No One Can Refuse Doggie ACh5.2 - Find someone for me

In the magnificent banquet hall, almost all the prominent figures from the business district of City A were invited to attend this banquet.

Several people of the younger generation gathered in one of the rooms. The room was full of chatter and laughter: TFw1g2

“Oh, I heard that the grandson of the Huo family… Huo Siming, will also be here tonight.”

“Wasn’t he driven overseas after he differentiated into an Omega?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“His father unexpectedly passed away last month, and the Huo family has no other Alpha heirs. Bringing him back was inevitable, right?”

“I heard he has a very weird temperament. There are even rumors that he broke the leg of the Chi family’s youngest son because he dislikes Alphas.” JpPMXS

“He was an Alpha himself before secondary differentiation. How could an Alpha be willing to let another Alpha bite him? It’s understandable to dislike Alphas, isn’t it?”

Yu Le, as the youngest son of the Yu family, the host of tonight’s banquet, was also one of the gossipers. He lowered his head and took a sip of wine, curious, “So where is Huo Siming? Could it be that he doesn’t want to…”

Before he could finish his sentence, there suddenly came a crisp sound of footsteps from nearby.

For some reason, Yu Le felt a cold gaze behind him, and the temperature around him seemed to drop. He stiffened slightly, glanced sideways, and met a pair of dark eyes.


The man raised his lips, “Is someone looking for me?”

Yu Le’s swallowing motion froze, almost choking on his wine.

Under the warm light, Huo Siming wore a dark suit. His eyes, half-shadowed by long lashes, were as cold as ice blades. He adjusted his cufflink, his expression playfully scrutinizing everyone present.

“Si–Siming… Long time no see…” Yu Le was overwhelmed by the other’s aura. He was dumbfounded for a while before managing to find his voice again. “Oh… Should I call you Mr. Huo now?” a3HyNO

Huo Siming took a glass of wine from the waiter’s hand and replied expressionlessly, “Long time no see.”

Then he walked straight through the crowd and casually took a seat.

The still-dazed crowd gradually came to their senses and began to sit around Huo Siming.

Most of these people were just wealthy second or third-generation heirs without real power, so influential figures like Huo Siming who have absolute resources naturally became the object of everyone’s flattery. d5twNF

At this moment,

Huo Siming’s presence felt like the center of a spotlight on a stage. Those who had been gossiping about him earlier now wish they could sit closer to him.

Huo Siming drank his wine, listening to their flattery with an expressionless face.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Amid the noisy atmosphere, someone suddenly mentioned, “Even though you’ve differentiated into an Omega, Mr. Huo, you still seem better than most Alphas.” VMkjSL

Ktf jawbrqtfgf jygeqais ogbhf, jr lo atf jlg tjv yffc remxfv bea.

Pc atf fcrelcu rlifcmf,

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“Pr atja rb?”

Leb Vlwlcu iloafv tlr yijvf-ilxf fsfr jcv uijcmfv ja atf qfgrbc. Z2LIbp

“Tbe atlcx rb?”

Ktf qfgrbc, oglutafcfv ys tlr ujhf, agfwyifv klat cfgnbercfrr, “P…”

Te Of tegglfvis rwbbatfv atlcur bnfg, “Qtja vb sbe wfjc ys ‘rffw’? Zg. Leb lr fzmfiifca ys cjaegf.”

Huo Siming’s eyes remained calm, and he didn’t say anything. He just stood up and left the room. 8VWq5v


On the empty rooftop,

Huo Siming lit a cigarette, the flickering ember illuminating the undisguised contempt in his eyes…

What qualifications do those Alphas have to compare themselves to him? 3wADd7

Being with those idiots for even one more second is suffocating.

In the cool evening breeze, time passed minute by minute.

However, Huo Siming had no intention of returning to the banquet hall. He was too familiar with the routine of these banquets. Every time, towards the end, those people would call some young Alphas and Omegas for their amusement… The place would soon reek of foul odors.

Huo Siming glanced at his watch, then took out a cigarette from his pocket. z3YLcP

Just as he was about to take out his lighter,


A flickering flame illuminated an unfamiliar face.

An Alpha from who knows where. kdwpuX

A presumptuous idiot.

