Daily Struggles Against the Blackened Male LeadCh47 - Illegal Imprisonment

Lu Yue’s escape attempt failed, and he found himself back in the dimly lit secret room again.

As he opened his eyes, he felt utterly exhausted, lacking even the strength to raise his hand. 1azupV

He looked at the man beside him, whose expression was silent and icy, his eyes filled with anger. “What have you done to me?” Lu Yue demanded.

Shen Yanzhi coldly smirked, “I just gave you a little bit of drug. It’s all Ah Sheng’s fault, why did you want to leave me!”

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Shen Yanzhi abruptly gripped Lu Yue’s chin, his expression twisted and paranoid as he glared at him. The force was so great that it seemed as if he was going to crush his bones.

Lu Yue frowned in pain, but his eyes held a mixture of pity and agony as he looked at the man before him, as if mocking him for asking such a foolish question. iJ Afc

The young man’s expression whipped at Shen Yanzhi’s heart, causing even his towering figure to tremble involuntarily.

He thought he had successfully possessed the young man, but his eyes told him he was only deceiving himself!

Lu Yue would never submit to him. And if he had the chance, he would leave him without hesitation!

If he escaped once, there would be another time! One day, just like eight years ago, he would disappear completely from his sight!


The panic of losing the young man surged through Shen Yanzhi like a sudden tidal wave.

And almost in the next second, a cold and eerie smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

For the prey that always wanted to escape, then just destroy him!

As Shen Yanzhi approached with a white-gloved hand, carrying a metal medical box gleaming with cold light, Lu Yue suddenly felt a chill creeping up his spine. w64DGf

Lu Yue nervously asked, “What are you going to do?”

Shen Yanzhi flashed what could be considered a gentle smile as he extended his gloved hand, delicately caressing Lu Yue’s slender and flexible legs.

He uttered something inexplicable, “Ah Sheng’s legs are very beautiful, I really like them.”

As he spoke with a look of infatuation in his eyes, he lowered his head then tenderly kissed Lu Yue’s legs. Bk2TbC

However, his tone suddenly turned icy, and his words made Lu Yue shudder, “But they are very disobedient. Why did you try to escape? Things that don’t obey must be disposed of.”

Lu Yue was frozen. What did this madman meant?

He watched with a stiff expression as Shen Yanzhi retrieved a scalpel and bone saw from the toolbox. The blood immediately faded from his face, turning deathly pale.

He attempted to stepped back, but the chains on his feet prevented him from retreating. H8OQ2W

“You can’t do this…” Lu Yue’s face was ashen.

Shen Yanzhi approached with a smile, his chilling white teeth appearing more terrifying than the gleaming metallic knife.

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He coaxed gently, “Don’t be afraid, Ah Sheng, it will soon be over, and it won’t hurt much.”

Wide-eyed with terror, Lu Yue stared at him as if he were a madman, “No, no! You can’t do this to me!” TFKZMO

Shen Yanzhi pretended not to hear and said casually, “Don’t blame me, Ah Sheng, you provoked me first.”

Knowing he couldn’t provoke him further, Lu Yue compromised and apologized, “I’m sorry! I won’t try to escape again, please spare me!”

Shen Yanzhi narrowed his eyes as he looked at him. As if sighing, “Ah Sheng, you’re such a good liar.” The icy blade was now pressed against Lu Yue’s thigh.

Lu Yue’s mind exploded in panic. He knew he had truly angered this perverted man. YAzx73

Without much hesitation, he immediately rushed forward and hugged the man’s waist, looking at him with pity and caution. “I really know I was wrong, I will never run away again! Please, believe me!” Tears welled up in Lu Yue’s eyes as he spoke.

Shen Yanzhi’s dark expression softened with a hint of doubt, “Ah Sheng, are you deliberately deceiving me in order to avoid punishment?”

“No, no!” Lu Yue hurriedly denied.

Shen Yanzhi remained skeptical, “Is Ah Sheng really sorry?” zY21To

“Yes!” Lu Yue nodded miserably.

“You won’t run away again?”

