No One Can Refuse Doggie ACh22 - I will fulfill my contractual obligations properly

KEIGHTY: Thank you so much for the ko-fi, lemontea! 🍋🫶 Enjoy reading DOGGIE! 🦮 Extra ko-fi chapter (6/10)

Huo Siming’s words left not only Ran Hang but even Lu Xiangtian stunned. While getting straight to the point is sometimes a good habit, it’s rare to see someone like Huo Siming who, without any preamble, proposes “living together” and makes it sound like a threat. Dlx56f

Ran Hang, flustered and with a reddening face, put down his cup and looked at Huo Siming in confusion. “Mr. Huo, what do you mean by this?”

Huo Siming frowned. Seeing that he was about to speak again, Lu Xiangtian suddenly stood up. He walked between the two and turned to give Huo Siming a look. “Why don’t I explain it to Mr. Ran? After all, you called me over specifically for this, didn’t you?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Huo Siming looked at him expressionlessly, his naturally mocking gaze seemed to say, “Can you do it?”

Feeling the intensity of his stare, Lu Xiangtian’s smile stiffened. He thought to himself, “Even if my speaking skills are poor, they’re a hundred times better than yours. Your way of speaking is better left unsaid.” GYM7 9

He cleared his throat. “After all, this involves the medical field, which is my area of expertise.”

There was a moment of silence.

Huo Siming stood up from his chair. As he passed by the hospital bed, he gave Ran Hang a thoughtful glance before pushing the door open and leaving.

Ran Hang and Lu Xiangtian were left staring at each other in bewilderment.


Lu Xiangtian sat down in the chair and smiled at Ran Hang. “Earlier, things were a bit rushed, and I didn’t have time to properly introduce myself. I also work at this hospital, specializing in glandular diseases. I’m also a friend of President Huo.”

Ran Hang: “I know who you are.”

When Ran An was diagnosed with a glandular defect, Ran Hang and Ran Wenyin consulted nearly every doctor in the country specializing in this type of disease. Lu Xiangtian was the foremost expert in this field, but his appointments were extremely hard to secure. Given Ran An’s urgent condition, they eventually decided to go with another doctor. He never expected that one day he would be sitting in front of him like this.

Lu Xiangtian: “During my rounds in the inpatient department, I had a general understanding of patients needing gland transplants. Is your sister also here?” Db9L07

Ran Hang nodded.

Lu Xiangtian put on his glasses and took a diagnosis report from a nearby cabinet. “I reviewed your sister’s attending physician’s preliminary diagnosis. Her condition is somewhat complex, but the biopsy results are benign. Moreover, she is young and has no underlying health issues. If we use targeted drug therapy followed by a gland transplant, her chances of a full recovery are very high.”

He spoke in a gentle and persuasive manner, without coming across as having a strong ulterior motive.

Ran Hang’s expression froze. He clenched his fingers slightly. “I know that, but the targeted drugs…” 4yR5W3

The cost of targeted drug therapy was beyond what they could afford.

Lu Xiangtian noticed his difficulty and smiled. “I came today to tell you that President Huo is willing to cover all the treatment costs for your sister.”

Ran Hang looked up in stunned disbelief, his eyes trembling. “Why would he…”

Why would he go to such lengths? gYl68k

Lu Xiangtian: “He should have frequently asked you to make temporary marks on him before, right?”

Ran Hang: “Mhm.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Lu Xiangtian suddenly asked, “Don’t you think he’s different from most Omegas?”

Different… jqt7vs

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Pc ktja kjs?

Ejc Ljcu jkxkjgvis abemtfv atf yjmx bo tlr cfmx. Leb Vlwlcu kjr lcvffv j yla wbgf lcafcrf atjc wbra Ywfujr.

Dea tbk mbeiv tf qea atja lcab kbgvr?

“Lf erfv ab yf jc Ciqtj.” CyqH o



Ejc Ljcu’r ojmf ofia j yla tba.

