No One Can Refuse Doggie ACh5.1 - Find someone for me

After leaving the hospital’s emergency room, Ran Hang had stitches on his wound, and his left arm was wrapped in several layers of gauze. He looked at his mummy-like arm and sighed helplessly in his heart…

Although it should heal in about a week, it would still somewhat affect his daily work. SjHrcM

At this moment, the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated with a “buzz!”.

Ran Hang answered the call, “Hello… Mom.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Upon hearing the voice on the other end, he immediately adopted a cheerful tone, “Mhm, I had an interview today… It went well. I should hear back in a few weeks…”

“Um, I might not be able to visit the hospital tomorrow…” my4T3W

“It’s nothing, just work stuff, haha. I’ll come see you and Xiao An in a few days… Mhm, you make sure to eat well too… say hi to Xiao An for me…”

After ending the call, Ran Hang looked at the cracked screen covered in transparent tape, his expression not as cheerful as his tone had been…

How could he face them looking like this?

At least he should wait until the stitches are removed before visiting, so as not to scare them.

X 2owx

Exiting the call screen, Ran Hang glanced at the memo he used as his screensaver and suddenly remembered something…

He seemed to have forgotten, once again, to return the money to Mr. Huo.


Onces Club, nFWUQy


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ran Hang swiped his employee card to open the door. He anxiously rushed inside and bumped into the supervisor inspecting by the door.

Ktf reqfgnlrbg uijcmfv ja tlr kjamt, “Mlnf wlceafr ijaf. Tbe’ii yf olcfv abvjs jcv sbeg ybcer obg atlr wbcat klii yf ubcf.”

Ran Hang paused, “I sent you a message, have you seen it?” sCmLHF

Vbwfatlcu kfca kgbcu ja atf miey atf cluta tf wjgxfv Leb Vlwlcu. Ktf cfza vjs, jii rfclbg rajoo, lcmievlcu atf wjcjufg jcv reqfgnlrbg, kfgf gfqijmfv.

Ktf cfk reqfgnlrbg kjr raglma, jcv tlr ojnbglaf atlcu ab vb fnfgs vjs kjr ab gfqglwjcv batfgr.

Upon hearing this, the supervisor coldly glanced at Ran Hang’s bandaged arm, “Why do you think sending a message means I agree?”

“Moreover, your bike accident isn’t a valid excuse for being late. So, if today you have a hand injury and tomorrow someone else breaks their leg, can everyone be late, and no one needs to work? Is the club a charity, feeding a bunch of freeloaders like you? And tell me, with your current appearance, what can you do? You’ll bring bad luck to customers if they see you like this…” 6cNQIy

The Beta waiter, who happened to be passing by Ran Hang, overheard this and stopped, leaning and whispering into Ran Hang’s ear, “Damn, this piece of shit, last time I came in without changing clothes in time, he said my appearance was unkempt, violating company regulations. He even wanted to deduct my performance and give me a warning. He’s intentionally making things difficult for you. Who doesn’t allow leave for a hand injury?”


Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Seeing the two whispering, the supervisor angrily demanded, “What are you guys talking about? Speak up, I want to hear it too.”

Ran Hang signaled to the Beta with a wink, indicating him not to act impulsively. He took a step forward and looked at the supervisor, saying, “I really can’t serve drinks to the guests today, but I can still do something else, like tidying up the private rooms.” T0zxd

The supervisor chuckled with crossed arms, “That’s fine. It just so happened that the cleaner left yesterday. Why don’t you replace him and clean the toilets?”

The Beta got angry and rushed forward to argue with him, “You…”

“Okay.” Ran Hang reached out and held him back. He was strong, so the other couldn’t break free.

“I’ll go now.” E4Swyr


In the storage room,

While Ran Hang was finding the cleaning tools, the Beta was leaning against the window and lighting a cigarette. “Not to criticize, but Hang-ge, you have such a good temper. How on earth could you resist beating him up?”

Ran Hang picked up the mop. “If I hit him, I won’t get paid, and labor arbitration takes a long time. Besides, assaulting someone is illegal.” dFk0SP

“Sigh…” The Beta scratched his head in frustration. “You’ve had so many unfortunate things happen today. Aren’t you angry at all? If it were me, I’d probably have fought with him long ago.”

