Daily Struggles Against the Blackened Male LeadCh39 - His Majesty the Emperor is a Cross-Dressing Bigshot

“It’s my fault,”

After saying this, Liu Jun hold his breath nervously and painfully. He watched as Lu Yue’s expression slowly turned to surprised, and his clear eyes stared at him in disbelief, as if he hadn’t expected such a confession. LWgndH

A dull pain settled in Liu Jun’s chest. Even though he had prepared himself for Lu Yue’s cold accusations, he still couldn’t help but feel pain on seeing Lu Yue like this.

He waited for Lu Yue to blame him, and to ask him an answers, but Lu Yue simply lowered his head and asked in a soft, slightly husky voice, “Did Ah Jun ever dislike me?”

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Liu Jun didn’t expect this question and hesitated for a moment before replying, “No, I never disliked you.”

Lu Yue’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he raised his head to ask, “Then, did Ah Jun hurt me on purpose?” gtG86v


Lu Yue’s face broke into a wide smile upon hearing this. “Since Ah Jun didn’t do it on purpose, and you got injured saving me just now, we’re even now. I forgive you!”

Lu Yue’s voice was unusually light and soft, and his eyes shine like stars in the sky. When he said, “I forgive you,” with such an expression, Liu Jun felt like his heart was being enveloped in warm water. At this moment, he wanted to deceive himself into believing that Lu Yue had truly forgiven him, but he knew it was all a lie.

Lu Yue had no idea how much he had wronged him in the past. Even if the man temporarily forgot, the humiliations his body endured and the injuries to his heart didn’t disappear. The day he remembered, he would see himself as the one who only caused him harm, and he would regret these words he said to himself. He wouldn’t forgive him.


[Ding! Male lead’s blackening value -2, current blackening value 3!]

001: [Host, you only have three blackening values left! Keep going!]

Lu Yue: [Yeah, in a few days, I’ll clear out his blackening value.]

001: [What about after that?] 7oqLb6

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lu Yue: [After that? What do you mean?]

001: [Uh… Host, after clearing out the blackening value, can you not rush to leave the world and stay for another seven or eight years?]

Lu Yue said coldly: [Seven or eight years?]

001 quickly corrected: [Five or six years would be fine too… or maybe three or four years?] 4tiY5c

When 001 was about to cry pitifully, Lu Yue finally spoke up: [Then let’s stay for a while longer. But if I feel bored, I’ll leave without a second thought. So, no matter how much you pretend to be pitiful, it won’t work.]

001 vjgfv cba gfoeaf jcv mbeiv bcis qgjs atja atlr ilaaif agbeyifwjxfg Oe, kbeivc’a ufa ybgfv rb delmxis.

Pc atf obiibklcu vjsr, fzmfqa obg jaafcvlcu mbega, Ole Aec jmmbwqjclfv Oe Tef jiwbra fnfgs vjs. Oe Tef rffwfv ab gfis bc tlw atjc yfobgf.

One day, he suddenly said, “Ah Jun, move in with me so we can sleep together!” 1JYCd

Mgbw atja vjs bc, Ole Aec wbnfv ab Hlcusef Ljii, jcv atfs rifqa fwygjmfv fjmt batfg ja cluta. Oe Tef jikjsr tfiv tlw alutais, yegslcu tlr tfjv lc tlr mtfra, jikjsr wjxlcu Ole Aec’r ybvs abb fzmlafv ab ojii jriffq.

However, he had to endure it. He couldn’t hurt the person in front of him anymore. And he preferred to simply hold the man like this. Every time he felt the man’s wholehearted dependence and shallow breaths, he felt as if he had fallen into a warm spring, and finally moisturizing his heart that yearned for redemption. The sweet joy wrapped around his heart like countless tiny threads, squeezing it painfully.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

From the initial pain, he eventually turned into a despicable plea.

“Please, don’t remember the past.” ZXWdoK

“Let’s just stay like this. This way, you’ll never be in pain. And I’ll carry this regret and protect you for the rest of my life.”

As Liu Jun kissed the sleeping Lu Yue’s forehead. Along with the kiss as soft as a feather, the man also shed heavy tears filled with pain and bitterness.

001: [Sob… the male lead is so pitiful…]

Lu Yue glanced sideways: [Am I not pitiful?] oOrzje

001: [What’s so pitiful about you?]

Lu Yue: [I’ve been resented for three years, treated like that by him, humiliated by the officials, and finally became an amnesiac. Isn’t that pitiful?]

001: [… Yeah, that’s quite pitiful too.]

Lu Yue: [Exactly, this is the punishment he must receive. But, looking at his good attitude, how can I bear to let him live in this fake warmth? It’s time to face reality.] mdsSIB

001 looked at his host, who had a smile on his lips, and felt that the little troublemaker Lu was about to cause some trouble again.

That day, when Liu Jun went to attend the early court session, Lu Yue, as usual, clung to him persistently for a while.

Liu Jun smiled and patted Lu Yue’s head, saying, “I don’t want to be separated from you either. Just wait for me here.” With that, he lightly kissed Lu Yue’s smooth forehead.

Lu Yue didn’t know why his heart suddenly raced, and his face slowly turned red. He lowered his head awkwardly and said, “Then please come back early.” olUaz8

Liu Jun chuckled softly in response and reluctantly left.

As soon as Liu Jun left, Lu Yue immediately covered his face and found his cheeks flushed. He was startled and quickly withdrew his hand, but couldn’t help but think of the man’s kiss just now.

Lu Yue suddenly remembered what the maid named Xiao Xing said at the door: one should not kiss another person casually unless it’s one’s wife or someone they like.

A wave of sweetness surged in Lu Yue’s heart. Indeed, Liu Jun liked him, and he liked Liu Jun very much! oJ0Atp

“Your Highness Regent! Why did you come here?”

Lu Yue turned around to look at the hurried maid and asked, “What’s the matter, Ah Xing?”

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The maid called Ah Xing gasped for breath and then said, “Do you know what day it is next month?”

Lu Yue shook his head, “What day is it?” F6ZqNR

Ah Xing smiled, “It’s His Majesty’s birthday next month, and people all over the world will celebrate it.”

Lu Yue felt a bit annoyed when he heard this. He didn’t even know about Liu Jun’s birthday.

Seeing him sulking, Ah Xing continued, “Let me tell you another thing. There will be a birthday banquet for His Majesty on that day.”

“Is the banquet fun?” UHRdLN

“Of course, it is. There will be jewelry and treasures offered to His Majesty, as well as fur from the north. Oh, and most importantly, there will be dancers presented. Maybe one of them will become His Majesty’s first woman!”

Lu Yue felt a pang of anxiety when he heard this, “There will be dancers?”

“Of course. Our Majesty hasn’t taken any concubine yet, so officials from all ranks are taking this opportunity to marry off their daughters.”

“Is that so?” Lu Yue felt as if he had swallowed a mouthful of sour plum at this moment, feeling extremely sad. He couldn’t even listen to Ah Xing’s further explanations about the interesting things. xf0hPX

Would Liu Jun like those dancers? Would he marry them?

The more Lu Yue thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt. Liu Jun belonged to him, how could he give them to those women! Absolutely not!

Lu Yue got up from the bed in anger, making a decision in his heart. He would attend the banquet and outshine all those dancers!


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  1. I thought he had to leave as soon as the mission completed?

    Well, hopefully we get some sweet time then.

  2. …… I can’t help expressing my concern? anyway.

    Thanks for the chap