“I won’t.”

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“You’ll never leave me?” ZufxE5


“Will you love me forever?”

“…Yes,” Lu Yue hesitated, nodding reluctantly.

Shen Yanzhi narrowed his eyes further, “Really?” T4cX5i

Lu Yue, seeing his disbelief, gritted his teeth and leaned up to kiss the man’s cold lips, his voice trembling, “I will, I will love you.”

Shen Yanzhi finally smiled with satisfaction, “Ah Sheng, it would have been better if you admitted your mistake earlier. Did I scare you? I was just joking with you.”

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Lf gfjmtfv bea jcv ufcais ragbxfv Oe Tef’r qjif ojmf. Llr fzqgfrrlbc rboafcfv, jr lo tf tjv gfjiis pera yffc pbxlcu.

Dea Oe Tef xcfk atlr kjr vfolclafis cba j pbxf. Ktf wjc’r mtliilcu ujhf, atf agfwyilcu offilcu bo atf mbiv xclof jujlcra tlr ifu kfgf jii gfji. Po tf tjvc’a yfuufv pera cbk, tf tjv cb vbeya atf wjc kbeiv mea tlw klat atf xclof lc tlr tjcv klatbea tfrlajalbc. OMKRrh

This man was too terrifying. How could he be the Shen Yanzhi he remembered?

The previous Shen Yanzhi, although seemingly silent and aloof, after getting to know him, he found that he was just not talkative. He would also silently care for others and even pretend to be indifferent while giving gifts. Even during Yang Chen’s was killed, he made excuses for him, thinking Shen Yanzhi was only seeking revenge on his behalf.

But these past few days, the man’s violent gaze told him that he had twisted inside out, and had completely become a different person.

He no longer had any reason to convince himself that this man could be saved. FWTzdQ

Taking a deep breath, Lu Yue’s eyes gradually became firm.

He absolutely couldn’t stay here; he had to leave. Otherwise, he would surely be imprisoned by this man until death.

“Did you really see this person?” Yang Zheng leaned slightly, asking the elderly lady with gray hair and a cane beside him.

“Of course, I did.” The old lady tapped her cane, her voice full of vigor. 73jEek

“That day, my big yellow dog’s leash broke, and he ran into the high-end residential area over there. When I chased after him, I saw a young man fall from the wall. When he turned his head, I saw him.”

“Are you sure you didn’t make a mistake?”

The old lady frowned slightly, “That day, I was wearing reading glasses, I couldn’t have been mistaken.”

“What happened to him afterward?” ELwfIY

“Afterward? I saw the owner of the house come back, so I hurriedly called back Big Yellow and went home.”

Yang Zheng frowned, “The owner of the house? Are you talking about this man?” He pulled out another photo and pointed to Shen Yanzhi in it.

“It seems to be him. He just moved in, so I only recognize his car, not his face.”

Yang Zheng’s heart sank. It seemed that Lu Sheng had successfully approached Shen Yanzhi, but he was probably discovered and imprisoned there. Otherwise, why would Lu Sheng jump from the window? 8WRreI

Did Lu Sheng manage to escape in the end? If he did, he should have contacted his family. In other words, he was very likely captured by Shen Yanzhi again.

With this thought, Yang Zheng clenched his fist tightly.

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Meanwhile, as 001 hurriedly turned on, he hadn’t even had the chance to complain before he saw his host’s dark expression.

Lu Yue: [You finally remember to come back?] 61aDtT

001 chuckled nervously: [Um, there was a problem with the main system…]

Lu Yue coldly interrupted him: [Main system, main system… Is the main system your wife? In just one calls, you quickly go!]

001 felt that Lu Yue’s temper had grown again after not seeing him for a few days, so he cautiously asked: [Host, did you fail to escape?]

Just one question was enough to trigger Lu Yue’s anger: [Yes, I failed. I was caught red-handed by that pervert Shen Yanzhi. I almost lost my leg when I went back. Who do you think is to blame for this?] uxpb1V

001 could only admit: [It’s my fault, my fault. But I didn’t mean to leave you behind, Host. You don’t know, in the last world, the male lead, Liu Jun, was buried with you after you left the world.]

