Daily Struggles Against the Blackened Male LeadCh10 - The Gang Leader’s Pet Lover

001 with a happy face: [Congratulations to the host for surviving the ordeal and returning to the Zuo Residence!]

Lu Yue rolls his eyes at him: [You’re like a moron!] n13m8x

001, seemingly oblivious to his host’s disdain: [Hehe! The target’s blackening value is now down to 10, we’re about to succeed!]

Lu Yue: [It’s not easy to reduce it further!]

Chrysanthemum Garden.

001: [It’s okay, I believe in you. Keep it up!] ]


Zuo Sheng brought the guy back, had a doctor check him again, and only let the person go after confirming he was okay.

Although the injuries on Lu Yue’s face were just superficial wound, they looked very serious. Zuo Sheng gently touched it, and Lu Yue sucked in a breath.

“Does it hurt?”

“No… it doesn’t hurt.”


“To tell the truth.” Lu Yue looked at the man whose complexion didn’t look good and lowered his head. “It hurts a little.”

Zuo Sheng had the Steward Wang cook some boiled eggs, wrapped them in a towel, and said, “Don’t move, I’ll apply this for you.”

“I can do it myself, no need.” Not only Lu Yue, even the Steward Wang was surprised that Zuo Sheng was doing this for a pet. It was astonishing to think about it.

Zuo Sheng restrained Lu Yue’s resisting hand and said sternly, “Don’t move.” w0jGZp

Lu Yue indeed stopped moving recklessly. He sat there with a tense body, feeling Zuo Sheng’s careful movements, obedient like a little white rabbit.

However, Lu Yue couldn’t help but sneak glances at the man in front of him from time to time, from his sharp and handsome features to his broad shoulders and sturdy chest, couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

Clearly, they were both men, but why was Zuo Sheng so powerful? This man was shining from head to toe. If only he could belong completely to himself.

Lu Yue thought greedily. WuDsgy

“What are you thinking about?”

As his chin was suddenly lifted, Lu Yue, caught off guard, looking into Zuo Sheng’s deep eyes and said in a panic, “It’s nothing.”

Zuo Sheng found more and more instances where Lu Yue’s words didn’t match his thoughts and couldn’t help but chuckle. “Tell the truth.”

Tell the truth? If he tell the truth, wouldn’t it be embarrassing? He definitely wouldn’t say it. TkwQBq

Seeing Lu Yue’s reluctance to speak, a glint flashed in Zuo Sheng’s eyes, then he quickly kissed the boy’s lips. Because he was afraid of touching the boy’s wound, Zuo Sheng was very careful, only gently tasting the lips back and forth.

This kissing method was extremely gentle, but it amplified the senses infinitely. The feeling of their lips touching made both of their hearts tremble fiercely, and the sound of their heartbeat became a kind of urging signal.

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After the kiss ended, Zuo Sheng was already aroused, and of course Lu Yue felt the man’s change as well and he also had a reaction.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Oe Tef ofia fwyjggjrrfv obg j wbwfca, tlr ojmf yiertlcu klat rtjwf. C2bNxP

Zuo Sheng’s low laughter sounded in his ears. “Do you want it?”

Vfflcu tlw ijeutlcu ilxf atja, Oe Tef mbeivc’a rjs jcsatlcu. Lf rja gfraifrris, agslcu ab gfagfja yjmx lcab atf yijcxfar.

Zuo Sheng grabbed him and looked at his watery eyes, saying softly, “Your eyes are really beautiful.” After that, he kissed the corner of Lu Yue’s eye.

Ssfr? Oe Tef revvfcis gfwfwyfgfv We Vtjb’r kbgvr, jcv tlr tfjga ofia ecfjrs. 0qaSj6

“Does Master Zuo really like my eyes?”

“Of course,” Zuo Sheng immediately answered. But he noticed Lu Yue’s head drooping lower and lower, realizing that he was reminded of Xu Shao’s words from yesterday, and his mind was wandering again.

Turning his head, Zuo Sheng asked, “Do you want to ask me about Du Xiuran?”

Fqbc tfjglcu atlr cjwf, Oe Tef’r ybvs raloofcfv, yea tf vlvc’a rqfjx. 70cEtZ

Zuo Sheng sighed, feeling helpless. “Alright. I originally didn’t want to tell you this. But seeing you like this, lost in thought, and not focusing on me…”

Zuo Sheng had no choice but to hold back the restlessness in his lower body, gently stroking the young man’s soft hair as he slowly continued, “I’ll only say it once, so you better listen carefully.”

Listening to this, Lu Yue raised his eyes, looking at him cautiously, like a lamb awaiting judgment.

“He was my former lover, and I loved him very much.” The young man’s body stiffened at the words. S8zBE

“He loved me too. But it was all an act. You know, he was sent by Xu Shao to kill me. I actually mistook someone who wanted to kill me for a lover. Do you think I’m stupid?”

“No, don’t speak.” Zuo Sheng said it lightly, but Lu Yue knew that this man must be feeling terrible inside. To love someone who turned out to be an undercover agent, that’s a very tragic thing for anyone.

“My men noticed something was off about him, but I kept believing in him until he plunged the knife into my heart. Luckily, I survived because he missed his mark and didn’t kill me completely.”

Heart! HyFY9C

Lu Yue imagined Zuo Sheng covered in blood, his hands turning cold.

“Are you okay?”

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Zuo Sheng looked at Lu Yue, whose lips were turning pale, and gently stroked his head to reassure him. “If I wasn’t okay, would I still be here?”