Huo Siming’s expression darkened immediately. He extinguished his cigarette on the balcony railing in front of the other person and casually tossed it into the trash can.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Just as he was about to leave…

“Mr. Huo?” The Alpha was stunned for a moment. He didn’t expect Huo Siming to show him such disrespect, so he reached out to grab his shoulder. WfDCNz

The next second,

“Fuck ah ah ah ah!”

The Alpha let out a cry of pain, sweating from the agony.

Huo Siming expressionlessly gripped the other’s wrist, the veins on the back of his hand faintly visible. sfiHqB

The Alpha felt as if he heard a “crack!” sound, and his wrist hurt as if it was about to break. Instinctively, he released some pheromones as a self-protection mechanism.

However, the Omega in front of him was completely unaffected, and the anger in his eyes only deepened, as if he wanted to kill him.

Huo Siming applied a bit more force and warned him, “If you still want this hand, you should learn to control it.”

Just as the Alpha felt that his wrist was about to break, Huo Siming finally let go. 39j2hQ

The Alpha bent over in pain, gasping for air while clutching his injured wrist…

Damn, is it really broken?


In the restroom, 5rS6HI

Huo Siming repeatedly washed his hands under the sink, the tight lines of his jaw muscles faintly visible…

The pheromone scent of that Alpha just now was simply nauseating, like moldy mushrooms.

Thinking of this, a cold glint flashed in his eyes…

If it weren’t for Huo Mao being at this banquet, it wouldn’t have been as simple as just hand pain for that guy. G27s6

After washing his hands,

Huo Siming walked into the private lounge and administered a suppressant injection to himself.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

His situation was rather special. Before his second differentiation, he was an Alpha, and even after differentiating, he was generally unaffected by Alpha pheromones. However, due to the second differentiation causing developmental defects in his glands, his glands would often ache and require regular external treatments.

Besides being marked, the only way to alleviate this problem was through suppressants. zbOIwa

Now, leaning against the sofa, Huo Siming closed his eyes…

The tingling sensation in his glands did not ease at all.

Huo Siming furrowed his brows. In the darkness, he inadvertently recalled that night and Ran Hang’s faint sweet cream scent.

The Alpha’s pheromones seemed to stir an indescribable desire, making his skin feel hot and his glands, still unrelieved, ache even more. 0YFMPR

Huo Siming’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down…

“Rumble, rumble,”

The empty suppressant syringe rolled to his feet.

Huo Siming opened his eyes and called his secretary, “I need you to find someone for me.” ueWa0v

The secretary’s response came quickly from the other end, “Yes, Mr. Huo, who do you need to find?”

Recalling the name tag on the Alpha’s chest that night, Huo Siming solemnly uttered those two words,

“…Ran Hang.”

“Please hold on a moment.” SeDdKq

A moment later,

Secretary Chu looked at the youth’s radiant smile in the ID photo on the tablet and the personal information displayed beside it. He was stunned. “The person you’re looking for is… an Alpha?”

Huo Siming lowered his gaze, his voice devoid of any emotion,

“Yes.” l3Bepj

He touched the anti-spill patch on the back of his neck…

Lu Xiangtian’s suggestion was not bad.

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

A temporary mark from the other person was indeed more effective than the suppressants.


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  1. Love following Siming in his daily life.. as frustrating as it is.

    The day these alphas realize that the reason why he despises them so much is their inflated egos.. that’ll be a nice day. Their domineering attitude whenever he isn’t in the room is proof. ✋️🙂‍↔️

    “Yu Le was overwhemed by the other’s aura.” GLOATING LIKE A PROUD MOM. period!! HE AINT RUDE, HE IS COOL!!

    -> Random thought : loving the dual-POV situation!! it brings interesting context, and hearing their thoughts live is fun!!<3

    -> Silly thought : Huohuo throwing his cigarette in the trash is silly to mention for how normal it is.. but I rlly appreciate. I love how little moments like this are proof of his integrity and compassion.

    I finally saw your bio/description!! It’s so cute, you’re so cute!! We truly love & appreciate both your dedication, and your hard work darling<33 so sweet. 💓🌷

  2. I am worried for our Ran Hang’s mental well-being for the time being.

    Really enjoying the decisiveness though. What an interesting story. I like the concept of an alpha differentiating into an omega as well. Curious!

  3. Someone should helps him

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