the man with an endless affection in his gaze. This was the man who was so superior, and now he was actually in the same room as himself. Lu Yue almost cried with happiness at the thought that this man belonged to him.

Zuo Sheng noticed his burning gaze and found it somewhat amusing. “Why are you looking at me like that? Haven’t you had enough yet?”

Lu Yue blushed. “N-no…” Zuo Sheng had been so gentle these past few days that it almost felt like a dream.

“Do you have something to tell me?” Zuo Sheng leaned closer to him, his eyes reflecting Lu Yue’s figure clearly. di5spV

“I want to go out tomorrow,” Lu Yue said somewhat nervously. He was afraid Zuo Sheng wouldn’t agree, but tomorrow was an important day, and he couldn’t afford not to go.

Zuo Sheng didn’t say anything in response, but his eyes gazed at Lu Yue softly. Thinking he might be unhappy, Lu Yue hurriedly added, “I just have something to do outside, not trying to run away. Please trust me.” With that, he even kissed the corner of Zuo Sheng’s lips, looking as innocent as ever.

Zuo Sheng was clearly pleased with his attempt to please him and agreed, “Alright, you can go out tomorrow, but I’ll have someone follow you.”

Lu Yue nodded happily, fully expecting Zuo Sheng to have someone tailing him. ltsGXa

However, the next day, 001 reminded him that there was a tracker bug installed on him, Lu Yue couldn’t help but complain about Zuo Sheng in his heart..

Lu Yue: [My man doesn’t trust me. I’m really hurt inside!]

001 mercilessly refuted: [Host’s various physical indicators are normal, showing no signs of being hurt.] In other words, host, stop lying.

Nevertheless, although Lu Yue’s inner thoughts were exposed, he remained unfazed. His not an ordinary thick-skinned person. HmVCxZ

Behind Lu Yue were six bodyguards, all of whom, according to 001, were tough guys who could take on ten opponents each. They had been by Zuo Sheng’s side for a long time and were absolutely loyal.

Glancing back at the tall figures behind him, Lu Yue couldn’t help but wonder if Xu Shao, that guy, had the capability to take him away. But for a prominent figure in the western district, lacking even this ability would be too pathetic.

Lu Yue’s destination was a cemetery in the eastern district, where the original owner’s mother was buried, and today was her memorial day.

In fact, the original owner had met Zuo Sheng before. When the original owner’s mother was diagnosed with a serious illness and needed a large sum of money for medical expenses, the original owner tried various methods to borrow money. However, at the time, he was only fourteen years old and couldn’t borrow any money. ah Y1M

At that time, Zuo Sheng was deeply in love with Du Xiuran. During one outing with Du Xiuran, Zuo Sheng accidentally hit a child with his car, and that child was Lin Ze.

At that time, Lin Ze’s leg was bleeding, and Zuo Sheng wasn’t as cold-blooded at that time. Moreover, when he noticed that Lin Ze’s eyes resembled Du Xiuran’s, he generously gave Lin Ze a check for medical expenses, totaling a whopping two hundred thousand.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

And Lin Ze relied on these two hundred thousand to keep his mother alive for five more years.

Therefore, in Lin Ze’s heart, Zuo Sheng is just like his savior. FHeqiB

Yes, Lu Yue remembered and explored the original owner’s memories, and the original owner only felt grateful to Zuo Sheng. But when it came to Lu Yue, it wasn’t just gratitude, but a complete love.

After sorting out his thoughts, Lu Yue was satisfied with his plan. He knew that Zuo Sheng already knew about the episode between them and had some belief that he loved him, but not entirely.

So, what he needed to do now was to make him fully believe it.

It looks like he’ll have to act out a crying scene again. xD9zQB

Lu Yue stood in front of a stone tablet, with a woman’s photo in the middle. That was his mother.

The young man standing there saw the woman in the photo smiling at him, feeling a sourness in his throat. Lu Yue softly called out, “Mom…”

That call contained too much longing and sadness. The young man’s voice was hoarse, with a suppressed feeling. On the other end, the man listening through the monitor clearly felt a tremor in his heart.

“Mom, it’s me, Xiao Ze. I’ve come to see you.” Tears welled up in the young man’s eyes. On the other end, Zuo Sheng couldn’t help but imagine the young man silently crying, wishing he could hold him in his arms and comfort him. q8lXmc

“Mom, I miss you so much. Do you miss me?”

The young man, of course, received no answer. He continued speaking to the photo, “Mom, you probably don’t know, after you left, Dad sold me…”

“He’s really heartless, isn’t he?”

“But, you don’t have to worry. I’m really lucky. I met someone.” With that, a smile crept onto the young man’s lips, and his tone became cheerful. ZYDExz

“His name is Zuo Sheng, the one who helped us before.”

“He’s very capable, has a lot of people under his command. Many people are afraid of him, and sometimes I’m afraid of him too.”

“He’s changed a bit from before, hasn’t he? But it doesn’t matter, I know it’s not his fault.”

“Mom, I love him.” jCdRLs

After the young man finished speaking, he gently placed the flowers in his hand in front of the woman, then stood up.

At this moment, 001 suddenly rang out: [Male lead’s blackening value -10! Current blackening value 65!]

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At this moment, Zuo Sheng’s heart surged with emotions. The sound of the young man crying, speaking lovingly to him, all caused quite a ripple in his heart. He had investigated Lin Ze’s matter before, and their connection only seemed to be limited to that car accident.

He hadn’t expected Lin Ze to keep him in his heart for so long. The young man who carefully expressed his love was sincere. o6BvnM

Zuo Sheng’s eyes flashed slightly as he said to the bodyguard nearby, “Don’t mess up.”

Just as Zuo Sheng finished speaking here, Xu Shao couldn’t help but make a move.

Lu Yue looked at the sudden appearance of people around him, his face showing a startled expression, but he couldn’t help but complain in his mind: [What a bunch of useless people, they came so slow!

001: [Aren’t you afraid, Host?] xzRbDp

Lu Yue: [Aren’t I obviously afraid?]

001 decided not to speak anymore, as long as Lu Yue was happy.

Xu Shao dispatched quite a few people, and in less than half an hour, all six bodyguards were knocked down.

When Lu Yue was being carried away after being knocked unconscious, he quickly asked 001 to help him stay awake. 2cWXKx

001 reminded him: [Host, they deliberately let you be taken away.]

Lu Yue: [What’s going on?]

001: [Zuo Sheng already knew when Xu Shao acted, and there are many of his people around. Why do you think he didn’t save you?]

Lu Yue smiled knowingly: [He wanted to lure Xu Shao out and test me at the same time.] PCgZp4

001 was astonished: [Doesn’t he trust you yet? The blackening value just decreased!]

Lu Yue: [Probably. Zuo Sheng hates betrayal the most. He’s not sure if I’ll betray him after being captured by Xu Shao, so he’s uneasy.]

001: [What should we do then?]

Lu Yue confidently smiled: [Of course, it’s to die rather than submit. The more critical the situation, the more important it is to stand firm.] 0mLv3i

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