Daily Struggles Against the Blackened Male LeadCh6 - The Gang Leader’s Pet Lover

Yan Bin, who had been splashed with water and looked down upon, seemed to still not understand the situation, as if he hadn’t expected Lu Yue to react like this at all.

“Brother Zuo, didn’t expect your pet to have such a fiery temper, but I like it. Just say the word, and I’ll take him away.” xDc4R9

Zuo Sheng hadn’t expected Lu Yue to react so explosively. The expression of resentment and humiliation on his face was like a raging fire, its scorching temperature unsettling.

Zuo Sheng stood up and called for Steward Wang, the butler, “Escort the guest out.”

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Steward Wang bowed, “Yes, Master Zuo.”

Yan Bin, still bewildered, shouted, “Hey, Brother Zuo, can’t you at least say something to me!” Azwo9X

The man heading upstairs paused at the sound. “He belongs to me.”

Yan Bin stared at him, mouth agape as if he had swallowed an egg. Was this still Zuo Sheng? The possessive tone he had just used was unmistakable. Good Lord, it seemed like this new pet was quite something.

001: [Host, Host! The blackening value has decreased!]

Lu Yue: [Isn’t this quite normal? He didn’t expect me to be a spirited horse, someone no one else can touch except him. In his eyes, I’m a rare and loyal pet to my owner.]


Three lines appeared on 001’s screen, admiring how someone could so casually refer to themselves as a pet.

Suddenly, 001 exclaimed: [Host, Host! Zuo Sheng is coming up, he’s almost at the door!]

Lu Yue: [I know, there might be some inappropriate things will happen later, so you should go now!]

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

001 with a happy face: [Good luck, Host! I’ll take my leave now!] zvB6eF


Ieb Vtfcu jgglnfv ja atf vbbg, gfjmtfv bea ab qert la, yea la vlvc’a yevuf.

Lf jmaejiis ibmxfv atf vbbg? Pa rffwr tf’r ageis jcugs.

Zuo Sheng furrowed his brows slightly, leaning closer to the door, “Open the door.” After a few minutes, there was still no movement from inside. NdaOcb

“I know you’re in there, hurry up and open the door.”

Ieb Vtfcu’r abcf kjr alcufv klat lwqjalfcmf. Coafg jii, yflcu rtea bea ys j qfa kbeiv wjxf jcsbcf ectjqqs.

Coincidentally, Steward Wang came up and observed, “Master Zuo, do you want to use the spare key?”

Zuo Sheng nodded, “Hmm.” bgzJ8e

Vafkjgv Qjcu rtbbx tlr tfjv jr tf kjixfv jkjs. Lf vjgfv ab yf raeyybgc klat Zjrafg Ieb; atlr Olc If tjv delaf atf mbegjuf. Rbcf bo atf qfbqif ktb mjwf tfgf yfobgf vjgfv ab vfos Zjrafg Ieb’r bgvfgr. Ccv atf bcis bcf ktb vlv fcvfv eq vfjv lc atf wbra wlrfgjyif kjs.

Zuo Sheng took the spare key and unlocked the door effortlessly. Inside, he saw a person curled up in a ball under the blanket. Somehow, Zuo Sheng’s previous displeasure dissipated by half.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Approaching the bed, he noticed that Lu Yue had wrapped himself up tightly, completely covered. Was he trying to suffocate himself?

“Take your head out.” He0Sw2

The person under the blanket trembled at the sound, the water incident with Yan Bin had already drained almost all of his courage, and now he dared not face Zuo Sheng. Would Zuo Sheng be angry with him for treating his good brother like that just now? Would he not want him anymore?

Zuo Sheng seemed to understand what Lu Yue was thinking and patiently said, “Don’t worry, Yan Bin has already left, and I didn’t agree to his request.”

The figure under the blanket trembled, tears uncontrollably streaming down.

Then, a tear-stained face emerged from the blanket, Lu Yue pitifully said, “Master Zuo… please don’t reject me, I can’t bear it…” MRO8Cr

The boy’s eyes were red, but his black pupils stared straight ahead, reminiscent of a small abandoned animal, evoking a desire to hold and comfort.

And indeed, Zuo Sheng did just that. He gently held Lu Yue in his arms, his large hands wiping away the tears from his eyes, rare warmth in his voice as he said, “Don’t cry, are you a woman?”

Although Lu Yue felt embarrassed to be described as a woman, he had no mind to think about such matters now. The gentle Zuo Sheng was fatally attractive to him, and he just wanted to drown in it.

“I won’t reject you.” As long as you don’t betray me. 8iYroW

Lu Yue stared blankly at him, warmth lingering in the corners of his eyes from Zuo Sheng’s touch. He wanted to force a smile, but tears inexplicably welled up first.

Zuo Sheng chuckled lightly, “If you have the energy to cry so vigorously, why not think about how to scream in bed later, hmm?”

“Master Zuo?” Lu Yue blushed instantly, instinctively shrinking under the covers, but the next moment, he was entirely lifted up by Zuo Sheng.

“Ah! M-Master Zuo!” oMeDy5

“Don’t speak, I’ll take you to the shower.”

Lu Yue was thin, feeling unbelievably light in Zuo Sheng’s embrace. Zuo Sheng took three or two steps into the bathroom, stripping him bare like peeling an egg. The youth’s skin was as white as ever, but under the light, it emitted a tempting sheen.

The thought that Yan Bin had actually touched this body made Zuo Sheng’s face darken slightly. Clearly, it was his pet, yet he let others touch it.

Seeing the sudden change in the man’s complexion, Lu Yue thought he was angry at what he had done, so he spoke first, “I’m sorry, Master Zuo, I’ve caused trouble for you.” 5VpkuD

The youth’s eyes were a bit cautious, which pleased Zuo Sheng, and most of his anger dissipated. Leaning against the edge of the bathtub, he pinched Lu Yue’s chin, “Now you’re afraid? Weren’t you bold just a moment ago?ย 

“I… I didn’t mean to, I just didn’t want him to touch me…” Lu Yue’s head was lowered, his eyes showing a hint of grievance. Zuo Sheng’s words, “Serve him well,” almost scared him to death at that moment.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zuo Sheng lifted his head, “Are you blaming me?”

Lu Yue remained silent, feeling a bit suffocated in his heart. It was fake to say he didn’t blame, but he couldn’t bring himself to say, “I actually don’t care.” bKyA 8

“How about I apologize to you?”

Apologize? Lu Yue thought he misheard, looking up at him abruptly. Zuo Sheng was going to apologize to him?

“It’s my fault, I apologize to you.” Zuo Sheng, who uttered these words, didn’t expect to apologize to a pet, although it was somewhat unbelievable, occasionally lowering one’s stance to please a pet wasn’t impossible.

Sure enough, Lu Yue was stunned once again when he heard these words, then he felt a surge of joy in his heart. He wondered if Master Zuo also fell for him? He even fantasized whether Master Zuo treated him as a lover? T2XWfl

However, Lu Yue’s contemplation only lasted a few seconds because the next moment, his lips were forcefully sealed, an aggressive breath invaded his mouth, and Lu Yue was kissed thoroughly.

Shameful sounds of saliva exchange filled the air, rationality gradually left his brain, desire began to dominate his body. In the end, Zuo Sheng wrestled with the youth in the bathtub twice, then they moved to the bed, not stopping until Lu Yue fainted.

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