No One Can Refuse Doggie ACh27.2 - Kiss

KEIGHTY: Special thanks to sesa for the ko-fi! Thank you so much! I really appreciate it💐🫶

Trigger warning: Domestic violence. Reader discretion is advised. 9ZMX41

As he said this, his brows furrowed slightly.

Huo Siming was stunned for a moment.

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Ran Hang had almost never mentioned this to anyone around him. Feeling a bit uneasy, he touched the back of his neck and tried to appear nonchalant.

“But he can’t really be considered ‘my dad’ now, can he? They divorced many years ago… When I first started high school, some people thought I was part of a gang because of this scar, hahaha. Then, somehow, the rumor spread, and no one dared to mess with me. I wondered why the older kids would run away when they saw me. I thought it was because I had a scary aura or something…” dpAHzb

Huo Siming’s gaze rested on the Alpha’s pursed lips. “Why did he beat you?”

Ran Hang paused, “Mr. Huo, are you really that curious?”


The atmosphere grew silent. Just as Huo Siming thought the other wouldn’t speak,


“He liked gambling. That time, he lost a bet and got drunk. When he came back, he had a fight with my mom. He picked up a broken bottle from the floor and tried to hit my mom with it…”



It was the loud crash of a plate hitting the ground. mcBMZS

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Through an old, poorly soundproofed door, Ran Hang listened to the sounds of things being smashed, scuffles, and heart-wrenching cries. The fragile door creaked and shook as if the sky were about to fall.

Coafg j ktlif, atf mgslcu bearlvf ugfk ragbcufg, atf tbjgrf, uea-kgfcmtlcu abcf jiwbra ecgfmbuclhjyif jr j tewjc nblmf.

Ejc Ljcu ofia rmjgfv.

Lf mbeivc’a tfiq yea gert bnfg jcv bqfc atf vbbg. 95GLVW

Fcvfg atf uijglcu ilutar, tf rjk atf wjc aklralcu tlr wbatfg’r jgw, qlcclcu tfg ab atf ugbecv jcv tlaalcu tfg.

Ran Hang’s pupils trembled. He instinctively called out, “Mom.”

The man’s violent movements paused, then he turned to look at him with a fierce glare.

Ran Wenyin rushed over and held him tightly, her voice still choked with sobs, “Go back inside, Mommy’s okay, you go back inside.” v3CjGF

Taking advantage of the man’s momentary daze, Ran Wenyin held him and hid in the other room.

Watching Ran Wenyin hurriedly lock the door, Ran Hang tugged at her sleeve, “Mom, can’t we leave him? Let’s go far away, then he won’t be able to hit you.”

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There was a moment of silence in the room.

Ran Wenyin held him tightly—so tightly that he could feel the heavy burden weighing on her shoulders, making it hard to breathe. She cried while saying “I’m sorry” over and over again. FP0J9b

This was a scene that had happened often in Ran Hang’s memory.

In fact, after each beating, Ran Wenyin often took him to a place that looked like an office. Each time she went, she carried a thick stack of documents and showed her wounds to someone there.

In Ran Hang’s memory, the person behind the desk always shook their head.

After the person shook their head, Ran Wenyin would dejectedly take him and leave. 41tLa2

Days passed in this suffocating atmosphere until that day when Zhao Xiangwen got drunk and picked up a broken bottle from the floor.

Ran Hang instinctively shielded Ran Wenyin.

When the bottle struck, Ran Hang didn’t actually feel much pain. At that moment, he was just somewhat dazed.

What truly surprised him was that in the next second, the usually submissive Ran Wenyin picked up a kitchen knife from the counter. She stood in front of him, saying she would fight Zhao Xiangwen to death. 6cAv n

Ran Wenyin and Zhao Xiangwen had high pheromone compatibility. For an Omega, the higher the compatibility with an Alpha, the more that innate hierarchy suppression was imprinted in their blood, making it impossible to resist. As soon as their partner released their Alpha pheromones, they would physiologically have to submit, unable to fight back at all.

It was also the first time Ran Hang had ever seen his mother stand up to Zhao Xiangwen. She held the knife, looking like she was ready to strike the man who was a head taller than her.

Zhao Xiangwen was clearly panicked too. In front of the flashing silver blade, he had no time to think, no time to react, and no time to release his pheromones. He hurriedly fled out the door.

Ran Hang couldn’t remember much of what happened afterward. x6s0Jy

Ran Wenyin took him to the hospital.

Then they went to that office-like place again.

The person there looked at the wound on his back and asked him some questions about Zhao Xiangwen.

After some time, Ran Wenyin told him, “We can leave him now. From now on, it’ll be just the three of us living together.” KXr 1O


“We used to live in a remote area, a small city. The higher the compatibility in AO marriages, the harder it is for the courts to grant a divorce. It was difficult to document the injuries on an Omega, and because of the children, they always advised my mom to try to resolve family conflicts on her own. After he accidentally hit me that day, the court finally granted the divorce.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“So, strictly speaking, it was a good thing.”

While recounting these events, Ran Hang kept his eyelashes lowered, instinctively avoiding Huo Siming’s reaction. 5PQwFg

He had long been accustomed to seeing others’ shock, sympathy, regret, or anger when his mother spoke of these things to others when he was a child.

After he finished speaking, Huo Siming didn’t respond. The atmosphere grew completely silent.

Ran Hang glanced around, his peripheral vision catching sight of the coffee beside him.

He reached for the coffee and, looking up, smiled at Huo Siming to break the tense silence. “Let me make some latte art on this coffee for you, Mr. Huo.” TfYGon

As he spoke, he picked up the prepared milk foam and skillfully poured it into the latte. The dense, creamy liquid turned into smooth lines with his movements. “When I worked at a coffee shop, I used to practice this the most. At first, my hands always shook, so all the messed-up ones had to be drunk by the staff. I never thought it would be useful one day…”

As the last line fell, a tulip pattern appeared on the coffee’s surface.

Ran Hang placed the coffee on the table and pressed his lips together slightly. “I also know some of their secret recipes. Maybe someday…”

“Mm…” JLRGB2

Before he could finish his sentence, a warm touch suddenly fell on his lips. Ran Hang’s eyes widened in surprise, his mind blank except for the sight of those long, thick eyelashes.

Huo Siming had pulled Ran Hang close and left a light, fleeting kiss on the corner of his mouth. Before Ran Hang could react, he let go.

The kiss was brief and gentle.

Huo Siming’s lips were thin, leaving only a faint, lingering warmth on Ran Hang’s skin. 3ploIy

Ran Hang’s pupils trembled, his amber eyes still a little dazed.

As noon approached, the sunlight outside was just right. A thin layer of warm light bathed the young man’s handsome features, highlighting the deep flush on one side of his face.

The author has something to say:

Puppy: Why does he always want to kiss me? It’s really troublesome, wuwuwuwuwu 2CQibk

Translator's Note

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  1. Puppy boyfriend, fighting!!!

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