No One Can Refuse Doggie ACh23.1 - I didn’t know your size, so I had someone buy all kinds.

KEIGHTY: Thank you so much for the ko-fi, lemontea! 🍋🫶 Enjoy reading DOGGIE! 🦮 Extra ko-fi chapter (7/10)

It might have been the side effects of the painkillers; Ran Hang slept heavily until the evening. When he woke up, it was already dark outside. kxCdXq

Alphas naturally have good recuperative abilities, and Ran Hang has always been in excellent physical condition since childhood. After waking up, aside from the faint pain in the wound on the back of his head, he felt pretty much fine.

Having slept for so long, he felt even more lethargic.

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He got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash his face.

Ran Hang turned on the faucet, bent down, and poured a few handfuls of cold water on his face, which made him sober up. rBUSuY

However, the moment he looked up, he froze. The person in the mirror had a head of messy hair from sleep, a horrifying bruise at the corner of his mouth, a cut on his forehead, and a plaster cast on his right hand. Coupled with his half-awake, distressed expression, he looked like a perfect picture of “misery.”

Ran Hang suddenly felt like laughing. He thought that with his current look, he could easily play the role of a juvenile prisoner without needing any makeup from a stylist.

It was hard to imagine that Huo Siming had even drafted a five- or six-page contract for him.

Ran Hang wiped the water off his face and smoothed his hair, trying to make himself look more presentable.


Thinking carefully, all his hospital expenses were covered by Huo Siming. It was also Huo Siming who took him to the hospital when he suffered a concussion, and now even Ran An’s medical bills were paid by him.

If it weren’t for Huo Siming, whether he could even stand here now would be questionable.

Regardless of Huo Siming’s reasons for doing all this, he had helped him a lot.

So, the words Ran Hang said to him earlier were sincere. Not to mention the six-month temporary marking; even if Huo Siming wanted him to work for sixty years, he couldn’t refuse. 5CWdfb

He wasn’t particularly skilled at anything, but he was good at adjusting his mindset. Even if he got beaten up during the day, he would feel fine after a night’s sleep.

Looking at his “ruined” face in the mirror, Ran Hang thought to himself, you better stop looking so miserable. At least try to look a bit more presentable and live up to the value of that contract.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but smile.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door of the hospital room. Ran Hang walked over and opened the door. The person standing outside was dressed very formally, exuding a refined and cultured aura. He vaguely remembered that it was this person who brought in the contract for Huo Siming earlier in the day. zEDblf

The man introduced himself to Ran Hang, “Hello, I am President Huo’s secretary, Chu Yuan.”

As an excellent secretary, his enunciation was particularly precise. His expression management and manner of speaking were so formal that Ran Hang felt like he was being interviewed at a company.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Jte Tejc uijcmfv lcrlvf atf gbbw. “Pr la mbcnfclfca obg wf ab mbwf lc cbk?” XSuA7i

“Yt, sfr, la’r mbcnfclfca.” Ejc Ljcu bqfcfv atf vbbg j yla klvfg obg tlw.

Jte Tejc rjlv, “Ktjcx sbe,” jcv jr tf fcafgfv atf gbbw, tf olcjiis tjv j mtjcmf ab byrfgnf Ejc Ljcu eq mibrf.

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From a distance, he hadn’t noticed much. He only thought that this Alpha seemed mild-mannered and non-aggressive. But up close, he realized Ran Hang was really tall, and his build gave off a strong sense of presence.

Ran Hang looked around the room and noticed there was only one chair, so he sat on the edge of the bed. “Are you here about Mr. Huo?” pjQ9SC

Chu Yuan nodded. “President Huo is usually quite busy, so some of the more trivial matters are handled by me.”

Ran Hang touched his hair. When dealing with Huo Siming directly, he felt fine, but suddenly having such a formal conversation with his secretary made him quite uneasy, as if he were being interrogated.

Chu Yuan opened his notebook with a businesslike attitude. “First, I want to inform you that the issue with the illegal loan sharks harassing you has been resolved. You no longer need to worry about them bothering you or your family.”

Ran Hang’s expression froze. “How did Mr. Huo resolve it?” iand8j

Could it be that he paid the debt for him?

The debt owed by Zhao Xiangwen shouldn’t be paid by Huo Siming under any circumstances.

Chu Yuan: “I’m not entirely sure about the specifics on my end…”

But it certainly wasn’t by paying them off. pHNJj4

“I came here today mainly to discuss your relocation. When would it be convenient for you?” As he spoke, Chu Yuan’s gaze fell on Ran Hang’s hand in a plaster cast. He suddenly remembered Huo Siming’s instructions and paused before saying:

“Perhaps we should wait until your hand has healed. You should rest well for now. We can arrange the move after the cast is off. How does that sound?”

