Daily Struggles Against the Blackened Male LeadCh5 - The Gang Leader’s Pet Lover

After everything was over, Lu Yue passed out completely.

In the darkness, Zuo Sheng looked at the unconscious figure, rough fingers stroking the wet face, a cold smile playing at his lips. “If you stay obedient like this, I might be a bit gentler with you.” t3qaYx

The phone by the bedside vibrated, and Zuo Sheng withdrew his gaze, walking to the window to answer the call.

“What is it?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Brother Zuo, why so cold? I did you a big favor.”

Listening to Yan Bin’s teasing tone, Zuo Sheng’s expression turned cold. “I remember our relationship was just a transaction.” kK4cRp

“Don’t be so heartless. After all, we’re brothers who have gone through thick and thin together. How about inviting me over to your house for a meal sometime?”

“To my house? Are you sure?”

“Yes, it’s been a year since I last went to your place. I’m getting bored in the North District, and my buddies have nothing fun to do. Let’s settle this then.”

“Suit yourself.”


As Zuo Sheng hung up the phone, Lu Yue had already obtained the entire conversation through 001.

Lu Yue: [Who was that person talking to Zuo Sheng? He actually called him Brother Zuo?]

001: [His name is Yan Bin, he’s the boss of the North District and has a good relationship with Zuo Sheng. He also meddled in the Xu Shao affair.]

Lu Yue stroked his chin: [No wonder. Keep an eye on him for me, let me know when he comes.] jTrhb

001: [Got it, Host!]

For the next three days, Lu Yue continued playing the role of the timid and pitiful Lin Ze. 001 looked at the unchanged darkening value since that day and complained helplessly.

[Host, do you think Zuo Sheng actually likes you? You two have slept together so many times these days, why hasn’t the darkening value decreased?]

Lu Yue rolled his eyes at 001: [He likes me a bit, but it’s only to the extent of how one likes their favorite pet. He probably doesn’t even realize that he’s started to like me, or rather, he hasn’t become aware of it yet.] ZPBl8

001: [Huh? What should we do then?]

Lu Yue: [It’s okay. We need someone suitable to provoke him a bit, to make him realize that he actually cares about me.]

001, puzzled: [What kind of provocation?]

Lu Yue: [You’ll see when the time comes.] dabw5B

Two days later, a man in a blue shirt appeared at the Zuo residence. He was about 1.85 meters tall, but his face had an adorable baby-like look, completely lacking the aura of a gang leader.

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That’s right, this baby-faced man was Yan Bin.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

As soon as Yan Bin stepped inside, he saw a stern-looking man sitting on a chair and smiled, “Brother Zuo, I’m at your door, and you don’t even come to greet me.”

Zuo Sheng eyed him coldly, “You wanted to come yourself.” akYd15

Ktf lwqilmjalbc kjr mifjg: rlcmf Tjc Dlc tjv mtbrfc ab mbwf bc tlr bkc, Ieb Vtfcu rjk cb gfjrbc ab ugffa tlw.

Tjc Dlc mtbrf ab lucbgf Ieb Vtfcu’r mbivcfrr, ktlmt kjr kts tf mbeiv ufa mibrf ab tlw. Ljnlcu j atlmx rxlc ab remt jc fzafca kjr jirb j rxlii.

“By the way, Brother Zuo, I heard you got injured. Was it Xu Shao’s doing?”

At the mention of Xu Shao’s name, Zuo Sheng’s expression darkened, “It was his men, but it’s been dealt with.” mbO1y

“This time, you intercepted his goods. He won’t let you off easily. You need to be careful.” As he said this, Yan Bin’s expression turned serious.

Zuo Sheng nodded, “I know, he can’t do anything to me.”

When Yan Bin arrived, 001 immediately informed Lu Yue.

001: [Host, Yan Bin is already downstairs!] Wy7LS5

Lu Yue, calmly clipping his nails: [Oh, really.]

001: [Yes, should we hurry down?]

Lu Yue: [What’s the rush? Let me finish clipping my nails first. By the way, use some points to increase my personal charm value.]

001: [What do you need charm for?] tEuRM3

Lu Yue: [To seduce Yan Bin and make my man a bit jealous.]

001: […How do you know Yan Bin likes men?]

Lu Yue, smiling: [I don’t know, but now I do.]

001: […] c1QepU

Lu Yue sneaked downstairs, his eyes searching for the men. As expected, he saw Zuo Sheng’s back at the dining table, and across from him sat another tall man.

Lu Yue’s eyes darted around. Master Zuo never invited guests to his home, so anyone he entertained must have a very close relationship with him.

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As he walked down, Yan Bin’s gaze suddenly swept over, staring at him as if he’d discovered an incredible treasure.

Lu Yue: [Quickly check Yan Bin’s favorability rating for me.] vrbGXa

001: [60.]

Lu Yue: [60, and we just met. That’s pretty high. This will be easy.]

Lu Yue noticed the uncomfortable gaze and looked up at Yan Bin, who seemed unable to take his eyes off him, not even bothering to hide it.

Anyone would feel annoyed being stared at like that. However, since he seemed to be Master Zuo’s guest, Lu Yue couldn’t be disrespectful. Hxdyv1

Lu Yue pressed his lips together, ignoring the impolite stare, and walked straight to Zuo Sheng.

“Master Zuo, let me pour you some wine.”


