Daily Struggles Against the Blackened Male LeadCh3 - The Gang Leader’s Pet Lover

“Master Zuo… You’re back,” Lu Yue cautiously approached the man, asking softly, but his eyes betrayed a hint of joy.

Zuo Sheng looked at the smile in the youth’s eyes, his mind momentarily blank, then coldly uttered a word, “Hmm.” nuq6LN

Hearing his return, the corners of the youth’s eyes curved even more. “Master Zuo… You didn’t come back all night yesterday. Are you tired from work?”

“Work?” Zuo Sheng looked at the youth, seemingly oblivious, and smirked coldly, “A little tired. Just caught two big rats. Not sure how to deal with them yet.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“Big rats?”

“Yeah, wondering whether to chop them up for the dogs to eat or fry them in the oil pan?” Zuo Sheng’s mouth curved into a cruel smile, and Lu Yue suddenly realized that the two rats he mentioned were actually people! 6w9rBn

His face turned even morepale. “Master, neither option is good. Murder is illegal.”

Zuo Sheng looked at him mockingly, saying nothing more.

“Master…” Lu Yue’s eyes showed a hint of anxiety. “You…” Before he could finish his sentence, he was silenced by Zuo Sheng’s icy glare.

The words Zuo Sheng just said filled him with immense panic. How did someone who used to have a warm smile become like this?


Steward Wang placed the dishes on the table, then proceeded to the second floor and knocked on Zuo Sheng’s door, “Master Zuo, the meal is ready.”

Zuo Sheng nodded faintly, but after half an hour, there was still no sign of him coming down.

“Steward Wang, has Master Zuo not eaten yet?” Lu Yue peeked out from the door.

“Not yet.” qxM9rm

“Then I’ll take the food to Master Zuo.”

Steward Wang looked at him and said, “I seem to have reminded you not to do unnecessary things.”

“I’m just worried about Master Zuo.” The timid-looking youth’s eyes showed unusual stubbornness.

“And you also want him to eat, right? Let me try, if Master Zuo gets angry, it won’t affect you.” SJLWH1

Steward Wang looked at him thoughtfully and finally agreed.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

When Lu Yue knocked on the door and entered, the man was at the table dealing with documents.

“What are you doing here?”

Ieb Vtfcu ibbxfv ja atf jqqgbjmtlcu sbeat, tlr abcf lms. 8JudQw

“I… I’m here to bring you food, Master Zuo. It’s time for you to eat.”

“I’m not eating, take it away.” Zuo Sheng ordered coldly.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“But you didn’t eat lunch either, your body will collapse like this.” Lu Yue’s eyes showed a nervous expression, but he didn’t move.

Zuo Sheng’s lips stiffened. “I’ll give you ten seconds to get out of here.” VLqUhg

Lu Yue stared straight at him, then placed the lunchbox directly on the table, showing no sign of compromise. “I’m going to watch you finish eating here.”

Zuo Sheng, who hadn’t been treated with such an attitude for a long time, smirked. “Don’t regret it.”

Oe Tef kjr rajgaifv ys Ieb Vtfcu’r olfgmf ujhf.

[Quick, give me pain inhibition.] mow59

001: [Alright, host!]

Ktf cfza wbwfca, Ieb Vtfcu obgmfoeiis qeiifv Oe Tef bnfg jcv olfgmfis yla tlr afcvfg ilqr.

“Z-Zuo… Master…” Lu Yue looked at the sudden movement of the man, momentarily shocked. This was the study!

“Master Zuo… You… should eat first.” Lu Yue’s eyes were red, his arms weakly pushing against him, his body trembling with shame. 5SmaBU

Zuo Sheng bit his ear, his deep black eyes staring straight at him. “Oh, should I eat you first, how about that?”

Ieb Vtfcu vlvc’a ulnf Oe Tef j mtjcmf ab mjamt tlr ygfjat, tf vlgfmais raglqqfv boo tlr qjcar.

An hour later, Zuo Sheng withdrew from the exquisite body beneath him. At this moment, Lu Yue lay limp, tears still streaming down his face, his eyes lifeless as he stared ahead, looking pitiful.

“Remember, don’t interfere in my affairs anymore.” Zuo Sheng looked at him coldly, leaving with those words. lHUhn1

System 001 timely popped up in the mind: [Host, what should we do if the object’s darkening value hasn’t decreased? Your method doesn’t seem to be effective at all?]

