No One Can Refuse Doggie ACh6 - Come here now

Five days after getting stitches, Ran Hang went to the hospital to have them removed.

The hospital was already bustling with people early in the morning. Long lines formed at the outpatient registration area as Ran Hang navigated through the crowded hallways straight to the inpatient department. gsC5Nm

Ran Hang’s younger sister was suffering from a rare glandular disease that required a gland transplant, and she was currently waiting for a match.

Familiar with the routine, Ran Hang reached the door of the hospital room and pushed it open, immediately hearing an excited voice, “Brother.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ran An was already awake, wearing a loose hoodie over her hospital gown. She was brushing her teeth in the bathroom. Hearing the noise outside, she popped her head out.

Ran Hang reached out to pat her head, but Ran An stepped back to avoid it. H4D2Td

At seventeen, the girl’s height had fully developed, and she was half a head taller than their mother, Ran Wenyin.

But Ran Hang, taking advantage of his height, still managed to ruffle her hair.

Ran An protested, “Brother!”

She rushed to the sink to spit out the foam in her mouth.


Ran Hang smiled without saying a word. He walked into the room and set down the bag he was carrying, “Mom, I brought you some food.”

Ran Wenyin was folding the quilt as she looked at Ran Hang, “You came so early. Have you had breakfast?”

“I have.”

Ran Hang placed the breakfast he had bought on the bedside cabinet. From the corner of his eye, he noticed a lollipop tied with a ribbon nearby and casually picked it up. VWHxpg

At that moment, Ran An came out after washing her face. “Hey, what are you doing with my stuff?”

Ran Hang: “It’s just a lollipop…”

Ran An ran over, trying to get the lollipop back, but couldn’t reach it because Ran Hang was taller. “Mom, he’s taking my stuff.”

Ran Wenyin just smiled. “You’re both grown up. I’m not getting involved.” 92IbYO

Ran An chased Ran Hang out of the hospital room.

Ran Hang handed the lollipop back to her, teasing, “So stingy?”

Ran An looked down at the lollipop in her hand, falling silent. She looked very much like Ran Hang this way, as both just couldn’t hide their inner feelings.

After a while, she mumbled, “Dr. Yu… Dr. Yu gave it to me.” 15gCYu

Ran Hang’s lips curled up. “Oh… I see. No wonder.”

Dr. Yu was the young, handsome doctor in charge of doing rounds on Ran An.

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“What are you laughing at?” Ran An nudged Ran Hang’s arm, her face growing redder.

Ran Hang stopped teasing her. “What did Dr. Yu say about your condition recently?” 0yNec9

“Not much, just continue taking the medication…” Ran An sighed and looked up at him. “When can I be discharged? Is it really necessary to stay in the hospital every day just for medication?”

Ran Hang remained silent.

Ran An suddenly squinted her eyes. “You and mom aren’t hiding something from me, are you…?”

“What are you thinking…?” Ran Hang turned his head and looked at the white tiles of the hospital. “Weren’t you always in pain from your gland before? We need to cure that before you can be discharged, right?” CSaVng

Ran An fiddled with the zipper of her hoodie. “Yeah…”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Back then, I used to wish I were a Beta, or even an Alpha like you. The chances of Betas or Alphas getting glandular diseases are so much lower than for Omegas, and they don’t have to deal with heat periods…”

Ejc Ljcu qjaafv tfg tfjv. “Zfvlmji rmlfcmf lr jvnjcmlcu. Zjsyf lc atf oeaegf, atf reqqgfrrjcar atfs vfnfibq klii mbwqifafis rbinf atf tfja qfglbv lrref.”

“Ktja’r gluta, ygbatfg, sbe rqfmljilhf lc atlr olfiv, vbc’a sbe?” Ejc Cc qjaafv tlr rtbeivfg. “P’w mbecalcu bc sbe.” HgSu2V

“Ds atf kjs, tjnf sbe yffc nfgs yers ijafis? Pa’r yffc j ktlif rlcmf sbe mjwf ab atf tbrqlaji. Qtja tjnf sbe yffc eq ab?”

Ran Hang looked down at the hem of his shirt. “Not much…”

He smiled. “Just writing my thesis, not getting anywhere, and getting scolded by my advisor.”

Ran An couldn’t help but laugh along with him. “Cheer up! You’re the one aiming for a Nobel Prize. How can you be stuck on a thesis?” TUNDhn

Ran Hang sighed helplessly. “That was something I said in elementary school. Can you stop bringing it up?”

After he said this, the atmosphere grew quiet.

Ran Hang turned his head and saw a doctor in a white coat walking towards them.

Ran An blushed. “Um, I…I’ll head back first.” UZqLsE

With that, she walked back into the ward without looking back.

