Daily Struggles Against the Blackened Male LeadCh44 - Illegal Imprisonment

In fact, Lu Yue didn’t sleep all night. His stomach felt like it had swallowed a catty of something toxic, and it’s tormenting him to the point where he wanted to undergo stomach surgery. Fortunately, after running to the toilet several times, he felt slightly better.

Early the next morning, Shen Yanzhi was already sitting at the dining table. He wore gold-rimmed glasses and held a medical record book in his hand. FBbwEL

“You’re a doctor?” Although Lu Yue knew from the information Yang Zhengming had given him about Shen Qiu’s profession, he still asked this question with a feigned surprise.

Shen Yanzhi elegantly turned his neck, and a hint of darkness could be seen in his eyes below the lenses. “What’s wrong, don’t I look like one?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Lu Yue rubbed the back of his head, a gesture he often made when feeling embarrassed.

“I just feel you’re too young.” kAZLTQ

“Do you prefer someone more mature then?”

This question caught Lu Yue off guard, and he didn’t know how to answer for a moment. Shen Yanzhi didn’t press further and instead put down what he was holding and spoke, “Let’s eat.”

There were a few slices of bread and two cups of milk on the table. Lu Yue stared at the food in front of him, and his tongue and stomach began to recall the toxic cake from last night, almost simultaneously starting to protest.

Shen Yanzhi looked at Lu Yue’s pale face, but he didn’t explain. He just lowered his head, picked up a slice of bread, and stuffed it into his mouth.


Lu Yue blinked a few times, and seeing that the man showed no sign of anything unusual, he felt like he was being overly paranoid. Did he really need to be so timid?

He took a bite of the bread, and it tasted normal. Only then did he lower his head and eat in peace.

Shen Yanzhi across from him watched Lu Yue eat with his head down, and suddenly revealing a secretive smile.

After finishing the meal, Shen Yanzhi was about to go to work. Just as Lu Yue was thinking about how to come up with an excuse to stay, he heard the man turn back to him and say, “Wait for me at home, here’s the key.” nUCJQ6

Lu Yue took the key that the man threw to him, still somewhat incredulous. Was he trusting him so easily? What if he’s a bad person?

As the man walked away, Lu Yue suddenly came to his senses. With the man not at home, he could take the opportunity to search for clues, couldn’t he?

While Lu Yue felt happy, he also felt a twinge of guilt. After all, the man trusted him so much. But he still had to complete the task his uncle gave him. Although Shen Qiu didn’t seem like a murderer, what if he had some secrets?

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Thinking of Shen Qiu’s gaze, Lu Yue felt that there was a lot of mystery about him. What secrets could there be? Lu Yue pondered as he held the key the man gave him and arrived at the first room. 4 W9xX

Pa kjr atf wjc’r yfvgbbw.

Ktf yfvgbbw lr jikjsr atf wbra rfmgfalnf rqjmf obg j qfgrbc. Qtfc Oe Tef rcfjxlis fcafgfv, tf ofia j reyaif wlz bo cfgnbercfrr jcv fzmlafwfca.

Lf atbeuta atf wjc’r yfvgbbw kbeiv yf wfrrs, yea ab tlr regqglrf, la kjr ecfzqfmafvis alvs. Ktf yfv lc atf wlvvif kjr cfjais wjvf, atf rtffar kfgf qjgalmeijgis rwbbat, jcv atfgf kjrc’a j rlcuif qlfmf bo mibatlcu bea bo qijmf. Rfza ab atf yfv kjr j rwjii vfrx klat j vfrx ijwq jcv rfnfgji ybbxr rajmxfv abufatfg.

What secrets could there be in such a tidy bedroom? IZwo9u

Lu Yue couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. He then wondered if there might be a basement or something similar?

He walked out of the bedroom, circled the entire house, but found no basement. By nearly noon, he quickly tidied up his traces and obediently returned to his own room.

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Little did he know, all his actions were recorded by the camera above his head. When Shen Yanzhi finished work and opened his phone, a cold smile appeared on his lips.

001 had told his host early in the morning about the electronic eye above his head, but Lu Yue, as usual, insisted on risking it, even saying it was “for the task.” fdtjR

Of course, 001 didn’t understand its host’s thought process, and Lu Yue certainly didn’t expect a system to understand him.

Lu Yue: [Where’s Shen Yanzhi now?]

001: [He’s near the door. He already knows what you’ve been up to.]

Lu Yue: [That’s the point, isn’t it? This way, we can progress faster.] FHk9VO

Lu Yue smiled, and 001 could clearly detect a hint of tackiness in that smile.

When Shen Yanzhi entered the door, he saw the young man coming out of the house and smiling nervously at him.

“You’re back?”