Lu Yue replied: [What does a broken machine like you understand? To thoroughly capture someone with psychological darkness, you have to use a tender approach. I’m gradually making him feel my deep love for him.]

001 argued: [But the darkening value hasn’t decreased!]

Lu Yue: [Of course, at first he didn’t believe it. He’s been hurt once, so he won’t easily trust anyone again. However, I am confident that I can open his heart again.] 3Y4Z9f

001 really wanted to ask, where does your confidence come from?

Lu Yue seemed to know what 001 was thinking and continued, [He doesn’t like others meddling in his affairs, even trivial things like eating. So, the recent… intimate encounter was his way of punishing me. He probably thinks I’m timid and won’t make the same mistake again. But I love him, how could I allow my beloved to mistreat my body just because of a small punishment?]

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

001 silently complained: [You’re talking as if you really love him].

[So, you don’t need to worry.] d6K7C3

In the next two days, Zuo Sheng never appeared in sight, and Lu Yue never had the opportunity to showcase his acting skills.

[You know, why hasn’t he come back for two days in a row? Could he be keeping a mistress outside?] Lu Yue furrowed his brows as he nibbled on a white fruit he bought from the system store.

001’s frustration is evident: [No, he’s not.]

Lu Yue: [Then why hasn’t he come back? It’s been two days since we’ve been intimate.] MoH7Cg

001 indignantly: [Is that the only thing on your mind? You should focus more on the task. The darkening value hasn’t decreased at all!]

In response to 001’s sudden emotional outburst, Lu Yue reassured: [Relax, relax! I’ll definitely lower the darkening value when he comes back next time.]

001, half skeptical: [Are you sure?]

Lu Yue, resolutely: [Absolutely sure.] F1tUPo

The next day, Zuo Sheng finally returned as expected.

001, excitedly: [Host! The target person is back!]

Lu Yue jumped up: [He’s back? Where is he?]

001: [He’s in the study right now, but he seems to be injured.] zyrZS7

Lu Yue: [Oh, where is he injured? Is it serious?]

001: [Host, rest assured, it’s just a knife wound on the shoulder, not too serious.]

Lu Yue breathed a sigh of relief: [It’s good it’s just the shoulder.]

Observing Lu Yue’s rare display of nervousness, 001 thought to itself: [The host isn’t completely heartless after all.] ME0GiR

However, Lu Yue’s next words immediately shattered this conclusion.

[Thank goodness it didn’t hit his waist. As long as it doesn’t interfere with our business, it’s fine.]

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

001: […]

In the bedroom, Zuo Sheng sat there with a cold expression, the chilling aura emanating from him making the white-coated doctor next to him sweating as he sterilized and bandaged his wound. qIvNkn

However, the doctor still tried hard to control his trembling hands. Although he had dealt with numerous injuries, facing the man in front of him required strong mental fortitude.

A deep, bloody gash stretched across Zuo Sheng’s broad shoulder, clearly inflicted by a knife.

Hmph, just because they confiscated two crates of his goods, they couldn’t wait to strike. Zuo Sheng squinted, his emotions unreadable.

Zhao Xun entered from outside and said, “Master Zuo, we’ve captured the person. He’s from Xu Shao’s side. How should we deal with him?” Odbk1x

“Lock him up first, ask if there are any others hiding here. If there are, chop them up and feed them to the dogs.”

Zhao Xun nodded and left, while the doctor who overheard couldn’t help but shiver, but then he immediately got back to his task.

After hearing from 001, Lu Yue roughly understood why Zuo Sheng was injured. Xu Shao from the west district tried to smuggle two crates of goods but was intercepted by Zuo Sheng and the local police. Xu Shao, harboring resentment, directly ordered his men in the east district to take action. Zuo Sheng deliberately got injured, waiting to eliminate all those involved.

In short, it was Zuo Sheng’s self-directed two-birds-with-one-stone plan. Bpqu P

Lu Yue rubbed his chin: [My man is indeed smart.]

001: [When did he become your man?]

Lu Yue confidently: [Since we slept together, of course, he’s mine. Do you have a problem with that?]

001: [As long as it doesn’t interfere with completing the mission, it doesn’t matter what you think.] q0Vpgj

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