Ran Hang greeted the other person, “Dr. Yu.”

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At that moment, Ran Wenyin also came out of the ward.

Dr. Yu smiled at them. “Her condition has been quite stable recently, and her mindset is very optimistic…” 5scHBd

“The gland source is scheduled for next month. If the match is successful, we can proceed with the surgery.”

Having said this, he paused before continuing, “If you decide to go ahead with the surgery, there will be additional hospitalization and anti-rejection treatment costs. Here’s the detailed cost estimate for the surgery.”

Ran Hang took the estimate and said, “Alright, we understand.”

Dr. Yu: “We will notify you as soon as possible when there’s news about the gland source.” qiK4rA

Ran Hang: “Thank you, doctor.”

“No need to thank me.” Dr. Yu smiled as he pushed open the door and walked into the ward. “I’ll go check on her.”

After Dr. Yu went in, Ran Hang flipped through the cost estimate. “Xiao An might be able to have the surgery next month. Fortunately, we already gathered the surgery fees.”

“I have to go to work soon. Mom, you…” OK0mpq

Suddenly, he heard a faint sob.

Ran Hang was taken aback. “Mom?”

Ran Wenyin covered her eyes with her hand, her voice choked with emotion. “I’m sorry…”

Ran Hang: “Mom, what are you saying ‘sorry’ for?” IY7oWf

Ran Wenyin looked down and shook her head. “If it weren’t for the genetic issue, Xiao… Xiao An wouldn’t have this disease. She might have to take medication for the rest of her life… If our family were in a better financial position, you wouldn’t have to work part-time so hard every day.”


Ran Hang took a packet of tissues from his pocket and wiped Ran Wenyin’s tears. “I really don’t mind working part-time. Honestly, writing papers every day at school is far more frustrating. Really, even if I didn’t have to work part-time, I might just quit studying someday. The doctor said we’re just waiting for a match for Xiao An; things will get better.”

“If you keep crying, I’ll start crying too…” pOG64I

“You wouldn’t want to see your big Alpha son crying in the hospital with a bunch of people watching, right?”

Ran Wenyin was amused by his words. She wiped her tears and stopped sobbing.

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Ran Hang hugged her and said, “Everything will get better.”

“We should find a time to tell Xiao An about this.” jTykhi



Around eight or nine o’clock in the evening, at the Onces Club.

As usual, Ran Hang followed the supervisor’s instructions to clean the restroom. However, just as he took out the mop, someone suddenly knocked the door open. wSEXr8

The usually stern-faced supervisor was standing at the door, forcing a smile that looked uglier than crying, with a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead. “Ran Hang, you, you can leave this. I’ll handle it.”

Ran Hang: “?”

He was a little confused about this situation, “Didn’t you ask me to do this…”

The supervisor quickly came over and grabbed the mop from his hands. “No, no, this isn’t something you need to do. Just leave it.” lzsyO3

Ran Hang was still confused. “Are you going to fire me?”

The supervisor laughed so hard that he looked like he was about to cry. “No! How dare I… how could I fire you?”

“You are our most dedicated employee. I will definitely give you a bonus this month.”

Ran Hang was still completely baffled as he was pushed forward by the supervisor, who kept apologizing profusely. “I’m so sorry for what happened the past few days. I was an idiot. I shouldn’t have said those words to you. I’m sorry, I’m really sorry… If possible, could you not mention this to Mr. Huo?” LVNjdA

Ran Hang was stunned for a moment. “Mr. Huo? Which Mr. Huo?”

The next second, with a loud “bang!”,

The other person suddenly grabbed Ran Hang’s arm and knelt in front of him, startling Ran Hang and making him take a step back. “What are you doing?”

The supervisor looked desperate. “Mr. Huo has come to see you now. There’s no need to hide your relationship anymore. I know you know Mr. Huo, but don’t worry, I won’t say a word…” kgDXul


After being dragged by the supervisor and forced to dress up, Ran Hang was sent to the door of the VIP room.

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Even as the door closed with a “bang!” behind him, Ran Hang felt like he was dreaming.

On the sofa, half of the man’s face was cloaked in shadow, the dim light highlighting his sharp features. He leaned half-reclined against the sofa cushions, with his long legs crossed in front of him. From head to toe, even down to each strand of hair, he exuded an aura of perfection. EupPTn

Huo Siming held a glass of wine in his hand as he looked up at Ran Hang. “Someone must have already told you.”

Ran Hang didn’t know where he got the courage to speak to him like this. “Mr. Huo, you shouldn’t be looking for me. I’m just an ordinary waiter.”

Huo Siming leaned forward, his dark eyes scrutinizing, devoid of any discernible emotion. “Why didn’t you say that last time?”