Lu Yue was shocked: [Buried together? Is he crazy?]

001: [That’s not important. What’s important is that his mental data, like the previous male leads, was not retrieved by the main system, and his location cannot be tracked.]

Lu Yue: [So what?] 60avch

001: [Every world is controlled by the main system. Uncontrolled mental data may pose a threat to the main system, causing paralysis. By then, all worlds will disappear.]

Lu Yue: [Are you saying I might disappear too?]

001 said: [Yes.]

Lu Yue’s expression turned serious, and he lowered his head as if contemplating something. LlSksU

Then he said a sentence that made 001 feel mad: [Don’t bother about things beyond your control, the current situation is the most important. Don’t think that using this excuse will make me forgive you easily.]

001: [……]

After getting the clue, Yang Zheng immediately went back with his men and with a search warrant they arrived at the door of this high-end apartment.

He signaled to the other two people, and they nodded in understanding. Then they walked up to the closed door and rang the doorbell. KQMvLj

“Who is it?” A cold male voice came out from the intercom.

“We are the police. Someone reported that you are suspected of drug trafficking. Please cooperate with the inspection.”

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The person inside paused for a few seconds before saying, “Please wait.”

Yang Zheng and the other two exchanged a glance but remained silent. dsV7r9

Meanwhile, inside, Lu Yue watched Shen Yanzhi return from outside and smiled at him, saying, “Someone is here. Guess who it might be?”

Lu Yue’s heart skipped a beat, and then his face tensed, “I won’t run away.”

Shen Yanzhi seemed satisfied with his response and slowly approached to kiss his lips.

“Ah Sheng knows how to please me, but, I still have to inconvenience you a bit.” As he said that, he picked up a prepared potion from the side and injected it into Lu Yue’s neck despite his struggles. dgMuD3

Lu Yue’s eyes rolled back, and he fainted out.

Shen Yanzhi calmly walked out and pressed a switch in the area outside the secret room. A wall barrier descended from above, completely blocking the iron door behind. From the outside, it looked just like an ordinary wall.

The main door opened, and a man in a black suit walked out. There was a faint glint in the man’s eyes as he smiled, “Gentlemen officers, I never use drugs.”

The person in front said, “Stop the nonsense. We’ll know after we go in and search!” uk6Gr

Shen Yanzhi slightly turned to the side, “Then please, officers.”

With that, Shen Yanzhi glanced at Yang Zheng behind them.

Yang Zheng pursed his lips and walked in with his team. Shen Yanzhi then turned around, his eyes filled with chilling coldness.

An hour later, the three of them found nothing. It’s easy to hide drugs, but it’s difficult to hide a person. Edtzoi

“Gentlemen officers, have you found any drugs?” The man standing there had an elegant smile, but his eyes always gave people a strange sense of danger.

Yang Zheng walked up to him and stared into his eyes. “Sorry, sir, it seems someone made a false report.”

Shen Yanzhi said, “It’s okay, officer. You may leave.”

Yang Zheng signaled to the people behind him, “Let’s go.” M5NO i

Outside the door, one of them said, “Captain, that man is strange and eerie. There must be something wrong.”

Another one added, “It is indeed a bit suspicious. But, we’ve searched everywhere and found no one!”

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“That’s quite strange. Captain, are we going back directly?”

Yang Zheng said in a deep voice, “You two go back first and tell my father that I won’t be going home for the next few days.” 9OjnDX

They didn’t find Lu Sheng. Did they really not find him, or has Lu Sheng been murdered?

Yang Zheng didn’t dare to think further. He comforted himself in his heart that Lu Sheng must still be alive, he must still be alive.

After calming down, Yang Zheng rented a house opposite and not too far away. It was convenient for surveillance and wouldn’t arouse suspicion.

Meanwhile, after Shen Yanzhi closed the door, the smile on his lips froze immediately. WJizlV

The police actually came knocking on his door. It seems he can’t stay here any longer.