“Unfortunate?” Ran Hang smiled. “Actually, I think I’m quite lucky today. Even though I accidentally scratched someone’s car, the owner didn’t get angry or ask for compensation. Instead, they gave me a lift to the hospital…”

“Cleaning the toilets might sound a bit dirty, but it’s actually better than serving drinks to people.”

The Beta paused in his smoking motion, then chuckled and shook his head. “I’ve noticed you always manage to see the bright side of things. You hit a car, got stitched up, and dealt with idiots, yet your attitude remains so optimistic… Is ‘appearance reflects the mind’ actually true? No wonder you seem so sunny… Could it be because I crawl in darkness every day, so I become darker and darker?” DMA72X

Ran Hang sighed and pursed his lips. “I crawl in darkness every day too…”

“Just the thought of going to work and laboring makes me crawl in darkness. But after crawling, I still have to keep working.”


At the Huanyu Headquarters, in the office on the top floor, ZPhxuQ

A man with gray hair on his temples sat in the center, with a secretary and an assistant standing next to him.

Huo Siming stood in front of the other’s desk, bowed his head, and called out, “Chairman.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The man looked up, his gaze piercing.

If one looked closely, they would notice that the two men actually bore a resemblance in their features. H2ozn3

Huo Siming stared at him expressionlessly for a while. Then, he slightly pulled the corner of his mouth and changed his address, “Grandfather.”

Huo Mao raised his hand and gestured for him to sit down. “It’s been a month since you came back…”

“This is an invitation to the Yu family’s banquet tomorrow night. Come with me.”

Huo Siming glanced at the invitation. When he saw the names of some guests, his eyes subtly darkened. YijAV3

Huo Mao crossed his hands on the table. “I’ve heard about what you’ve been doing at the company…”

“Punishing a few disobedient dogs won’t attract much attention, but there are some things you have to be careful about, understand?”

Speaking of this, Huo Mao gazed at him with a meaningful look. “Just because you can stay at Huanyu now doesn’t mean it’s an unchangeable fact.”

Huo Siming crossed his long legs in front of the chair. His lips curled up, but there was no smile in his eyes. After a moment of silence, he uttered two words, LVz4DF

“I understand.”

He then took the invitation and handed it behind him. “Secretary Chu will arrange the schedule for me.”

“See you tomorrow night, Chairman.”

With that, Huo Siming stood up from his seat. As he turned to leave, he took out a cigarette from his cigarette case, his eyes taking on a sinister look. 4GBaso

Just a gathering of fools…

Utterly boring.



Translator's Note

The term “Xiao” (小) here literally translates to “little” or “small” in Chinese. It is often used as a term of endearment or familiarity before someone’s name or a characteristic. For example, “Xiao An” (小安) would translate to “Little An,” indicating affection or familiarity with this person named An (Ran An, Ran Hang’s sister). It is commonly used with younger people or to express a close relationship.

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  1. The plot is plot-ing !! Can’t help but feel like MANY links will end up connecting them. What are the odds for Ran Hang to end up around a posh party? Unlikely ≠ Impossible 🫢

    I’m also VERY protective of this lil pup. He truly is a selfless guy. The altruistic x hard to please duo works wonders because it is a nice balance. HUO SIMING, KICK THE RUDE ASSES, RAN HANG WILL HAVE TO BACK YOU UP AT SOME POINT!! 😤

    The supervisor made NO sense at all. Plus, if work is bad enough for EVERYONE to suddenly break their arm.. then ask yourself some questions first Boo 🫶 I’m getting hype rn XDD

    Thank you sm for today’s chapter!! First one with 0 direct interactions of our stars but I still am looking forward to more n more n more!! So much fun. Your work is incredible, too ♡♡♡

    ☆☆☆ ~> Huo Siming had the power to topple the whole building.. they’re going to learn why a calm force IS to be reckoned with ^_^ IM SO EXCITED UEHUEHUEHUEHE. srry erm </3 <~ ☆☆☆

  2. Oh, I just noticed that doggie is a short name of book, not just a cute name for readers

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