Seeing him smile, Lu Yue felt even more uncomfortable. He felt like his heart was going to break. How lucky was that person to make Zuo Sheng fall in love with him? And how cruel was he to hurt him with his own hands? 7sddr6

“Do you know how I dealt with him in the end?” Zuo Sheng asked softly, rubbing Lu Yue’s ear with his hand.

Lu Yue shook his head.

Zuo Sheng’s eyes turned cold. “I had him chopped into pieces and fed to the dogs. Do you think I’m cruel?”

Zuo Sheng stared at him intently, hoping to see a hint of fear in those eyes. Unfortunately, there was none. 2QcB7N

The young man was looking at him with eyes full of pity and love, a gaze that could make one feel redeemed.

Lu Yue hugged the man tightly, as if wanting to protect him, tightly holding onto Zuo Sheng’s firm waist, mourning, “Even though… killing is against the law, but I also wish I could kill him…”

“If you loved him so much… why was he willing to hurt you?”

“I hate him. Even though… I know he was once your lover, but I hate him to the core…” PT0Z6m

The young man spoke in sobs, extremely heartbroken.

“Why… did you have to fall in love with that person? Why… couldn’t you love me instead?”

How can he tell that he didn’t love him?

The earnestly crying young man didn’t notice Zuo Sheng’s expression and continued while his shoulders trembling, “I love you so much… why can’t you love me even a little? I will never be like that person…” ktw6BK

The more the young man cried, the sadder he became, his eyes swollen and red, like a child denied candy, crying while pitifully pleading.

001: [Ding! Male lead’s blackening value -5, current blackening value 5!]

Zuo Sheng looked at the person holding onto him, gasping for breath from crying, and his heart shook violently. He couldn’t remember how he fell in love with Du Xiuran back then, but the young man in front of him was someone he wanted to love fiercely for the rest of his life.

In the young man’s heart, there was only room for one person, and his eyes only looked at one person. Most importantly, no matter what, he would never betray him. 9WRsJO

Why didn’t you appear earlier? No, it’s not too late now.

Zuo Sheng didn’t restrain his desires anymore. He pulled the man with swollen and red teary eyes towards him, pressing his hot lips firmly against those tempting lips.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Contrary to his usual behavior, Lu Yue didn’t resist, but instead cooperated by moving his waist very rhythmically. He seemed like he wanted to burn himself, even if it meant hurting himself, he wanted to merge with this person.

With eyes blazing red, Zuo Sheng acted fiercely. In the climax of their intimacy, he whispered into the young man’s ear, “I love you.” vfyA1r

Lu Yue shed tears in excitement and arousal.

Lu Yue: [Zuo Sheng can be fatally gentle sometimes.]

001: [Don’t make that expression like you’re enjoying it too much.]

Lu Yue: [Unfortunately, I’m about to say goodbye to him soon.] 6yNdH9

001: [Why, you can’t bear to?]

Lu Yue: [Maybe a little.]

001: [That doesn’t sound like something mischievous Lu would say.]

Since that night, Zuo Sheng has been spoiling Lu Yue like crazy. He exercises every day, then takes Lu Yue out to show off their relationship and display their affection. They’re living the sweetest days imaginable. Despite this sweetness, Zuo Sheng’s blackening value only dropped by 3 points, leaving him with the final two points. qAZw9L

Lu Yue: [Will I die in the A-level world in the end?]

001: [Yes, regardless of which world, once the host completes the mission, they will leave the world, and their body will die.]

Lu Yue: [Then after I die, won’t Zuo Sheng be sad for a long time?]

001: [That’s for sure, considering how much he loves you.] Gpd9hX

Lu Yue mutters: [He loves me?]

001 feels like his host has been acting a bit unusual lately, to actually have that kind of tone. Strange, very strange indeed.

Lu Yue: [By the way, how is Xu Shao now?]

001: [Xu Shao was rescued three days ago, but he hasn’t left the city and is still here.] xj t2b

Lu Yue: [Keep an eye on him for me. After being thoroughly dealt with by Zuo Sheng this time, he’s likely to seek revenge.]

001: [Okay, I’ll keep a close watch on him.]

Chrysanthemum Garden.

At night, when Zuo Sheng returned home, he asked the housekeeper, “Where is he?” DLQxB8

The housekeeper replied, “Young Master Lin just finished dinner and went to bed.”

Upon hearing this, Zuo Sheng went straight to the bedroom. The bedroom was dimly lit, and on the spacious bed lay a slender young man.

Zuo Sheng looked at the peacefully sleeping figure, and his tired heart suddenly relaxed. He walked over, bent down, and gently kissed Lu Yue’s forehead. It was supposed to be a very light kiss, but the dreaming guy seemed to sense something and opened his eyes dazedly.

“Master Zuo?” BkPF4p

Zuo Sheng smiled at him. “Sorry for waking you up.”

“It’s okay. Why did you come back so late?”

“I was dealing with some things.”

Xu Shao was rescued and has not been caught yet. However, Zuo Sheng had no intention of telling Lu Yue about it. hVtrdw

“If you don’t have anything to do these days, try to stay at home as much as possible, okay?”

Lu Yue nervously asked, “Is something wrong?”

Zuo Sheng patted his head. “It’s nothing. Don’t overthink it.”

“Okay, I won’t wander around.” Lu Yue added silently in his heart. QNwvXh

“Then let’s sleep.” Zuo Sheng then hugged the young man and closed his eyes.

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