Vb atja’r ktja la wfjca? NKHVo1

Lu Xiangtian crossed his arms over his chest and explained to Ran Hang, “He underwent secondary differentiation at eighteen. It’s rare for someone to go through secondary differentiation this late because, by that age, an Alpha’s glands are fully developed. Even if secondary differentiation occurs, some Alpha traits can’t be completely erased. The newly developed Omega glands will strongly repel the residual Alpha pheromones, clinically manifesting as frequent gland pain, fever, and pheromone disorder. This condition can’t be fully alleviated by just injecting suppressants and taking medication…”

“The best treatment is to have someone perform temporary marking. But as you know, he instinctively rejects other Alphas. Most Alpha pheromones cause him physical revulsion…”

“But you’re an exception.”

“You’re one of the few whose pheromones are perfectly compatible with his.” SpElHm

In the ensuing silence,

Ran Hang opened his mouth but couldn’t find the words to speak.

Lu Xiangtian’s explanation hit him like a bucket of cold water, instantly sobering him up.

His fingers subconsciously clenched the quilt tightly. A self-mocking smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. OBvFaG

So it’s because of the secondary differentiation?

No wonder he kept coming to me for temporary markings—it’s because our pheromones are highly compatible…

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Even though he had almost guessed the reason before, hearing someone else say it out loud still made him inexplicably uncomfortable.

What exactly was he hoping for? SBMeRd

Lu Xiangtian: “President Huo may sometimes speak a bit bluntly, and his words can easily be misunderstood, but he doesn’t mean any harm…”

Speaking of this, he paused…

He had already used the best possible descriptions for the other person.

“This is essentially a mutually consensual transaction, with no coercion involved. He will cover your sister’s medical expenses, and you will provide him with pheromone treatment. The contract duration and specific treatment methods will be determined based on his needs.” cw6Uyg

“So, Mr. Ran, what do you think?”

Ran Hang also knew how expensive the medical treatment was and understood that his sister’s life was at stake. He couldn’t refuse Huo Siming’s proposal.

Moreover, since the reason for needing him was clearly due to his pheromones, he couldn’t afford to let emotions get in the way.

After a moment of silence, Ran Hang looked at Lu Xiangtian and asked, “If that’s the case, how should I explain this to my mother?” Kdc7GC

Lu Xiangtian pressed his lips together briefly. “You don’t need to worry about that at all. I’ll explain to them that our medical team is recruiting volunteers to test a special drug, and your sister’s condition perfectly meets our recruitment criteria.”

“I understand…” Ran Hang lowered his gaze to the bedsheets. “Can I talk to Mr. Huo alone? I want to discuss the specific requirements with him.”

“Of course, no problem.” Lu Xiangtian stood up from his seat. “I’ll go get him.”

In the hallway, Huo Siming was on the phone. When he saw Lu Xiangtian come out, he hung up, crossed his arms, and looked at him with a leisurely expression. 2PxXKs

Lu Xiangtian raised an eyebrow at him. “Remember to treat me to a meal… or how about you buy me a car?”

Huo Siming walked towards the patient room expressionlessly. “Tell my secretary what you want.”

Lu Xiangtian made a “chi” sound.

Huo Siming sat down next to Ran Hang’s hospital bed. 0WPniO

Ran Hang looked up at him, trying to keep his tone free of personal emotion. “Doctor Lu has explained the situation to me… So, Mr. Huo, besides asking me to move in, do you have any other requirements?”

It had been a while since he had heard Ran Hang formally address him as “Mr. Huo.” Huo Siming was momentarily lost in thought, recalling how Ran Hang had bared his canines in a huffy manner the last time he was upset. For some reason, he found that demeanor more pleasing than this distant tone…

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But he quickly snapped out of it and nodded towards Chu Yuan who was standing at the door.

The latter immediately brought in a paper contract. rFgOc8

Huo Siming handed a pen to Ran Hang and pushed it towards him. “This is the contract. All the specific requirements are detailed in it.”

Ran Hang was momentarily stunned…

He hadn’t expected Huo Siming to present a contract as if they were negotiating a business deal.

However, he quickly realized that a contract for over a million yuan naturally required formalities. 2AiySn

Ran Hang picked up the contract and glanced at it. The term proposed was six months, with each clause meticulously detailed, specifying what he could and couldn’t do during this period, such as needing to report when going out.