“Hmm.” Shen Yanzhi uttered a monosyllabic sound from his throat. For a moment, his gaze towards Lu Yue was like that of some cold-blooded reptile, sending shivers down one’s spine. ZA xgM

Lu Yue was on edge, but suddenly heard Shen Yanzhi ask, “Have you look around the house?”

Although the man’s tone sounded casual, Lu Yue still held his breath deeply, his eyes flickering as he replied, “Yes, it’s quite… clean.”

Seeing his nervous demeanor, Shen Yanzhi couldn’t help but smile slightly. “You don’t need to be nervous, I’m not blaming you. But there’s one room you can’t enter.”

“Which room?” Lu Yue instinctively looked up. Y9fhQj

“The one next to your room.”

That room? Lu Yue suddenly remembered, the small room with a tiny door that he had overlooked.

Could the secret be hidden there?

Watching the prey take the bait step by step, Shen Yanzhi’s lips curled into a cold and strange smile. qhf79v

In the afternoon, Lu Yue had planned to sneak into that room while Shen Yanzhi was at work, but unexpectedly, Shen Yanzhi took the afternoon off and asked him out on a date.

Lu Yue had no choice but to nervously accompany this suspect on the date. What he didn’t expect was that they ended up at an amusement park.

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“Do you like it?” After just riding the Ferris wheel, Shen Yanzhi suddenly asked the dizzy Lu Yue.

“It’s… It’s too exciting.” Lu Yue replied truthfully, his heart still pounding intensely. iWdxJs

Shen Yanzhi’s gaze darkened inexplicably, and his lips stiffened. “This is my first time playing.”

Lu Yue was first startled, then realized, “This is also my first time playing.”

Shen Yanzhi suddenly stared at him straight, his two eyes fixed like cameras, reflecting a cold light. Lu Yue suddenly felt a bit creepy, swallowing saliva as he said, “Okay, not the first time, but the second time.”

“When? With whom?” Shen Yanzhi pressed. x3AuVt

“It was when I was thirteen, with my once best friend, speaking of whom, he shares the same surname as you.” As Lu Yue spoke, his voice became somewhat subdued.

A hint of red light flickered in Shen Yanzhi’s dark eyes, his voice carrying a suppressed feeling of anger or sadness, hard to discern: “Once best friend? Isn’t he still now?”

Lu Yue whispered, “Not anymore, he did something wrong.”

As the words fell, Shen Yanzhi felt like his broken heart was stomped on again. 9sBfjU

A cruel and twisted smile curled at the corners of his mouth, as the factor of brutality and bloodthirst surged within him.

Lu Sheng, is this your answer?

Shen Yanzhi looked at the seemingly deceptive face beside him, feeling hypocritical to the extreme. He never imagined Lu Sheng would slander him like this to a “stranger” to gain sympathy. He really should tear off this face and see what’s underneath!

On the way back, neither of them spoke. Lu Yue thought of Shen Yanzhi, remembered his eight years in prison, feeling a bit depressed. During his imprisonment, he always wondered if what he was doing was right or worth it. He didn’t regret it, just felt lost. gZHlJE

When he was released, he originally wanted to find Shen Yanzhi, but then he didn’t know what to say when they met. He wanted to know if Shen Yanzhi was doing well, but he felt like an intelligent person like him must be doing better than himself, so he was just worrying for nothing.

That evening, while sitting at the dinner table, Lu Yue’s phone suddenly rang. He glanced at the screen, it was a text from Yang Zhengming with just one line: Found anything?

“What’s wrong?” Suddenly, Shen Yanzhi across from him spoke up, startling Lu Yue, causing his hand to tremble, almost dropping his phone.

Pretending to be calm, he said, “It’s… it’s my uncle, he’s asking me something.” xzyUDR

Lu Yue stole a glance at the man, only to see him elegantly and calmly holding the knife and fork, showing no sign of suspicion.

“Have some wine,” the man pried open a bottle of red wine, and the black pupils quickly reflected a strange red.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Suddenly, 001’s voice rang in his mind: [Host! There’s a drug in the wine!]

Compared to 001’s nervousness, Lu Yue was extremely calm: [Oh my, finally going to make a move on me? If you don’t do it now, I’ll start doubting if the blackening value is fake.] dHJyb0

Lu Yue pretended to be unguarded and took a sip. Sure enough, not long after, his head began to feel dizzy.

He vaguely heard a voice whispering in his ear, “Don’t you want to go to that room? I’ll take you there now.”

The voice was like a devil’s whisper, sending shivers down Lu Yue’s spine. A sense of danger, and unprecedented, quickly enveloped his heart. However, the next moment, he passed out.


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  1. Man this ML have red flag that you can see from outer space without any telescope.