Ran Hang was momentarily at a loss for words. “Last time, last time…” CXJ1F2

He slightly turned his head, still vividly remembering the heart-pounding feeling when he first saw Huo Siming. But now, the stark difference between them is evident…

“Because at first glance, I thought you were my type, so I didn’t think much. But I’m not here to sell myself.” Even he found his words ridiculous.

Ran Hang: “Last time, I was impulsive. I’m sorry.”

The corners of Huo Siming’s lips twitched, “I didn’t come here today to hear you refusing.” QTuZL2

Ran Hang was stunned for a moment, taking a couple of steps forward. “Then what do you want?”

Huo Siming: “Do you think the money wasn’t enough?”

Ran Hang felt that communicating with the person in front of him was almost impossible. “Someone like you might not understand, but I didn’t do it for money last time. I haven’t touched the money. I can return it right now…”

Before Ran Hang could finish speaking, Huo Siming suddenly grabbed his collar and pulled him down. l37bcd

Huo Siming lifted his gaze, looking at him coldly. “Have you forgotten that we still have some unresolved matters, like you scratching my car?”

Ran Hang was stunned. “Didn’t you say last time that I didn’t need to compensate you?”

Huo Siming’s face remained expressionless. “Did I say that?”

Ran Hang stood there in a daze, carefully recalling the scene. Throughout the interaction, only the driver had spoken to him. It seemed that the other person hadn’t said a word at all. 3p1ew4

Huo Siming released his collar. “And there are many ways I could make you lose money. Some are simple, and some are complicated. Which do you choose?”

In that instant, a flood of ridiculous thoughts from his younger days rushed through Ran Hang’s mind.

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For instance, he had once thrown himself wholeheartedly into biopharmaceuticals, hoping one day to develop better suppressants. Now, during breaks from his part-time jobs, he often regretted not choosing computer science instead.

For another instance, he believed that when you meet someone who makes your heart race, you should go after them regardless of the outcome. If possible, he wanted to experience a passionate romance before graduating from college. V1sBwk

In his twenty-two years of life, the first time he met someone who made him blush and made his heart race at a glance was when he was on leave from school.

And now, that person was sitting in front of him, using money to threaten him.

In fact, calling it a “threat” was flattering. After all, a threat only makes sense when directed at a “person.” Who would bother to threaten a tool?

Under the warm light, Huo Siming’s gaze pulled Ran Hang’s wandering thoughts back. vnBaHC

Ran Hang remained silent for a moment. “It seems like I have no other choice but to agree with you.”

Huo Siming: “You should have realized that earlier.”

Ran Hang pursed his lips helplessly and sat down on the sofa. “You want me to give you a temporary mark, right?”

Huo Siming placed his glass on the table, his expression returning to its usual indifference. yB6Lkh

“There are a few things I need to remind you of.”

“Apart from the temporary mark, don’t do anything unnecessary. Understand?”

The atmosphere grew silent.

After a while, dEjQMa

“I understand.” In the dim light, Ran Hang’s lips moved. He gave a self-deprecating smile. “Is there anything else, Mr. Huo?”

Huo Siming crossed his long legs and leaned back against the soft cushion of the sofa. He loosened his shirt collar, and the blue veins on the back of his hand stood out conspicuously under the light. He casually ordered Ran Hang with a tone of indifference, tapping Ran Hang’s exposed ankle with the tip of his shoe:

“Come here now.”

The author has something to say: qW i2S

I met the richest wife on the poorest days of my life (although I won’t get rich in the future dbq up Hang-ge)


Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Neither the gong nor the shou have a perfect character design. I just wrote this to cut leg meat for myself. Everyone, please understand. Hugs to all.


Translator's Note

“dbq” is often used as internet slang in Chinese to express frustration, disappointment, or resignation. It can be roughly translated to “sigh” or “sighs heavily” in English. It’s often used to convey a feeling of helplessness or resignation in a humorous or exaggerated way.

Translator's Note

refer to the explanation I put in the synopsis about “self-written”/”self-cut leg meat”

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  1. What a tense ending!

    I didn’t expect the beginning of their relationship to start out this way. I thought it would be slower, but Huo Siming is more wary & urgent than I expected. It makes total sense though, bud’ is in survival mode 24/7.

    Luckily, to counterbalance all the frustration, Ran Hang to the rescue! His kindness and patience are the best tools to soothe Hubby’s heart and break down the walls that keep him from being happy.

    What Huo Siming will emotionally bring to Ran Hang isn’t clear YET, but his influence and money will greatly help Hang’s family AND goals in life: creating better medicines for those in need.

    What a well-rounded couple! ♡

    Once again and most importantly: thank you for all your hard work!!!! Reading this story makes me happy, which is awesome.

    e 🫶🪻🌷🌹🫶

  2. Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