Of course, Huo Siming’s exact words were, “There’s no need to trouble a disabled person.”

Ran Hang: “Ah… I’m fine with whatever.” zf 9yZ

Chu Yuan nodded and took out a business card from his pocket. “If you have any needs or thoughts during this period, please feel free to contact me. This is my contact information.”

“Oh, okay, thank you.”

Ran Hang accepted Chu Yuan’s business card.

What’s with this strange sense of formality? goVlyY

Holding the card, Ran Hang suddenly remembered something. “Um, is it convenient to ask what exactly Mr. Huo does?”

It seemed he still didn’t know what Huo Siming’s job was.

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Chu Yuan was momentarily taken aback, as if he hadn’t expected Ran Hang to be unaware of Huo Siming’s identity.

“If it’s not convenient to disclose, that’s fine…” OKUswp

“It’s fine. Are you familiar with Huanyu?”

“I’ve heard of it.”

Huanyu’s business scope was extensive, covering construction, entertainment, real estate, electronics, and even pharmaceuticals. The well-known pharmaceutical company that first developed suppressants was a subsidiary of Huanyu. Ran Hang first learned about Huanyu because of those pharmaceutical companies.

He asked, “Does Mr. Huo work at Huanyu?” WsTxQA

Chu Yuan: “The current chairman of Huanyu, Mr. Huo Mao, is President Huo’s grandfather.”

The net worth of Huanyu’s current chairman was astonishing on a global scale.

Ran Hang was stunned.

He had assumed that Huo Siming’s identity was extraordinary, but he hadn’t expected it to be this outrageous. d8g3dU


He had even called him “ge” before. How dare he do that?

“Do you have any other questions?”

“Ah, no more.” uv K5s

“Then I’ll let you rest. I’ll contact you later.”


Ran Hang watched Chu Yuan leave and looked at the business card in his hand, sighing inwardly…

He really had gotten involved with someone he shouldn’t have. FDEahZ


A month later.

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Ran Hang had his cast removed. It felt great to have the use of both hands again.

That afternoon, after getting his cast removed at the hospital, he planned to go back to his dorm to pack his things. Once he was done, Chu Yuan would come to take him to Huo Siming’s place. E FVk1

Because he had signed the contract, he wouldn’t be able to go out every day for the next six months. So, Ran Hang arranged for a leave of absence from school again. Under normal circumstances, his advisor would have been furious, but since Ran Hang’s family had genuinely encountered difficulties, Zhang Sheng, though helpless, had to understand.

Returning to the dorm after a long time, Ran Hang couldn’t help but feel a bit sentimental…

The last time he had been in this dorm was when he moved in. He hadn’t expected that his next visit would be to move out.

Jiang Ming was equally sentimental. He couldn’t understand why Ran Hang’s journey through grad school was so full of twists and turns. Hu0Mjf

Seeing Ran Hang return, he smiled and asked, “Is your hand okay now?”

“It’s fine.” Ran Hang moved his wrist. “Feels like I could go play basketball right now.”

Jiang Ming: “Do you need help moving?”

Ran Hang: “No need.” AVT0Z

He couldn’t really explain the situation to others.

Jiang Ming: “Why aren’t you telling us where you’re moving this time?”

Ran Hang joked, “I’m going to do illegal work, so it’s not convenient to reveal my real address.”

Jiang Ming chuckled, “Seriously though, how’s your family situation lately? Have those people caused you any more trouble?” 7B30eW

Ran Hang: “It’s okay, don’t worry too much. If they caused any more trouble, I might have lost both hands by now.”

“Really, no issues?”

“No issues.”

Jiang Ming didn’t ask further. He had known Ran Hang since their undergraduate days. Ran Hang wasn’t someone whose excellence or capabilities were immediately noticeable. His personality blended in with the crowd, but over time, one would find it very pleasant to be around him. He was sincere, had a broad-minded attitude that disregarded personal gains and losses, and rarely exuded negative energy. Cvw6lM

But for such a person, fate always seemed to play tricks on him, one after another.

Ran Hang rarely talked to those around him about his problems, so Jiang Ming didn’t ask. After all, everyone has their own difficulties.

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But deep down, Jiang Ming still hoped that Ran Hang’s life would be smoother in the future. He was a really good person and shouldn’t have to live such a troubled life every day.


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  1. I read the spoiler from translation and based on my calculations we should read about a kiss in a few days!!! So excited

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