About two minutes later, Huo Siming noticed Ran Hang had put down the contract. He raised an eyebrow and asked, “Finished reading?”

“Do you have any questions…”

“I have no questions, Mr. Huo.” PSn5uJ

Before he could finish his sentence, Ran Hang picked up the pen and promptly signed his name on the contract.

Huo Siming was taken aback, seemingly not expecting Ran Hang to agree so readily.

Ran Hang put down the pen. He suppressed his emotions and smiled at Huo Siming.

“Mr. Huo, I can never repay the kindness you’re showing by helping Xiao An. It’s just a six-month contract. Let alone six months, even if it were sixty years, I wouldn’t be able to refuse. As long as I can help Mr. Huo, that’s all that matters.” wx38q9

“There are some things I fear you might misunderstand, so I need to clarify,” Huo Siming looked at the slightly crooked signature Ran Hang had written with his left hand and adopted a businesslike tone:

“First, I am not currently in a relationship with anyone.”

“Second, during this six-month contract period, I will not be getting married, so don’t ask any strange questions.”

“Third, don’t get any inappropriate ideas, especially about running away. The consequences of breaching the contract are also outlined.” tdRjPW

Ran Hang lowered his eyelashes slightly and gave Huo Siming a smile. “You can rest assured, Mr. Huo, I won’t think about running away. Last time…”

“I was ignorant last time.”

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“I will fulfill my contractual obligations properly this time.”

As long as he put away those thoughts he shouldn’t have, everything would be fine. 8ySTRV

The shattered light of the setting sun poured through the glass window, highlighting the young man’s haggard face. Although Ran Hang was smiling, Huo Siming could detect an indescribable weariness in the corners of his mouth.

Huo Siming frowned almost imperceptibly. He obviously just wanted Ran Hang to fulfill his contractual obligations…

But why, seeing him speak this way, did it make him inexplicably uncomfortable, like a soft thorn stuck in his throat, neither going up nor down, just causing discomfort?

After Ran Hang signed the contract, both of them remained silent. The atmosphere in the room turned cold. YuTZHb


The vibration of Huo Siming’s phone broke the stalemate between them.

Ran Hang glanced at him. “Mr. Huo, aren’t you going to answer your phone?”

Huo Siming stood up and took the call outside the hospital room. kQ ndw

It was from his subordinates, informing him that the debt collectors had been sent to the police station. They had just discovered the story behind the issue and who was behind the usurious loans, asking Huo Siming how to handle it.

Huo Siming spent a few minutes dealing with this matter. When he finished the call and returned to the room, Ran Hang was nowhere to be seen. He only saw the back of someone’s head turned away from him.

Ran Hang seemed to have accidentally fallen asleep. Because his right hand had a cast, he could only lie on his side. He curled up, most of his body squeezed into the narrow space at the head of the bed, looking somewhat cramped.

He probably only meant to lie down for a bit, so he hadn’t covered himself with the blanket. AY9JM4

Seeing this scene, Huo Siming’s steps halted. He stood by the bed, lost in thought. His gaze traced every inch of the young man’s deep yet gentle features. An inexplicable thought suddenly arose in his mind…

Want to hide him away.

Not let anyone else see him.

In the dimming light of dusk, Huo Siming, as if compelled by some unseen force, reached out and pulled the blanket up over Ran Hang. Z8xCMQ

The author has something to say:

President Huo, the man who almost turned a mutually consensual situation into a coercive one. Thankfully, this is a sweet story.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

This story won’t be very long, it’s a medium-to-short piece (I haven’t really written long novels, have I?), so don’t fatten up QAQ.


Translator's Note

It means to “wait too long to read” or to “stock chapters before reading”

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  1. Ohhh~ some alpha traits are hard to erase Mr. Huo, hehehhe, just do it but make sure you have his consent.

    Oh, also this is the second time I am reading a seme/1/gong mc which truly piqued my interest and taste for such novels

    Anyways thanks for the update ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡.

  2. Anddd we’re back to square one 🥲 feel so bad for ran hang… Can’t even pursue a normal relationship given his family’s circumstances TvT

  3. Silly kittycat~

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