Over the past few days, Lu Yue had gotten used to doing these tasks, and Zuo Sheng didn’t say anything. As long as the pet could please the master, there wasn’t much else to say. nHuowU

Lu Yue, having received Zuo Sheng’s permission, smiled happily. He was already very good-looking, but today he seemed even more irresistibly attractive than yesterday. Due to the close proximity, Zuo Sheng could clearly see the faint blue veins hidden beneath his fair neck, making one tempted to taste the blood inside.

Just as Zuo Sheng realized his own lack of restraint in having such thoughts, Yan Bin suddenly spoke up.

“Brother Zuo, is this your new pet? Can I borrow him for a couple of days?”

Upon hearing Yan Bin’s sudden request, Lu Yue’s hand trembled as he poured the wine. He inwardly clenched his teeth. Pet? He was being treated like a pet? Borrow him for a couple of days? It was truly… humiliating. BQm dd

If he weren’t Master Zuo’s guest, he would have walked up to him and splashed tea on his face right now.

Zuo Sheng noticed the faint anger in Lu Yue’s eyes and suddenly found it amusing. Since the day Lu Yue arrived, he had been as obedient as a rabbit. Now, this sudden display of anger was indeed surprising.

Zuo Sheng smirked, “Oh, have you taken a liking to him?”

Zuo Sheng’s tone was calm, with no hint of meaning, but Lu Yue’s heart skipped a beat. Smz4UW

Master Zuo… He didn’t refuse. Did he mean to give him away? That couldn’t be, right? Recalling the past few days, Zuo Sheng had always been kind to him and hadn’t gotten angry again. And he hadn’t done anything wrong either. Could it be… he’s grown tired of him?

At the thought of this possibility, Lu Yue’s face turned pale. He looked at Zuo Sheng, wanting to inquire, but Zuo Sheng didn’t spare him a glance.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Seeing Zuo Sheng’s lack of refusal, Yan Bin thought he had a chance, so he smiled and said, “It seems like I have that kind of love at first sight feeling that people talk about on TV, yes, love at first sight. Brother Zuo, just give him to me!”

Just a moment ago, he was asking to borrow him for a couple of days, and now he was requesting him to be given to him. Zuo Sheng played with the rim of the glass with one hand, his eyes obscure. ySt0fI

Turning to Lu Yue, Zuo Sheng smirked, “I had no idea you were such a coveted prize.”

Lu Yue’s face went ashen, his eyes filled with panic as he pleaded, “Master Zuo…” Don’t give me away to someone else.

Ignoring the pleading in Lu Yue’s eyes, Zuo Sheng didn’t agree to Yan Bin either. He simply ordered, “Go pour the guest some wine.”

Lu Yue was extremely unwilling. Seeing Yan Bin’s smug expression as he looked at him made him feel repulsed, but he couldn’t disobey Master Zuo’s command. ZUVOqd

Taking a deep breath, Lu Yue reluctantly walked over to Yan Bin and poured him some wine.

Yan Bin looked at the person standing so close to him, a pleased smile creeping onto his lips. He could clearly see the reluctance in Lu Yue’s eyes. Although he usually didn’t like to force things, for some reason, when he first saw him, it was like seeing a newborn bunny, timidly poking its head out, so innocent and pitiful.

The more he looked, the more he felt an itch in his heart, so he simply decided to make a move directly.

Lu Yue had initially planned to quickly pour the wine and leave this person’s side, but as soon as he put down the wine jug, his whole body was pulled into an embrace by an arm. Damn it! oDJ4CL

Lu Yue immediately panicked and struggled, but Yan Bin’s arm held him in place, not allowing him to move. Lu Yue quickly shot a pleading look to Zuo Sheng, “Master Zuo, I…”

Zuo Sheng raised an eyebrow, “Serve him well.”

With that sentence, Lu Yue felt like he was plunged into hell.

Yan Bin chuckled, “Thanks, Brother Zuo!” 45XvWf

Lu Yue no longer dared to look at Zuo Sheng. He felt like a layer of ice had formed around his heart, ready to shatter at the slightest touch.

He sat numbly on Yan Bin’s lap, letting him touch and grope as he pleased.

Yan Bin seemed to really like Lu Yue’s appearance, pinching his cheeks one moment, ruffling his hair the next. He even asked him what his name was, repeatedly praising how cute he looked.

Only Lu Yue himself knew how much he resisted this stranger in his heart. sf6AOg

Across from them, Zuo Sheng observed his new pet calmly, as if he were observing something insignificant. However, his fingers holding the wine glass involuntarily tightened.

Is this how you’re going to obey him?

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Seeing Lu Yue’s expressionless face, Zuo Sheng suddenly felt very angry. It seemed he had forgotten who had just given the order.

Just as Yan Bin’s right hand reached into Lu Yue’s pants, Lu Yue’s eyes widened suddenly, and he began to struggle fiercely, unable to bear it any longer. sgDcrU

Yan Bin didn’t expect Lu Yue to react so violently, almost as if he were going to fight for his life.

“Xiao Ze, what’s wrong with you? Did I hurt you?”

Screw you, what’s Xiao Ze! Disgusting!

With his eyes nearly bloodshot, Lu Yue ignored whether Yan Bin was Zuo Sheng’s guest or not and directly grabbed the leftover cold tea from the table, splashing it onto Yan Bin’s infuriating face. L6AFRG

“You’re not allowed to touch me anymore!”

After doing all this, Lu Yue didn’t dare to look at Zuo Sheng’s expression. He rushed upstairs and locked the door.

[Ding! Target character’s blackening value -5, current blackening value 75!]


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