When Lu Yue woke up, he found himself lying on a soft bed, fully clothed. He looked around and realized it was Shen Yanzhi’s bedroom.

Lu Yue: [001, what just happened?]

001: [Host, just now Yang Zheng came with two police officers.] uM7vRz

Lu Yue: [The police came? Were they looking for me?]

001: [Yes, but they didn’t find you.]

Lu Yue: [What about Shen Yanzhi?]

001: [The male lead is packing up, seems like he’s about to leave here.] 4dcNIA

Lu Yue glanced at the sky outside. It’s already pitch black, probably around one or two in the morning.

He moved his arms slightly. Although he regained some strength, he still felt a bit dizzy.

The sound of the door opening, Shen Yanzhi in a black suit, his eyes also dark, flashed a hint of light when looking at Lu Yue.

Before Lu Yue could speak, Shen Yanzhi walked and said, “We’re going somewhere, Ah Sheng, don’t ask anything, and don’t try to escape, okay?” UlWVNf

Lu Yue nodded silently, looking extremely docile. But his lowered eyes were sharp.

Shen Yanzhi seemed to particularly like his docile appearance. He couldn’t help but kiss his forehead, then supported the stiff Lu Yue and walked out.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Across the street, the dim yellow car lights came on, and the faint sound of a motor immediately alerted the person leaning against the window to pick up the binoculars.

The pitch-black night diluted the two yellow beams of light, and faintly revealing a tall man in black supporting a slender young man into the car. k5SQyB

It was Lu Yue!

Yang Zheng’s eyes contracted, then he fiercely threw the binoculars to the ground and ran out while pulling out his phone, shouting urgently, “Send someone to arrest them immediately!”

“Location! Intersection on the west side of Blue Light Community!”

Lu Yue sat in the passenger seat with his head down pinching the thin fabric of his pants with his fingers, looking a bit nervous. fC7KV2

Meanwhile, the man beside him gripped the steering wheel with both hands, his gaze fixed ahead and on the rearview mirror. Then, he suddenly accelerated.

001’s voice sounded at this moment: [Host! Yang Zheng is following behind!]

Lu Yue exclaimed: [He’s coming? Behind us?]

001: [Yes! However, he’s about to be left behind by the male lead.] apMyDv

Lu Yue’s heart stirred. Such a good opportunity to escape couldn’t be wasted like this.

He immediately said to 001, [Help me, make my heart stop beating for a moment.]

001 was startled: [Host, are you trying to commit suicide?]

Lu Yue impatiently: [Hurry up! Just don’t let me die!] 1nXSfF

001 had no choice but to do as what his host told. The system bound to the host could adjust the host’s physiological responses, so stopping the heart was not difficult.

The next moment, the young man sitting beside suddenly bent over, his face showing signs of pain, his right hand tightly clutching his chest.

“What’s wrong with you?” Shen Yanzhi asked, looking at the young man suddenly looking ill, but the speed of the car did not decrease at all.

In a matter of seconds, Lu Yue’s lips had turned pale, his eyes gradually losing focus, his mouth gaping as if he were suffocating. cArvJp

Acute heart attack!

Shen Yanzhi’s gaze tightened. He looked at the black dot chasing closely in the rearview mirror, finally gritted his teeth and turned towards the nearest hospital.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The moment Lu Yue was rushed into the emergency room, Yang Zheng, who rushed in from outside, immediately grabbed Shen Yanzhi’s shoulder.

“What’s wrong with Lu Sheng?” 58xl3N

Shen Yanzhi coldly brushed off the hand on his shoulder, then slowly spoke, “Acute heart attack.”

A trace of anxiety and pained expression flashed in Yang Zheng’s eyes, then he suddenly looked up with his stern look. “Shen Yanzhi, you are suspected of kidnapping and murder. Please come with me.”

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  1. 6 years still not good enough huh.

    And for a moment I thought there will be Misery plot happen here with the broken leg lol.

    • No cuz when I saw the saw (haha saw the saw) I verbally gasped because I didn’t think he would actually saw off his legs! 😭😭 (Man three different saws 💀)